In this article I want to tell you about the mask scrub hair with salt. Salt in the composition of the mask acts as a scrub for the hair and scalp, and has a powerful cleaning action. Masks with salt help to clean the hair and dead skin cells and sebum, as well as the chemical elements that make up styling hair. Also, these masks are very effective for the treatment of hair loss, as it causes the blood flow to the follicles, strengthens hair roots and hair accelerate their growth.
Also, these masks are shown to people who have an increased oiliness of hair, the salt dries the skin and restores the sebaceous glands, the skin gets more oxygen, as free from greasy film, and the hair becomes lighter and dimensional, thick and shiny.
In that case, if you have dry scalp, thin and damaged hair – salt mask you are contraindicated. Also, do not make a mask if you have on your scalp are scratches or wounds.
Also note that these masks quickly washed pigment dyed hair.
For the preparation of masks is best to take small rock or sea salt. Better course sea – useful properties has more. The main thing that salt particles are not too large and rough – they are much you scratch the skin of the head, and did not get the result that you expect. If you have other than large, no other salt – grind that is, in a coffee grinder.
If you have good, healthy hair – there are two versions of the application of the mask – only on the roots, or the entire length of the hair. For weak, dry hair – apply mask only on the roots. The rest of the length of the hair, you can apply a nourishing oil – castor, or burdock.
To prepare the salt mask, take salt and water in equal proportions (for example, two or three tablespoons of that and that.) The water can be replaced with infusion of herbs (eg chamomile, oak bark (for oily hair)). The dirty wet hair, parting, and then all the hair (if you have healthy hair.) After this light massage gently massaging the skin for 7-10 minutes. Ce to do very gently and carefully to avoid minor skin injuries. If you start to feel uncomfortable, immediately stop the procedure. After the massage, leave the mask is not 10-15 minutes, then rinse your head with water. You can add a mask components on their own, for example, instead of water to take yogurt or yogurt to mask was softer. You can add a few drops of essential oil to increase the utility of the composition. If you add the egg yolk and honey – you will nourish your hair with nutrients, because after her skin is like a sponge absorbs everything you e “give.”
Salt masks are not recommended more than once a week to avoid excessive drying of hair. Best would be a six-week course (with a mask once a week), then a break for three months.
Read article Hair mask made of salt
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