среда, 29 января 2014 г.

Kefir hair masks: natural cosmetics

кефирные маски для волос If your hair suffer from the harmful effects of the environment, if strands became dull and lifeless, and the scalp itchy and inflamed, try to solve these problems with the help of kefir mask. Earlier kefir and milk whey widely used for hair care, modern magazines about fashion and beauty believe kefir masks for hair a relic of the past and say that science has no solid evidence that kefir really returns the hair healthy and beautiful.

But the fact that these recipes have reached us from the depth of centuries suggests that our ancestors still something understood and, notice, could boast a long and beautiful hair, not having a variety of shampoos and conditioners.

Kefir (or yogurt) is extremely rich in lactic acid, it has a natural antifungal, and antibacterial effect. This dairy product stimulates hair growth, eliminates dandruff, speaking as a natural cleanser pores of the scalp. кефирные маски для волос The proteins contained in kefir, strengthen hair roots and moisturize the hair shaft, giving hair smooth, beautiful Shine. Soft creamy consistency of kefir soothes the skin of the head, relieves itching and inflammation.

And for those who live in hot climates kefir mask – the perfect coolant. Most of the masks and conditioners, which can be found on the shelves of cosmetic shops, promise us the same thing. Why not try achieved via natural means, not cosmetics, which is composed of ingredients, the names of which are even hard to read.

There are dozens of recipes kefir masks, everything depends on which components you add to the usual kefir.


Simple kefir mask

кефирные маски для волос This mask is very easy to prepare, just whisk the yogurt in a bowl with a fork and apply to dry hair before going into the bath or shower. Number of yogurt depends on the length and thickness of your hair. Apply a mask, beginning from areas near the left ear, and divide the hair strands and blend the yogurt in the scalp. Getting up and also sharing the hair strands, RUB yogurt until treating the whole head. The remnants of the mask, apply the length of the hair and hair card rare crest of hair from roots to ends. Leave the mask for an hour or two longer keep not necessary. Then rinse with warm water and wash your head mild shampoo, conditioner or balm depends on your personal preference. The mask is better to do on a day when you do not have anywhere to flee and you can give yourself plenty of time.


Kefir and egg

Lightly whisk the yogurt with a fork, adding one egg. Use egg completely, protein strengthens the hair, and the yolk Shine and nourishes. Кефирно-egg mask need to keep an hour or two, but again not more than two hours. Rinse with lukewarm water, in any case not hot, because you do not want the egg is cooked you right on the head. To preserve the effect of the mask, wash your head neutral cleaning agent.


Yogurt, mustard and olive oil

кефирные маски для волос This mask is slightly different from the two previous first of all, that it can be applied as before shampooing, and already on the net washed hair. In fact, this recipe is more like air conditioning, and not a hair mask. So, whisk the yogurt, add two tablespoons mustard oil or olive oil, in General, that at that time there in your home. Wash the hair with a mild shampoo and apply the mixture on the hair for fifteen minutes. Part yoghurt mask should significantly exceed the portion of the oil, otherwise you’ll have to shampoo. Of course, if after you washed away the mask, the hair looks too fat, be sure to wash your hair with shampoo again.


Fruit yogurt

Kefir mask added fruit – a real treat your hair. Mash in a blender pulp of fruits, adding to fruit кашице yogurt or kefir. Natural oils that are contained in different fruits incredibly good for the hair, they soften and nourish the hair, give a beautiful Shine. For the preparation of a mask, you can use any fruit, but it is better to take fatty fruit with lots of pulp, for example, avocado, mango or banana.

Best applied kefir mask in the warmer months. There are products that increase or decrease the temperature of the body naturally. Kefir has a strong cooling effect, prolonged skin contact of the head with kefir mask significantly lowers body temperature.


Greek yogurt

кефирные маски для волос Than the so-called Greek yogurt different from the ordinary, and it can be used in the preparation of masks for hair? Yes, of course you can. Greek or filtered yogurt has a rich texture, it’s a cross between a regular yogurt and cheese. This kind of yogurt is rich in nutrients, in particular, proteins and calcium. Proteins necessary for human body element, a lack of protein affects the health and appearance of the hair, they become dull and do not grow. Meat is a rich source of proteins but for vegetarians portion filtered yogurt can serve as the protein equivalent of a piece of meat.

Maxi hair from the filtered yoghurt little than differ from conventional kefir masks. Greek yogurt can be mixed with honey, oils, fruits and so on. This mask keep hair from half an hour to an hour. After applying the mask hair become obedient, soft and shiny. It is worth noting that in the hot days after the application of such masks, hair can acquire an unpleasant odor that this will not happen, thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo and when the hair is completely dry, lightly sprinkle their favorite perfume.

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Read article Kefir hair masks: natural cosmetics

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