вторник, 25 марта 2014 г.

Types of pigment spots and their causes.

Женщина с пигментными пятнами на лице.

Watch on the skin the appearance of yellow or brown spots extremely unpleasant. Immediately a creep thought about approaching ageing, about the deterioration of the condition of your skin, now that more needs to be protected from the sun, buy expensive cosmetics and so forth.

However, you should try to look at everything in a positive way: Yes, spots – it is unpleasant, Yes, get rid of them is not easy – but it is possible! And, fortunately, modern medicine and cosmetology stepped too far away and for us the modern women – practically any cosmetic problem, not a problem, but it was a small misunderstanding. You need only time to take action and (why not?!) even in 60 years it is possible to look at 40!

The reasons for the appearance of age spots.

For a start, of course, you need to find out why age spots appear? What is it? Indeed, faced with this problem for about 40% of women, and not always it overtakes ladies aged. It turns out, as proved by modern researches, hyperpigmentation may be caused by changes in the body with age, and certain diseases (liver problems or kidney problems, endocrine diseases), this may be a reaction to negative influence of ultraviolet radiation. Sometimes the pigmentation can be caused by hereditary factors, and even the use of cosmetics (creams and peels) and certain drugs!

Dark spots appear in areas where, for some reason, melanin is a skin pigment is produced in abundance. Actually, its accumulations and are themselves pigment spots. In that case, if the spots appeared suddenly and in large numbers if they quickly grow in size – it is better to consult a doctor. With age pigmentation, particularly at the initial stage, you can try to cope alone.

What are age spots?

So, there are the following types of pigment spots on the face and body:

  • Chloasma is dark, brown, dark-yellow spots, usually the wrong shape, smooth and well-defined borders. Most often they appear in pregnant girls, as a result of hormone disruption. Can appear on the face, on the chest, on the inner thighs and stomach. If the cause of chloasma is pregnancy, the spots are often themselves with its completion, it happens that pigmentation accept permanent character and it needs to be managed medically.

  • Lentigines is dark, dense spots, several towering above the skin, having, as a rule, dark brown or brown-black color. They can have different size from tiny points to blemishes 0.5 – 2 cm in diameter), the form is usually round or elongated. Allocate youth and old age lentigines. Such pigmentation well treatable and can be removed by cosmetic.

  • Moles (nevi) is the pigment spots, having colouring of various intensity, they can have different shapes and sizes, can be both flat and exposed over the skin. Moles are absolutely everyone, there are both congenital and acquired with age birthmarks. As a rule, they do not cause any discomfort and do not require removal, but if a mole suddenly begins to grow, to change the form or disturb (sore, inflamed), should immediately consult a doctor.

  • Freckles are small specks (often simply point) light Golden yellow or pale brown, occurring usually on the face, neck, chest and hands. Coloring freckles becomes more intense with the onset of spring. As a rule, any fears that they do not cause, but for many girls are serious cosmetic flaw.

Prevention of the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

As is known, cosmetic problem is much easier to prevent than to cure. So, the most important moment in the prevention of the appearance of age spots is quality and continuous UV protection. Not worth while being in summer in the sun, you should always use creams with a high protection factor. Also, do not forget the fact that ultraviolet light penetrates through the glass, and through the thin fabric, that is, to save the beautiful skin, you need to use creams and home!

Also of great importance and proper nutrition. Youth prolongation of the skin and the prevention of hyperpigmentation need to take folic acid and vitamins group C. In the diet it is desirable to include sauerkraut, green, fresh vegetables, citrus fruits, kiwi, sea fish, olive oil. By the way, the importance and the health of the nervous system – the more stress we experience, especially weakened our body, and the higher the chance of unwanted signs of skin ageing.

It is also important not to delay and to begin to deal with the first, small, and insignificant age spots. The darker it is the spot, and the larger the size, the more melanin in there and the more difficult it will be to get rid of it!

Folk medicine against pigment spots.

It should be noted however that the people’s money (that would have not claimed!) can only help to lighten dark spots, to make them not so noticeable, but not removed completely. Besides, for the best effect, take a lot of time. To lighten using home drugs should only freckles and chloasma, that is not sealed, flat spots.

More likely to struggle with dark spots are advised to use lemon, cucumber, juice, juice of parsley and white cabbage. Quite effective are the various dairy products (kefir, sour milk, cheese), mixture, which include peroxide and white cosmetic clay. Beauticians called the most efficient regular washing cucumber and lemon cocktail, masks of dairy products and grated fresh cucumber, cleaning from fresh juice of parsley.

Actually, there are a lot of folk recipes that help to lighten dark spots, but all of them should be used with caution. It is strongly recommended to start to test any product on a small area of skin.

Cosmetic preparations in the fight against pigmentation.

Today lightening cosmetics are available in the product lines of almost all well-known manufacturers of cosmetics. Most of these drugs based on natural fruit or dairy acid, but their concentration in the finished cosmetic times higher than in fresh products and, accordingly, they will have a much more strong and rapid effect on the skin. Bleaching with the use of special peeling that removes the top layer of the skin, various serums and creams that reduce the production of melanin, lightening lotions, drugs, accelerating metabolism and promotes regeneration of skin cells.

Tip: after you use lightening cosmetics or any of the procedures to get rid of age spots, it is necessary to apply special protective equipment with a high SPF factor. In our climate zone in the spring and summer of solar activity have to apply cream with protection 30-40 SPF, after the age of 35 years – 50 SPF.

Cosmetic procedures.

Salon beauty treatments show a fairly high efficiency in dealing with various spots on the face and body. As a rule, beauticians, estimating the intensity of pigmentation, and identifying its causes, prescribe a course of treatment. They usually begin with the median or deep peeling, after that mesotherapy is often used vitamin cocktails or biorevitalization. Actively are used to combat this cosmetic issue phototherapy and laser skin resurfacing.

Any whitening procedure, the removal of age spots need to spend the autumn or in winter, when the sun is not so active.

Previous articles:

Read article Types of pigment spots and their causes.

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