воскресенье, 1 декабря 2013 г.

Nails 2014 Olympics

Ногти олимпиада 2014Hello readers of a blog http://nails-art-design.com! Today theme for discussion – Nails 2014 Olympics!

If you are not indifferent to the exciting big sport or just prefer to stay abreast of the major sports events, then this article is especially for you. As is known, in February 2014 in the Russian city of Sochi starts the main sporting event of the past four years for the professional athletes of all winter sports. Yes, the Olympics in Russia again! As we know, every Olympics was its own symbol, forever associates her with sports history. Everyone remembers the legendary Moscow Olympics and her Teddy bear, like a snowflake symbol of the Turin Olympics. For the Sochi Olympics selected three mascot. Leopard, Polar bear and Bunny will patronize this year all the athletes. These talismans represents the spirit of the country hosting the games, and have a significant marketing and commercial importance. Fans and ordinary people, of course, want to leave the memory of some souvenir about this significant event. You can buy a toy or a scarf, and you can save the Olympics in his memory differently, for example, with the help of varnishes and drawings.

Specially for sports fashionistas was coined by nail design Olympiad 2014. In the first place nails 2014 Olympics should be a small length and natural form. Well, where you have seen athletes with стилетами or long square nails? This is not just inappropriate, and in some kinds of sports and traumatic. So I have to match the style of the world sports stars. Nails 2014 Olympics photo can be natural or нарощенными, it does not matter, the main thing is that their size was not a record. Manicure 2014 Olympics involves the use of bright and warm colors. Excessive brightness is still refuse because we remember the incident with the Swedish athletes who wanted to flaunt «it is symbolic of the bright» manicure at the winter Olympics and had almost lost the right to participate in it.

Manicure 2014 Olympics photo allows the use of metal lacquers and varnishes with an abundance of spangle. Popular colors, those which are presented fashionable designers this season, as well as the color of winter: white, blue, light blue, grey, mocha.

Nail design Olympiad 2014 photo you can diversify paintings. Very organically will look nail ligature, typical winter drawings and sports symbols. Some bold lovers of sport can make a painting depicting the international Olympic symbols, or the name of a favorite sports brand. Painting such a plan will fashionable and up to date. And most importantly, modest and appropriate. Of course, you can stay true to its traditions, and used for painting of floral and geometric motifs. Or add in a thematic painting sports item. Here all depends on your desire and taste.

The pictures on the nails 2014 Olympics photo can’t do without a symbol of the Olympic games. Well with the mission of reconstruction леопардиков, polar bears and bunnies cope photo print. If you want to really authentic the pictures on the nails 2014 Olympics this way of issuing a nail specially created for you.

You can ask for help and for professionals as well as beautiful drawings of all these animals you do not take. On the nails can accommodate characters all whole or their separate parts. For example, you can draw a head of a bear or a leopard, and if you really want to, and заичьи ears.

If there is no desire to see on your nails heroes of the cartoons, which are similar to the characters of the upcoming Olympics, you can create a theme manicure using the symbolic elements. The first thing we associate leopard, this is of course great spotted coat. And all the ladies know what animal prints of the nails still popular. Thus, to support the holding of the Olympics you can create on its nail plates symbolic spots. This will stand you in good stead glossy and matte varnishes brown and neutral tones.

If the soul sympathize with the little polar Misha, you may want to draw on your nails or nail Arctic ice floe. But not simple, and кракелюровую. For this you have to find Lac craquelure white and blue hues. Thus, you get a whole network of broken icebergs. You can use the service of the master paintings, which will draw you any Antarctic masterpiece: ice peaks to the penguins frolic with the bears. And if you wish, you get the polar night!

The third symbol is also not forget. Well, how could you not remember the cute Bunny, custodian of the Olympians? And if his portrait inspires you not, on your nails is symbolic and it is appropriate to look any forest landscape or floral painting. Select a picture and get ready to conquer the sports heights!

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