To use the gel for weight loss or to believe that this is just another waste of money is a personal choice. Often he is not in favor of a cosmetic product simply because of ignorance about its beneficial properties and on how to approach this method of weight reduction. Yes, the gels themselves are not a panacea, their application does not change the situation drastically, but as an auxiliary assistant to the diet, sports training and other procedures, they are very effective.
Penetrating the skin of problem areas, the active ingredients of these products stimulate the metabolism, improve blood circulation, is removed from the body through the pores of the skin excess fluid and toxins, reduce swelling, fight cellulite. Express slimming gel is hardly possible, but a long and careful application can give good results. It remains only to choose for themselves one of the tools presented in the cosmetic market, and learn how to use it correctly.
Browse popular slimming gels
“Hellebore” produced by the Russian company Forearm. Not afraid of the price, and the first results are very well visible in a couple of weeks of use. Cream-gel, which contains extracts of medicinal herbs, coffee and kelp, as well as oils and vitamins reduces swelling and thickness of subcutaneous fat, modeling the contours of the body and soothes the “orange peel”.
“Fitness body” from the cosmetic company “Floresan”. The series presents a wide range of care products for the body day and night, during the soul and in the procedure of self-massage of the abdomen and other problem areas of the body. Also in the collection cosmetic correctors figures you will find gels to reduce stretch marks and compositions for home body wraps. All products are different, but based on the use of natural ingredients.
gels for shape modeling Fitness Bodysuit”
“OrangeSlim”. This slimming gel intense impact created on the basis of plant components dendrothermal Indian. Promotes the excretion of excess fluid and fat cells. When you use the skin flattens out due to the fact that the active ingredients can easily penetrate into the deeper layers and activates metabolic processes.
“Horsepower”. This gel is mainly used for wrapping. The composition contains extracts of horse chestnut and leech, camphor, propolis, pepper and other substances. Due to this, the product has a good lymphatic drainage property and when used regularly, helps to significantly reduce the volume of the body and cellulite in problem areas, and at the same time strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
“Aloe Vera” is slightly different from the previous gels, as he is drinking. Consists of the same medicinal plants on 88-98% and a special vitamin-mineral complex. A positive effect is achieved by the use of funds of not less than 6 months. The healing properties of aloe Vera have on the body restorative effect and normalize metabolism. Also a thick drink is a source of nutrients, lack some of which is often a culprit of increased appetite, active adiposity, problems with the stomach and intestines.
drinking gel, Aloe Vera
Peculiarities and recommendations for use
- Gels slimming easy to apply, quickly absorbed and does not leave greasy residue on clothing that can be applied at any time of the day and even at night.
- Before applying it is better to take a shower or bath. It is advisable to clean the skin of problem areas with a scrub. Visit bath or sauna will enhance the effect, since the pores are fully revealed, and this will allow the active ingredients to quickly begin their work.
- Additional wrap with cling film helps active ingredients to penetrate deeper into the skin. Pets are not for all gels, read the information on the packaging.
- It is recommended to use the gel regularly, morning and evening. Leaving the composition on the body or wash off after a certain time depends on the individual recommendations for each specific product.
- Excellent effect of shape modeling is the use of gels for weight loss in combination with exercise. For this you can apply the product on your skin before a workout and wear breeches made of neoprene.
- Try to follow a diet or, at least, to abandon those products that are obviously harmful, soda, fast food, sources of fast carbs, alcohol, etc.
- General contraindications to the use of gels are individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, on any terms, and lactation (some substances may be absorbed into the blood and, consequently, to penetrate into breast milk). Also you should not use such products when used for dermatological diseases, allergic skin reactions, scratches and sores.
Irina, 36 years. Bought at the pharmacy “Hellebore” and started to be used in conjunction with massage jars. The tube of cream was smeared, and the expected effect is not seen. The weight was gone, but the cellulite remained in place. Poorly absorbed, I didn’t like.
Victoria, 29 years. Night gel “Fitness body Express” – just gorgeous! Sleep, do nothing, and fat slowly melts and the volume decrease. Started to use after the birth, when she’s lost some weight on a diet. The gel is very pleasant, spent frugally, there are mild warming effect. 3 weeks waistline decreased by 3 cm, hips 2. However the weight has not changed, it means the body is just ready. I am very happy, the more he is such a funny money.…
Read article Can slimming gel to provide a comprehensive help or do not expect miracles?
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