Use of hormonal drugs for weight loss, particularly the contraceptive pill is one of the bold ideas of the most desperate, or rather desperate fighters with excess weight. They want to lie on the couch, watch your favorite shows, eating tons of candy and cakes, not straining and under no denying. Many people dream to bring the arrow weights to the desired number this way. In fairness it should be noted that for some it really is. But to dismiss the extreme insecurity of this method and unpredictable consequences of taking these funds impossible.
Can you lose weight taking hormones?
Hormonal pills really help you lose weight. But they should be taken only in those cases, if the excess weight is caused by disruption of the endocrine system. Prescribed drugs for medical reasons, is strictly controlled, patients should be under the supervision of a physician and periodically to take appropriate control measures.
Use of synthetic hormones in their own laziness, weak will and passivity means to expose yourself to unnecessary risk. To upset the delicate balance in the female body is very simple, and a properly functioning system will fail. After preparation, the weight can come back, having increased by many times. And to lose weight when hormonal failure, the treatment will require much more serious, time-consuming and costly.
Popular hormonal drugs for weight loss
- Triiodothyronine (Liotironin, Threonin, TRIBON) – helps to get rid of fat and improve muscle relief. Popular among athletes and bodybuilders on stage drying of the body. Doctors medication when hypothyroid, insufficient development thyroid hormones T3 and T4. The drugs aimed at the normalization of slow metabolism. If it takes a healthy person, the metabolism is accelerated rapidly, and the fat is melting eyes. But it is possible that the tablet will have to swallow the rest of his life, as the thyroid gland in these conditions will refuse to work independently. Similar, but less pronounced effect is of L-thyroxine (Levothyroxine).
- Metformin (Glucophage, Siofor) – drugs used in diabetes mellitus. Such hormonal pills reduce insulin levels, which promotes the deposition of fat in problem areas, help to fight with appetite. You’ll need a diet that excludes fats and carbohydrates, and exercise. So needless to abuse the use of hormonal drugs for weight loss and risk of pancreatic gland, if additional conditions are themselves a means to reduce weight?
- Somatotropin. Its other name is “growth hormone”. Along with some other hormonesthat are believed to help weight loss, it burns fat and increases muscle mass. It is considered a necessary attribute for serious fitness and bodybuilding. The preparation is applied in the form of subcutaneous injections. And what is offered in the form of biological additives, raises some doubts about the authenticity. It is possible that inside the capsules is cheaper thyroxine, as starting material for somatotropin quite expensive.
somatotropin for injection
- Hormonal contraceptives (GES, Yarina, Regulon, Novinet, Median, Rigevidon and others). List of birth control pills that women also manage to use to achieve a healthy weight, you can continue for a long time. Indeed, some drugs, such as GES, have a side effect in the form of slight weight reduction. But it all individually, and there is no guarantee that it is in your case, their effect may be the opposite of the goal. Losing weight on birth control is a myth which has acquired a positive reputation through the media. The most that we can hope will take 2-3 kg in a short time by removing excess fluid from the body.
contraceptive GES
Cautions, danger, and the way out of the impasse
Take for weight loss hormonal drugs only by a physician after a thorough examination. You will need to hand over analyses on hormones. This will help to determine whether or not the extra weight caused by disturbances in the body or is a consequence of elementary surplus of calories consumed. Self-administration can lead to unpredictable consequences.
Even contraceptives with low hormone levels have a lot of side effects, contraindications and can add a few extra pounds. Not to mention the more serious pills. If the extra weight is not due to hormonal disorders and other reasons, the acceptance of such funds will not exert the desired action, or even will give impetus to further increase body weight. Often even reasonable medical treatment with hormones leads to weight gain.
To lose weight after hormonal treatment is difficult, but possible. You will need to rethink their way of life, to spend a lot of time and effort. There is a special metabolic diet is simple to use and requires no special restrictions. The technique helps to speed up metabolism, and is suitable for almost everyone, (except pregnant women) who need to normalize hormones.
Movement and sport should be the constant companions of life. Great tool – Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, which is aimed at the General improvement and rejuvenation of the body. Everything is in your hands, the result depends on the action. While fast weight loss is a free cheese. Everyone knows where it is, but want to get a tidbit easily.
Daria, 25 years. I have constant problems with skin and irregular cycle. Based on test results, the gynecologist has appointed GES. Take 3 months, the skin condition has improved significantly. At the beginning of the reception there were a few problems. In the first month of the critical days lasted 2 weeks, and weight gained 2 pounds. But then stabilized, I am happy.
Irina, 33 years. Saw Thyroxine on purpose endocrinologist. Didn’t think that I have problems with hormones. But started to gain weight, although constantly on diets, there was a constant lethargy, appeared pimples on the face. The doctor said that I have a lazy thyroid”. The first condition was even worse, but then the weight fell, tired became less. Blood tests, thyroid normal. The doctor has cancelled the drug and advised to disperse the thyroid gland special gymnastics.
Sofia, 29 years. A few years took a contraceptive drug Novinet. Everything was excellent. On the advice of a friend moved to Jess, she lost weight on these pills for 5 kg And I have them Breasts swollen all the time, all thigh in cellulite, although earlier and the hint was not, and the weight increased. Finish my fourth pack, and all experiments. Now how do I make myself? They say that after hormonal failure to lose weight is hard.…
Read article Should I take for weight loss and hormonal contraceptives?
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