суббота, 19 сентября 2015 г.

Nails French fall 2015

фото френч ногти осень 2015Not all women understand the value of well-groomed hands and can afford to go to the store or in the evening with that ill-fitting manicure on nails, thinking that “nobody will notice”. However, I would like to say that it is in the hands of the watch in the first place. Therefore, this article is devoted to the theme “nail Design French, fall 2015, photos”. In this case the main thing neat and tidy, but the important factor is the fashionable design of nails. Every season trends change and nail designs 2015, photo provided, jacket autumn, you’ll be using a variety of colors in combination with different styles of the picture. Sometimes, it seems that this is the limit design fantasies, but no, the specialists of manicure case not resting on square nails, in the form of a pipe, almond – shaped. The most popular is the nail design fall 2015, photos, news French are: use of non-standard colors: yellow base and blue edge, green edge and white base, clear coat with a red tip, everything you asked can be implemented on your marigolds. Studying photos of French manicure nails, fall 2015 we were pleased with the opportunity to make drawings on short nails, decorated with extraordinary French. Most often, the figure stands out nail plate ring finger.

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фото френч ногти осень 2015Nails French pattern autumn 2015, photo autumn manicure on themes “Nude”. This design manicure involves the use of only natural shades. If you can’t decide on a color cover, the natural color is always a win-win situation. This manicure is perfect for festive events and for daily use. Nail design autumn 2015, the French, executed in natural colors that can complement any look, if you want to make it more fun, can be applied to the fingernail of the ring finger some drawing or for painting the tip to take a bright color coating. New nails, French fall 2015 show the relevance of the style of “Nude”, most designers prefer the natural color of the coating, because the models change a lot of outfits, all of which should be combined: clothing, makeup, manicure, jewelry and shoes. Regarding the whole palette of this style of manicure, here is enough to get several colors. Lovers of jewelry, like this manicure, you can diversify with gold and other similar items. Such nails 2015 photo novelties autumn jacket and Nude makes the appearance of a woman’s hands aristocracy and elegance.

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ногти 2015 фото новинки осень френчNails photo French manicure different 2015 autumn you can diversify Burgundy lacquer. The main color of the coming season are all variations of a Burgundy color. The palette of tones of the coating varied from pale red to dark Burgundy. It is important to note that at any time, in any season, the actual is considered to be red, but the photos of French manicure nails fall 2015 surprises us the most dark shades. There is an opinion that the red color is suitable for celebrations, evening events, but it is not so, because autumn is the time when you want a little brightness to the same actual hues of the season are of dark colors. New French nails fall 2015 to allow the tip of the nail of any one of the black finger, taking Burgundy based, also involved the use of a scattering of rhinestones. Gently looks Burgundy mother-of-pearl coating on nails or bright image on nails of two fingers, which will dilute the coldness and darkness of the autumn mood.

Nails 2015, photo provided news, autumn jacket in grey is a trend of the coming season. Some believe that it has something to do with the movie “50 shades of grey”, but it is not. Just before this color was not seen in several variations and specialists manicure case to be unaware of the abundance of his shades. The palette ranges from light grey to dark. Gel nails French fall 2015 popular to draw in the style of the gradient, includes three (or more – optional) – gray color, manicure looks so fascinating and extraordinary, in order to dilute it a bit to highlight some nail pattern or bright lacquer. It is important to note that the grey color perfectly combined with blue coating, for example, the gradient of gray shades can be decorated with sequins blue. Nails French pattern autumn 2015 is at the peak of popularity for the second season.

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дизайн ногтей осень 2015 фото новинки френчMoon manicure in the photo, French nails fall 2015 also in trend, despite the fact that this type of design is not an innovation in the market of manicure. Avid fashionista always remember him, but do not always use to much annoying. But this season, moon manicure is becoming more popular. Previously moon manicure was applied on gel nails, French design photo autumn 2015, only in red with not filled the hole with white rim is a classic. But this season, designers have decided to make this manicure style, variety of colors, or rather, now, the nail plate can cover the Foundation of any color and design of the wells is also no colour boundaries – whatever you wish.

Gold manicure in the fall of 2015

Since ancient times, gold was a symbol of wealth, luxury and the good life, then nothing has changed. For this reason, the designers decided to add a bit of luxury in the design of nails. In the coming season, it is permissible to paint nails gold lacquer and it will not be vulgar. But experts manicure case is recommended not to overdo it, not to look ridiculous, it is best to allocate a couple of nails on each hand and decorate them with gold rhinestones or other elements. All should be in moderation. Importantly grooming and neatness.

Every woman should remember that beautiful hands this is important in the way ladies. Not necessary to run to a salon and pay a lot of money that you will learn how to keep your nails clean, just regularly trim the cuticles and podpilivaya the edge of the nail plate.

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Read article Nails French fall 2015

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