воскресенье, 1 мая 2016 г.

Step-by-step recipes of simple salads to favourites

3 салата

Meat and fish, mixed and layered, with mayonnaise and without, portion and on a common dish – salads certainly are a decoration of any holiday and ask him a ton, as well as other appetizers that are served at the beginning of the feast.

Birthday – although “sad holiday”, as sung in the famous song, but most often celebrated a lot of fun. In addition to jokes, laughter, jokes, contests and wishes health and all the best, it is important to properly prepare the menu. The best – prepare for the birthday simple and delicious salads. Recipes, photos and a description of which you will see in this article that will refresh your holiday and make it more delicious. Also it will be interesting to prepare new salads, which until now you didn’t know.

Not every woman likes to spend in the kitchen a lot of time, especially on a holiday. So recipes it is better to choose light, which are prepared quickly. Salads can be a few popular types:

  • meat, more nourishing than a dish of vegetables;
  • flaky, more tender by grinding grated and delicious;
  • holiday, originally designed for celebration;
  • children that do not have mayonnaise and harmful ingredients;
  • light, especially suitable for summer events, no Mayo;
  • meals, ie salads, laid out in baskets, tartlets and scones eateries.

Most of the dishes can be done in haste, but it is advisable not only to prepare them but also decorate their hands in order that they become true decoration of holiday table. Some methods of cooking and processing will be discussed in this article.

So what festive salads are inexpensive? The answer is simple: for a formal lunch or dinner and fit most conventional products, which can be easily found in any fridge: potatoes, apples, carrots, chicken, eggs and others. It is advisable to take into account the seasonality of vegetables and fruits, for example, in summer, the cheaper will be cucumbers, tomatoes, unusual, even exotic products. And in winter inexpensive to buy apples, potatoes or pickles. Recipes like familiar dishes as much as Housewives who cook them.

Crab salad with variations

Many snacks and dishes passed down in families from generation to generation, the recipes my grandmother passed moms and moms – daughters. Familiar from childhood with the salad of crab. One of the most popular options for cooking with tomatoes, rice and pickles. But there is a more tasty option that you can create and whip up.


  • crab meat or crab sticks;
  • canned sweet corn;
  • Apple;
  • cucumber;
  • lemon juice;
  • mayonnaise.

Ингредиенты для крабового салата

To start grind crab meat. Do not have to cut finely, stirring the pieces will disintegrate into smaller elements.

Крабовое мясо

Cucumber to clean not suggest: green crust to decorate the dish. You can cut a product of a kind sticks or cubes.

Огурец с кожурой

But the Apple is best to get rid of the rind. It’s pretty fast. Chop the fruit.

Очищенное яблоко

To products add the corn, you can sprinkle with fresh lemon juice.

Кукуруза в тарелке с майонезом

Add mayonnaise, and stir. Look at the photo of the finished dish: the salad itself is so beautiful and bright that in additional decoration just does not need.

Готовый крабовый салат

Every housewife can vary the ingredients to your taste. For example, would be delicious if, instead of apples to put canned pineapple, and to the product add the lettuce. The dish will remind baby of salads, if you fill not with mayonnaise, and sour cream.

But really, to decorate a crab salad will help shrimps: their sweet meat, is rich in calcium and phosphorus, will refresh any celebrations.

So, prepare the crab salad in several diverse ways, each hostess will choose their own, unique variant.

Puff salads

A very popular leaf salads. They differ in that they are very easy to decorate. Signature dish many cooking lovers is “Herring under a fur coat”: a famous salad, which is prepared according to traditional recipes. It’s potatoes, onions, herring fillets, eggs, carrots and beets. All the ingredients are rubbed on a grater and promazyvaetsya mayonnaise. Here are some ways to decorate this special salad with their hands:

  • cut vegetables simple figures: circles, stars, stripes, squares – and put on a layer of grated beetroot;
  • sprinkle the grated yolks through a stencil of any shape, for example, the heart;
  • place in the center of two rectangular plates of glass, to spread the products around them, before serving, remove (get the number 8, for example, March 8);
  • to decorate the salad will help and one glass, put in the middle, which is laid out around the products will resemble a wreath;
  • a classic option of decorating herring under a fur coat – in the form of a fish with head, fins and tail.

Leaf salads to make is quite simple, all you need is to carefully arrange the ingredients on a flat plate and the layers of fluff mayonnaise. “Mimosa” — traditional salad in many families, but not everyone knows his option: salad “Snow”. Describe how to cook it.

Salad “Snow”

Salad “Snow” is a surprisingly gentle, he will make a variety of festive appetizers, because its basis is not meat, and fish. Prepare the following ingredients:

  • canned fish, such as saury;
  • boiled eggs, 4-5 pieces;
  • boiled in their jackets potatoes;
  • a fresh Apple;
  • mayonnaise.

Ингредиенты для салата "Снег"

Картошка и яйца в кастрюле

The first layer place the fish, cut it with a fork. Optionally, the fish can be put onions rings.

The next layer is the egg yolk. For convenience, you can add grated yolks to the mayonnaise sauce and spread it all over the layer of fish, carefully distributing over the entire surface.

On the yolks with the mayonnaise, put grated Apple. So it is not dark, try to lay on top of grated potato product.

Слои салата

Grease the potatoes with mayonnaise. This is very tasty! But to complete the “image” of the salad is decorated with grated on a fine grater proteins eggs. This is currently a field of snow! Look at the photo: very similar to snow.

Салат в форме сердца

If all products are cooked in advance, then to cook this dish and you can whip up.

Готовый салат "Снег"

Simple salads can be not only puff. Surprise your guests with recipes with prunes and walnuts. These two delicious ingredients will refresh and make it more nourishing any snacks. Add them to the beet salads, to chicken, to decorate various dishes show creativity and fantasy.

If you want to prepare a new salad for the holiday and save, pay attention to the salad called “Tenderness”.

Salad “Tenderness”

Meat salads are very popular as more satisfying than consisting of some vegetables. According to Russian tradition, before a hot dish at the feast on the table for quite a long time are some of the appetizers and meats.

If you need to not only cook something delicious for the celebration of the birthday, but also to feed the whole family, take note of this dish. For the broth boil for two-three chicken Breasts about 3 liters of water. The next day after the holiday will be able to cook a wonderful soup at all. And the chicken flesh will be useful for the original salad “Tenderness”.


  • boiled chicken breast;
  • prunes, seedless flesh;
  • boiled eggs, 2-3 pieces;
  • fresh cucumbers;
  • walnut for decoration;
  • mayonnaise.

Ингредиенты для салата "Нежность"

If you will look for photo of this dish on the Internet, you will see that it is often arrange in tall glasses. It is called “salad-cocktail”. However, you can apply it in portioned bowls, bowls or on a large communal platter. If you replace “harmful” mayonnaise for sour cream, the salad will fall into the category of “kids” as children usually like the combination of poultry with prunes.

Огурцы перемешаны с куриным мясом

The recipe is simple. Cooked chicken, divide into fibers. Prunes pour the boiling water. Eggs RUB on a grater, cucumber cut into cubes or long sticks. Lay products layers (it will look beautiful, if the transparent dishes) or in groups on large platter.

Добавление майонеза в салат

Don’t forget the mayonnaise: it is better to mix with grated walnuts. For decoration of the salad will be walnuts or slices of dried prunes.

Готовый салат "Нежность"

Despite the simplicity, to make the salad for this recipe, you birthday, while saving.

So, very easy to prepare salads for birthday, simple and delicious recipes (see photo above) which we proposed in this article. But don’t forget about the main thing: about fantasies. If it is, then any event will be unique!

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Read article Step-by-step recipes of simple salads to favourites

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