Now there is a massive discussion of this topic, as high cholesterol and related health risks. Indeed, according to numerous studies, people who have had a heart attack or stroke, it was observed that 90% of them cholesterol significantly above normal. Naturally, those who care about their health, you begin to wonder how to reduce cholesterol.
There are many ways, but need to be chosen depending on the level of harmful lipids in your blood, so the treatment will have to get tested. And following the methods from this article, you will be able to quickly reduce cholesterol.
“Bad” and “good”
In the body there are two types of cholesterol – good and bad. These two indicators should be guided to understand how increased the aggregate level. These two substances should be in a balanced state in our body so that we were not threatened by cardiovascular disease. How do they differ?
- Bad cholesterol is produced by liver cells and further into the blood at the wrong diet along with harmful fatty foods. From the liver it is carried to all cells of the body with low-density lipoproteins. Due to their structure, these transport materials are deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which move, and gradually form there deposits, increasing over time. Formed plaques, clogging the vessel. This leads to an unpleasant and sometimes fatal diseases.
- But at the same time with him in blood and other cholesterol – good. It acts as a cleaner. Passing through the vessels, it collects from the walls of the excess of harmful cholesterol, carries it to the liver where it is metabolized and excreted from the body. It is called high-density lipoproteins. It also has other functions – it is involved in the process of growth and division of cells, synthesis of sex hormones, and tissue regeneration. So first of all it is necessary for children and adolescents in the period of intensive growth.
Only with the right balance of these two substances people can be considered completely healthy. Imbalance gradually leads to the development of cardiovascular and other unpleasant diseases.
Causes higher cholesterol
To lower cholesterol, you need to first understand the reasons that led to his promotion. And a lot of them, ranging from lifestyle and ending hereditary diseases.
Unhealthy lifestyle
Very often cholesterol is elevated in people who just don’t pay attention to their health. You can call a lot of habits that lead to failures in the body:
- High cholesterol can be an elementary consequence of an unbalanced diet. Many foods contain an excessive amount of this substance. These include animal fats, egg yolks, offal, some seafood, and all fatty, fried, smoked. The consequences of this cause is quite simple to eliminate the observance of a certain diet.
- A sedentary lifestyle leads to weakening of the metabolism and accumulation of harmful cholesterol.
- Overweight, bordering on obesity, in most cases suggests that you need to reduce cholesterol.
- Smoking and alcohol health is also not add. They lead to the deterioration of blood vessels, disturbances in the liver, causing bad cholesterol is not displayed fully, and the good is produced in insufficient quantities.
Various acquired conditions
Elevated levels of lipoproteins with low density can be observed in patients with acquired some chronic diseases.
- Diabetes.
- High blood pressure.
- Diseases of the liver and kidneys.
- Elevated levels of triglycerides in the blood.
- The weakening of the thyroid gland.
How to reduce cholesterol in these cases, you should tell the doctor, assigning appropriate treatment.
Risk factors that cannot be influenced
There are a number of factors of a physiological nature that cannot be eliminated. In this case, it is important to pay enough attention to prevention.
- Heredity can be attributed to indirect causes increase cholesterol. If your parents, brothers, sisters or other close relatives endured heart attacks or strokes, had a higher content of lipids or cholesterol in the blood, you will find yourself at risk.
- It is noticed that high cholesterol more often detected in men than in women.
- With age our blood vessels become weaker, the body is not as balanced, so the possibility of deposition of low density lipoprotein is much higher.
- High cholesterol is often observed in women with early menopause.
In these cases, to reduce the level of cholesterol will be more difficult, so it is best to promptly begin taking preventive measures.
Cholesterol lowering medications
To determine the best treatment, you need to find out the causes and tests. Depending on how upgraded the indicator, it is possible to make a decision about medical treatment or the use of homeopathy and diet.
To lower cholesterol developed a special medicine, which can make strictly on prescription, because they have several contraindications and side effects. To resort to using these drugs is recommended for persons at risk of developing a heart attack or stroke, and when unacceptably high levels of low-density lipoproteins.
The most known and popular group of drugs that effectively lowers the level of harmful LDL. Make these tools very carefully to avoid many side effects. That is, strictly by agreement with the doctor and in the recommended dosage. They block the enzyme responsible for the production of cholesterol. The effect of them fast – within a week or two you can observe the improvement of blood picture. To lower cholesterol and retention effect they take on a regular basis, in the second half of the day, and even better before going to sleep.
Drugs of this group act on lipid metabolism. They are less known, because of the range of readings is much narrower. They are recommended mainly for people with coronary artery disease. Unlike statins, they have a more pronounced effect on high density lipoproteins. The combination of these two drugs is unacceptable and can lead to serious consequences.
Niacin (nicotinic acid)
Niacin is more familiar to our ears, as Niacin helps to reduce cholesterol in the blood without unpleasant consequences for the organism. Its principle of operation differs from the above drugs. It blocks the release of fatty acids, improves blood circulation and dilates blood vessels.
Again, all of these drugs have contraindications, so be sure to consult your doctor before you make a decision about using them!
Lowering cholesterol folk remedies
If cholesterol is elevated slightly, and you prefer to use natural remedies, then try to turn to folk medicine. Many herbs can replace the most expensive and modern medicines when used as directed. Therefore, the reduction of cholesterol popular recipes can be called effective and worthwhile method.
Flaxseed and oil, from which it is derived, the high concentration of essential substances called omega – 3. It is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that helps to normalize the high cholesterol. You can take the oil on a spoon a day or add it to salads along with flax seed.
Kvass Bolotov
Older, proven tools difficult to find in the Treasury of folk recipes. Kvass on the basis of celandine saves from many diseases and helps to reduce the cholesterol levels. Three liters of boiled water you need to take 50 grams. the pre-dried celandine. Grass put in a bag of cheesecloth, placed inside the sinker, so that it was kept at the bottom, and put in a jar. For fermentation, add a spoonful of low fat sour cream and a half-full glass of sugar. It needs to ferment for 2 weeks with daily stirring.
During the day you should drink it 2-3 times, before eating. Each night, add in a jar of water, in exactly the quantity that was drunk and pour a tea spoon of sugar. The course of treatment is not more than a month. Then if necessary you can repeat.
Dandelion root
Using this simple and accessible tool, you can lower the concentration of LDL in the blood to normal values. The roots should be thoroughly clean, dry, grind to a fine powder in a coffee grinder and make on a teaspoon before meal. The course is not limited, but at least six months. Contraindications, except individual intolerance not available.
Propolis tincture
Finding that means no problems will arise – it is sold in every pharmacy. A small amount of tincture to dissolve in a tablespoon of water and drink. Be sure before eating! The course is not less than 4 months.
Anticholesterol diet
Very often, high cholesterol is a result of malnutrition, so in the complex therapy with medicinal or folk remedies necessarily need to follow a diet. The gist of it is that eliminates all the harmful and add useful products.
The products that you want to exclude
The list of products will please fans of tasty and satisfying to eat, but their exclusion gives a good effect that soon leads to improved health.
- Fatty meats of any sort – beef, pork, lamb. Pork is better not to eat even lean meat contains a lot of animal fats.
- By-products – the leaders in content of cholesterol. Predominantly the brain, kidney and lung.
- Sausages and cured meats.
- Fat poultry. If you are going to cook it, then remove the skin and visceral fat.
- Egg yolks. Allowed only one egg a day as a whole. The amount of protein is not limited.
- Fatty dairy products – butter, cheese, sour cream. You can replace them with low fat equivalents.
- Semi-finished products, in-store baking, fast food outlets – the most harmful category of products.
Products that are recommended to introduce into the diet
Many of the products are excellent natural remedies to fight cholesterol. They not only contain him, but promote the excretion. Be sure to include them in the daily menu:
- Almonds are a source of unsaturated fat, preventing the deposition of LDL. This walnut is considered an excellent preventive measure against atherosclerosis. Due to the high caloric content, it is not recommended to use it in large quantities.
- Orange juice is a source of phytosterols. Be sure to use freshly squeezed juices.
- Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats and phenolic resin. All this together reduces blood clotting, helps to increase good and decrease bad cholesterol.
- Asparagus, as well as more common vegetables, such as cauliflower, beets, green beans and carrots.
- Oatmeal. The habit of eating oatmeal in the morning, soon to turn your improved health.
- Tomatoes contain lycopene – a unique substance that facilitates the withdrawal of unhealthy fats. A glass of tomato juice a day is enough to obtain the desired dose of lycopene.
- Dark varieties of chocolate in small quantities – not more than 30 grams per day is useful for the cardiovascular system.
Knowing the causes of high cholesterol, and adhering to these guidelines, you will be able to quickly bring him back to normal.
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Read article All methods of reducing cholesterol: medicines and folk remedies
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