As is known, aromatherapy products increase the efficiency of any salon treatments. Interest in this subject, especially increased in recent years, when the most popular acquired a genuine concept of care, and the growing attention to the directions of the wellness and spa Triggered a boom in the products with essential oils.
The main advantage of aromatherapy – comprehensive approach that involves not only the skin, but also the restoration of health and harmony in General, due to the activation of own possibilities of the organism. Essential oils – bioactive ingredients of a wide spectrum of action. Their use enables to cope with the task of long-term fix certain problems with the skin. Positive changes in the body occur gradually, but persistent and patient use of aromatherapy improves the General condition, results are achieved, which are impossible to obtain by other modern means.
So try to understand: what are the capabilities of aromatherapy and how it can used in a Cabinet of manicure and pedicure.
What problems can be solved using aromatherapy?
• Brittle nails
• Inflammatory processes in the nail plate
• Fatigue and swollen feet
• Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
• Cold hands and feet
• Expressed vascular figure
• Cracks, hardened skin
• Prophylaxis of fungal infections of nails, hands and feet
In any procedures apply elements aromatherapy?
• Baths: aromatherapy is used for different types of baths – warm, contrasting with increasing temperature.
• Special procedures: treatment of cracks wound healing compounds, the use of means for strengthening nails, the use of drugs to facilitate removal cuticle, hot and cold applications.
• Active procedures: masks, aroma massage, rubbing active preparations of prolonged action, final processing foot cream.
The main methods of aromatherapy
Hand bath the legs or with the effect of aromatherapy – the procedure is very useful. This is one of the most accessible and effective methods of prevention and treatment of many diseases. Local aromatic bath can relieve nervous tension, eliminate a sense of fatigue, irritation, restore internal balance, to normalize sleep. Sedative, vasodilating and toning effects are achieved due to inhalation with simultaneous introduction of the components of essential oils through the skin. An indispensable attribute of foot care are contrast baths, alternately hot (5 minutes) and cold water (10 seconds) with essential oils, herbs and salt. They well help at the foot fatigue, stiffness and swelling in the region of the feet, hyperhidrosis.
For the preparation of local aromatic bath 4-5 drops of essential oil of carefully mixed with 50 grams of milk and add to the bowl of water. It should be remembered that the essential oils are insoluble in water, and if they do not mix with the pre-emulsifier (cream, whole milk, bran), they remain on the surface of the water film. Undiluted oil on the sensitive skin may cause irritation. Optimum temperature 36-38°C. bathing Time is 10-15 minutes.
Aroma massage. Great preventative and therapeutic tool. Essential oils greatly increase the efficiency of any massage. In the process of aroma massage of hands and feet is the impact on the reflex zones and active points, improving the overall health of the client. Such an effect, normalizes the nervous system and internal organs, simultaneously has a beneficial effect on the entire body.
The procedure aroma massage impose a variety of techniques that relieve tension and hand fatigue, improves blood circulation and venous outflow, eliminate heaviness and swelling. The main oils for massage can be sesame, olive or almond, to which add the essential oils with the therapeutic action of 4-5 drops 15 ml of the basic oil. Thanks to the exceptional natural composition aromatic massage oils are well accepted by the skin. To enhance the effect massaged surface can be wrapped in polyethylene film for 15-20 minutes.
Combination of essential oils picked individually. When excessive fatigue and heaviness in the legs, use the lavender, rosemary, lemon. In violation of circulation (cold feet) effective essential oils of rosemary, eucalyptus, pine and cinnamon. When swelling and visible vascular figure apply juniper, cypress and lemon. The state of the dry cracked skin will improve with the essential oils of patchouli, myrrh, sandalwood. Pronounced healing effect demonstrate lavender and tea tree. When excessive sweating of the feet indispensable essential oils of sage, cypress, lemon.
Wraps. Wonderful effect an oil wraps hands. For this purpose, grape, olive, almond, sesame oil. Efficiency of the procedure can be increased by adding one of the essential oils. For example: benzoin helps heal cracked skin; lavender, Melissa, chamomile have a calming effect; lemon refreshes tired hands and gives light to whiten the skin. The procedure is performed as follows: the oil is distributed on the surface of the skin, from top to wear cotton gloves with the polyethylene film. Treatment time is 30 minutes.
Are also popular and other methods of aromatherapy: masks, applications, compresses. Treatments help relieve edema, contribute to the activation of blood circulation, stimulate the metabolism.
As aromatherapy affect the state of the nails?
• Essential oils of rosemary and lemon improve circulation and nutrition of the nail plate, contribute to its strengthening. For this oil distribute on the nail plate. Soaking in the micro-канальцам, it restore strength and elasticity to the nail.
• Lavender essential oil normalizes metabolic processes in germ band nail. This avoids the pigmentation disorders, nails become healthy color.
• Brittle nails recommended composition of essential oils илангиланга and lemon in a complex with jojoba oil or wheat germ. Nail, by soaking up medicinal oil, versatility and moistened.
• Loss of elasticity of the skin surrounding the nail plate, it is recommended to add the essential oil илангиланга in oil carrier or base cream and process such product skin cushion around the nail.
• When the cracks, abrasions and inflamed nail holes make headbands with essential lemon oil and jojoba that contribute to the healing of wounds.
• At the slightest suspicion of the presence of fungus nail should be processed essential oils of tea tree or eucalyptus.
• To nails were strong, transparent, shiny and fast, and for the prevention and elimination of inflammatory reactions desirable for 15-20 minutes before varnishing nail plate apply the following mixtures and easy to massage the nail and the nail wall. Essential oils pre-should be diluted in a carrier oil (jojoba oil or almond) at the rate of 4-5 drops of the mixture of essential oils on 15 ml base oil. Examples of mixtures of essential oils, which strengthen the nail plate: lemon, илангиланг (1 : 1); lemon, eucalyptus, lavender (1:1:2); rosemary, patchouli, blue Daisy (1:2:2); thyme, lavender (1:2).
• When there is a fungal infection of the good effect give essential oils with a pronounced antiseptic and antimycotic properties. Leading positions belong in this ethereal oil of tea tree. This is one of the few oils that can be surgically applied to the skin in undiluted form. Active antifungal effect the essential oils of thyme, clove, thuja, sage, myrrh and lavender. Cure fungal growth is very long and requires patience and perseverance. Such procedure is carried out in the home 2 times a day until the nails will not change and the skin was fully normalized. But after this procedure lasts 1-2 months 1 per day.
Practical recommendations
Picking up the oil for its client, it is important to consider his age, state of health, temperament, skin type, as well as find out the problem. One of the basic rules of selection of oils is the approval of smell. If the aroma of essential oils do not like the patient, it should be replaced by another, similar by their properties. Especially be careful working with sensitive skin. Be sure to test the portability.
It is important to remember that the essential oils can cause skin in its pure form. They require compulsory dissolution in transport oils (almond, peach, grape seed, avocado and other), creams or purposes. Start to use essential oils with the minimum doses, then the concentration can increase to 1-2% (1-2 drops of 5 ml). Strict adherence to the recommended dosages is the most important condition for the use of aromatherapy. In overdose can be nausea, emotional excitement or anxiety.
Composing songs at the first stage, use no more than two to three oils, not knowing all of the properties, you can combine the incompatible». Experimenting with oils, remember the main rule of aromatherapy: more is not necessarily better.
Do not use essential oils of dubious quality. Unfortunately, the increased popularity of the arc матерапии led to the emergence on the market of a large number of falsifications.
Modern aromatherapy is Wellness, natural way to maintain good physical and psycho-emotional form, which not only brings the visible positive results, but also delivers pleasure from the obtained procedures. Aromatherapy is often accompanied by 5ра procedures. Using aromatherapy means you can take care not only for the legs or arms, but also to influence the mood. Inflicted means continue to work for a few days, contributing to well-being. Therefore there is nothing surprising in the fact that interest in aromatherapy so rapidly.
Natalia Kishchenko, biochemist, pharmacist-cosmetologist
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