вторник, 23 июля 2013 г.

The properties of amino acids

Cвойства аминокислотScientists from the USA, a country where there is the greatest percentage of overweight people, recently conducted research. The results showed that salvation could have amino acid for weight loss – substances which in sports nutrition actively used for muscle growth and weight gain. Paradox? It is only at first glance. In fact everything is explained very simply.

What are amino acids, and what is their role?

Amino acids, the building – blocks, bricks, which consist of protein molecules. Proteins that we get from food (meat, legumes, dairy products etc), broken down into amino acids and are synthesized in other proteins that are absorbed by our body and go to the «construction» of the muscles and the bone tissue.

Excess weight is the result of various circumstances. Hence, the struggle with the problem involves the use of a complex of effective methods. The first error, which makes most of losing weight – violation of food regime with strict diets and fasting days. Body dwells in stress, which then tries to cope at any opportunity. As a result of the process of losing weight first slowed and then lost so hard kilograms are replaced. Plus start «naughty» the stomach and intestines, which your tricks with fasting too difficult.


Athletes and body builders especially, also have to periodically solve problems with excess weight. In their case it is called a «drying». And drugs tailored to them, to their needs in a balanced and integrated products, manufacturers of sports nutrition understand. The result was the emergence of a number of dietary Supplements, which can not only help prevent the emergence of body fat, but also get rid of the existing deposits. And their main component is indispensable for the man amino acids, in which he often lacks.

Effect of amino acids on the process of losing weight

Fat burning is not complete and efficient if you use only well-known natural and chemical fat burners. Never a man not to be able to outsmart your intelligent body. Weight reduction is impossible without the whole relay biochemical transformations, their is impossible to throw a» single element. The whole classification of amino acids result will not consider the direct those that affect weight loss.

Valine, Leucine, Isoleucine or just BCAA amino acid, popular in the environment bodybuilders. The complex is a source of energy, contributes to the restoration of muscular tissue and protect it from destruction. It often happens that beautifully inflated in the gym thighs and buttocks after the end of the training quickly acquire their «primordial» view. Amino acids help maintain the achieved effect, and at the same time will increase the stamina to your weight loss was not only passive (proper nutrition), but active (physical load).

Sources: nuts, legumes, red meat, fish products from wheat, rye, soy flour, brown rice, mushrooms.

Phenylalanine reduces appetite, simultaneously improving mood and improving performance. If you get an adequate amount of this amino acids, it will be easier to adapt to the new and healthy nutrition, is not experiencing depression from a lack of on desktop sweets and fried chicken.

Sources: legumes, eggs, chicken meat, milk, cheese.

Lysine increases immunity, helps normalize the appetite and deal with the irritability, which often occur among those who chose to lose weight on a diet, losing not only delicious and harmful pleasures, but the elements necessary for normal functioning of the body (for example, безуглеводные, low-fat, безбелковые diet).

Sources: potatoes, milk, cheese, eggs, fish, red meat

Methionine activates digestion and has antioxidant properties (fights free radicals in the body slows down all the processes of ageing – both internal and external).

Sources: yoghurt, meat, lentils, onions, garlic

If your body will lack at least one amino (as so often happens when using unbalanced diets), the production of protein it would suspend. And it already threatens the appearance of digestive problems, slow metabolism, excess weight and, of course, the deepest depression. So if you have any doubts about what a sufficient and balanced content of these substances in your diet, you can start using them in the form of medication from a line of sports nutrition, which are sold in pharmacies. Only about what acids and how to take, it is recommended to learn not from the feedback from friends and members of the forum, and with the treating doctor, nutritionist or coach.

Read article The properties of amino acids

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