Now after watching various рекламок and фразочек about super diet Alla Pugacheva Svetlana Пермяковой and other stars of show business, decided to look, what is water Sassi.
Water Sassi this cocktail, which became the present opening 2013. It successfully combines the beneficial ingredients, it accelerates the metabolism in the body, helps the work of stomach, improves the General condition of the body and skin, nail and hair.
The author of this miracle-prescription was nutritionist Cynthia Sass, an American. It is easy to guess what her name and called the water. The basic action of the water is the conclusion of toxins and excess liquid and fat breakdown.
Prescription Cynthia slimming need to drink at least 8 glasses of this water every day (note that a large part of the drink must consume up to 16.00, to be kidneys relax at night, and to sleep safer). Even more useful effect you get when combined this water with a diet in which you want to exclude sweets, caffeine, salt and vegetables that contain a rough cellulose.
Water Sassi can be used instead of ordinary water. It is also noteworthy that this water has a calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract and helps remove excess fluid from the body.
How to get water Sassi.
For cooking water Sassi, you will need:
- 1,5 – 2 liters of water (it is desirable that the water was filtered, or mineral without gas);
- teaspoon grated ginger(here is your choice – you can buy a ready-grated ginger or buy yourself a root, wash clean, grate and freeze portions his spoon in a separate bag);
- 1 cucumber medium in size. If your cucumber is very thick crust – can it cut off, but not necessarily. Usually it is enough to wash and cut it into very thin rings (you can use shredder harvester or a special grater, but you have to get rings);
- 1 lemon – cut like a cucumber, but always with a skin;
- 12 mint leaves (about 2-3 small twigs).
Take a capacity of 2.5 – 3 liters, and mix all ingredients, cover with water, and put in the refrigerator overnight.
In the morning start to drink water Sassi, and in the evening take care of the cooking portion of the next day. For the convenience of the water drain, to get rid of stones and pieces of dried peel.
And please note that systems slimming many different recipes, banned and allowed products. But the most important thing in any diet is the observance of the rules for a long time, that is routine. And here it all depends on your will power and a real desire to get the result, and not try a few days and say «impossible».
Using jar of water Sassi, you can easily track the amount of fluid you drink per day, that is, if you drank a whole day harvested norm means you have consumed necessary amount of liquid.
I would also like to note that is not worth drinking the entire decanter at a time – you do not need to stretching of the stomach and overload the kidneys and heart. I would also like to note that depending on your weight the amount of water a day can be increased up to a maximum of 4 liters.
Now some of the rules that should be followed:
- drinking water Sassi, in a day, preferably often but little to eat, it will improve digestion and help to absorb vitamins;
- avoid overheating water – do not leave it in the sun or near any source of heat is beneficial elements of water can begin to crumble, and we do not need to;
- using this system, weight loss, decrease bloating, to solve the problems with the intestines and into the stomach – reduce body fat in its area.
water Sassi slimming
Enjoy your weight loss and quick results.
Read article Water Sassi recipe
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