воскресенье, 12 июня 2016 г.

How to use the chatterbox for acne?

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Many people periodically appear acne, inflammation and blackheads. These deficiencies significantly impair the appearance, bringing girls a lot of discomfort. To get rid of acne, you should use such an effective tool, as the mash from acne. It is sold in the pharmacy also, this product is easy to obtain in the home.

The main indications

A big mouth helps with small rashes on the face or the appearance of individual pimples. At the same time to eliminate advanced forms of acne, this cleanser will. To the therapeutic composition to give maximum benefit, its application is to Supplement a special diet for 2 months. During this time prohibited from consuming spicy and fatty meals, smoked meats, sweets, pickles.

This tool is perfect for preventing acne. Besides, it has grown tonic properties, and therefore help to replace the toner. To achieve good results, but not overdry the skin, the composition is allowed to use only once a day – at night. The mash from acne not infrequently include ingredients that increase skin sensitivity to UV light.

Useful properties

So that brought your skin the maximum benefit, it is important to determine the causes of acne. The recipe needs to pick up the doctor after performing the necessary tests. The product is made individually in a pharmacy for a few days.

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Useful properties of magmas associated with certain ingredients that are included in its composition:

  1. Chloramphenicol has a pronounced antimicrobial properties, prevent the active multiplication of bacteria and copes with pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Streptocid – also has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. It helps to eliminate the Streptococcus, the gonococcus. The drug is also effective against pneumococcus and Escherichia coli.
  3. Boric acid has a disinfectant action on the skin of adults. While children and pregnant women this component is contraindicated.
  4. Sulfur has antiseptic characteristics.
  5. Acetylsalicylic acid has analgesic properties effectively cope with the inflammation. In the period of carrying a child women need to avoid the use of such substances.
  6. Salicylic acid has a pronounced healing properties, helps with inflammation and reduces the synthesis of secretions produced by the sebaceous glands.
  7. Erythromycin is an antibacterial substance that is effective against acne and other infectious skin lesions.
  8. Alcohol has a pronounced disinfectant characteristics, helps to cleanse the skin and has a drying effect.
  9. Trihopol – helps to cope with aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. Also it can be used to eliminate amoebas, Trichomonas, fuzobakterii. This substance is effective against Bacteroides and Giardia.
  10. Coal-tar soap – has expressed exfoliating characteristics and slightly dry skin. It does not cause allergies and is made exclusively from natural ingredients.

Application features

To use some tools to deal with the skin defects should be very careful. So, the owners of normal skin it is not recommended to use makeup with salicylic acid or alcohol more than 1 time per day. Girls with dry skin and is better to avoid such funds.

After using cosmetics containing acid or alcohol, be sure to apply cream with moisturizing effect. Antibiotics are only permissible by prescription. If there are contraindications to the use of at least one ingredient means of applying the mash would have to give.

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To increase the effectiveness of treatment, in addition to the use of external tools, it is recommended stick to a special diet. For this you need to eat five times and always in small portions. Such a regime should be observed for 2 months. The menu should not be present fried, sweet, fatty foods. Under the ban also pickles and cured meats.

Pharmacy Prater Park could replace toner. It perfectly tones the skin and prevents rashes. Experts do not highly recommend RUB remover – just RUB the skin with a sponge, soaked it first in a medical composition.

If you get the desired effect fails, it is possible to combine the use of mash with lye soap. Before treatment person just need to wash with the use of this tool. It is important to monitor the condition of the skin – there is a risk that it will become too dry.

Homemade recipes

Mash will easily be able to get at home. However, experts advise not to be treated independently, as it may worsen the condition of your skin.

To prevent the occurrence of adverse effects, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist who will be able to identify the cause of acne and to find the optimal recipe. Even if you were issued a pharmacy Prater Park, it is not necessary to apply it often – this should be done for the night. And in the morning it will wash off.

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However, many people still make this remedy at home:

  1. The most common recipe. The mash from acne contains alcohol, boric and 2% salicylic acid – all components should take 50 ml. Also it is composed of chloramphenicol is about 5 g. it is recommended that All the ingredients mix well and process the mixture to the skin before bedtime. Remember that before using, shake well tool.
  2. Recipe with chloramphenicol. For cooking you will need 80 ml of camphor alcohol. In addition, you will need 10 pieces of soap and 4 pieces of chloramphenicol. It is also worth adding salicylic acid to 30 ml. As the mixture contains anti-bacterial drug, this recipe is suitable for people with severe inflammatory processes on the skin.
  3. Prescription with erythromycin. Need to connect a 2% solution of boric and salicylic acids, 50 ml. you will Also need 4 g of zinc and erythromycin. This tool can be used in the daytime as it has a white color. If zinc can replace sulfuric ointment, it will turn yellow composition, which should be used at night.

It is important to note that magmas with the addition of antibiotics prohibited from use for a long time, in spite of their high efficiency. Microorganisms eventually you get used to the substance, and the mixture becomes inefficient.

  1. Prescription with clindamycin and aspirin. To obtain a mixture at home, you should take clindamycin and aspirin in 4 pieces. You will also need ethyl alcohol and boric – 50 ml. Tablet should be crushed, add spirits and shake well. This recipe is ideal for use before bedtime. 5 minutes after rubbing need to treat the skin moisturizer.
  2. Recipe courses Beadle trichopolum. You should use 4 tablets of the drug and 250 ml of alcohol. Medicine to grind into powder, pour alcohol and insist 3 days in a dark place. It is important every day shake the mixture. Received the product need to treat the skin before bed.

Contraindications and side effects

During therapy should avoid use of decorative cosmetics. It is also worth limit the impact of temperature fluctuations or dust. It is not recommended to apply a therapeutic mixture more than once. If you do not adhere to these rules, the talker may provoke high dry skin, irritation, peeling.

Extreme caution should be applied to the product during carrying a child. Before use be sure to consult with a dermatologist.

The mash from acne is considered to be quite an effective composition which can markedly improve the condition of your skin, and eliminate most of the problems. But before applying this product, it is important to consult a doctor who will be able to identify the causes rashes and find effective prescription.

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