воскресенье, 23 ноября 2014 г.

As a wise help to lose weight?

Женщина медитирует.

Trying to overcome such unwanted excess weight and bring the body to the optimum proportions, modern ladies experiencing many techniques. Many of them are complex, and some are even dangerous. But from time to time, we have the latest software, without allowing unnecessary stress for the body to lose a few pounds.

A vivid example of steel newfangled wise – a unique way to accumulate the energy potential of his body and send him to fight fat deposits. Wise has already won many fans, proving the efficiency with apparent ease of execution, and was received among them the name of “yoga for the fingers.”

A few words about the mudras.

Wise is a rather old technique that allows to bring the body in line with the inner world, using their own energy. It consists in the preparation and holding of certain combinations of fingers and hands. Coming to us from China, as usual yoga, wise aim not only to provide optimum physical shape, but also achieving spiritual balance and freedom.

Should not, however, expect having to deal with this type of self-improvement, you immediately fall out with all the calories and harmful products, which are eaten throughout life. However, with enough time for their own spiritual condition, trying to develop, you will certainly review a large part of their ordinary habits. Therefore, losing weight by means of recovery and waiver of certain components of your daily life is the true purpose of performance wise.

Influence wise on excess weight.

Studying wise, we can easily see the particular approach of the methodology to the problem of the appearance of excess weight. Their founders were convinced that any physical disturbance in the body is reflected on the energetic level, since man is in a tight cocoon of astral bodies and subtle matter. And then there is the possibility of reverse interaction: bringing in the energy norm shell, you can get rid of bodily problems, including fat.

Performing wise man redistributes its energy flow, normalizing the function of the major body systems. So there is an opportunity to improve metabolism and align hormones, and these two factors are often the root causes of excess weight. When this technique wise probably not suitable ladies seeking not simply to normalize the weight, and to bring yourself into line with the model parameters. Because when the body becomes the way it should be, not a model itoshino-thin. It is also important to note that the maximum effect wise give only when they are combined with other types of yoga.

Rules for implementation of the wise.

Starting to learn this method of losing weight should adhere to its basic principles:

  1. Wise, like any other yogic practices, require purification of the body before the start. However, they are most complicated technology, which operates on a much more subtle matter than classical yoga or pranayama. Panchakarma (purification) begins with a refusal coffee, alcohol, animal food and nicotine.

  2. Throughout the course need to eat moderately, not going to move.

  3. To start the day with basic asanas of yoga and the Sun salutations. Just after exploring with them the creators of the methods recommended to concentrate themselves wise.

  4. To perform them regularly need to start quite a few minutes. Subsequently, the lead time up to half an hour.

  5. Wise require a calm state of body and good mood. It is impossible to do them properly, thinking about the poor, suffering or in a hurry.

  6. Optimal for performance wise nook, furnished which will allow you to relax. Experienced practitioners can also do them while sitting in the Park. Such atmosphere and the sounds of nature will give mental strength.

  7. When performing wise, you need to remove jewelry, freeing his hands from rings and bracelets.

These simple rules will help to achieve maximum effect from the wise and quickly bring the body back to normal. Note that only when all points dropped weight will leave you forever.

Examples of key wise for weight loss.

Practices are advised to start with the most simple wise (the first three) and after their full development proceeding to the rest. So you will prepare your body to change and will be able to increase the time of exercise.

Three pillars of the cosmos.

Три колонны космоса.This wise option is used to activate the vital energy, the physical manifestation of which is the improvement of immune system and the normalization of metabolism.

Technique: on both hands, flatten the ring finger and middle fingers touch the right hand to the fingers of the left. Located on the left hand little set up between the index and middle fingers of the right hand and, holding them with the back of his hand, Dnipropetrovsk oblast rounded out the tip under his hand to his right hand. And the tip of the index finger on his right hand obkatyvaem index and big fingers left.

Lifting wise.

ПоднимающаяThis wise created for weight loss by mobilizing the energy and bring the body into line. Its implementation will be most effective if during the day you will be drinking no less than l water and in the diet will consist of rice, fruit and yogurt.

Technique: keep hands, crossed the fingers of both hands. Big thumb on your right hand you need to take in the circle of your thumb and index fingers of the left hand.

Bowl Of Chandmani.

Чаша Чандмана.Promotes weight loss, by reducing congestion and removing bottlenecks in the gut, improve digestion.

Technique: make the hands of the Cup, the base of which will consist of four fingers on his right hand that bend like the bottom and cover the fingers of the left hand. Both large finger while divorced, forming conditional “handle” of the bowl.

Wise Water.

Вода.Helps to eliminate excess fluids, decreases available in the body of inflammation.

Technique: a little on the right hand need to push to the base of the big finger, which gently presses the base of the little finger. Left hand bottom covers right and the large fingers of both hands are touching.

Wise Energy.

Энергия.This wise effective in weight loss due to its ability to output the accumulated years of waste, toxins and even relieve pain. It has the ability to help in case of problems with the spine and the genitourinary system.

Technique: you must persuade nameless and middle fingers and put them with the ball great. The index and little when it is lifted up. Execution wise it will not be difficult, because many people know this gesture.


Гребешок.Improves digestion and helps to get the maximum nutrients from the food. Can increase appetite!

Technique: start with folded hands in fists. Next you need to keep the fingers of both hands, so that they formed a castle and large fingers folded together.

We are wise only at first seem difficult. Images will help you to master the technique. Trying to run them a few times, you will learn how to do combinations correctly. And feeling the effect replenish the number of fans of this method of losing weight.

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