четверг, 10 октября 2013 г.

Chinese slimming tea

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Today, Chinese slimming tea turned into распиаренное Runet tool that reduces appetite, gives a charge of vivacity and almost burns the fat. Moreover, already invented the so-called tea diet. There are fasting days in this drink. Let’s see how effective these methods of struggle with excess weight really is, and what must be considered so as not to harm his own body.

To begin with, let us recall that are fats. You can say that it is «solid» fuel, energy reserve our body that he always put on reserve. In reasonable quantities. But if fat intake is many times greater than the amount of energy we expend in the process of life, the problem of excess weight is not long in coming. Why is this happening? There are several reasons. This, and poor diet and unhealthy habits and a sedentary lifestyle, and even those attitudes that we ask ourselves.

Of course, the nature and pharmacological industry created products that have directly жиросжигающими properties. However, the effect of the use of these funds is unlikely to solve the problem. Slender body is a complicated task and for the achievement of such goals requires a comprehensive approach that will take into account all the above factors of excess weight. And now try to answer the question whether the Chinese tea effective for weight loss, if you continue to live their normal lives and put in the mouth of those products, which are your favorite, though not useful? In the end, this drink is not even a laxative tea, which today is so often offer to buy the manufacturers of dietary Supplements.

Chinese teas are different

Say at once that the health and beautiful shape, pay attention not on dubious and cheap products imported to our country like China. Truly have healing properties expensive, so-called ” elite Chinese teas. This product may contain order three hundred different nutrients. This and vitamins, and carbohydrates, and protein, and micronutrients, and amino acids. And let the drink does not relieve you for a couple of weeks from completeness and cellulite, but it is much more useful than, for example, the sweet soda. And so you understand what you need to focus briefly consider what the properties of Chinese teas can help organize the «adjustment» of contours of his body:

  • green tea, which is one of the most popular tea drinks in our country, contributes to the normalization of metabolism, which many of fat people he slowed) and slightly reduces appetite, that right would counteract the accumulation in the body of excess fat;

  • tea Puer in the opinion of authoritative in fact, weight loss specialists,effectively fights with «bad» cholesterol. Research has shown that regular consumption of this drink, you can lose weight even 10 kg. Only for such a fabulous result will have to work hard to change their lifestyle and nutrition;

  • Oolong tea thanks to an unusual quality of processing of raw material effect on the body more intensive than the above drinks. In particular, he has a good cleansing effect, causing superfluous liquid wastes, toxins and radionuclides to leave our body. In addition, this tasty and aromatic product improves mood, helping to get rid of depression is not worse cakes and chocolate.

Whatever Chinese tea you would not have chosen to weight loss, do not forget about the diuretic properties of such product. To avoid dehydration, and ensuing problems eat drink in reasonable limits, not by 10 cups a day. Also with the abuse of tea it has tonic properties can easily turn into a stimulating, irritant effect on the nervous system.

Recommendations to «the tea» weight loss

As it turned out above, reviews of the Chinese tea is largely exaggerated. But this does not mean that the drink doesn’t contain any benefit. With proper using it you can achieve good results, but you should remember the following points:

  1. During his journey tea diet is not necessarily restrict myself in everything. Monotonous meals is also not the case. Just eliminate from your diet sugar and flour, fried and greasy foods, margarine, alcoholic and «synthetic» drinks.

  2. More lean on fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and seafood, honey and nuts, herbs, dried fruits, ginger, sour-milk products. Well to include in your menu cereals, cooked on the outside, lean meat, vegetable oil of cold pressing.

  3. Whatever the look of your diet, remember that the main rule is to avoid overeating. If you really want to eat, increase the number of meals to 5-6 per day but the meals must necessarily involve small amounts. To do this, select yourself, for example, saucer, and lay on him as much food as it is placed. Naturally, no additives and random snacking!

  4. Slimming and in General for the normal work of the digestive system is very important not to drink Chinese tea food. In General, any liquid should be taken an hour before a meal or after a 30-40 minutes after him.

  5. At one time do not mix carbohydrate and protein foods. This principle of a separate power supply fits perfectly with the tea diet.

  6. Do not starve constantly to make extra pounds to go away soon. You may face the reverse effect, even when eaten Apple stored as fat in problem areas. Enough to arrange one day of fasting on the Chinese tea or any other suitable product every week (preferably in a weekend).

  7. Spend more time outdoors and increase the motor activity. Perfect – Hiking as an alternative to travel by car or public transport. If the location of your work allows, in the summer change to the bike, roller or scooter.

Reviews of Chinese teas

Katya, 30 years. Tried Puer. Cholesterol he really reduces fine. Moreover, I have level this shit decreased so much that even blood pressure was not only normal, but slightly reduced. But I, that is, not mad. Gulls delicious, flavorful, and health I added. About slimming all is very good – minus 7 kg for half a year. Just want to warn you, if any beneficial effects of Puer you yourself have not experienced, then just save money on a good product and purchased a cheap goods.

Suhl, 27 years. Earlier could not live without black tea, and even sugar in it put so many that don’t cry Mammy. The result of my sweet life is there, but rather on the body. When my broken zipper skirt when I attempt to buckle up, I realized that this is a disaster. I heard a lot about the benefits of green tea and how well he promotes weight loss. Now only drink it not less than 3-4 cups per day. Skirt have bought new, and the size is smaller than the old one was.

Read article Chinese slimming tea

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