пятница, 11 октября 2013 г.

Puer tea for weight loss

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Ised has long gained popularity. And it is popular thanks to its many useful properties, open the Chinese one century ago. In folk medicine the country of the rising sun drink and today is used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases, as well as to effectively cleanse the body and increase vitality. It is noteworthy that many of our countrymen are sure that Puer tea for weight loss is a means of first aid and excess weight. Yes, nutritionists not against people used the healthy drink, but warns that the effects on weight reduction is strongly exaggerated.

Useful properties of tea Puer

Themselves, Chinese healers called green tea Puer drink beauty and harmony, and the results of numerous studies confirm this effect. So, during one of the experiments, the subjects were divided into two groups. The first regularly used this product and the other does not. Diet and physical activity both teams were the same. They found that those who drank tea were able to throw in average from 6 to 12 kg Here is to clarify that the study involved only people with overweight, and not those who’ve had a couple of extra pounds.

The drink is ideal for those who are carefully watching their figure and health. Tea possesses healing properties. And he is more useful than many other kinds of tea, both Chinese and not, and does not irritate the stomach, as it happens sometimes in Oolong. However, he fats, as many would like, does not dissolve and does not burn. But in your power to initiate these processes – just review your diet and increase the amount of physical activity. And only then Puer tea will become effective helper. And all by the following useful properties:

  • cleansing the body of toxins, toxins and excess water;

  • acceleration of digestion;

  • normalization of metabolism;

  • the decline in blood glucose and cholesterol levels;

  • cleaning of vessels;

  • moderate loss of appetite;

  • easy laxative effect;

  • improvement of skin condition;

  • withdrawal fatigue, giving a boost.

When and how to drink Puer

In no case do not drink Chinese tea Puer on an empty stomach and especially not to organize with it fasting days. It is fraught with a stomach ulcer and other acute diseases of the digestive tract. And due to the fact that the drink has a tonic and stimulating effect, you should refrain from its use in the evening and especially at night. Have tea contraindications – high blood pressure and problems with his stomach. The caution should drink Puer pregnant women and nursing mothers should not to abandon the drink for a period of lactation.

The best time to arrange a tea party with Пуэром – after half an hour after the main meal. Drink promotes proper digestion and assimilation of food, especially if you have overeaten or ate something неполезным – greasy, fried, flour. Tea is not worse than any of the advertised tablets eliminates the heaviness in the stomach. The process of making the drink is a ritual. Not enough just to throw пуэрный «ball» and pour boiling water.

Step 1. «Откалываем» the right amount of welding

For this purpose we take special пуэрный knife. If not, your regular kitchen. The main thing – a piece of Puer not cut, and откалываем layers. Separate layer 2-3 square centimeter, slightly разламываем. Do it very carefully, so that the tea leaves are not crumbled (then the tea may be bitter). Put отколотую tea leaves into a tea.

Step 2. Select the temperature of the water

This is a very important point is to choose the right water temperature for brewing the drink. That pour tea with purified water instead of tap tap talk unnecessarily. Temperature depends on what Puer you took. Older raw material, the hot water should be. If this young Sheng, pour it cooled down to 80-90 degrees boiling water. For Mature Sheng is already the value of 85-100 degrees and Shu Puer – steep, 100-degree water.

Step 3. Wash tea

This is a mandatory procedure, which helps to wash out the tea brewed from dust and «revive» it. Fill the pot with Пуэром hot water and after 10-20 seconds, and pour out. If the merge will in the bowl, at the same time прогреем them and напитаем aroma of the tea leaves. True gourmets and at all satisfied with the washing of welding twice.

Step 4. Steeped Puer

Pouring hot water, slightly raises the kettle over заварочником that the water had enriched oxygen. For the first time the optimum length infusion is not more than a minute. Try to evaluate the taste, and then determine the increase or decrease the time of the infusion.

Step 5. * Pour the tea in cups

Immediately after Puer brew, pour it in Cha Hai («vessel of justice») so that not one drop of water in a tea pot, nothing left. The lid чайничка subject slightly ajar, so that raw materials are not «парилось» and do not lose their aromatic and gustatory characteristics – the same piece of welding we can brew not harm the quality 4-6 times, and if the old tea, and all 12 times. From Cha Hai poured a drink on пиалам or cups.

Reviews about tea Puer

Seda, 34 years. Puer – super-duper gulls, slimming. I’m certainly not saying that he takes and the fat burns, but in the fight against overweight perfect add. Drink perfectly drives the water from the body, that is, excess fluid, and at the same time removes waste. Personally noticed that he not only has a diuretic effect, but also causes excessive sweating. In General, such a cleansing of the body is a good first step before any diet and power supply system, with which you will lose weight faster. However, there is a Puer its disadvantages. Don’t know subjectively it or not, but I increase the pressure, even appeared tachycardia. By the way, the effect is more significant than that provided me coffee. And now about my results. In 4 days I lost 2.5 kg, of which, probably, 1 kg of fat and the rest is water. And Yes, most importantly, the diet must be seated. At least on light, but highly inefficient. Otherwise the result will not be.

Nastasya, 27 years. Honestly, tea Puer I was not impressed. Maybe me and caught a fake product not know. But the scent of welding in no way associated me with something fruity and floral. Smelled generally salt-herring! Moreover, such a herring, which mixed with the damp earth, and some roots. In General, fu. However, when diluted infusion water, fish flavor поубавился. And the taste of the tea was more or less normal. But the smell I will never forget.

Read article Puer tea for weight loss

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