воскресенье, 13 октября 2013 г.

Ozone therapy for weight loss


In the medical purposes ozone has been used for over a hundred years. No wonder this a practice-proven method wanted to adopt and cosmetology. In recent years, ozone therapy for weight loss has become increasingly popular in our country, while in other countries this procedure are treated with great caution. Whether to resort to the rate of such ambiguous injections that, everything else are almost a fortune?

Ozone and its effects on the body

Ozone is an unstable form of oxygen molecules that is more potent oxidizing activity. Gaseous substance is poisonous. In our country it belongs to the first (the highest) class of hazard. In nature gas is formed under the influence of ultraviolet rays and electric discharges. So, the presence of ozone in the air can be judged by the specific smell of freshness, which usually appears after the storm with lightning. But if its concentration in the atmosphere is more than 0.5 mg person experiences severe discomfort, dizziness, irritation of the respiratory tract, asthma, pain in the heart.

For medical purposes (disinfection, water treatment, destruction of viruses, bacteria and fungi and other microorganisms resistant to chlorine) ozone get in озонаторах – gas specially cleaned and enriched with oxygen. The positive effect of ozone on the human body, which have adopted beauticians, is that it dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation and nutrition of all tissues and organs, cleanses the intestines from slags and toxins, improves immunity, activates the process of splitting of fats.

In addition, injections of ozone cope with stretch marks and cellulite, more precisely with its фибросклеротичной and edematous form. Substance destroys склерозированные capsules, which cover the fat cells. Cellulite «nodules» absorbed, and the skin becomes less bumpy and more elastic. After only four procedures manifestation of the «orange peel» become less visible, and a layer of fat is reduced. And this is only something that relates to weight loss.

In addition to the correction of figure, the indications for ozone therapy are many challenges that women and men come in cosmetology, in particular, skin diseases and hair loss. Thus, the procedure provides antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect and perfectly fight off acne, varicose veins, dermatitis, herpes, alopecia, seborrhea, dandruff.

Features of the procedure

There are several ways of introduction of ozone in the body:

  • subcutaneous injections thinnest needles in the problem areas of the body (for directed struggle with weight loss);

  • intravenous drip saline solution, which is added ozone (for General effects on the organism);

  • local blowing with a mixture of oxygen and ozone;

  • the use of ozonized oil;

  • ozonated water.

To increase the positive effect it is recommended to combine the injection of ozone and massage. So, massaging the problem areas before the procedure will substance faster penetrate into the tissue, and the study of areas of the body after injections need to composition is uniformly distributed under the skin. Although this method is called non-surgical liposuction, for many it is quite painful. However, no local anesthesia in this case does not provide. If you stop halfway to the goal, then it is unlikely you will keep the result.

For the qualitative weight loss should conduct 8-15 sessions of ozone therapy. Will you attend go to injections a day or a couple of times a week depends on your health indicators, age, body mass index. In any case, always consult a competent doctor who has nothing to cosmetic clinic. Sit on a diet, taking medications for weight loss and to actively engage in sports is not necessarily. After the completion of ozone therapy, rehabilitation period is required. If you got a good professional, and you comply with all of its recommendations, the impact of the course will last from 6 months to 2-3 years.

Contraindications and danger

Definitely not be resorted to ozone therapy if you have:

  • pregnancy, lactation period;

  • internal and external bleeding (in particular, menstruation, hemorrhagic stroke);

  • heart failure;

  • oncological diseases;

  • any chronic ailments in the acute stage;

  • convulsions or predisposition to them;

  • thyroid disease with concomitant rise in hormone secretion;

  • thrombocytopenia and other changes in the composition of blood, blood clotting;

  • hypersensitivity, and the intolerance of ozone by the body.

Ozone therapy is not recommended single medical Association world slimming and treatment of any disease. Although practise it in Germany, France and Poland, and even in some places in the United States. But everywhere procedure applies to alternative methods. So, in any Western or American clinic you, according to the law, first, to present the document which says that the injection of ozone – experimental method of weight loss. In Russia you any securities provide no-one will, so it is advisable to consult an independent expert, and only then to agree on the course.

It should be noted that most doctors leave negative feedback about ozone therapy. The same American doctors fear even to recommend it to the patients, since they can easily take away the license. And the cancer society says that this technique is a threat to human health. The matter is that during therapy озонов in the body of free radicals, which are known to have carcinogenic and mutagenic effect.

Detailed mechanisms for the development of cancer after this experimental procedures have not been studied. But oncologists have already provided a lot of references which confirm the non-identity cases of allergic reactions (including anaphylactic shock), seizures, headaches, visual impairment, acute psychosis and even deaths in conducting of ozone therapy. Beauty, too, sometimes fatal.

Testimonials from those who have experienced ozone therapy on yourself

Elena, 36 years. Injections of ozone – another method of weight loss for lentyaek, that is, for such as I. However, the procedure is not cheap. And I will say to myself that it is also very painful. Personally, I stood only 5 procedures. Yes, a positive effect was, but kept short. So was sorry spent that appetite somehow by itself has decreased. Now hold myself and attend sessions of manual massage.

Natalia, 41 years. Completed full course of therapy, although it is not easy for me or my wallet. Not to say that I was satisfied with the result. For the money that was spent on the procedure, I could buy a season ticket at the fitness centre or even arrange спортзальчик at home. That’s when I lost weight. And so brad, painful and very expensive nonsense.

Tatiana, 35 years. Slimming ozone therapy is a cool thing! Personally I have effect lasts for two years. Expensive? So live within your means – run around the forest in the morning and eat porridge on the water! Pain afraid of? Especially one should not resort to such procedures. For you, dear girls, a diet, pills, exercise equipment, and everything else that does not cause pain.

Alina, 37 years. Ozone I used not for weight loss, but inserted under the skin on the face to get rid of acne. Generally it is something with something. The doctor standing over you, pokes a needle in different areas of the face. Moreover, it seems that he does is it totally random – where necessary. Besides, all this is very painful. Then I sat at home with «distorted» face and cursed myself for my stupidity. Lose weight this way I certainly never will and never recommend it.

Read article Ozone therapy for weight loss

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