About the benefits of bee products they know everything. For many centuries recipes with them are used for treatment of different diseases, as well as beauty treatments for face and body. Particularly useful honey body wrap for weight loss and cellulite removal. What effect can be achieved and what recipes to use? You’ll learn about it right now.
Honey and weight loss
Why honey is a popular basis for preparation of mixes for wrapping? All it is his unique, curative composition. So, this product is perfectly cleanses the body of toxins (even if the external use), saturates it with vitamins and microelements, improves microcirculation and skin respiration, has excellent moisturizing action.
The value of honey with cosmetic and dietary point of view, is that it actively fights against cellulite, stretch marks, stimulates metabolism at the cellular level, including promotes the resorption of subcutaneous fat deposits and normalization of water-salt balance. Regularly using honey wraps, you will notice very quickly how to go edema, decrease the volume of the body in problem areas and improve skin turgor.
Popular recipes
Cosmetic procedure exists in two forms, which differ not only in the temperature applied mixture, but also influence on the organism. Cool way narrows blood vessels and capillaries, directing harmful substances into the systems of the purification.
Warm compositions dilates blood vessels, improves blood flow, resulting toxins actively leave the body through the skin. Particularly good for this method for those who have a clear body fat and pronounced cellulite. It should be considered that the more you’re heating honey, the less useful substances remains in it. Commonly used options wraps:
Honey. For application use natural and fresh products – not liquid, but not had time to засахариться. To smear honey was easier, it should be slightly melt on a water bath. Checking that his temperature was not higher than the temperature of your body, otherwise you can easily qualify for burns and skin irritation.
Honey-mustard. Honey (part 2) mixed with mustard powder (1 part). Weight slightly diluted with warm water and thoroughly stirred. Lotion is applied only on problem areas. Duration of procedure in this case should not increase by more than 15 minutes, because mustard can easily give effect burning sensation on the skin.
Honey and coffee. 100 g of honey take 3 tablespoons of coffee, the fine grinding. The matter is that the less will granules, so they will be easier to give their nutrients. Besides, this kind of consistency would not traumatize the skin. To achieve more tangible results can be added here half a spoon of powder and paprika. First, apply the mixture on a small area of the body and let your feelings. If there is a slight burning, nothing wrong – spend wrap. But if very much bakes, it is better to choose a different recipe.
Honey and milk. The two parts of honey take one part milk, it is desirable village, unpasteurized. If desired, add 2-3 drops of orange or lemon essential oil, and milk substitute, for example, natural yoghurt. The most gentle way, therefore the duration of the session may reach 40-60 minutes.
Stages of the procedure
- Before conducting honey wraps house thoroughly clean the skin. For this you can use a scrub or a rough sponge. Thoroughly massage into a steamed body, paying special attention to problem areas – belly, thighs, buttocks, lower back.
- Apply the mixture prepared (cold or slightly heated) evenly, a little massage and start to wrap film. The first turn of the material should be placed around the waist, two others – on the right foot. Stay at the level above the knee and again climb to the stomach. Repeat with the left foot. Turn around tightly, but try not to press limbs, so as not to cause disturbance of blood circulation.
- Wear warm clothes or укутываться wool blanket is not necessary – honey and so has a warming effect. So just lie down and relax completely on the 15-35 minutes.
- After this time, gently unwind or cut the film, rinse with honey by contrast shower and put on clean, dry skin cream with anti-cellulite effect. Every day repeat these sessions are not recommended – should be done at least 1-2-day breaks.
Important! An hour before and an hour after the procedure it is impossible to eat. Liquid to drink, but only if it will be something easy – drinking water or green tea.
On the one hand honey wraps perfectly help for weight loss and good fight cellulite, on the other – it’s important to know about contra-indications to this procedure. In any case, you cannot use this method when:
- pregnancy;
- gynaecological and oncological diseases;
- cardiovascular insufficiency;
- violations of the kidney;
- varicose veins;
- тробофлебит;
- Allergy to bee products and other components of the mixtures for body wraps;
- increased body temperature;
- viral and infectious diseases.
Katya, 26 years old. Despite the fact that the special problems of overweight and I do not feel, cellulite could not avoid. Especially this annoying orange peel on the buttocks and thighs in the summer when it’s time to wear short dresses and swimsuits. And now, every autumn, when my body starts to accumulate fat to «winter», I begin to perform all sorts of honey wraps at home. Most of all I love recipe coffee, one only aroma which raises my mood. By the way, who do not know, for cellulite caffeine inside should be abandoned, but its external use – that is necessary.
Marina, 32 years. The best and effective procedure. The only important that using honey you cannot cling film wrap to toxins freely leave the body. I намазывала marmot, обматывалась gauze bandages and lay down to rest, And so the above recipes are great. I’ve tried everything in turn. Already one week from the thighs and abdomen took me 1.5-2 cm, respectively, and the skin was silky and soft.
Dunyasha, 29 years. Extra pounds to me so hurry, once you relax and allow yourself something delicious and sweet. So I constantly use the wraps with honey, mustard, Apple cider vinegar, chocolate etc. Still accept baths. But all this is only effective as additional measures. Lounging on the couch and constantly eating for achieved with the evening result will disappear the next day. So let’s not be lazy – the struggle for harmony and beauty really have to be a struggle. The compulsory programme should include low-calorie diet and exercise.
Read article Honey body wrap for weight loss
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