вторник, 7 апреля 2015 г.

Effective asanas for fat burning.

Женщина занимается йогой.

YOGA is attractive, unusual and interesting word – which conceals the secret of self-knowledge, and the potential of your own body. If gymnastics and fitness is the essence of the voltage jump, the rush, the true essence of yoga is a technique of relaxation.

Achieving relaxation is the deepest mystery, the challenge, and the only rule of YOGA. This kind of bodily exercise for any age, any body, healthy and not very much body lean, and who wants to lose weight.

Asana Adho Mukha Svanasana”.

Адхо Мукха ШванасанаWhen building postures from upright position, put your feet shoulder width apart, inhale and on the exhale bend to the floor and put his hands at such a distance from the legs, our arms bent at the hip joints feet were to the body at an angle of 90 degrees and less. Ring fingers of the hands should look straight forward. Legs and arms should be completely straight, head and neck continue the line of the spine. Feet parallel, feet may be slightly turned inwards.

In an ideal performance of this asanas (postures) heel must be fully pressed to the floor. If at first you do not succeed because of the inelasticity of the ligamentous apparatus of the feet, do not leave attempts, and practice related to the development of this position try to press your heels to the floor. Having built a pose, Podesite it to five cycles of breathing (deep breath).


  • open palm and pressed against the foot;

  • the tailbone reaches up, back straight;

  • the thorax was opened, the stomach is muscular, gluteal muscle and patella tense.

The development of “downward-facing dog” gives flexibility to the spine, stretches the muscles and ligaments of the feet. This pose is considered base for development of other complex asanas and posture of rest in other levels of yoga.

Asana “Anaitasuna”.

АнантасанаIn this pose it is better to go from a lying position. On the exhale, turn on your left side. Raise the head, inline left hand under your head, put your head on your palm. Bend your right leg, grab his free right hand a foot or a finger of the right leg. On the exhale try to pull the right leg and right arm straight up. Staying in this position will Podesite five breath cycles. On the exhale, release the right leg and return it to the left leg.

Repeat the pose on the right side, soaking in the locked position. Return to your back and loosen up.


  • straight back, foot, trim patella;

  • keep the whole body in one plane;

  • if you can’t straighten up, hold the drumstick.

The development of Anantasan stretches the muscles of the lateral surface, hamstring muscles and ligaments, this asana works on the tone press, the muscles of the thighs buttocks and trains.

Asana Virabhadrasana II”.

Вирабхадрасана IIStanding on the exhale, jump, and set your feet on width equal to the length of your legs. Subside on the right foot, the angle at the knee at 90 degrees, lower leg vertical, the toe looks straight forward. Left leg left straight with a strained knee and foot, slightly governato right. Hands planted to the sides, horizontally and in a single plane with her feet.

The pelvis and the whole body as if pinned to the wall. Back straight, shoulder blades is reduced, the chest is opened. Turn your head on straight the neck to the right, fix gaze on a point ahead. Do not forget about breathing.


  • arms stiff and strictly horizontal;

  • the strictly foot pressed to the floor;

  • the body is clearly perpendicular to the floor, not rejected in case the parties;

  • the tailbone tucked inside, lumbar deflection is eliminated, the body in one plane.

Posture the war significantly strengthens calf and thigh muscles, back and press, burns excess fat in the region of the belt. Trains endurance and coordination of body movements.

Asana Marichyasana I and III”.

Маричиасана IThe combination of poses, named in honor of the sage Marici.

Sit on the floor with outstretched straight legs and a straight back. Bend your left leg and put it on the foot heel to the perineum, knee, looks up. On the exhale expandable shoulders to the left, the knee is under the right shoulder blade. Inspiratory obviam right hand knee disclosed the chest, bringing the scapula, and on the exhale adhesive fingers behind his back. A glance backwards.

Breathe evenly, his back straight, shoulder blades reduced, patella, straight legs tense, toe pulls to myself. The top drawn up. Will prodisk in this position five breathing cycles, with each exhale rotating the body stronger. We feel this twisting massage internal organs. Then running the same combination on the right leg.

Маричиасана IIIRasapi hands and swung the body forward, moving away from this position in the following: hands pull the bent leg closer to the basin, put a foot on the floor the heel to the buttocks, slightly to the side of the pelvis, the knee up. On the exhale gets his hands back and adhesive direct hand in the castle. On the exhale serves the belly, then the chest forward and down, trying to pull the body to the thigh of the straightened leg.


  • in the first posture keep your back in a straight line, chest open;

  • stay tuned for the fulcrum, it should fall on both buttocks;

  • if hands are not closed, can be used in this asana towel or strap.

Abdominal massage, improving bowel function. Twisting and stretching of the spine – prevention of back pain, muscle spasms, improving the condition of the ligaments of the shoulder girdle, the emancipation “scored” hand, stimulation of blood flow in areas of active influence.

Asana Of Paesana”.

ПашасанаTo enter the pose, put your feet together, squat down so that his buttocks touched the feet, the soles and heel are fully pressed to the floor. Balance the body, raskreposchen hands and turn your body to the left so that the left knee went out through the right armpit.

So the twist was maximum at the next exit odletem right hand knees, gets behind his back, bending it at the elbow disclosed wider than the thorax and adhesive fingers in the lock. Breathe belly, on each exhale, twist a little harder. Remain in the pose for up to five cycles of breath, then loosen up and repeat all on the right side.


  • of foot and heel on the floor;

  • breathing belly, massaging the internal organs;

  • for the balance work the calf muscles;

  • pulling the lateral surface of the body, chest, spine.

Worked fat from the abdomen, the muscles of the spine become elasticity, massaged liver, spleen and pancreas.

Asana “Salamba Sirsasana”.

Саламба ШиршасанаMaster this difficult pose is recommended under the guidance of a mentor. For beginners it is advisable to do this pose against the wall.

Down on all fours, with your elbows shoulder width apart. The fingers on the floor in the castle. We put on the floor the top of the head and clasps the back of his head with his hands. Transfer the body weight on the hands and on the exhale separates from the floor, first one leg and, if we feel the balance, the second leg. Do not try to straighten the legs. Move right in, feel the stability in the base – in the castle of the fingers, the position of the head, neck and back.

Mastering this pose in the dynamics – move together, bent legs up and down. After mastering the dynamic poses you can uncross your legs up and pulling the body into the string, perpendicular to the floor. Remain in this full version of Salamba Sirsasana from 1 to 5 minutes. Then slowly sink to the floor.


  • ~80% of the weight of the body on the head and neck, hands only control the balance;

  • the rear surface of the body aligned on one line and not be deflected to the sides.

Headstand contributes to the activation of the brain and glands, strengthens the spine, the muscles of the arms and legs, improves digestion and lung function.

Asana Urdhva Prasarita Padasana”.

Урдхва Прасарита ПадасанаLie back, stretching out his hands, palms up.

Asana is performed sequentially in three stages: exhaling, raise and keep low on the floor legs together. In this position held-feet for ten seconds. Then, with free breath, lift your legs higher to an angle of 45 degrees and the same fix, and at the end of the pose bring your feet to 90 degrees, keeping them in suspense until thirty seconds. This pose can be performed in the dynamics on the inhale, lowering the legs, exhale when lifting.


  • in the apparent simplicity of the pose hides a caveat – in the process of raising the need to control a firm grip on the lower back to the floor. So abdominal muscles maximally loaded, and the lower back is relieved from stress.

The pose is good for the abdominal muscles and the lumbar spine. Asana significantly increases blood flow in all departments of the press and burns fat, strengthens the lumbar muscles.

Asana Of Utthita Parsvakonasana”.

Уттхита ПаршваконасанаEntering the pose as the pose of the war. Put your left hand open palm on the floor to left heel on the outer side. The right hand pulling the left and up so that the side surface of the body form a straight line: drumstick, thigh, right side, right hand. The body in the same plane, as if standing at the wall. Buttocks chosen, shoulders touching, pelvic governot forward. Look up through the right shoulder.

Asana strengthens the ankles, knees, hips, pull the inguinal ligament, waist supports, trains shoulders.

Doing yoga, be careful, take care of your body, do not try to do complicated asana, like the pictures in fashion magazines, improve your skills gradually, increasing the metered load. The first rule of yoga is AHIMSA means nonviolence, or not causing harm.

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