воскресенье, 26 апреля 2015 г.

The secrets techniques of sugaring (Shugaring).

Домашняя эпиляция с помощью сахара.

Smooth and soft skin, dreamed about girls at all times. Queen Nefertiti was the first woman that came to mind to remove vegetation on their body by using syrup made from sugar. This method proved to be effective due to the speed of execution and the relative painlessness of the procedure. Modern women have tried several types of hair removal, increasingly priverzhencem shugaring, this is the second name of sugaring.

Advantages shugaring over other types of hair removal.

Why sugar hair removal has taken a leading position in the ranking among the other methods of hair removal from the body? What’s so special? Consider some of its benefits:

  • No ingrown hairs (with strict observance of technology shugaring);
  • Absolute hypoallergenic treatments, because the homemade syrup was used for only water, lemon juice and sugar;
  • High speed operation even under the condition that you are a beginner;
  • Lasting effect after hair removal – the skin is smooth more than three weeks.
  • The ability to capture hair, the length of which does not exceed one millimeter;
  • The low cost of the procedure, if you do sugaring at home.

These factors made the sugaring of the most popular and favored method of getting rid of unwanted hair.

How to make sugar paste for hair removal?

Although the recipe for sugar paste is quite simple, though not all get to achieve the right texture for the first time. What is the secret? Why do some girls instead of pasta turns out candy, while others – too sticky mass?

When cooking sweet toothpastes it is important to follow the recipe – not to exceed and not to reduce the amount of ingredients used. Great importance has the fact that the pasta is cooked in a slow fire, which only can be adjusted on the stove. The third caveat is to learn how to catch the moment when the syrup is ready. Here without experience can not do, because it is determined not by time but rather by the color of caramel – it should be Golden yellow, like a light beer.

So what are the ingredients you need to prepare? You will need water, sugar and lemon. If you are planning to process more than one zone, for example, to make sugaring legs and bikini area, use this recipe. In a small enameled saucepan or bowl pour ten tablespoons of sugar without slides, squeeze the juice of half a lemon and add a tablespoon of water.

Mix the ingredients, put the dishes on the slow fire. After about five minutes the mixture starts to boil, will be indicated by small bubbles. The main thing now is to constantly stir the caramel and observe the change of color. When the paste will become a Golden color, immediately remove the bowl from heat and immediately pour the pasta into another container. If done correctly, when the syrup cools, it will thicken to a condition of caramel.

Preparation for sugar hair removal – what you need to know?

So, before proceeding to remove hairs from the skin, you need to do a little preparation. What does it include? First, the skin should be clean. Having a shower, you reach one goal – the skin becomes soft and supple, making the pain during epilation will be minimized. Secondly, clean and damp skin should be treated with talc. This will ensure a better grip of the hair with the paste.

Now you need to prepare working material – sugar paste for hair removal. Take a small piece of caramel, in size resembling a walnut. Drag the pads of your fingers in different directions, mash, then stretch again. Repeat this action for at least twenty to thirty seconds. In this way, knead the paste before each epilation. Stretching and rumpling sugar paste, you fill it with air, so it becomes tenacious. If the caramel has acquired a pearl finish, so the pasta is ready for the procedure.

Sugaring is a technique of hair removal.

If you sugar hair removal is a new lesson, you should carefully study the technique of hair removal in this manner in order not to make mistakes.

The application of the working material.

Remember, pasta is always applied against the hair growth. Put the working material with fingertips a few times, distributing it on a small area of skin. Where the skin surface has a pronounced relief, you need to pull it for better adhesion of the paste to hair.

The removal of work material.

Sharp movements remove the pasta according to the direction of hair growth. By doing so, you will never face the problem of ingrown hairs. Sometimes pasta sticks on the skin. To remove it, take a new piece of caramel and place it on top of the place, you’ll be minutes, then remove stuck on hair growth.

Little tricks shugaring.

To become a true professional of sugaring, of course, takes time. But if you know some secrets shugaring, you will learn how to perform the procedure quickly and painlessly much faster. If you have a very low pain threshold, you can resort to a little trick that allows you to reduce the pain. Immediately after removing the material from the skin area touch him with his free hand for a few seconds. This will help to dissipate the pain, so sugar hair removal at home will not cause discomfort.

You have sensitive skin, so you are afraid of the appearance of red dots after epilation? This problem can be easily solved. After the procedure, apply to the skin with talcum powder. Never use immediately after hair removal lotion, cream or soothing balm. It is moisture and sweat are the cause of irritation on the skin. It is important to keep the skin surface dry until, until epithelialization.

Applying these simple tips, you can easily learn how to make epilation sugar independently, which means that your skin will always be the object of admiration of men and the envy of her friends.

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Read article The secrets techniques of sugaring (Shugaring).

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