суббота, 30 апреля 2016 г.

Like wise help to lose weight?

Женщина медитирует.

Trying to defeat such unwanted weight and bring the body to optimum proportions, modern ladies experiencing many techniques. Many of them are complex, and some even dangerous. But from time to time there are the latest programs that allow you without unnecessary stress to the body to lose a few pounds.

A vivid example was the new-fangled wise – a unique way to accumulate the energy potential of his body and send him to fight against fat deposits. Wise has already won many fans, proving the efficiency with the apparent simplicity of execution, and received among them the name of “yoga for toes”.

A few words about the mudras.

Mudras (finger yoga) is a very ancient technique that allows to bring the body into conformity with the inner world, using their own energy. It is the establishment and retention of certain combinations of fingers and hands. Coming to us from China, as at the time of regular yoga, the wise aim at not only bringing the best physical shape, but also the achievement of spiritual balance and freedom.

Meanwhile, should not expect that once you start doing this kind of self-improvement, you will fall out all high-calorie and unhealthy foods that are eaten throughout life. However, paying enough time to her own spiritual condition, striving to develop, you will probably revise most of their ordinary habits. Therefore, slimming through the recovery and the rejection of some components of your daily life is the true purpose of executing the wise.

Influence wise on excess weight.

Studying wise, you can easily trace a specific approach techniques to the problem of the appearance of excess weight. Their founders were convinced that any physical disturbance in the body affects the energy level, since man is in a tight cocoon of astral bodies and subtle matter. So, there is the possibility of reverse interaction: leading to normal energy shell, it is possible to get rid of bodily problems, including fat deposits.

Performing wise, the person re-distributes its own energy flow, normalizes the function of the major body systems. So there is the opportunity to establish a metabolism and to control hormones, and these two factors are often the root causes of excess weight. In this technique wise probably not suitable ladies seeking not simply to normalize the weight, and to bring yourself in conformity with the model parameters. After all, in the performance of the body becomes the way must be exhausted not model-thin. It is also important to note that the maximum effect give the wise only in their combination with other types of yoga.

Rules for the implementation of wise.

Starting to learn this method of weight loss, should adhere to its basic principles:

  1. Wise, like any other yogic practice, require purification of the body before the start. They are the most sophisticated machinery, which affects a much more subtle matter than classical yoga or pranayama. Panchakarma (cleansing) begins with turning away from coffee, alcohol, animal food and nicotine.
  2. Throughout the course, to eat moderately, not overeating.
  3. Start the day with basic yoga asanas and Sun salutation. Only after meeting with them the creators of the technique are advised to practice directly themselves wise.
  4. They need to carry out regularly, for starting quite a few minutes. Subsequently, the time adjusted to half an hour.
  5. Wise require a relaxed state of the body and good mood. It is impossible to do them properly, thinking about the bad, worrying or hurrying.
  6. Optimal to execute wise nook, where the situation will relax. Experienced practitioners can also do them sitting in the Park. This atmosphere and the sounds of nature will give mental strength.
  7. When you perform wise, you need to remove jewelry, freeing the hands from the rings and bracelets.

These simple rules will allow to achieve maximum effect from the wise and quickly bring the body back to normal. Please note that only subject to all of the points a weight will leave you forever.

Examples of basic wise for weight loss.

Practices are advised to start with the most simple wise (the first three) and after their full development to move on to the rest. So you will prepare your body for the change and will be able to increase class time.

Three columns of space.

Три колонны космоса.Wise this option is used to enhance the vital energy, the physical manifestation of what is boosting immunity and normalizing metabolism.

Technique: on both hands, flatten the ring finger with the middle and touch the fingers of the right hand to the left fingers. Located on the left hand little finger set up in the gap of the index and middle fingers of the right hand and, holding them from the back side of the palm, close under the tip of his little finger on his right hand. And the tip of the index finger on his right hand clasps the index and big fingers left.

Lifting wise.

ПоднимающаяThis wise created for weight loss by mobilizing vitality and bring the body in line the internal state. Its implementation will be most effective if during the day you will be drinking at least 2l. of water, and the ration will include rice, fruits and yogurt.

Technique: pinch her hands, crossed the fingers of both hands. Thumb on the right hand you need to take in a circle of the thumb and index fingers of the left hand.

Bowl Of Chandmana.

Чаша Чандмана.Promotes weight loss due to reduction in congestion and eliminate congestion in the intestines, to improve digestion.

Technique: make hands of the Cup, the base of which will consist of four fingers on his right hand, which bend like the bottom and cover the fingers of the left hand. Both large finger with it diluted, forming a conventional “handle” bowl.

Wise Water.

Вода.Promotes the excretion of excess fluid, reduces the available in the body inflammation.

Technique: little finger on his right hand need to bend down to the base of the finger, which lightly presses the base of the little finger. Left handle, bottom right covers, and the large fingers of both hands touching.

Wise Energy.

Энергия.This mudra is effective for weight loss thanks to the ability to remove years of accumulated wastes, toxins and even relieve pain. She has the ability to help when problems with the spine and the genitourinary system.

Technique: you must bow ring and middle fingers and setting them up with a large pillow. The forefinger and little finger raised upward in this case. Execution wise is not difficult, as many of you know this gesture.


Гребешок.Improves digestion and helps you to receive the maximum nutrients from food. Can increase appetite!

Technique: to start with folded hands in fists. Next I need to hook the fingers of both hands so that they formed a castle, and large fingers folded together.

Given us wise only at first seem difficult. Pictures will help you master the technique. After trying to run them a few times, you learn to do the combination correctly. And feeling the effect replenish the number of fans of this method of weight loss.

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пятница, 29 апреля 2016 г.

Foods with a high calorie content.

Женщина убегает от вредной еды.

Counting calories of food intake is exhausting. In addition, it does not always make sense. The best way to avoid weight gain, in contrast to the use of caloric arithmetic, is a more thoughtful menu. For example, the exclusion of sugars, which cause fluctuation of glucose in the blood, stimulate the appetite or increase in the number of saturated dietary fiber.

However, you should know which foods will deliver the body the most energy, at least in order not to overdo with them.


Ложка с жиром.Fat is the most powerful “energy”: 100 grams of this product contains up to 880 calories. It in some people is disgusting, and it does not appeal to odor, but in some ways fat is healthier than vegetable oil.

Contrary to popular belief, it consists mainly of monounsaturated oleic acid, which resembles olive oil. The amount of saturated fatty acids does not exceed 40%, of which 35% is stearic acid with a characteristic ability to lower “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

The exact proportion of these compounds depends on what kind of animal it was obtained the fat, and from what he was fed, as well as the method of heating fat. The most healthy is considered to be goose fat, which, alone among the animal fats, is recommended for anti-atherogenic diet.


Куски сливочного масла на столе.This product is best to buy from rural housewife. The oils available on store shelves, often mixed with the vegetable, the manufacturer does not always consider it necessary to inform the buyers.

With 82% fat butter contains about 750 calories. It’s even 500 calories more than some Margarines. That, however, does not mean the latter. Unlike margarine, butter contains only trace amounts of harmful TRANS-isomers. But is composed of butyric acid is a valuable compound with antitumor and antiviral properties.

Studies have shown that butyrate (salts of butyric acid) are very useful during regeneration of the intestinal mucosa and restore normal physiological functions of the organism after an illness. Butter is also a rich source of vitamins A, D, E.

Vegetable oil.

Графин с растительным маслом.They are high in calories as animal fats. Corn oil contains about 900 calories/100 grams. Others have less “power”, as a rule, their energy value varies between 860 and 880 calories per 100 grams. Although vegetable oils have a much better “reputation”, but that doesn’t mean they are healthier.

They contain large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids the OMAG-6, excessive consumption of which can contribute to the development of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

A key challenge is to maintain the correct proportions of these fatty acids in relation to omega-3, and most vegetable oils, unfortunately, contain a small amount of the latter. The exception is rapeseed and linseed oil.


Ореховое ассорти.Nuts – a product with the whole “world” of nutrients and substantial boost of energy. Five walnuts contain the same amount of calories as one donut, and 100 grams of this delicacy is 650 calories. A little less power charge carry peanuts and pistachios, which contain about 560 calories. But the nuts not so much affect the growth pounds.

A large part of their mass (about 80%) is active healthy unsaturated fatty acids. In nuts you can find and valuable minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, vitamins, proteins and fiber. Due to the richness of nutrients, the nuts affect the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, lowering levels of “bad” cholesterol and protection from heart attack and stroke.

But brownies do not overdo it and not only because of the calorie content. We are talking about hard peretaplivanii fibers, which in excessive use can damage the intestinal mucosa.

Peanut butter.

Бутылка с арахисовым маслом.Peanut butter made from peanut roasted at temperatures above 200 degrees. Unfortunately, the processed product from the point of view of nutritional value is not equal to raw materials. To it in addition to walnut mass add sugar, salt and hydrogenated vegetable oil. As a result there is a combination with such a high content of calories (even more than the peanut): 100 grams 650 calories.

In addition, this oil is not very healthy. Hydrogenated vegetable oils, and excess sugar and salt, contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease. Peanut butter can contain aflatoxin – a carcinogenic compound produced by fungi. This is because during the selection of nuts samples, which are not held for sale in its raw form (often moldy), are used for the production of oil.


Кусочек желтого сыра.High calorie can boast yellow and moldy cheeses. 100 grams of Emmental contains almost 400 calories. But apparently the most caloric cheese in the world, the Norwegian Brunost, this product has more than 460 calories per 100 grams.

The Nordic delicacy is made by several time of jam of milk, cream and whey prior to evaporation of all the water. Under the high temperature of the milk sugar turns into caramel which gives the cheese a characteristic brown color and sweet taste.

A large part of the yellow and moldy cheeses in terms of caloric value fit in the range of 300-400 calories/100 grams. Therefore, they should not overeat, but, on the other hand, it is not necessary to avoid these foods, because they contain large amounts of calcium, which is necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as reducing levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.


Темный шоколад.More than this product of calories, so it is healthier. The large amount of energy to be in dark chocolate: rich cocoa and the least sugar. The content of chocolate with 80% cocoa is the energy injection 600 calories per 100 grams.

Milk chocolate, having in its composition less than 50% of cocoa contains just over 500 calories. However, it is better to eat dark chocolate and absolutely avoid white. The latter is mainly fat weight and flavor, why not provide the body any nutritional value.

Chocolate, rich in cocoa, not only nourishes, but is a positive effect on health: improves memory, has anti-tumor activity due to the presence of antioxidants and even helps to lose weight in fact slows digestion and postpones the onset of feelings of hunger.


Шоколадные батончики.In the category sweets this product is decidedly worse source of energy than dark chocolate. Although in terms of calories, they are a little inferior to the delicacy of grated cocoa, but their nutritional value is questionable.

The bars are the main source of energy is unhealthy fructose syrup, which is considered one of the main sources of the obesity epidemic, as well as a contributing factor in the development of diabetes.

The bars are composed of an Arsenal of artificial additives such as flavors, dyes, emulsifiers and hydrogenated fats containing TRANS-isomers.


Мясо свиньи.Pork is the fatty meat on our tables. Of a pork carcass, however, are not equal in terms of calories. For example, 100 grams of the shank contains about 400 calories, at the same time, as bacon, of such a weight is the bearer of 550 calories.

Pork is considered to be one of the least healthy products of animal origin in our diet. It’s not always true. The meat of the pigs grown in natural conditions, without adding artificial feed, more rich in protein than meat produced on an industrial scale. This pork is one of the richest sources of easily digestible zinc – a trace mineral essential for growth, development and protein biosynthesis.

The liver of a pig has no equal in terms of the content of iron element, necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems. Meat also includes vitamins C, D, E, K and group B.


Картофельные чипсы.The essence of junk food and one of the best delicacies in the world. Who this product has tried, he knows that it is impossible to stop during the process of eating the chips. A stop sign may only be an empty package.

Unfortunately, 100 grams of this product give us 500-600 calories, and it is the smallest damage that the chips cooked to our body. Fried potato slices contain a lot of salt, artificial flavor enhancers and TRANS-isomers. In addition, in the present easily digestible potato starch.

This creates a dangerous combination that, in the case of frequent consumption increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes and even the formation of tumors. Nutritionists advise eating chips not more than twice in a month and in small quantities.

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Read article Foods with a high calorie content.

четверг, 28 апреля 2016 г.

Ways to clean the stomach.


The child’s body is perfect, but over time each of us are troubled by diseases of internal organs. One of the main causes of these diseases – the slags of the stomach and intestines.

Bad processed food are accumulated within us becomes contaminated with toxins and other harmful substances, which bilwet modern food. They poison us from the inside. It is therefore important to periodically clean the stomach of toxins.

Cleaning before diet.

Procedure to clean the stomach of toxins and impurities is more often noticing the extra weight. Nutritionists diet before definitely recommend “cleaning”, because only after it you will be able to:

  • to see the real condition of your body and determine your exact weight;
  • to establish a healthy diet, to form the correct diet;
  • to get from food all the necessary trace elements that are easily assimilated.

Often diet use two methods of cleaning that differ in minimal time:

Vitamin puree “brush”.

For its preparation you will need dried apricots, raisins and prunes (300 g), 0.3 ml of rosehip syrup and a packet of Senna (medicinal marijuana). The ingredients is ground by a meat grinder or blender, dilute it with syrup and eat on a dessert spoon twice a day with a glass of warm water with lemon juice.

Cleaning for 2-3 days. During its carrying out it is recommended to take vitamins in order to avoid exhaustion.

Purification of the stomach with activated carbon.

Активированный уголь.This method is brilliant in its simplicity and effectiveness and is based on the main property of coal is its ability to absorb and bind toxins and waste gently and quickly remove them from the body.

If your body weight less than 80 kg, the scheme of taking pills will be as follows: in the morning on an empty stomach at the rate of 1 tab. for every 10 pounds you take the coal with the maximum amount of water. Those weighing over 80 kg, the recommended dose of 10 tablets daily in three times with an interval between food intake and coal at least an hour.

Cleaning in various poisoning.


The second degree of the demand is the elimination of toxins from the food poisoning. In fact penetrates into the blood, harmful substances can cause great damage to the body. So it’s important to remove them from the digestive tract in order to prevent the intoxication. Experts in this case recommend:

  1. Drink plenty of liquids. This allows the body to eliminate toxins faster then with the urine.
  2. Water with potassium permanganate. It has disinfectant, antimicrobial and gag effect. It should drink before retching, in any case they are not biting. Important: the solution should be slightly pink, this is enough for the minimum amount of drug (on the tip of a knife 1 litre water).
  3. The chelators. Absorb toxins, removing them the natural way (activated carbon, Smectite, Polifepan).
  4. Peace and relaxation.


In alcoholic poisoning these events, you can add the drinking of mineral water with a high salt content and Regidron – a drug that restores the water balance of the body. It is especially necessary in case of heavy and frequent vomiting.

Purging after eating.

Женщина и тарелка с булочками.Very often a celebratory feast lead to poor health: heaviness in the abdomen, disorders of defecation and vomiting may result from excessive consumption of fatty and heavy foods. To empty the stomach after eating will help a fairly simple method: correction of the diet for a week.

First, we need to drink more. Those are the most perfect half a liter of clean water per day, which for a long time say nutritionists, is the first step on the path to cleansing from toxins and slags.

Secondly, it is necessary to enter in the daily menu foods that enhance peristalsis:

  • fiber-rich vegetables raw or slightly processed form;
  • bran and bakery products from wheat flour;
  • beans and nuts;
  • cereals (wheat, millet and barley), which includes not only fiber, but also plenty of minerals and amino acids;
  • dried fruit instead of confectionery and sweets;
  • green tea and juices instead of coffee.

The most popular means of cleaning the stomach.

To clean the stomach of toxins do not have to seek help from doctors or go to extremes, by purchasing pharmacy drugs. There are a number of simple and safe ways to get rid of toxins in the home.


Стеклянная бутылка с маслом.Cleaning of the stomach oil starts with a preparatory stage during which you should drink before eating, freshly squeezed Apple juice (not less than 100ml). After 3-4 days, go directly to the procedure itself: poured into different containers of oil (preferably olive or flax) and lemon juice, alternately doing each SIP of fluids every 15 minutes.

Next, take the horizontal position, stacking under the right upper quadrant (liver area) warm heating pad. This method is one of the most stressful for the organism: its effectiveness is associated with the release of bile and the chance of dislodging the stones. Therefore, before cleaning you should ensure that your liver functioning properly, stones but you simply do not have.


Physicians are convinced that only an enema can “wash out” all the toxins, scalevalues years, and the only way you will be able to remove fecal stones. And to do it have no time, but involved in this is not worth it.

For cleaning procedures, you can use the pear Esmarch or conventional syringe. As filler can be used warm water (minimal effect wash, gentle version), decoction of herbs (additional healing effect) or a solution of juice of one lemon in a liter of water (most effective method).

It is not necessary to resort to this method people with abdominal pain, tumors or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and after surgical procedures.

Apple cider vinegar.

This is a time consuming but effective method without risk to health. To do this during the week on an empty stomach to drink 0,2-0,25 ml of warm water with dissolved in it 1 tbsp of vinegar.

The scheme is simple: the first day – one glass in the morning, in the second – morning and evening, on the third glass of dining is added, the fourth day is marked by a break for rest and further from three glasses to one.

Salt water.

В стакан с водой добавляют ложку соли.The cleansing of the stomach salt water has a tonic and healing effect, because it allows you to get rid of toxins throughout the digestive tract.

Includes drinking warm salted (a teaspoon of salt per liter) or sea water. On an empty stomach in the morning should be taken 0,5-0,75 l When you feel the urge to empty – it’s time for the next portion and so as long as the output is not going to get the same clear water.

The cleaning procedure must be accompanied by a special exercise. Important: you can’t drink more than 2.5 l of salted water, even if you have not achieved the desired result.


Cleansing the body with baking soda in recent years have increasingly carried out using the baths. But if you want to own rid the digestive tract of toxins – you have two options: drinking or klishirovannyh.

The first involves its use twice a day, from 0.5 g to the nearest whole gram during the week. With caution should be treated by this method of cleaning people with low acidity. To use the enema solution of 0.5 teaspoon per liter of warm water.

Cleansing properties of baking soda provides the ability to dissolve complex compounds, including toxins from alcohol and certain food additives commonly used today. An additional advantage of its use – normalization of alkaline level of the body.


Стакан и бутылка с кефиром.Cleaning of the stomach, yogurt is the most gentle method. It is most often practiced by people for health reasons are not able to use more aggressive techniques.

For this first day, drink 1.5 to 3 liters of yogurt low-fat, one Cup at a time every 1-1. 5 hours, and nothing to eat.

On the second day of his first appointment substitute Apple juice.

With a third day added to menu vegetables, and on the fourth prepare them salads, seasoning olive oil. Begin each day with klishirovannyh. It is best to empty the stomach with the help of homemade, home-made yogurt.

As you can see, to be cleansed of toxins quite easy. Doctors suggest to do it at least once every 3-5 years.

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Read article Ways to clean the stomach.

среда, 27 апреля 2016 г.

Get rid of irritation eye.

Резь в глазах.

Eye irritation is a very common phenomenon, which regularly affects every one of us. It manifests itself in the form of redness protein and blood vessels surrounding the eyeball, itching and burning. To protect yourself from such unpleasant symptoms that everyone should know about the basic methods of their elimination.

The key to effective treatment is correctly installed, which caused the irritation. Finding her is simple enough: firstly, they are few, and, secondly, the signs appear most often after contact with an irritant. Consider the main variants of the root cause irritation.


Усталость глаз от компьютера.

Eye irritation from the computer – and the scourge of today’s youth. Long stay behind the monitor inevitably leads to negative consequences. Today, every office worker, student or a diligent student, knows firsthand what the burning sensation and dryness of the mucosa.

In any case it is not necessary to take this problem for granted because if you do not try to remove it, very soon you will begin to experience difficulty sleeping. Closing your eyes, you will continue to feel discomfort, turning into a migraine. This impact on visual acuity.

To resolve the problem, you can take a few simple steps:

  1. Pay special attention to the setting of the monitor, especially if you happen to work for a tube counterpart. Adjust the brightness and the frequency to the indicators that are most comfortable for your eyes. You can do this visually, looking for 1-3 minutes at the screen trying to change the settings.
  2. Be sure to do exercises for the eyes. For this it is necessary to focus on located far away from you subject, and then at less than 20cm from the face. A simple but effective technique to relieve the eye muscle and to avoid irritation.
  3. Try to do breaks in work. Doctors recommend giving your eyes a break every hour for at least five minutes. But sometimes in conditions of high workload or nature of work this fails. Go the other way: try from time to time to distract from the monitor, look out the window or sitting next to a colleague. And exchanging with the staff of ordinary phrases, not looking at the screen, but directly to the person with whom you converse. Often this is enough to reduce or completely eliminate eye irritation from the computer.


Девочка в бассейне.

The reason for irritation can be the response of the mucosa to chemical element. So if you notice redness or burning of the mucous after the pool – most likely, your eyes reacted to the abundance of chlorine and chloride compounds, which disinfect water in municipal swimming centers.

Despite the high allergenicity and obvious danger of this substance, it is still widely used. After all, the same disinfectants like him according to the ratio efficiency/cost no. But to abandon the pool do not have! Enough to arm the special drops that neutralize the impact of chlorine on the sensitive retina of the eye. They are absolutely safe and can be used without supervision of a doctor.


Женщина накрашивает глаза.

Not less common, and eye irritation from cosmetics. You can notice it on the redness of the cornea or tearfulness, which is observed immediately after applying makeup (mascara, eye shadow, eyeliner). Find out which kind of tool from your Arsenal the body reacts with irritation, possible, if at the time of stop to use all types of cosmetics for eyes, and when the state of the mucosa will be normal again – to try to put them one by one.

Quickly remove the symptoms of chemical irritation will help warm tea compress. To do this, moisten cotton pads in a sturdy welding and apply them to eyelids for 10-15 minutes. Note: irritation is not always indicative of low quality are used in your cosmetics, so should not blame the manufacturer. It is possible the presence of individual intolerance to any funds from its membership.

Contact lenses.

Надевание контактных линз.

If for vision correction you have chosen lenses – be prepared for irritation, especially at first. It can cause:

  • wrong choice of size and shape,
  • bad landing or the inability to use them correctly,
  • buildup of allergens on the lens surface (dandruff, fine dust, feather, etc.).

To irritation from the lenses and may cause “dry eye syndrome”. More often it affects those who have just begun to use similar optics. To combat unpleasant symptoms should carefully consider the choice of not only the lenses, but of an ophthalmologist, who will measure and choose the best option for you.

Each eye is individual, and only when the correct choice lenses sit perfectly without causing any trouble to the owner. According to statistics, it can not boast of more than 82% of patients ophthalmologist.

Do not neglect the use of special drops, recommended in the period of lens wear. It is also important noticing the first signs of irritation, give your eyes a rest.

Bright light.

Солнечный свет.

Some people can experience quite severe irritation of the cornea from bright light of different origin. It might just be sunlight or glare reflected by the snow, welding sparks, and even just “bunnies” caught in the field of view. Enhanced susceptibility to bright light during the period of migraines after head trauma and in patients with glaucoma. Symptoms of irritation can be sharp enough, in connection with which a person has difficulty with being outdoors.

Treatment of bright light reaction is to remove the stimulus: those suffering from it people wear sunglasses with UV protection. To buy them optimally in the pharmacy, specifying the factor of presence or absence of the lens in diopters. Will help to get rid of the irritation and eye drops containing moisturizing ingredients, antiseptics and vitamins. But to forget about the problem will allow only qualified treatment by an ophthalmologist, who finds the root cause and eliminate it.


Аллергия на одуванчики.

Redness and itching of mucous membrane – perhaps the most unpleasant symptoms observed in Allergy. To eliminate them, by acting directly on the eyes, pointless and ineffective. The only way to get rid of the irritation is to identify and eliminate the allergen and take antihistamine.

When choosing medication on their own, do not like big names of the advertisements. Here is one simple rule: the simpler the tool, the safer and more efficient. Study the composition of the chosen drug, select main active ingredient (usually listed first) and ask if he’s in a separate medication. This will significantly save money and reduce the risk of side effects.

If you prefer folk methods of treatment, irritation from allergies can help relieve decoctions of herbs, taken by mouth in the form of compresses. Doctors recommended as the most effective plants such as stinging nettle and cold, and a series of celandine, wormwood, and calendula. But choosing such treatment, it is not necessary to count on fast results.

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Read article Get rid of irritation eye.

вторник, 26 апреля 2016 г.

How effective scrub for the face?

Молодая и гладкая кожа.

The term “scrub” refers to the means to care for skin and to a cosmetic procedure deep cleaning the face, through which this care is carried out. This is a relatively new technique in cosmetology. The scrub combines the properties of two of the most popular tools for cosmetic treatment of the skin – peeling (mechanical cleaning) and scrub (chemical effects on the dead cells of the epidermis).

Gommage – General information.

Женщине проводят косметологическую процедуру.Let us define what a balm for face and for what purpose is used this tool.

Scrub – means in the form of thick cream to clean and rejuvenate the face based on vegetable acids in combination with abrasive particles. Fruit acids dissolve dead skin cellular structure of the skin, freeing the epidermis of impurities and leaving only the living, young cells. Abrasive components perform the function of scrubs, but make it more gentle and safe way.

We list all cosmetic and health effects of the scrub:

  • cleaning the skin from dead tissue;
  • gentle facial massage with abrasive elements;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes in the skin;
  • stimulation of blood circulation in the soft tissues of the face;
  • to increase the sensitivity of the skin to other medications (creams and masks);
  • improvement of the protective functions of the cells;
  • enrichment of cells and tissues with oxygen;
  • the elimination of small defects of the face.

As a result of lack of vitamins or due to adverse influence of environment, the natural purification of the dermis slow, and due to the presence of dead cells of the epidermis the skin acquires a dull and lifeless appearance. These transformations occur as a result of age-related skin aging. The scrub provides a pronounced effect smooth and youthful skin is comparable to injections of medicines.

The word “gommage” translated from French”gomme” means eraser. The softness of the impact, this method really looks like a neat process of erasing or rolling the top layer of the paper sheet without damaging its basic structure. Sometimes the procedure of scrub is even called the “bedroll”.

The tool itself, as a facial scrub, belongs to the class of exfoliants – i.e. cosmetic products that remove the top layer of skin. Unlike the scrub, the effect of scrub is more gentle, therefore the product is recommended for people with sensitive, prone to irritation and allergic reactions, thin, dry, aging skin. The scrub is suitable for processing the face, neck, décolleté.

How is the balm for face.

Женщине омолаживают кожу лица.The frequency of the procedure depends on the type of skin: for women with combination to oily skin it is recommended to use the three times a week for normal or dry skin remedy can be applied once a week.

The method of application.

  1. Before use, lightly steam the skin — you can take a warm shower or wash any hygienic means for cleansing: the main task is to degrease the skin and remove the coarse dirt so that the effect of the procedure increased.
  2. The tool itself, which has the form of a cream applied to the face with a thin layer of soft massaging movements. (Eye contact should be avoided).
  3. The scrub left on the skin for 5-10 minutes: it is important to prevent drying out, otherwise, uninstall the tool will be difficult.
  4. When the cream-scrub lightly dries, it gently palms roll it top to bottom supporting the skin with your fingers.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the face and neck are rinsed with warm water to eliminate residues “Skadi”.
  6. In the salons on the face after cleaning, put a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

If the skin has minor damage or there are abscesses, the gommage is better off and not roll.

Exfoliation of keratinized skin particles during the procedure is not due to mechanical action, and due to the influence of fruit acids and compounds comprising the composition and operating funds on obsolete cells softening and solvent manner.

After applying and removing tool, the skin becomes elastic, fresh and gets groomed a youthful appearance. However, within days after the procedure the face should be protected against insolation (sun exposure). That is, to visit the beach after a scrub is not recommended. It is not recommended to expose your skin to wind and cold. Visit the Solarium on the day of the cleaning procedures is also desirable.

Scrub recipes at home.

Ингредиенты для гоммажа.The gommage is actively used in beauty salons, but it is possible to carry this procedure at home. The algorithm of actions in this case are similar to those described above. It is not necessary to acquire the funds in a specialty store, you can cook it yourself.

A creamy scrub for cleansing oily skin.


  • barley flour (2 parts);
  • rice flour (1 part);
  • dry cream (1 piece).

All the ingredients are mixed with water or your favorite cleanser to the formation of the composition of uniform consistency. The mixture should be viscous in order not to drain from the face immediately after application. Next, apply the homemade cream on the face by standard techniques.

Orange scrub (for normal to dry skin).


  • 1 part oat flour or ground of Hercules;
  • 1 part orange powder (for its preparation can grind in a coffee grinder dried orange skins);
  • 2 parts semolina.

You can do it even easier: Hercules grind in a coffee grinder and soak it in milk.

Homemade scrub is slightly less efficient, professional cosmetics, but also has a pronounced cleansing and rejuvenating effect. The mixture is applied on face for a few moments, then you can slightly massage the skin and rinse with warm water. It is possible to carry out such a procedure and for the whole body: to enhance the effect, it is necessary to add in the oatmeal a little bit of natural ground coffee.

The relevance of scrubs in modern cosmetology.

Женщине очищают кожу на спине.Scrub for rejuvenating and cleansing has become so relevant and popular that almost all famous brands cosmetic industry started to produce this tool. However, not all producers managed to make the drug a blockbuster. The reason is that the tool is still relatively new in the market of cosmetic products: not all of the customers still managed to understand the difference between a scrub, exfoliation and scrub.

However, the popularity of funds is growing every day. Try this cream once, most women continued to use it in the future, abandoning more traditional means. The advanced gommage new generation, in addition to the cleaning effect, stimulate the lymph flow and circulatory system, promote the alignment of the relief of the face. Such characteristics are means with the addition of sea salt and seaweed. The same cosmetic preparations and the withdrawal of excess moisture from the body and promote weight loss.

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Read article How effective scrub for the face?

пятница, 15 апреля 2016 г.

Home teeth whitening without damaging the enamel

Женщина с белоснежной улыбкой

A beautiful smile free of plaque is one of the signs of a successful person. It is through the smiles of loved ones, business partners, friends or even random passers-by show their mood, location to the interlocutor. People with white teeth he smiles more often, and thus, become more sociable, and it is easier to resolve issues in their personal lives and professional activities. Many people wonder how to whiten your teeth at home without harm to their health, because a huge number of factors contribute to the ability to remove plaque from teeth.

Every person uses tea, coffee, some smoke, and all this combined with an unfavorable environment and lack of oral hygiene gives nasty plaque on tooth enamel. Suffers as aesthetic and moral, and most importantly, deteriorating gums and teeth. Negative factors can also be an unpleasant smell.

Modern medical technologies offer a variety of mechanical ways to make white teeth. This mechanical cleaning of plaque with dental tools, and the gradual lightening a few shades in 3-4 stages using chemical reagents, and ultrasonic technology a new generation. And although it is fast and safe, not many can afford such costs. The simplest thing we can advise is to use recipes for whitening teeth at home. But how to whiten your teeth at home without harming the enamel? Will tell about it in this article.

General information

Вред для зубной эмали

Enamel is a protective shell that part of the tooth that protrudes above the gum line (dentists call it the crown). The main function of it, as can be seen from the definition of – protection of the tooth against adverse external factors. The thickness of enamel varies depending on a person’s age, the characteristics of the structure of a tooth: in the upper part of the crown it reaches 1.8-2 mm, and the root fizzles.

Health of the mouth depends largely on the appearance and the integrity of tooth enamel. Here are the main risk factors that can damage the outer surface of the tooth or mechanically to cause it to darken:

  • bad habits: Smoking and alcohol;
  • frequent consumption of tea, coffee and other caffeinated beverages;
  • eating milk chocolate and other confectionery products;
  • too hard food: nuts, crackers;
  • eating foods with high acidity: soft drinks, citrus fruits, energy;
  • malocclusion or injuries to the jaw.

Above all, we must not forget that with age, tooth enamel thins and becomes more susceptible to the damaging factors.

If you present one or more points from the list, then it’s time to think about how to carry out safe teeth whitening at home.

The most popular recipes quickly remove dental plaque are:

  • activated carbon or a simple ash;
  • fruits and berries with high acidity;
  • the peroxide that is in each first aid kit for home treatments;
  • tea tree oil;
  • whitening system with trays that can be purchased at pharmacies;
  • whitening toothpaste.

In addition to these methods, one of the most popular and frequently used option is the teeth whitening recipe baking soda. About it you can find many videos on the Internet, but we should distinguish the reviews of the customers using the at home soda, from professional advice tooth doctors.

Whitening with soda

Сода для отбеливания зубов

Teeth whitening soda at home is not the safest, but the easiest recipe. To treatment chewing surfaces white powder mixed with the toothpaste or dental powder (recently not many people, but it is good for the health of the oral cavity). Brushing your teeth this abrasive tool is not recommended to made more often than once in two and a half weeks, and only noticeable lightening 1-2 pitch.

The processing time is comparable with standard dental cleaning: quickly. Often after this procedure, the bleaching is visually noticeable, but not stored for a long time. Much longer in the bleaching of soda are felt unpleasant effects: bleeding gums, sensitivity to hot and cold foods. So the use of baking soda is questionable, but, if other ways you have, then you can use them.

Activated charcoal or ash

Ложка с активированным углем

In recent years, young girls are increasingly resorting to the advice of grandmothers in health and beauty. The most popular tool of the recipes of the last century for whitening the tooth enamel – coal or ash. If you compare the video before and after the procedure, it becomes clear that it is also one of the most effective ways, besides not damaging the tooth enamel, bleaching soda.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers before the date took powdered ash from the oven and with your finger RUB it into the tooth enamel and then rinsed with water. Plaque disappeared the same day, the effect lasted several days.

Now instead of ash, you can use activated charcoal, which is sold in every pharmacy and it costs pennies. Shalt 2-3 tablets of coal, moisten the powder obtained. This is done to ensure that the sharp corners means not traumatized tooth surface mechanically. Apply on the teeth in any convenient way: brush or your finger. RUB, rinse thoroughly. Check in front of the mirror so that the visible surfaces were not black. This is one of the easiest ways to whiten your teeth at home without harming the enamel.

Fruits and berries

Белые зубы и лимон

In summer, you can often hear about such a popular means of whitening teeth at home, as fruits and berries. Videos where beautiful girls are eating berries and fruits, is a measure of well-being and health. Let’s find out what kind of food can help remove plaque quickly?

First of all, thanks to the high acidity of this citrus fruit (lemon and lime mostly). Second place – strawberry.

To chew the product, hold it some time in the oral cavity, do not forget to rinse with clean water, is a simple way to make teeth whiter at home. To abuse that option not worth it, because after treatment, the gums become more sensitive.

Remember that any food product has the most use in its period of active maturation, and that depends on the climate where you live. Frozen strawberries will not bring the benefits you expect from it.

Mouthguards from the pharmacy

Каппы для отбеливания зубов

This is perhaps the safest teeth whitening of all listed above.

The fact that the home kits for teeth whitening contain a proven dentists reagents, and the Kappa anatomically matched to the average size of the jaws.

Everything you need to make your teeth a few shades lighter – it’s home to observe all the recommendations from the tutorial. Mouthguards for the upper and lower teeth filled with the composition, are placed on the teeth for a while, and then you can enjoy the result.

Hydrogen peroxide

Флакон перекиси водорода

A popular tool for the aseptic treatment of wounds and other skin damage, hydrogen peroxide does a good job to remove plaque from the teeth. So, as comedians say, “but harm was and use”, you can use a few tips:

  • ¼ Cup water with 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide for rinsing the teeth after brushing;
  • hydrogen peroxide applied to the teeth using cotton swab to clean the teeth.

Both methods are safe enough for the enamel, not hurt her. Note that the taste of hydrogen peroxide in your mouth is not pleasant, but this is compensated by quick and persistent effect of the procedure. Reviews about this procedure, which can be done at home, is always positive, because it’s a simple and cheap way to make your smile more cheerful.

Tea tree oil

Пузырек с маслом чайного дерева

Quickly remove dental plaque at home will help this means. You can buy it at the pharmacy. This tool is an excellent antiseptic, this fact is the discovery by scientists of the XXI century. When it is used to lighten the colour of teeth, a side effect is the improvement of blood circulation in the gums that leads to their recovery.

Whitening as the enamel thins, does not harm teeth and gums, making tea tree oil is a leader in the segment of home care for the oral cavity.

Now, safe teeth whitening is a popular concern among those who worried about the beauty and health of the oral cavity. It can be done not only in the dental salon, but at home, using popular tools that can be found in every home medicine Cabinet.

Contraindications to home experiments with bleaching enamel at home are:

  • pregnancy;
  • diseases blood clotting;
  • allergic reactions to components of the whitening composition;
  • periodontitis or other gum disease.

In the case of dental problems, before using either tool to contact your doctor.

Please note! All these means of whitening tooth enamel are the teeth. Their influence on the colors of seals visible surfaces of the teeth can be considered unpredictable.

Using these methods can make the teeth brighter at home, remove plaque (lightened 2-4 shades). If you need a deeper surface treatment contact dental.

Previous article:

Read article Home teeth whitening without damaging the enamel

четверг, 14 апреля 2016 г.

Recipes for delicious marinades for shish kebab

Шашлык на шампурах

Barbecue cooking is a real art. There are different recipes and one cannot say that any of them best. It all depends on taste. Some people prefer trendy, unusual recipes, others believe that attention worthy only of the classic kebab. To find the most delicious of your choice option by trial and error. In this article you will find a marinade for grilled pork with vinegar, lemon, and other recipes and tricks of the trade, you need to ensure that the meat was juicy, soft and fragrant.

Barbecue on the classic recipe

Шашлык готовится на углях

You should start with it. This is the best combination of ease of preparation and a consistently rich taste. To prepare a shish kebab from any meat, but if you are not special in this case, it is better to stay on the pork. This is the most soft, unpretentious meat. Regardless of which recipe you cook will be delicious in any case. To make a classic kebab is very simple. For its preparation you will need:

  • About one and a half kilo of pork with fat.
  • A pound of onions (the juicier, the better).
  • Half tbsp salt, 3 tbsp of spices, 3 tsp vinegar.

You can do just ground black pepper will still be delicious. The main thing is to marinate and fry the meat.


First buy a good piece of meat. If you are just mastering the art of cooking barbecue, then choose the neck clipping. Such meat is sure to be soft. Then act strictly according to the recipe:

  1. Wash meat well and cut into slices. Make them the same size to skewer fried evenly. The optimal size is about 5 by 5 cm pieces – will be dry, not cooked through.
  2. Onion cut into half rings and pour in the total capacity. A little secret – if the meat needs to marinate very quickly, the onion can be rubbed on a grater. With grated onion kebabs will turn out soft and juicy.
  3. Sprinkle in the spices, pour the vinegar, pre-diluted it in a small amount of mineral water. Salt at this stage is not necessary. Add salt just before frying! Instead of vinegar, you can marinate pork lemon.
  4. Remember carefully the meat to the onion marinade is evenly distributed on each piece.
  5. Leave for 6-8 hours. The best option is to marinate meat in the evening and leave on all night, so he had time, how to soak onions and spices.

Now you can start frying. Here too there are subtleties. The coals should burn and “gray”, i.e. covered with a thin layer of ash. Only then can remove the meat. Skewers better to put close to each other – so the heat will be better to stay inside. While cooking, do not need anything to fan the coals, if you don’t want the meat burnt. Do not forget from time to time turning the skewers. Readiness time is 15-30 minutes depending on the length of the pickle.

Skewers marinated in mineral water

Процесс маринования мяса для шашлыка

This is a quick recipe that is great helps when you need to cook barbecue, not wasting time on it for a long period of marinating. Despite the ease of preparation, it turns out very tasty. What do we need?

  • About kilogram of meat.
  • A pound of onions.
  • Spices to your liking.
  • A liter of mineral water.


A prescription for mineral water is very simple – even a beginner “shashlik”.

  1. Meat wash and cut into slices.
  2. Chop the onion in large rings or half rings and knead it until the juice appears.
  3. Send pork in the same container, sprinkle spices according to your taste and mix lightly squeezing the slices.
  4. Pour the mineral water and leave it alone for 1 hour.

It may seem that this time is short. But the recipe on the mineral water very fast and hours is enough to ensure that the meat has softened and absorbed the flavors of the onion and spices. The gas bubbles contained in the mineral water, as if to loosen it, do very gentle. So keep calm an hour and can start frying.

Skewers, marinated with kiwi

Маринование шашлыка с киви

The soft kebab is obtained with the addition of kiwi. A huge plus for marinating takes only 1-2 hours. Kiwi is a tropical fruit that contain a special enzyme that breaks down connective tissue. The effect is about the same as lemon. Recipe with kiwi perfect for a poorly selected hard meat. For the pickle, we need:

  • 2 kg of meat
  • Some bulbs
  • 1-2 kiwi
  • Pepper, spices according to your taste.
  • A bit of fresh greens.


We start as usual with the washing of meat, slicing it into equal pieces.

  1. Turn onions into large rings, and add it to the already sliced meat.
  2. Chopped greens send there.
  3. Salt, spices pour carefully, trying not to overdo it. With salt, be careful.
  4. Now the main secret of the recipe – peel the kiwi fruit, grate it on a grater or just mash in his hands. Add to the meat.
  5. Stir very well to the kiwi pulp is distributed evenly.
  6. Keep the meat in the marinade 1-2 hours and proceed to frying.

Recipe with kiwi really quick and tasty. But it is not necessary to keep the skewers in the marinade too long, otherwise it will simply lose its taste, will be completely empty. Always add kiwi in the last turn. You can do it at the same time fueling the fire. While the wood burns down, the kiwi will have time to work its magic softening effect.

Shashlik marinated in yogurt or mayonnaise

Кусочек шашлыка на вилке

Perhaps the two most popular prescription. If you have not used any of them, make sure you take the chance to prepare a shish kebab this recipe is not very difficult and the taste is very decent. 2 pounds of pork we need:

  • The yoghurt, “Ayran”, “tan” — 1 liter or 200-300 gr. mayonnaise.
  • 6 large onions.
  • Black pepper.
  • A bundle of fresh Basil.


That meat turned out juicy and flavorful, do everything strictly by prescription. Can use yogurt or mayonnaise to your liking.

  1. Pork cut into medium sized pieces.
  2. Peel the whole onion. One half turn in the ring, the second grate.
  3. In a large bowl put the pork, Winalite her onion pulp and spices, very little salt and a well-perennite.
  4. Finely chop Basil, add it to the meat.
  5. “Tuck” the meat with mayonnaise or yogurt.
  6. Onion rings just spread evenly over the surface, capacity, close the lid and send to rest in the refrigerator for six hours.

Better to do entirely without salt, especially if you choose to marinate with mayonnaise. So meat is much juicier. To prisolit directly before frying or ready-made barbecue. To pieces have promarinovalos faster, make them not too big and you’ll have to do without a refrigerator.

Skewers, marinated with lemon

Маринад с лимоном

The most spicy and at the same time simple option – kebab with lemon. It acts about the same as kiwi or vinegar softens the meat, but also gives it a tangy citrus note. This is a quick way pickle, always pleasing a consistently great taste. Two kilograms of pork neck take:

  • 4 large onions or 6 medium.
  • 1-2 lemon.
  • Great bunch of greens. Any spices to taste and a little salt.


Start with standard procedures – wash meat, remove all veins, cut into medium pieces and put it in a container.

  1. Turn onions into large rings.
  2. Greens crumble.
  3. All this together with spices put into the bowl with the meat. If you want to keep the form of a bow, then put it in the least.
  4. Now seasoned with all the splendor of lemon and really mix well.
  5. Just a couple of hours you can fry, but it is better to leave for the night.

The option of marinating with lemon no less popular than the mineral water. But not all know one little trick. That meat was really flavorful, not enough to flavour it with lemon. Before you squeeze the fruit, using a fine grater, remove the zest and add to the marinade. Then, even well-cooked meat will be juicy smell of lemon.

These are the best recipes for barbecue marinades. Among them you will definitely find one that will suit your needs. Will surely try to cook aromatic kebabs with lemon, kiwi or use a classic recipe.

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Read article Recipes for delicious marinades for shish kebab