пятница, 15 апреля 2016 г.

Home teeth whitening without damaging the enamel

Женщина с белоснежной улыбкой

A beautiful smile free of plaque is one of the signs of a successful person. It is through the smiles of loved ones, business partners, friends or even random passers-by show their mood, location to the interlocutor. People with white teeth he smiles more often, and thus, become more sociable, and it is easier to resolve issues in their personal lives and professional activities. Many people wonder how to whiten your teeth at home without harm to their health, because a huge number of factors contribute to the ability to remove plaque from teeth.

Every person uses tea, coffee, some smoke, and all this combined with an unfavorable environment and lack of oral hygiene gives nasty plaque on tooth enamel. Suffers as aesthetic and moral, and most importantly, deteriorating gums and teeth. Negative factors can also be an unpleasant smell.

Modern medical technologies offer a variety of mechanical ways to make white teeth. This mechanical cleaning of plaque with dental tools, and the gradual lightening a few shades in 3-4 stages using chemical reagents, and ultrasonic technology a new generation. And although it is fast and safe, not many can afford such costs. The simplest thing we can advise is to use recipes for whitening teeth at home. But how to whiten your teeth at home without harming the enamel? Will tell about it in this article.

General information

Вред для зубной эмали

Enamel is a protective shell that part of the tooth that protrudes above the gum line (dentists call it the crown). The main function of it, as can be seen from the definition of – protection of the tooth against adverse external factors. The thickness of enamel varies depending on a person’s age, the characteristics of the structure of a tooth: in the upper part of the crown it reaches 1.8-2 mm, and the root fizzles.

Health of the mouth depends largely on the appearance and the integrity of tooth enamel. Here are the main risk factors that can damage the outer surface of the tooth or mechanically to cause it to darken:

  • bad habits: Smoking and alcohol;
  • frequent consumption of tea, coffee and other caffeinated beverages;
  • eating milk chocolate and other confectionery products;
  • too hard food: nuts, crackers;
  • eating foods with high acidity: soft drinks, citrus fruits, energy;
  • malocclusion or injuries to the jaw.

Above all, we must not forget that with age, tooth enamel thins and becomes more susceptible to the damaging factors.

If you present one or more points from the list, then it’s time to think about how to carry out safe teeth whitening at home.

The most popular recipes quickly remove dental plaque are:

  • activated carbon or a simple ash;
  • fruits and berries with high acidity;
  • the peroxide that is in each first aid kit for home treatments;
  • tea tree oil;
  • whitening system with trays that can be purchased at pharmacies;
  • whitening toothpaste.

In addition to these methods, one of the most popular and frequently used option is the teeth whitening recipe baking soda. About it you can find many videos on the Internet, but we should distinguish the reviews of the customers using the at home soda, from professional advice tooth doctors.

Whitening with soda

Сода для отбеливания зубов

Teeth whitening soda at home is not the safest, but the easiest recipe. To treatment chewing surfaces white powder mixed with the toothpaste or dental powder (recently not many people, but it is good for the health of the oral cavity). Brushing your teeth this abrasive tool is not recommended to made more often than once in two and a half weeks, and only noticeable lightening 1-2 pitch.

The processing time is comparable with standard dental cleaning: quickly. Often after this procedure, the bleaching is visually noticeable, but not stored for a long time. Much longer in the bleaching of soda are felt unpleasant effects: bleeding gums, sensitivity to hot and cold foods. So the use of baking soda is questionable, but, if other ways you have, then you can use them.

Activated charcoal or ash

Ложка с активированным углем

In recent years, young girls are increasingly resorting to the advice of grandmothers in health and beauty. The most popular tool of the recipes of the last century for whitening the tooth enamel – coal or ash. If you compare the video before and after the procedure, it becomes clear that it is also one of the most effective ways, besides not damaging the tooth enamel, bleaching soda.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers before the date took powdered ash from the oven and with your finger RUB it into the tooth enamel and then rinsed with water. Plaque disappeared the same day, the effect lasted several days.

Now instead of ash, you can use activated charcoal, which is sold in every pharmacy and it costs pennies. Shalt 2-3 tablets of coal, moisten the powder obtained. This is done to ensure that the sharp corners means not traumatized tooth surface mechanically. Apply on the teeth in any convenient way: brush or your finger. RUB, rinse thoroughly. Check in front of the mirror so that the visible surfaces were not black. This is one of the easiest ways to whiten your teeth at home without harming the enamel.

Fruits and berries

Белые зубы и лимон

In summer, you can often hear about such a popular means of whitening teeth at home, as fruits and berries. Videos where beautiful girls are eating berries and fruits, is a measure of well-being and health. Let’s find out what kind of food can help remove plaque quickly?

First of all, thanks to the high acidity of this citrus fruit (lemon and lime mostly). Second place – strawberry.

To chew the product, hold it some time in the oral cavity, do not forget to rinse with clean water, is a simple way to make teeth whiter at home. To abuse that option not worth it, because after treatment, the gums become more sensitive.

Remember that any food product has the most use in its period of active maturation, and that depends on the climate where you live. Frozen strawberries will not bring the benefits you expect from it.

Mouthguards from the pharmacy

Каппы для отбеливания зубов

This is perhaps the safest teeth whitening of all listed above.

The fact that the home kits for teeth whitening contain a proven dentists reagents, and the Kappa anatomically matched to the average size of the jaws.

Everything you need to make your teeth a few shades lighter – it’s home to observe all the recommendations from the tutorial. Mouthguards for the upper and lower teeth filled with the composition, are placed on the teeth for a while, and then you can enjoy the result.

Hydrogen peroxide

Флакон перекиси водорода

A popular tool for the aseptic treatment of wounds and other skin damage, hydrogen peroxide does a good job to remove plaque from the teeth. So, as comedians say, “but harm was and use”, you can use a few tips:

  • ¼ Cup water with 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide for rinsing the teeth after brushing;
  • hydrogen peroxide applied to the teeth using cotton swab to clean the teeth.

Both methods are safe enough for the enamel, not hurt her. Note that the taste of hydrogen peroxide in your mouth is not pleasant, but this is compensated by quick and persistent effect of the procedure. Reviews about this procedure, which can be done at home, is always positive, because it’s a simple and cheap way to make your smile more cheerful.

Tea tree oil

Пузырек с маслом чайного дерева

Quickly remove dental plaque at home will help this means. You can buy it at the pharmacy. This tool is an excellent antiseptic, this fact is the discovery by scientists of the XXI century. When it is used to lighten the colour of teeth, a side effect is the improvement of blood circulation in the gums that leads to their recovery.

Whitening as the enamel thins, does not harm teeth and gums, making tea tree oil is a leader in the segment of home care for the oral cavity.

Now, safe teeth whitening is a popular concern among those who worried about the beauty and health of the oral cavity. It can be done not only in the dental salon, but at home, using popular tools that can be found in every home medicine Cabinet.

Contraindications to home experiments with bleaching enamel at home are:

  • pregnancy;
  • diseases blood clotting;
  • allergic reactions to components of the whitening composition;
  • periodontitis or other gum disease.

In the case of dental problems, before using either tool to contact your doctor.

Please note! All these means of whitening tooth enamel are the teeth. Their influence on the colors of seals visible surfaces of the teeth can be considered unpredictable.

Using these methods can make the teeth brighter at home, remove plaque (lightened 2-4 shades). If you need a deeper surface treatment contact dental.

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Read article Home teeth whitening without damaging the enamel

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