среда, 31 июля 2013 г.

Masks for hair loss at home.

вторник, 30 июля 2013 г.

понедельник, 29 июля 2013 г.

воскресенье, 28 июля 2013 г.

суббота, 27 июля 2013 г.

пятница, 26 июля 2013 г.

четверг, 25 июля 2013 г.

Nail – types and materials

Наращивание ногтей - виды и материалыNot all women perfect nails. Some are lucky nature, nails have a beautiful, the correct form, not exfoliate and do not break. But there are other women who spend their lives suffer from reinforcing instruments for nail, vitamins, and still can’t achieve the desired result.

And he inevitably comes to mind extend nails. Most often from idea to actual capacity it can take a lot of time, our article aims to assess how all the pluses and minus capacity nail, and were able to determine the type and material. Is there any harm from this procedure, and is it convenient?

Наращивание ногтей - виды и материалы

Наращивание ногтей - виды и материалы

Question number 1: what to choose, tips or form?

All variants of capacity nail often involve two types: building on tips or forms. Materials for building – silk, resin, acrylic or gel. Resin has little differences from gel nails but from the resin have higher durability. Silk is used in gel technology, with the only difference that between типсой and gel, to strengthen the nail, enclose a piece of flax, synthetic fiberglass is applied or silk.

Tips is a placeholder products from plastic, which with the help of special glue applied to the nail previously опиленный technology. After gluing the border between типсом and natural nail is aligned nail file(be careful not to remove an unnecessary layer of the native nail). Then, using a nail files for nail and special tweezers create the desired length and shape, top place chosen for building material. The whole procedure takes about 3 hours (depending on the experience of the master of manicure).


Form is a special plate of thick foil or plastic, in the middle there is a window for the nail. The plate is applied to the finger tight against her under the edge of the natural nail. With the help of a brush, the norm (with overlapping on the natural nail) place a layer of material for building. After hardening of the material, shape, clean, then carefully shape the filing for nail. To use the form, you must have 1-2 mm отросший edge of the nail, otherwise the form will not put. Capacity nail the form takes 2-2, 5 hours (depending on experience of the master of manicure).

Наращивание ногтей - виды и материалы

Наращивание ногтей - виды и материалы

Often in the salons manicure capacity makes gel or acrylic. So, what kind of material to choose? That безвреднее?

Sooner or later you want to remove accrued nails. But what will be your nail after the lifting material directly depends on the professionalism of your manicure, and also from quality of material used. And have a great value all three stages: initial capacity, monthly correction and removal of the accreted nail. When building using the tips very important moment of alignment of the border – in no case be corrupt «growth zone» nail the plate.

Pros and cons of increasing the gel.

Pluses. Gel passes air nail plate under it «breathes» as it is a natural porous polymer. In addition, covered with gel nails continue to grow, as well as regularity was noticed that the nails that were previously слоились, under the gel restore the integrity of the structure. In addition, for polymerization(point) gel should handle it the ultraviolet lamp, and this treatment eliminates the possibility of fungus.

Minuses. They are few, but still they exist. The process UV lamp has a side effect during polymerization of the gel is a photochemical process that leads to the production of heat and nail overheats – starts microwave. Manicure can give advice on reduction of discomfort because of this. And to remove gel nail they must be cut sawing or router that can lead to injury nail the plate. To avoid this, do not remove the nails at home – experienced master of manicure can perfectly and safely conduct the procedure.

Pros and cons of increasing acrylic.

Pluses. When using high-quality acrylic, in its structure there is no methyl methacrylate(which is very toxic), the use of which makes nail plate in very sensitive to touch and any action, «cloth». In the modern acrylic this material was replaced by этилметакрил.

Minuses. Even the highest quality acrylic does not pass air, so every 3 weeks, it must be removed to provide access of oxygen to nail the plate. In addition, acrylic nails require specific filing and sanding, during which there acrylic dust, which is harmful for human body has an unpleasant smell and can also cause an allergic reaction.

So what is better – a gel or acrylic? On artificial nails lacquer lasts very long, before he bores You. Nails do not require any self-care (in addition to the monthly correction of manicure), the cuticle grows. Now a broken nail no problem – you can go to his master, and he will restore the broken nail in 10-15 minutes. As for the materials for building – each material has its supporters and opponents. Therefore, easier to learn at their friends where there is a good manicure master, and what material it works.

I bring to your attention also videos gel nail extension and acrylics.

Read article Nail – types and materials

First signs of pregnancy in the early stages.

среда, 24 июля 2013 г.

Water Sassi recipe

Вода сасси рецептNow after watching various рекламок and фразочек about super diet Alla Pugacheva Svetlana Пермяковой and other stars of show business, decided to look, what is water Sassi.

Water Sassi this cocktail, which became the present opening 2013. It successfully combines the beneficial ingredients, it accelerates the metabolism in the body, helps the work of stomach, improves the General condition of the body and skin, nail and hair.

The author of this miracle-prescription was nutritionist Cynthia Sass, an American. It is easy to guess what her name and called the water. The basic action of the water is the conclusion of toxins and excess liquid and fat breakdown.

Prescription Cynthia slimming need to drink at least 8 glasses of this water every day (note that a large part of the drink must consume up to 16.00, to be kidneys relax at night, and to sleep safer). Even more useful effect you get when combined this water with a diet in which you want to exclude sweets, caffeine, salt and vegetables that contain a rough cellulose.

Water Sassi can be used instead of ordinary water. It is also noteworthy that this water has a calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract and helps remove excess fluid from the body.


How to get water Sassi.

Вода сасси рецепт

For cooking water Sassi, you will need:

  • 1,5 – 2 liters of water (it is desirable that the water was filtered, or mineral without gas);

  • teaspoon grated ginger(here is your choice – you can buy a ready-grated ginger or buy yourself a root, wash clean, grate and freeze portions his spoon in a separate bag);

  • 1 cucumber medium in size. If your cucumber is very thick crust – can it cut off, but not necessarily. Usually it is enough to wash and cut it into very thin rings (you can use shredder harvester or a special grater, but you have to get rings);

  • 1 lemon – cut like a cucumber, but always with a skin;

  • 12 mint leaves (about 2-3 small twigs).

Take a capacity of 2.5 – 3 liters, and mix all ingredients, cover with water, and put in the refrigerator overnight.

In the morning start to drink water Sassi, and in the evening take care of the cooking portion of the next day. For the convenience of the water drain, to get rid of stones and pieces of dried peel.

And please note that systems slimming many different recipes, banned and allowed products. But the most important thing in any diet is the observance of the rules for a long time, that is routine. And here it all depends on your will power and a real desire to get the result, and not try a few days and say «impossible».

Using jar of water Sassi, you can easily track the amount of fluid you drink per day, that is, if you drank a whole day harvested norm means you have consumed necessary amount of liquid.

I would also like to note that is not worth drinking the entire decanter at a time – you do not need to stretching of the stomach and overload the kidneys and heart. I would also like to note that depending on your weight the amount of water a day can be increased up to a maximum of 4 liters.

Now some of the rules that should be followed:

- drinking water Sassi, in a day, preferably often but little to eat, it will improve digestion and help to absorb vitamins;

- avoid overheating water – do not leave it in the sun or near any source of heat is beneficial elements of water can begin to crumble, and we do not need to;

- using this system, weight loss, decrease bloating, to solve the problems with the intestines and into the stomach – reduce body fat in its area.

water Sassi slimming

Enjoy your weight loss and quick results.

Read article Water Sassi recipe

How to get pregnant boy? Give birth to a boy?

вторник, 23 июля 2013 г.

The properties of amino acids

Cвойства аминокислотScientists from the USA, a country where there is the greatest percentage of overweight people, recently conducted research. The results showed that salvation could have amino acid for weight loss – substances which in sports nutrition actively used for muscle growth and weight gain. Paradox? It is only at first glance. In fact everything is explained very simply.

What are amino acids, and what is their role?

Amino acids, the building – blocks, bricks, which consist of protein molecules. Proteins that we get from food (meat, legumes, dairy products etc), broken down into amino acids and are synthesized in other proteins that are absorbed by our body and go to the «construction» of the muscles and the bone tissue.

Excess weight is the result of various circumstances. Hence, the struggle with the problem involves the use of a complex of effective methods. The first error, which makes most of losing weight – violation of food regime with strict diets and fasting days. Body dwells in stress, which then tries to cope at any opportunity. As a result of the process of losing weight first slowed and then lost so hard kilograms are replaced. Plus start «naughty» the stomach and intestines, which your tricks with fasting too difficult.


Athletes and body builders especially, also have to periodically solve problems with excess weight. In their case it is called a «drying». And drugs tailored to them, to their needs in a balanced and integrated products, manufacturers of sports nutrition understand. The result was the emergence of a number of dietary Supplements, which can not only help prevent the emergence of body fat, but also get rid of the existing deposits. And their main component is indispensable for the man amino acids, in which he often lacks.

Effect of amino acids on the process of losing weight

Fat burning is not complete and efficient if you use only well-known natural and chemical fat burners. Never a man not to be able to outsmart your intelligent body. Weight reduction is impossible without the whole relay biochemical transformations, their is impossible to throw a» single element. The whole classification of amino acids result will not consider the direct those that affect weight loss.

Valine, Leucine, Isoleucine or just BCAA amino acid, popular in the environment bodybuilders. The complex is a source of energy, contributes to the restoration of muscular tissue and protect it from destruction. It often happens that beautifully inflated in the gym thighs and buttocks after the end of the training quickly acquire their «primordial» view. Amino acids help maintain the achieved effect, and at the same time will increase the stamina to your weight loss was not only passive (proper nutrition), but active (physical load).

Sources: nuts, legumes, red meat, fish products from wheat, rye, soy flour, brown rice, mushrooms.

Phenylalanine reduces appetite, simultaneously improving mood and improving performance. If you get an adequate amount of this amino acids, it will be easier to adapt to the new and healthy nutrition, is not experiencing depression from a lack of on desktop sweets and fried chicken.

Sources: legumes, eggs, chicken meat, milk, cheese.

Lysine increases immunity, helps normalize the appetite and deal with the irritability, which often occur among those who chose to lose weight on a diet, losing not only delicious and harmful pleasures, but the elements necessary for normal functioning of the body (for example, безуглеводные, low-fat, безбелковые diet).

Sources: potatoes, milk, cheese, eggs, fish, red meat

Methionine activates digestion and has antioxidant properties (fights free radicals in the body slows down all the processes of ageing – both internal and external).

Sources: yoghurt, meat, lentils, onions, garlic

If your body will lack at least one amino (as so often happens when using unbalanced diets), the production of protein it would suspend. And it already threatens the appearance of digestive problems, slow metabolism, excess weight and, of course, the deepest depression. So if you have any doubts about what a sufficient and balanced content of these substances in your diet, you can start using them in the form of medication from a line of sports nutrition, which are sold in pharmacies. Only about what acids and how to take, it is recommended to learn not from the feedback from friends and members of the forum, and with the treating doctor, nutritionist or coach.

Read article The properties of amino acids

Hair masks with gelatin with the effect of lamination.

понедельник, 22 июля 2013 г.

Diet after Pevzner

Диета по ПевзнеруModern doctors, alas, prioritize drug therapy, because they consider the patient’s organism as a whole. In most cases, treatment is subjected to a specific organ or system, struck by the disease. And the way of life of the patient, his nutrition and thinking proper attention is not given. Meanwhile, the diet after Pevzner is a reasonable approach to treatment of various diseases, which can not only prevent exacerbation or relapse, but heal.

Fundamentals of medical nutrition Pevzner

M.I. Pevzner developed its methodology to power in 1929. This man considered to be the founder of domestic science of diet. Pevzner also was the initiator of introduction of medicinal tables in sanatoria and health resorts of the Soviet Union. A great merit of Pevzner and his staff that they have made an enormous contribution to the study of the beneficial influence of diet on the human body and its reactivity.

Therapeutic diets on Pevsner there are about 15 – this and anti-inflammatory, and «potassium», and «magnesium»and hyposensitizing supply system. All this allowed to enter and use successfully treated smear tables as a critical element in the complex treatment of patients not only diseases of the digestive system, but also suffering from rheumatism, hypertension, tuberculosis, atherosclerosis, heart disease, kidney, liver, gallbladder, infringements of a metabolism.

The main principles of the number of diets-tables on Pevzner is the right selection of products, observance of the recommended technology of cooking food, time and duration of the main meals. All diets can be used not only in hospitals and medical institutions, but also at home.

The full list of therapeutic diets on Pevsner


  • Diet (buffet) № 1 used when remission or нерезком exacerbation of ulcers of stomach and duodenal ulcers, acute gastritis in the recovery period, нерезком gastritis with high or normal acidity

  • Diet (buffet) # 1A appointed by the sharp worsening ulcers disease duodenal ulcers and stomach sharp aggravation of chronic gastritis, acute gastritis, a burn of the esophagus

  • Diet (buffet) # 1B indicated for duodenal ulcers and stomach, as well as chronic gastritis in the phase of remission after a sharp deterioration. Is used, as a rule, after the diet № 1A after Pevzner

  • Diet (buffet) № 2 can be set chronic gastritis type, with secretory insufficiency in the recovery stage or when нерезком exacerbation of acute colitis, enteritis, gastritis outside and after exacerbation, if the disease is not accompanied by diseases of the kidneys, pancreas, biliary tract, liver.

  • Diet (buffet) № 3 shown in chronic diseases of intestines, accompanied by constipation when the fading or нерезком exacerbation and remission stage

  • Diet (buffet) № 4 used for diseases and sudden worsening of intestinal diseases, accompanied by severe diarrhea

  • Diet (buffet) № 4A shows people suffering from colitis, with a predominance of fermentation processes

  • Diet (buffet) № 4B appointed by the acute intestinal diseases in the period of improvement of chronic diseases of intestines in нерезком exacerbation or after

  • Diet (buffet) № 4B used as a transition to a rational balanced ration in the recovery period of acute intestinal diseases, chronic diseases of intestines in the exacerbation stage of attenuation

  • Diet (buffet) № 5 shown in acute gastritis, cholecystitis in the recovery stage, chronic hepatitis in remission, cirrhosis of the liver

  • Diet (buffet) no 5A assigned for acute cholecystitis and hepatitis,acute cholelithiasis and cholecystitis, cirrhosis in flocks compensation

  • Diet (buffet) no 5P is used in diet therapy of patients with chronic pancreatitis outside and after the aggravation and convalescence

  • Diet (buffet) № 6 shown with urolithiasis and gout

  • Diet (buffet) № 7 assigned for both chronic and acute (in the stage of recovery) nephritis, renal failure

  • Diet (buffet) 7a shown in severe acute glomerulonephritis with concomitant renal insufficiency after unloading days, disease of medium gravity from the first days of the disease and chronic form

  • Diet (buffet) # 7b used after a diet 7a of acute glomerulonephritis, chronic nephritis with moderate renal failure

  • Diet (buffet) no 7V chronic kidney disease, nephrotic syndrome

  • Diet (buffet) № 8 indicated for obese

  • Diet (buffet) № 9 used in diabetes light and average weight, patients with normal or slightly overweight, who are not receiving insulin or get it in a small dosage (up to 20-30 UNITS). The power system can be assigned to establish your endurance for carbohydrates during the selection of adequate doses of insulin

  • Diet (buffet) № 10 shows suffering from cardiovascular diseases in nerezko expressed (I-II of A degree) circulatory failure or in the stage of compensation

  • Diet (buffet) № 10A is used in diseases of the cardiovascular system with blood circulation insufficiency pronounced (II B – III degree)

  • Diet (buffet) № 10 is prescribed to the patients with myocardial infarct

  • Diet (buffet) no 10C shows people suffering from atherosclerosis lesions of the brain, heart and other organs, hypertension, developed against the background of atherosclerosis

  • Diet (buffet) № 11 is used at a tuberculosis of bones, lungs, lymph nodes, joints, and also lowered body weight, exhaustion after infectious diseases, and surgery, injuries

  • Diet (buffet) № 12 indicated for diseases of the nervous system that have functional nature

  • Diet (buffet) № 13 is prescribed to patients experiencing acute infectious diseases

  • Diet (buffet) № 14 used when фосфатурии

  • Diet (buffet) № 15 can be used in various болезных that do not require special treatment tables and proceed without violation of the conditions of digestive system. This diet after Pevzner is a transitional stage to a normal diet in convalescence and after passing diet

Read article Diet after Pevzner

Recovery after delivery.

суббота, 20 июля 2013 г.

четверг, 18 июля 2013 г.

среда, 17 июля 2013 г.

вторник, 16 июля 2013 г.

понедельник, 15 июля 2013 г.

воскресенье, 14 июля 2013 г.

Hair styling Hairdryer – style creating with their own hands

Eyebrows, lips, eyes

Перманентный макияжEvery girl dreams to be beautiful at any time of day, regardless of make-up, sleep and nutrition. And, surprisingly enough, but there is an easier way. And it’s called permanent makeup.

Permanent makeup

is a long – term make-up, which is achieved by injection under the skin (no deeper than 1 cm) organic paint.

In another way, this makeup is called tattooing of the lips, eyebrows, eyelid tattoos. This makeup can save you from daily routine makeup, and at the same time will look perfect in any time of the day. The charm of permanent makeup also in that it allows correcting the defects form or the color of your lips, eyes, eyebrows. Also tattooing differs from the usual makeup fact that it is resistant to the influence of the external environment rain, heat, wind or snow «erased» and not «smear» the beauty of your face.

Permanent makeup rather complicated cosmetic procedure, that is not something that not worth doing yourself, but not every master you can trust. So if you have a friend or acquaintance, which is engaged tattoo – do not rush to contact them. Tattoo on your face must be a master, who specializes in this area. If this is an experienced master, he will help you decide on a color scheme starting with the color of your eyes, hair, skin, as well as the type and form of your face). In addition, an experienced master can guarantee you the safety and sterility treatments, perfect quality. Don’t forget, if you do not like something – you will not be able to go and wash. So do not save, find the best expert in your town(here, as always, Internet, SOC. network, and a friend in help), and discuss with him what you want to do.

Now let us examine in detail the peculiarities of татуажу separately lips, eyelids and eyebrows.



- perhaps the most popular. Shape of the eyebrows girls plays a very important role in the overall make-up. Beautiful and correct the line of the eyebrows can dramatically change the face of the girl – more expressive, playful, young and attractive. It is therefore very important to correctly choose the shape, width and color of the eyebrows in accordance with your personal characteristics(option «to my friend and it’s cool» is not suitable in this case). And only after the final approval of the project» you can directly do tattooing. I think it is not necessary to repeat about the importance of choosing a good tattoo-salon – this applies to all kinds of tattoo.

The cost depends on the technology and the method of application of paint. The average is approximately 60-100 dollars.

If you bright and thin eyebrows – you need to do continuous tinting – visual effect will be drawn eyebrows, but she messed and will not float from the heat.

If you have your dark eyebrows – it is recommended that you do eyebrow using barcode technology. Its essence is that the hairs are drawn on the skin, and after stuffed machine.

Ideal line of the eyebrows will make your face more expressive. In addition, the tattoo will help you save money on cosmetics. The result will remain for 3-7 years, after this time is a correction, and your eyebrows again perfect. The result may be seen 5-7 days after the procedure.

The biggest advantage is that you can easily change the shape of the eyebrows, to make them visually dense, and also make a more vivid color.

Cons eyebrow tattoo . They certainly are, but insignificant. If previously you have no eyebrows pinched, or did it rarely when tattooing shape of your eyebrows will be different from your home. And accordingly most likely have to remove excess hair on average once a week. Also, there are times when eventually pigment lighter, and there is a need for correction. This procedure is also done in the salon.

Татуаж бровей

Tattooing of the lips

- a cosmetic procedure, which you can use without the help of surgery to correct the shape, size and color of the lips. He visually increases the size of the lips, making a clear outline (contouring procedure).

By using shading, you can get any color and saturation of the lips. Using the lip you can get rid of age-related changes(drooping ends lips), or from the effects of diseases such as herpes.

Tattooing of the lips may be in the form of contour(delineation), light feather(path + weak shade), full feather(path + color).

As permanent tattoo lips done for 2-3 years, care must be taken to hue was close to the natural(you will not be able to «wipe» color or change lipstick).

If you have decided on the interior, which will carry out this cosmetic procedure, give some recommendations for verification. Beauty must obtain a license to conduct this cosmetic procedure, have on hand hygiene certificate, all necessary materials and equipment. Also in the cabin must necessarily be autoclave for the proper sterilization tool. The master must talk to you about your state of health, explain the possible consequences, the process of recovery lips after the procedure.

As with any cosmetic procedure, tattooing of the lips has contraindications, such as:

- pregnancy;

- the patient’s age less than 18 years;

- hypertension(high blood pressure);

- diabetes

- diseases of skin and blood;

- oncological diseases;

- allergic to pigments;


It is also not recommended to do tattooing women who are breastfeeding.

Татуаж губ

Eyelid tattoos

- a great option for those who like arrows. Because paint them every day dubious pleasure, besides, very often from the heat or moisture arrow proliferation, bringing the girls a lot of unpleasant moments.

Eyelid tattoos is divided into zones of influence. He is in the form of a contour of the lower and upper eyelid. Arrow(contour of the upper eyelid) is done for the manifestation of the expressiveness of the eyes. It is above the level of the lashes, but межресничное distance not прокрашивается. The contour of the lower eyelid tattoo is done century together with the make-up of the upper eyelid.

Of the three procedures this, perhaps the least popular. This is due primarily to the fact that not all the girls draw arrows. Yes and they say, too, not all. Also, many girls just can not make a perfectly smooth and clear line of the arrow.

What line tattoo arrow choose is up to you, starting from the form and the size of the eye, the distance between them. An experienced master easily help you choose the optimum form and width of the arrow, thereby it is possible to correct some deficiencies(e.g. visually lift the upper corner of the eye). Pre-drawing an arrow with a pencil, and after receiving your consent to do tattooing arrow. Greatest advantage tattoo century is saving the media for makeup – such detail as the arrow is a clear and self-sufficient emphasis on your face, and will allow to minimize costs. Plus you can use the lash without harm to your image. And you will be beautiful not only on the party – even after the soul, or the active diving in the sea is your makeup will remain perfect.

Татуаж век

buy collimators

Read article Eyebrows, lips, eyes

Norm progesterone in women.

суббота, 13 июля 2013 г.

пятница, 12 июля 2013 г.

четверг, 11 июля 2013 г.

среда, 10 июля 2013 г.

вторник, 9 июля 2013 г.

понедельник, 8 июля 2013 г.

4 the best of styling products for men: do not be afraid of change

Hyperactivity in children. Treatment, causes and symptoms of hyperactivity.

воскресенье, 7 июля 2013 г.

Grooming 2013 on thin hair from Tomboy to elf

Styling hair: what are and how they work

Proper nutrition during pregnancy.

суббота, 6 июля 2013 г.

Secret wavy hair in a beach-style: step by step instructions

Tools for styling: tips and tricks for using

How to choose a good husband?

пятница, 5 июля 2013 г.

10 secrets for laying curly hair: the intricate history

sleek hair spend precious hours on Perm forceps, when you have such a beauty given by nature. But if you are born with much curly hair, you will experience many difficulties, because under certain conditions they пушатся, so there are difficulties hair curly by nature.

There are a few secrets laying curly hair:

  • Leave your hair naturally curly. If you live in a hot and humid, you can spend a lot of time on hair straightening irons, but once you get outside, curls begin again the scroll and jammed. What to do? Just leave your hair the way nature made them. Many women refuse утюжков and leave their hair curly. If you follow this advice, your hair will be much healthier because you will not пересушивать their Hairdryer and irons, save time, and can stand out from the crowd of women with straight hair.

  • If you want to have straight hair, you can do it. One of the advantages of curly hair that you quite a bit of effort and chemicals, and they will become straight. Nicole Kidman on the red carpet in recent years appears only with straight hair, while her natural hair is strong twine. Someone likes it straight, the other with curly strands. But you can choose for yourself what you like.

  • Among the ways of professional hair straighteners available Brazilian keratin straightening, which allows you to make your hair more straight and pliable styling irons. There is also the Japanese straightening, which makes the hair. You need to find the method that suits your hair type and your budget.

  • Buy high quality ceramic flat iron. If you want to straighten hair, buy a good ceramic flat iron, which does not burn them and straightens much faster and better.

  • You are not condemned to a life in the struggle with fluffy and curly hair. Usually curly hair often пушатся. This comes from the fact that this type of hair is prone to dryness. Fix it easily, just use the funds for wetting the hair, which do not allow the cuticle to deviate from the follicular post, keep the hair smooth and shiny. This is the main secret of taming curly strands of hair – moisturizing, hydrating and again hydration. You need a minimum set of cosmetic products, which includes sulfate-free shampoo, leave-in conditioner and mask the deep impact with the content of silicone.

Mask to moisturize at least once a week

  • If the hair is prone to dryness and пушению, refuse styling tools with alcohol content and use a moisturizing mask for the hair at least once a week. Can also use natural oils (oil амлы, seeds маргозы, olive, jojoba). Apply a few drops on the palms, spread and go through his hair, massaging the scalp. In the evening before bedtime can apply the oil to comb and comb the hair along its entire length, in the morning wash oil residues.

  • There are right and wrong ways to use the hair dryer. Hairdryer can become a real nightmare for curly hair, if you use it wrongly. To avoid пушения hair, try to keep Hairdryer as far as possible from them. Aim the Hairdryer to the hair from the bottom, holding their palm top, gently squeezing. If you use a Hairdryer without a diffuser, direct the outlet along the hair from the roots.

  • Do not dispose of a comb. What curls impossible to comb is nothing more than a myth. However, many women do not enjoy combs, preferring to disassemble hair with her fingers. But scratching necessary because it allows to distribute the natural shell oil along the entire length of hair, combing you массируете scalp, making the hair soft, pliable and shiny. Do not refuse from scratching before bedtime. For more a qualitative combing purchase a brush with natural bristles. This will help reduce dryness and confusion of hair.

  • How to properly apply makeup on the hair. Many women begin to apply hair from the roots, and then complain about the fact that hair hang «icicles». You should start in the rear area where hair is thicker, moving to the sides and rising to the top. It is better to distribute tool will help you with a wide toothed comb, but you can do it with fingers.

  • Ribbon and Hoop is a good solution when there is no time to pack. Tape and wrap hair become a real salvation for the owners of the curls, if there is no time for a long-laying. Wear Hoop on damp hair, turning their back, it will help tame the curls and make the look more flat.

  • Good grooming is required. There are many recommendations that relate to technology haircuts for curly hair. For example, that you should avoid ragged ends and that long hair better short. And it is not true that you need a specialist in кудрявым hair.

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среда, 3 июля 2013 г.

Comprehensive care for hands from TM Cristal

Innovative hand care, natural nails and cuticle from TM Cristal allows achieving excellent results with any condition of the skin and nails. In each tool are active ingredients of biotechnological origin – the vast know-how to care for your hands. The funds are not just mask, and also to solve the problem of thin, dry and brittle nails, moisturize and cuticle care.

1. Disinfect antiseptic and remove the paint.

2. Flavored raspberry peel thanks microspheres and complex Aha acids gently removes dead skin cells and impurities, regulates the process of regeneration and rejuvenation of the cells in the epidermis. Your skin becomes smooth, velvety and light.

Z. using The gel for removal of cuticles with a powerful moisturizing factor gently remove dead skin cells cuticle.

4. For nail care use a variety of products.

Professional files to quickly and efficiently achieve the desired shape of the free edge of the nail. Thanks to the grinding and the polishing of the parties to the bilateral polisher some subtle movements remove small defects of the nail plate and gives you a mirror Shine.

Intense moisturizing for nail – a new direction in the care of nails to fight their dryness and fragility attached by nails healthy appearance, restoring its elasticity. Укрепитель for natural nails restores, tightens, protects, nourishes the nail plate and prevents its fragility. Nourishing oil for nail and cuticle provides a unique combination of nourishment and rejuvenation of the nail and cuticle, stimulate the growth of nails.

5. Save the skin of the hands of the young and beautiful is intended to intensive care. Фитоактивная rejuvenating serum struggling with pigment spots, brightens the skin of the hands and stimulates rejuvenation processes, and energy mask for hands with active complex GP4G activates all the «dormant» processes in skin cells.

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Egg mask

Яичная маска для волосWe women changeable nature. Today it seems to us that to be the blonde is the Acme of perfection, and tomorrow, we’re running in the beauty salon to perekrasit in brunette. And even those who don’t like radical changes, are still sometimes resort to hair coloring to hide the grey hair or make your native, natural hair color is more intense. And all of us know, that colored hair need special care? Otherwise they will quickly lose its color, become brittle and dull. The best way to maintain the health and beauty of your hair, are considered mask homemade.


Today, I want to tell how and what kind of mask you want to use to maintain the vitality and health of hair .

Firming egg mask – simple yet very useful. Preparation of a mask doesn’t take you very long time, and products for cooking always find you in the refrigerator.

To get started, take three eggs, separate from the one egg yolk, he will soon need. The remaining 2 break the eggs into a bowl, and pour warm water and mix thoroughly. Wet hair, pour the egg mass and vigorously RUB this weight in the scalp. Then, thoroughly rinse the hair and apply on the scalp yolk, cover your head with polyethylene, and on top wrap a towel. After 15 minutes, wash the head. Use this mask at least a couple times a week, and pretty soon you will see the result. Indeed, the use of egg mask will help to preserve the color of dyed hair rich and bright, and the hair silky, soft, shiny and healthy .

Read article Egg mask

Cinnamon for weight loss. Cinnamon honey, yogurt and ginger.

вторник, 2 июля 2013 г.

Bran for weight loss. Oats and wheat. How to take bran.

Dry and brittle nails – what to do?

Many women face the problem of brittle and dry nails. Very often the nail plate layers, this suggests that the nail is not a healthy condition. Because of such problems nails grow very slowly.

Health nail certainly affected by your age, but there are factors determining brittle and dry nail:

- use of the removers more than once a week;

- glut of moisture. Prolonged hands in the water can lead to dry nails;

- use of chemicals without gloves;

- improper опиливание nails, they exfoliate. The nails should be cut glass nail files from the edges to the center;

- lack in the body of minerals and vitamins. Common cause of weak nails – the lack of calcium;

- violation of the thyroid gland, due to this serious problem nails become dry and brittle.

Prevention and treatment of dry and brittle nails

In the treatment of weak nails all the experts advise to apply strengthen the means for nails. They most certainly strengthen nails, but only at the top, and the cause of the problem is not eliminated.

Here are some tips that may help you avoid problems with dry and brittle nails:

- tool for removing the varnish use no more than once a week. Such funds should not be on the basis of acetone. To within a week your manicure and not spoiled, case design закрепителями.

- always wear gloves while performing domestic work (cleaning the sink, washing dishes, washing of floors, and others). With prolonged contact with water and chemicals, hand skin and nails are destroyed.

- carefully follow the processing of nails. To do this, use any metal nail files. During the procedure, follow the movement in one direction.

- eat right, enter the foods in your diet with calcium, iron and protein. You can take vitamins and special supplements.

- not to hurt the nails, consult your doctor. It is possible that the dryness and brittleness of nails is a reflection of the diseases of internal organs.

To the problem of dry and brittle nails must be treated very seriously. It all depends on your desire to help your body cope with this problem. A little care and your nails will become a model of health and beauty.


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Apple mask

Published admin Date: April 29th, 2013

Яблочная маскаTo be always beautiful and attractive, we spend a lot of time and money to buy, miraculous jars, tubes with creams and lotions. But, if you look around, you’ll see that most, that eat, natural cosmetics is growing quite near, on the trees and even lying at your feet. This is the usual loading apples, from which you can make a great miracle of the mask.

Apple mask lighten freckles, various spots, relieve fatigue. For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use sour apples.

For oily skin applies the following mask:

Great sour Apple cut into slices, cover with boiling water and boil for five minutes, and then RUB well, cool and put on the face and in fifteen minutes, rinse.

For dry skin you can prepare a refreshing mask

Finely grated one small Apple, then, the resulting puree, pour the hot milk. Within eight minutes, the mixture warm it in a water bath. Then mix the obtained mass with oatmeal, pre-перемолотым on a coffee grinder, and, until the mixture is still warm, apply it on the face. After fifteen minutes, rinse with cold water.

Rejuvenating Apple mask

Grind one tablespoon of fat cottage cheese with a spoonful of applesauce and a teaspoon of honey. Impose prepared mask for fifteen minutes. Then simply wash тепленькой water. After you complete this procedure, you need to take a piece of ice and RUB their face.

Apple mask for whitening the skin.

Grate the Apple, the resulting mass is mixed with one tablespoon of warm cream and half a teaspoon of liquid honey. On the face, apply a nourishing mask and leave twenty minutes. Wash away the cotton wool moistened in hot cream. After a few minutes, wash his face.


Read article Apple mask

понедельник, 1 июля 2013 г.

Aromatherapy in the nail service

As is known, aromatherapy products increase the efficiency of any salon treatments. Interest in this subject, especially increased in recent years, when the most popular acquired a genuine concept of care, and the growing attention to the directions of the wellness and spa Triggered a boom in the products with essential oils.

The main advantage of aromatherapy – comprehensive approach that involves not only the skin, but also the restoration of health and harmony in General, due to the activation of own possibilities of the organism. Essential oils – bioactive ingredients of a wide spectrum of action. Their use enables to cope with the task of long-term fix certain problems with the skin. Positive changes in the body occur gradually, but persistent and patient use of aromatherapy improves the General condition, results are achieved, which are impossible to obtain by other modern means.

So try to understand: what are the capabilities of aromatherapy and how it can used in a Cabinet of manicure and pedicure.

What problems can be solved using aromatherapy?

• Brittle nails

• Inflammatory processes in the nail plate

• Fatigue and swollen feet

• Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

• Cold hands and feet

• Expressed vascular figure

• Cracks, hardened skin

• Prophylaxis of fungal infections of nails, hands and feet

In any procedures apply elements aromatherapy?

• Baths: aromatherapy is used for different types of baths – warm, contrasting with increasing temperature.

• Special procedures: treatment of cracks wound healing compounds, the use of means for strengthening nails, the use of drugs to facilitate removal cuticle, hot and cold applications.

• Active procedures: masks, aroma massage, rubbing active preparations of prolonged action, final processing foot cream.

The main methods of aromatherapy

Ароматерапия в ногтевом сервисеHand bath the legs or with the effect of aromatherapy – the procedure is very useful. This is one of the most accessible and effective methods of prevention and treatment of many diseases. Local aromatic bath can relieve nervous tension, eliminate a sense of fatigue, irritation, restore internal balance, to normalize sleep. Sedative, vasodilating and toning effects are achieved due to inhalation with simultaneous introduction of the components of essential oils through the skin. An indispensable attribute of foot care are contrast baths, alternately hot (5 minutes) and cold water (10 seconds) with essential oils, herbs and salt. They well help at the foot fatigue, stiffness and swelling in the region of the feet, hyperhidrosis.

For the preparation of local aromatic bath 4-5 drops of essential oil of carefully mixed with 50 grams of milk and add to the bowl of water. It should be remembered that the essential oils are insoluble in water, and if they do not mix with the pre-emulsifier (cream, whole milk, bran), they remain on the surface of the water film. Undiluted oil on the sensitive skin may cause irritation. Optimum temperature 36-38°C. bathing Time is 10-15 minutes.

Aroma massage. Great preventative and therapeutic tool. Essential oils greatly increase the efficiency of any massage. In the process of aroma massage of hands and feet is the impact on the reflex zones and active points, improving the overall health of the client. Such an effect, normalizes the nervous system and internal organs, simultaneously has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

The procedure aroma massage impose a variety of techniques that relieve tension and hand fatigue, improves blood circulation and venous outflow, eliminate heaviness and swelling. The main oils for massage can be sesame, olive or almond, to which add the essential oils with the therapeutic action of 4-5 drops 15 ml of the basic oil. Thanks to the exceptional natural composition aromatic massage oils are well accepted by the skin. To enhance the effect massaged surface can be wrapped in polyethylene film for 15-20 minutes.

Combination of essential oils picked individually. When excessive fatigue and heaviness in the legs, use the lavender, rosemary, lemon. In violation of circulation (cold feet) effective essential oils of rosemary, eucalyptus, pine and cinnamon. When swelling and visible vascular figure apply juniper, cypress and lemon. The state of the dry cracked skin will improve with the essential oils of patchouli, myrrh, sandalwood. Pronounced healing effect demonstrate lavender and tea tree. When excessive sweating of the feet indispensable essential oils of sage, cypress, lemon.

Wraps. Wonderful effect an oil wraps hands. For this purpose, grape, olive, almond, sesame oil. Efficiency of the procedure can be increased by adding one of the essential oils. For example: benzoin helps heal cracked skin; lavender, Melissa, chamomile have a calming effect; lemon refreshes tired hands and gives light to whiten the skin. The procedure is performed as follows: the oil is distributed on the surface of the skin, from top to wear cotton gloves with the polyethylene film. Treatment time is 30 minutes.

Are also popular and other methods of aromatherapy: masks, applications, compresses. Treatments help relieve edema, contribute to the activation of blood circulation, stimulate the metabolism.

As aromatherapy affect the state of the nails?

• Essential oils of rosemary and lemon improve circulation and nutrition of the nail plate, contribute to its strengthening. For this oil distribute on the nail plate. Soaking in the micro-канальцам, it restore strength and elasticity to the nail.

• Lavender essential oil normalizes metabolic processes in germ band nail. This avoids the pigmentation disorders, nails become healthy color.

• Brittle nails recommended composition of essential oils илангиланга and lemon in a complex with jojoba oil or wheat germ. Nail, by soaking up medicinal oil, versatility and moistened.

• Loss of elasticity of the skin surrounding the nail plate, it is recommended to add the essential oil илангиланга in oil carrier or base cream and process such product skin cushion around the nail.

• When the cracks, abrasions and inflamed nail holes make headbands with essential lemon oil and jojoba that contribute to the healing of wounds.

• At the slightest suspicion of the presence of fungus nail should be processed essential oils of tea tree or eucalyptus.

• To nails were strong, transparent, shiny and fast, and for the prevention and elimination of inflammatory reactions desirable for 15-20 minutes before varnishing nail plate apply the following mixtures and easy to massage the nail and the nail wall. Essential oils pre-should be diluted in a carrier oil (jojoba oil or almond) at the rate of 4-5 drops of the mixture of essential oils on 15 ml base oil. Examples of mixtures of essential oils, which strengthen the nail plate: lemon, илангиланг (1 : 1); lemon, eucalyptus, lavender (1:1:2); rosemary, patchouli, blue Daisy (1:2:2); thyme, lavender (1:2).

• When there is a fungal infection of the good effect give essential oils with a pronounced antiseptic and antimycotic properties. Leading positions belong in this ethereal oil of tea tree. This is one of the few oils that can be surgically applied to the skin in undiluted form. Active antifungal effect the essential oils of thyme, clove, thuja, sage, myrrh and lavender. Cure fungal growth is very long and requires patience and perseverance. Such procedure is carried out in the home 2 times a day until the nails will not change and the skin was fully normalized. But after this procedure lasts 1-2 months 1 per day.

Practical recommendations

Picking up the oil for its client, it is important to consider his age, state of health, temperament, skin type, as well as find out the problem. One of the basic rules of selection of oils is the approval of smell. If the aroma of essential oils do not like the patient, it should be replaced by another, similar by their properties. Especially be careful working with sensitive skin. Be sure to test the portability.

It is important to remember that the essential oils can cause skin in its pure form. They require compulsory dissolution in transport oils (almond, peach, grape seed, avocado and other), creams or purposes. Start to use essential oils with the minimum doses, then the concentration can increase to 1-2% (1-2 drops of 5 ml). Strict adherence to the recommended dosages is the most important condition for the use of aromatherapy. In overdose can be nausea, emotional excitement or anxiety.

Composing songs at the first stage, use no more than two to three oils, not knowing all of the properties, you can combine the incompatible». Experimenting with oils, remember the main rule of aromatherapy: more is not necessarily better.

Do not use essential oils of dubious quality. Unfortunately, the increased popularity of the arc матерапии led to the emergence on the market of a large number of falsifications.

Modern aromatherapy is Wellness, natural way to maintain good physical and psycho-emotional form, which not only brings the visible positive results, but also delivers pleasure from the obtained procedures. Aromatherapy is often accompanied by 5ра procedures. Using aromatherapy means you can take care not only for the legs or arms, but also to influence the mood. Inflicted means continue to work for a few days, contributing to well-being. Therefore there is nothing surprising in the fact that interest in aromatherapy so rapidly.

Natalia Kishchenko, biochemist, pharmacist-cosmetologist

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Fashionable pedicure – summer 2012 (photo)

Модный педикюр – лето 2012 (фото)

In order to be fashionable this summer, not necessarily run boutique for expensive designer clothes, there are many ways to be beautiful and to attract attention. One of the elements of woman’s image in the summer of 2012 will, of course, fashionable pedicure.

Many women begin pedicure only when there comes the spring-summer season. This is not correct. Care for your feet should constantly, but if you don’t do it, then start a season «open shoes» the beauty salon. Master pedicure will result in the order toenails, removes rough skin on the heels and will fashionable design on the nails. After a few salon procedures you quite can keep their feet in excellent condition.

What are the trends in pedicure dictates summer 2012?

Fashionable colors

Nail color depends on your choice and do not necessarily have to be the same as and on the hands. Season summer of 2012 offers to pick a design for nail in tone with the shoes, but if you like to paint toenails and hands in one color, paint, it is also up to date.

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

Fashion modeling

At the peak of popularity modeling (capacity) toenails. Many women nail plate leaves much to be desired, pedicure and beauty in many respects depends on it. Using a nail with a pedicure you can fix a lot of problems. In addition, of the nails figure and coating lasts from 1.5 to 2 months. Artificial nails, nail allow to make the design irresistible. This summer will be in fashion and sequins rhinestones. Care extended nails when a pedicure as easy as with manicure.

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

Fashionable color

In a pedicure are all important, and color or pattern design for nail in addition to all is a separate fashionable accessory. Not to disrupt the harmony necessary correctly to pick up the color of decorative lacquer. What color fashionable in this season?

Scarlet. Looks very impressive on the skin of any color (brown, bronze, white, and others). But this varnish has the disadvantage of attracting to themselves attention, it makes visible all the mistakes in a pedicure.

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

Pastel. In fashion caramel, beige and coral shades. Varnishes in shades are suitable for women of all skin types and different forms of nails. As always does not lose its popularity and goes out of fashion French pedicure. Pastel shades of varnishes not only beautify your nails but hide disadvantages pedicure.

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

Gold and silver. Shades of luxury and wealth, but look good on tanned skin. As relevant bronze shades.

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

Raduzhny. All colors of the rainbow are suitable for pedicure in the summer of 2012. These colors should be correctly combined and applied on the nails in accordance with clothing or shoes. If you do not know how correctly to combine colors, then seek professional advice. For evening walks fit neon colors «rainbow» colors.

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

Black. This color classic and always looks stylish and elegant. Black lacquer suitable for nail, with the ideal form. For greater brightness and saturation, must be supplemented design gold and silver items and monograms.

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

As we can see, the summer of 2012 gives wide opportunities for a fashion-pedicure. The main thing to observe a sense of proportion and harmony.

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012

педикюр – лето 2012


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Leopard manicure

Леопардовый маникюр

Leopard print is not a novelty in nail design. But again and again in waves covers the world of waves of popularity.

Make leopard print in several ways. You can draw spots manually, or use for the application of spots nail стемпинг. Charm леопардового manicure that поигравшись with a palette of colors you can do as a discreet design without contrast and vibrant colors, and a disco-manicure with multicolored acid tones basis, covered with contrasting leopard spots.

Леопардовый маникюр

Леопардовый маникюр

Леопардовый маникюр

Леопардовый маникюрTo create леопардового manicure at home you need to decide on the varnish-basis, as well as select tool to create points (this can be dots, toothpick, or at least match), make a thin brush(you can either trim paint brush, leaving few hairs, or buy a special thin brush for manicure).

Step 1. Do classic manicure, cut cuticles, подпиливаем nails nail file to give the desired form. Process a surface by, draw a Foundation under the varnish.

Step 2. Select and apply basic lacquer. It all depends on your wishes. You can ka simply cover nail varnish pastel shades and make Ombre (color transition from bright colors. Wait until completely dry.

Step 3. Tool selected, draw a point. The point should be not very large, but not very small. After drying take a brush and black lacquer, and draw out our white point, but not completely, and подковообразно, empty part must be directed to different sides.

Step 4. Cover the resulting design a fixer. Wait for a full drying.

Леопардовый маникюр


Леопардовый маникюр

The second option of applying леопардового prints – use nail стемпинга. Buying a CD and a stamp on the disk must be a drawing under leopard. Now you need to buy a black lacquer, but remember – it should be thick, and should not dry quickly.

Also I would like to clarify that scrapers of the sets for nail стемпинга too hard, and can damage the plate. You can easily replace them with any unnecessary plastic card. And of course prepare stamp.

Леопардовый маникюр мастер-класс

Because in this master class, I want to make a rainbow leopard manicure, you need to prepare a lucky bright colors, such as green, yellow, pink and blue. You can choose any other color in its discretion.

Леопардовый маникюр мастер-класс

Step 1. So I always treat nails, do form and draw a Foundation under the varnish.

Step 2. Cover nails base layer, wait until completely dry. I would like to note that the total number of layers of varnish should not exceed 4, i.e. taking into account the fundamentals of lacquer, and fixer you have 1 layer under the base and 1 layer under the figure. Each layer should be dried carefully.

Леопардовый маникюр мастер-класс

Step 3. It is time to take advantage of our set nail стемпинга. As stamp rarely fit completely on the nail – apply around nail any fat cream, then easier to remove excess. First you need to clean the plate with drawings for стемпинга fill out the figure in black lacquer, excess remove the scraper(in our case it is unnecessary plastic card). Stamp print the picture, and gently in a circular motion, apply to nail.

Леопардовый маникюр мастер-класс

I have to say – the first time can be not at all, but do not despair – a little practice and you will have ideally worked. If you are unsteady hand when applying the stamp – sit back, so that the elbow and wrist were recorded. It is desirable to clean plate and after each stamp nail. Not to spoil a manicure use pre-cooked tweezers and спондж with nail Polish remover.

Step 4. Decorates the obtained spots. For this purpose we take a thin brush, and randomly put a varnish of different colors in spots. Lacquer you can take a bottle, or drip a few drops on a paper or a cardboard.

Леопардовый маникюр мастер-класс

Step 5. Apply a fixer, wait for the full drying of varnish.

Your rainbow leopard manicure ready!

Леопардовый маникюр мастер-класс

This workshop is suitable for nail oval, almond-shaped or square form. If you have long sharp nails(stilettos) – you can either write these leopard manually or combine nail стемпинг painted manually.

Леопардовый маникюр фото

Леопардовый маникюр фото

Леопардовый маникюр фото

Леопардовый маникюр фото

Do not be afraid to experiment with color base coverage – it is not only solid color coating, but also apply the technique Ombre, a gradient manicure, and even make the basis French or lunar manicure.

Read article Leopard manicure