суббота, 23 мая 2015 г.

Ganoderma: what can actually be slimming effect on the mushrooms?


In the modern market tools for weight loss there is another original product is Ganoderma slimming with completely natural ingredients and designed to accelerate the body’s rate of metabolism, thereby actively influencing the burning of intracellular fat. The manufacturer ensures the easy achievement of a truly revolutionary result – loss of 10-15 pounds per month. What is so special about contained in the new product?

The composition and range of useful properties

Under the enigmatic Russian consumers word “Ganoderma is a mushroom polypore family Ganoderma lucidum, which grows on trees. Still known as Reishi. The plant enjoys great respect among the residents of South-East Asia, where not only heard about the unique concentration of the following nutrients, but also widely use them to provide comprehensive health benefits:

Китайские грибы ганодерма

  1. Vegetable protein. It is almost 98 % of Chinese mushroom. Substance in such concentration not only helps to accelerate metabolism and maintain muscle mass. Another useful action is to fill in the body lack of protein, which often occurs in losing weight on a strict diet and provokes increased appetite.
  2. Fiber. It has long been known that a sufficient amount of it in the diet helps to eat less food, and also to normalize a regular chair.
  3. Antioxidants. Ganoderma for weight loss will also be an excellent way to cleanse and rejuvenate the body. Substances in the body fight free radicals, helping to slow the aging process and protect cells from degeneration into malignant neoplasms.
  4. The vitamins and minerals. Chinese mushroom is a valuable source of vitamins C, D, group B, as well as iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, Germany, which help to cope with the deficiency and, again, lead to the normalization of metabolism.
  5. Alkaloids and adenosine. Lower blood pressure, which is important for people with excessive weight often suffer from hypertension.
  6. Amino acids. Complex vital substances stimulate digestion, improving absorption of nutrients, enhance immunity, improve brain function, increase your energy, helping you better cope with stress, nervous tension and an overwhelming desire to lie on the couch watching TV.

Other components of the Reishi mushroom Supplement a range of useful actions a pronounced diuretic effect (swelling), effective in cleansing the body of toxins, prevention of diabetes, atherosclerosis, recovery from infection, viruses, influenza, the symptoms of nervous exhaustion, etc.

питательная ценность ганодермы

Instructions for use of Ganoderma for weight loss

Dosing means to reduce weight is simple and convenient. For cooking daily amount of beverage you will need 3-4 pieces (or 2 tbsp) dried Reishi mushroom, which is filled with cool boiled water (500 ml) and soaked for the whole night. After that the liquid together with the tinder brought to the boil and boiled for at minimum heat for another 5-10 minutes. Strain the infusion, cool and can eat. Tea drink 1/3 Cup three times a day half an hour before meals.

Another method of application involves the reception of a specially prepared mixture of mushroom and one of the bestselling and green coffee. Manufacturers claim that this recipe both components enhance the beneficial properties of each other. If you decide to use Ganoderma for weight loss, you should consider a number of contraindications, which applies to all drugs, in the composition which is present in this component, in particular a capsule of Ganoderma. Despite this natural wealth, it is strongly recommended to refuse the application if:

  • hypotension or concurrent medication, reducing blood pressure;
  • the bleeding disorders;
  • renal failure and other chronic kidney diseases;
  • hypersensitive;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Please note! Be prepared for the fact that during the reception of the fungus may be unwanted, but the ongoing effects such as skin allergic reactions, abdominal pain, nausea, upset stomach.

Where to buy and at what price?

Effect growing demand for sale Ganoderma mushroom begin to engage more and more online stores, which range Chinese supplements and diet pills. In usual drugstores until the the product not. The currently well-developed dealer network, which, however, offers to buy products with the trade mark. Therefore, the most favorable option of purchasing buy Chinese mushroom on the website direct manufacturer, where one pack of Reishi you can do in the region of 1000 rubles with a special promotion.

Reviews of doctors and losing weight

Alina, nutritionist. About the properties of such plants has been known for a long time. This is a really useful and nutritious product. Like all mushrooms, Reishi very nutritious, which is why it is recommended to use before meals to eat for a meal is a smaller portion. Those who plan to use the dried Ganoderma in capsule form and any other forms, I can recommend to practice no later dinner (18:00). This not only speeds up the effects, but will also help to avoid many undesirable reactions in the body.

Galina, age 27. Ordered Ganoderma on the manufacturer’s website. Very quickly delivered. Drink until only three days, so that the specific changes in the figure didn’t notice. I can say one thing – who’s better, but I have no pobochki absolutely not apparent. I expect good results – previously tried to lose weight by using mushroom-Ganoderma, in the end, for a month and a half left of 9.5 kg.

Xenia, 32 years. Taste means so-so. Can’t say that is very nasty, but also much pleasure from drinking, I also do not feel. On the other hand, my grandmother collected and brewed like mushrooms, and sorceress she was. So I really believe in a positive result. For the week already managed to feel not only a good diuretic, and laxative effect “mushroom tea”.


Read article Ganoderma: what can actually be slimming effect on the mushrooms?

вторник, 5 мая 2015 г.

How to look stylish

как выглядеть стильной There is a saying “if you Want to look stylish – forget about fashion.” The sense of style does not affect the mod, it is given to man by birth. People who have a sense of style know that there is no need to look like a model at the last fashion show, these dresses are not for everyone and sit beautifully on each figure. So, how to look stylish and beautiful at the same time.

The stylish girl’s wardrobe is chosen according to the fashion requirements, it is mandatory. However, each piece of clothing should highlight all the advantages of its owner and is in any case not to focus attention on its shortcomings. In addition, a stylish woman should know the measure of individuality, that it is important to eliminate vulgarity and overkill of accessories (even megastyle). In addition, a very important selection of cosmetics, because your image is built with the details. CosmoGid — here you can buy high quality and inexpensive-cosmetics for every taste.

Where to start?

First, examine your figure, it is recommended to undress to my underwear and look myself in the mirror in natural light. It is important to assess not skeptical, adequately: initially looking for advantages, then disadvantages. Based on the obtained results, we select clothes. So you answer the question, as it looks stylish woman? – Stylish woman is a woman as far as things sit perfectly that not even catch your eye. So, in choosing clothes, it is recommended to adhere to the same rules as when applying makeup: allocated either eyes or lips and allocated to either the chest or hips.

Sometimes, in order to look slimmer girls are tight outfits, but it gives unexpected effect, you will look like the clothes are just bursting at the seams, indicating your excessive body weight. It is therefore important always to guess the size, remember, if you set yourself a goal and say “I want to look stylish”, the curvy shape of your figure in any way you will not interfere.

как выглядеть стильнойHow to look stylish, if you’re a little overweight? So, as you know, stylists recommend wearing tight clothes, ladies with slim figure. Having a prominent belly and in some places the fat, it is recommended to prefer outfits with a free edge, made of thick fabrics, as well as blouses and sweaters with the smell.

To visually lengthen a broad, short neck, it is advisable to purchase clothing with a V-shaped type. Blouses must be worn with an open collar. However, if you have the desire to highlight cleavage, dresses with a V-neck will not fit, it needs the clothes with a high collar.

How to look stylish summer. Here is an important color in the first place, it is necessary to determine the color type appearance, then apply the ready prompt, selecting colors of your makeup and outfit. Next, note that it is recommended to prefer one color (different colors) in a single outfit, otherwise you will not be an example, that as a woman look stylish, on the contrary will have a funny appearance. Studying rubric how to look stylish photos, we notice that this latest fashion is, above all, the combination of accessories with the style of a single image.

How to look stylish man – here everything is much simpler: the combination of colors and styles, neatness and cleanliness of dress, and of course the only accessory (bracelet or watch). Correctly combine accessories, men no need to show that he has a tie and a bow tie, chain, scarf, and bracelet with the watch. The main feature of men — restraint, and restraint means in everything!

Read article How to look stylish

понедельник, 4 мая 2015 г.

Get rid of eye irritation.

Резь в глазах.

Eye irritation – a phenomenon quite frequent, which regularly suffered every one of us. It manifests in the form of redness of protein and blood vessels surrounding the eyeball, itching and burning. To protect yourself from such unpleasant symptoms that everyone should know about the basic methods of their elimination.

The key to effective treatment is properly installed, the root cause irritation. Find it quite simply: first, they are few, and, secondly, the signs occur most often immediately after contact with the irritant. Consider the basic variants of the root causes of irritation.


Усталость глаз от компьютера.

Eye irritation from the computer – the scourge of modern youth. Long stay behind the monitor inevitably leads to negative consequences. Today, every office worker, a student or a diligent student knows firsthand, what is burning and dryness of the mucous.

In any case, do not take this issue for granted, because if you don’t try to fix it, very soon you will begin to experience difficulty sleeping. Closing your eyes, you will continue to feel discomfort, turning into a migraine. Impact on visual acuity.

To resolve the problem you can take a few simple steps:

  1. Pay special attention to configuring the monitor, especially if you happen to work for tube analog. Adjust the brightness and frequency to the indicators that are most comfortable for your eyes. It is possible to determine visually, looking for 1-3 minutes in the screen and trying to change the settings.
  2. Be sure to do exercises for the eyes. For this it is necessary to focus on located away from the subject, and then at less than 20cm from the face. A simple but effective method to relieve eye muscle and to avoid irritation.
  3. Try to take breaks at work. Doctors recommend giving your eyes a break every hour for at least five minutes. But sometimes in conditions of high workload or the specifics of this fails. Go the other way: try from time to time to be distracted from the monitor, look out the window or sitting next to a colleague. And exchanging with employees ordinary phrases, not look at the screen and directly at someone talking. Often this is enough to reduce or completely eliminate eye irritation from your computer.


Девочка в бассейне.

The cause of irritation may be the reaction of the mucosa to chemical element. So if you notice redness or burning of the mucous after the pool – most likely, your eyes react to the abundance of chlorine and chloride compounds that disinfect water in municipal swimming centers.

Despite the high allergenicity and obvious danger of this substance, it is still widely used. Because of similar disinfectors like him by the ratio efficiency/cost no. But to abandon the pool is not a must! Enough to arm special drops to negate the effects of chlorine on the sensitive retina of the eye. They are absolutely safe and can be used without the supervision of a doctor.


Женщина накрашивает глаза.

Not less frequently found and eye irritation from cosmetics. You can see from the redness of the cornea, or one which is observed immediately after applying makeup (mascara, eye shadow, eyeliner). Figure out what exactly the tool from your Arsenal the body responds to irritation, it is possible, if the time to stop to use all types of cosmetics for eyes, and when the state of the mucosa returns to normal is to try to apply them one by one.

Quickly remove the symptoms of chemical irritation will help warm tea compress. To do this, soak cotton pads in strong welding and apply them to your eyelids for 10-15 minutes. Note: irritation does not always mean low quality are used in your cosmetics, so do not blame the manufacturer. It’s possible the presence of the individual intolerance of any funds from it.

Contact lenses.

Надевание контактных линз.

If for vision correction you have selected the lenses, be prepared for irritation, especially at first. It can cause:

  • the wrong choice of size and shape,
  • bad landing or the inability to use them properly,
  • the buildup of allergens on the lens surface (dandruff, fine dust, fluff, etc.).

To irritation from lenses can lead to “dry eye syndrome”. More often it affects those who have just started to use similar optics. To combat the unpleasant symptoms you should carefully consider the choice of not only the lenses, but the ophthalmologist who will perform the measurements and to select the best option for you.

Each eye individually, and only when the correct choice lenses sit perfectly without causing any trouble to the owner. According to statistics, it can boast of no more than 82% of patients ophthalmologist.

Do not neglect and the use of special drops recommended in the period of wearing lenses. It is also important noticing the first signs of irritation, give your eyes a rest.

Bright light.

Солнечный свет.

Some people are able to experience quite severe irritation of the cornea from bright light of different origin. It may be just the sun’s rays or glare reflected by snow, welding sparks, and even just “bunnies” who is in the field of view. Enhanced sensitivity to bright light during migraine after head injury and in patients with glaucoma. Symptoms of irritation can be quite sharp, in connection with which a person has difficulty with being outdoors.

Treatment bright light reaction is the elimination of the stimulus: those suffering from it is recommended to wear sunglasses with UV protection. To purchase them optimally in the pharmacy, specifying the factor of presence or absence in the lenses diopters. Will help get rid of irritation and eye drops that contain moisturizing ingredients, preservatives and vitamins. But forget about the problem will allow only qualified treatment by an ophthalmologist, who will find the root cause and eliminate it.


Аллергия на одуванчики.

Redness and itching of the mucous – perhaps the most unpleasant symptoms observed in case of allergies. To eliminate them, acting directly upon the eye, it is pointless and inefficient. The only way to rid of anger is to identify and eliminate the allergen and take an antihistamine.

Choosing the drug themselves, do not like big names of the ads. Here there is one simple rule: the tool easier – so it is safer and more effective. Study the composition of the chosen drug, highlight the main active ingredient (usually listed first) and ask if there is it in a separate drug. This will significantly save money and reduce the risk of side effects.

If you want to stick to folk treatments, irritation from allergies can help relieve decoctions of herbs taken orally and in the form of compresses. Doctors recommend as the most effective plants such as nettle and cold, celandine and series, sage and calendula. But choosing this method of treatment, do not count on fast results.

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Read article Get rid of eye irritation.

Care for bangs: important nuances

уход за челкойBangs are always in fashion – they make a person younger, emphasize the eyes and even visually change the shape of the face if necessary. It is only important to choose the right type of bangs for your face and constantly take care of it, that hairstyle looked attractive. Care for the bangs quite simple, and the most important rule of success – in its regularity.


Especially care for the bangs

особенности ухода за челкойMany believe that the fringe does not require some special care. But it’s not. In most cases, the length of the strands falling on the forehead, is different from the length of the hair in the hair style. The super-long bangs on short hair – the exception rather than the rule, and usually bangs is shorter than the other strands.

Different length of hair means that get dirty the strands are uneven. Usually bangs salted much earlier than the entire hairstyle. The reasons are many: creams, cosmetics, skin oil and sweat, plenty of styling products. So, with the bangs must be cared for in a special way, so she did not give slovenly appearance throughout the installation.



мытье челкиHair falling on the forehead, need a more frequent washing than the rest of the hair. Of course, if you wash your hair every day, the difference will hardly be noticeable. But for those who prefer to arrange washing your hair every 2-3 days, or even less, is to ensure that bangs was always clean – that is, wash it separately. This can be combined with ordinary washing – just apply on the strands near the face drop of shampoo and rinse.

In some cases, for the refreshment of bangs will suit dry shampoo – it can help you get rid of excessive greasiness and residue of styling products. Dry shampoo powder or spray rubbed into strands, and then combed with comb with frequent teeth. This tool hair care not to everyone, but in some cases, for example, if you need to quickly freshen up a hairstyle, it is indispensable.

If bangs are very heavily soiled, then perhaps the fact that it is too rare. The hike to the stylist makes it easy to solve this problem: just make bangs thicker, to better and lay them “icicles”. Perhaps we should abandon tapering, I love so many hairdressers: the more hair and the thicker will be the bangs, the neater it will look.



укладка челкиEven a perfectly trimmed bangs can rarely do without styling. Hair may not hold the shape, to scatter or to twist in different directions. Therefore the owners of bangs usually have daily to style your hair over the forehead. This is good in a way: you can try different options of hair, making it smooth bangs, round, combed to the side.

Don’t overuse styling products to give shape to the bangs. First, the excess gel, mousse, lacquer and wax causes hair get dirty very quickly. And secondly, even the most delicate styling products slowly but surely spoil the hair, they lose their luster, making less supple and strong. Therefore, in order to style the bangs, is usually quite literally drops gel strong hold mousse or wax for styling.

укладка пышной челкиIf your hair is curly, get neat bangs can be very difficult. Stylists recommend to put on the locks serum for straightening hair, and then style your bangs with irons or Ironing. Elongated so the bangs should be secured with a varnish of strong fixing. Another option is during the day periodically comb the bangs comb, the teeth of which splashed lacquer. This will allow you to “subdue” unruly strands and give your bangs a neat shape.

For smooth styling bangs usually use a flat brush or flat iron. Previously should be applied to the hair styling products – for example, the gel or gel-wax with the effect of straightening the hair. It is desirable that the bangs were quite thick so it will not separate into individual strands.

To put lush bangs, you will need a round brush. To revitalize hair will help simple steps: first, bangs, light breeze when drying up, and then laid down. Do the same thing with asymmetrical bangs is their first pull to one side, and then placed in another. For a lush, layered bangs as a tool for styling a good fit mousses for hair securely strands, not sticky and doesn’t add bulk, keeping all their splendor.


The choice of the form

выбор формы челкиBangs is a great remedy to correct some of the deficiencies of the face, so when choosing shaped bangs should focus not so much on trends, but rather on the features of her appearance. For example, long thick straight bangs will highlight the eyes and accentuate the shape of the cheekbones and make the face younger. These bangs to invest carefully: if your hair is starting to fall apart into strands, the hair looks sloppy. Such bangs are perfect to elongate the face, visually balancing the proportions. But the round-faced this type of bangs will not go.

Side-swept bangs looks very stylish, it softens the outlines of the square or a rectangular face, makes the image of the feminine. However, this kind of bangs is not good for curly hair. Oblique bangs should be thoroughly fix, because it easily loses its shape.

Short jagged bangs suit round faced. It must be remembered that this type of bangs can emphasize a large nose and a too long face. To style short bangs easy – perhaps this is the only kind of person that can do it without stacking and requires minimal maintenance. But is such bangs grow as they begin to hang around in different directions and look very sloppy.

Arc bangs are a good idea for a round or tapering downward face. This hairstyle is also very important to the clarity of the lines, so do not experiment with your hair by yourself, it is best to trust an experienced stylist. Best bangs of an arcuate shape look on straight hair, so strands often pull the flat iron or round brush.

Read article Care for bangs: important nuances

воскресенье, 3 мая 2015 г.

Castor oil for hair: health from roots to ends

касторовое масло для волосCastor oil for hair is used for centuries. To this day, despite a wide range of different cosmetic products in different price categories, this oil continues to be in demand as an effective therapeutic and prophylactic substances for the preservation and restoration of health of hair. How to use castor oil to ensure its high effectiveness against existing problems and can it harm? For this it is necessary to examine in detail the properties given to him by nature, and rules of application that will allow you to get from castor oil benefit, not harm.


Natural wealth

Castor oil, called demotic castor oil, is a vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of castor bean plants. This oil is very popular since the eighteenth century, when it first became known to European physicians. Castor oil is a member of many medical preparations for external use, it is known as wound healing, stimulant, improves circulation, nourishing the skin.

All these properties of castor oil become a reality due to the wealth of acidic composition. Almost 85% of the composition of castor oil is ricinoleic acid, it also includes less significant percentage of linoleic, stearic, oleic, palmitic and other acids. Its components are made from castor oil is amazingly effective for hair, eyelashes and eyebrows – it helps them grows strong, shiny, restoring their structure, strengthening the roots, preventing hair loss and stopping it. With castor seed oil many women successfully get rid of the signs of hair loss, strengthen hair roots, eliminates dandruff and itchy scalp, relieves irritation, which may be peculiar to the skin due to climatic conditions or due to improper care.

Castor oil for hair can be used both in pure form and to enter into the masks. Wash it out with need long hair, a deep cleansing shampoo. After wash not to hurt the hair, stylers and towel.


Pure castor mask

касторовое масло от выпадения волосPure castor oil for hair loss very effectively and is a universal tool, curative and preventive. With regular use it will help to prevent alopecia, provoked by external factors.

Take castor oil, slightly heat it to a comfortable temperature, apply on scalp, carefully rubbing the tip of your finger into the skin massaged, put on a plastic cap and wrap a towel. Hold the mask up to two hours. No need to be zealous and to sleep with this mask on your hair – you can get irritation, your goal is in the short term to stimulate the hair roots, improving scalp circulation. Rinse off the oil with a mild shampoo, repeat the procedure twice a week.


Mask with pepper

If castor oil is not enough, to stop hair loss or speed up hair growth, you need an activator – pepper tincture. This mask can be applied only when a healthy scalp without wounds and prone to irritation.

Take a tablespoon of castor oil and a tablespoon of pertsevoj bitters, stir. Put on a plastic glove and spread the entire mixture on the scalp, carefully rubbing it. Then put on a plastic cap and hold from half an hour to an hour. If you feel strong unbearable burning, do not torture yourself – be sure to rinse off the mask.

In conclusion, shampoo your hair. Repeat this process no more than once a week.


Complete nutrition from root to tip

If you have very dry brittle dull hair, you can make your routine procedure to care for them deeply nourishing mask that helps to restore hair structure, making them tighter and prevent split ends. Castor oil for hair ends can be used in different recipes depending on hair type and related problems.

  • Glycerin mask

Warm on a water bath for two to three spoons of castor oil, add one teaspoon of vinegar and glycerin and the yolk of one egg. Mixture mix well and apply on hair, spreading over the entire length, avoiding the roots, but focusing on the ends. Put on a plastic cap for an hour, top to insulate with a towel. Repeat the procedure one or two times a week.

  • Herbal mask

Herbal mask is more suitable for hair who suffer from dullness, but different fat content. The main components you will need dandelion root, mallow flowers and inflorescences of chamomile in equal proportions. Take two to three tablespoons of the herbal mixture, pour half a Cup of castor oil, stir and leave to infuse for one to two weeks in a dry dark place. After the infusion is ready, apply it two times a week on the ends, leaving the mask to work for an hour or two, then rinse it with cool water until all the oil is washed away, and you will not feel that the hair is clean.

The use of cold water is important because it helps to close the opened scales, creating a smooth reflective surface of the hair. To enhance the effect, you can rinse your hair with cool water with a spoon of vinegar. Allow hair to dry naturally, do not RUB it with a towel, otherwise all the positive effect kastorovoe mask will come to naught.

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