пятница, 27 сентября 2013 г.

Paraffin for hands

Парафиновые ванночки для рукProcedure paraffinotherapy is becoming more and more popular. As it does not require a lot of time and effort, and most importantly not require large expenditures. This procedure can be done in a beauty salon with food, but it can also be done independently at home.

Paraffin for hands in the cabin done trained cosmetologists. Paraffin for hands and feet makes our skin more hydrated, tender, helps to cope with shallow wrinkles that appear on the skin for life. In beauty salons very often during this procedure, the paraffin add a variety of essential oils that make the skin more enriched with useful substances, and is significantly better and younger. Paraffin for hands price varies from 350 to 450 rubles per procedure.

Paraffin for hands can be conducted at home. After all, how all the same comfortable to sit on your favorite couch and make your body the best. This procedure is not difficult to conduct, so only needed pharmacy wax, plastic bags, warm beauty gloves, mittens, and paraffin. By the way, trays, it can be just an ordinary – hand, and might be special purposed for paraffin. Together with the special paraffin bath fashionable buy set for paraffin hand.

For this procedure at home, you need to pay several times a week for one hour of his time. First, heated paraffin, then hands to spread cream or butter hand and omit a few times hand in paraffin. Do this several times it is necessary to form a thick layer of paraffin and nutrients are better absorbed, and the skin has improved their metabolism, and fat and sweat glands work better. Then hands wrapped in packages, and from top to wear mittens gloves. Keep all of this should not be less than thirty minutes.

Парафиновые ванночки для рукAs with any cosmetic procedure, paraffin for hands contraindications has. It is impossible to carry out this procedure with wounds on the hands or other parts of the body, people with diseases such as diabetes and varicose veins. This procedure also contraindicated for people with infectious diseases and stroke.

Paraffin for hands reviews all say that she has only one positive emotions and a great effect. Women say that the procedure is very nice and it helps to arms and legs relax and improve their metabolic processes, make your skin more hydrated and supple. Also it removes dryness of the skin and helps to cope with the first signs of skin aging. Many people use this procedure to cope with a variety of pain in his hands and feet and with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Everything you need for paraffin hand here in krassotka.com.ua

Read article Paraffin for hands

четверг, 26 сентября 2013 г.

Chinese painting of nails

китайская роспись фотоChinese painting as a variety of nail art was born quite a long time, but only recently, she has managed to steadily gained popularity in the market of nail care services. Modern trends in the visual arts, tending to minimalism and abstraction, completely knocked down sprouts of spirituality in the objects of fine arts. Nail design was confronted with a similar problem. That is why Chinese painting in nail-design became a breath of fresh air for lovers of naturalness, harmony, truthful image of the world.

Mistakenly believe that the name of design came from the designation of his homeland, and they depicted on the nails images and stories Chinese painting, such as floral patterns or landscape sketches are universal and do not feel any influence on the part of Chinese culture. It is not so, but that’s not the images themselves, but what they mean in their symbolism. Everybody knows that the Chinese culture is very философична. Special distinctive Chinese philosophy permeates life and all their life hand in influencing including painting. The desire of the East to the unity with nature, harmony among all living, to adopt a positive attitude to the surrounding world, to the infinite любованию flora – all this shows Chinese painting on the nails.

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китайская роспись фотоThe main subject of the image of Chinese painting is a floral motifs. Lilies, roses, lilac, Calla lilies, daffodils, Sakura and much more – this is the «main characters» Chinese painting, so carefully and with love it playable. Natural motives Chinese painting likely reflect a subconscious longing residents of the cities and towns of the natural splendor of the garden and the forest. Through images of Chinese painting touch for a moment they forgotten nature.

Despite the intricacy of patterns, create Chinese painting the nails is pretty easy so ubiquitous photo and videolessons of Chinese painting. Learn this technique, it is quite possible, the main thing is to learn a few key points on which it is built.

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китайская роспись фотоOn lessons of Chinese painting for beginners you can find out that the crucial point in this design has the technique of colour shades. It determines the charm and originality, which brings in nail design Chinese painting. The essence of technology consists in mixing two or more shades and a smooth transition from one to another. Decisive in creating images of Chinese painting becomes the theory of several strokes, thanks to which consistently and accurately reproduced thumbnails first, and then the paintings themselves.

If you plan to learn skills Chinese painting nails video lessons you should stock up on all the tools and attributes of this technique. For example, a must-buy brushes for Chinese painting. Such brushes come in different types, but the main role in creating the images of Chinese painting plays a flat brush. To create more complex patterns will require brush fan-shaped, slanted and brush-liners, as well as special brushes with coarse bristle brush to create shadows. Drawings are applied to the nail, using thick acrylic water-based paints.

To get their nails the perfect manicure with Chinese painting, it is best to consult a specialist. Remember that this manicure is ideal for the celebration party or for the gala event, ideally complementing your luxurious look.

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Weddings in Odessa – key field of activity of the enterprise, which I have recently learned. He copes with the organization of unforgettable and best of weddings in Odessa. Experienced organizers will help You to solve all questions and help you realize your dreams of a perfect wedding.

Read article Chinese painting of nails

среда, 25 сентября 2013 г.

Facial cryomassage

Криомассаж лицаIn our time there are many different treatments to rejuvenate skin. One of such procedures is famous cryomassage. Facial cryomassage procedure, which gives the opportunity to establish the work of our sebaceous glands, in addition it helps relieve inflammation where appropriate, and also helps to eliminate various problems.

Facial cryomassage is performed with the help of liquid nitrogen, which is due to the cold helps to gain this type of skin, which can only dream of. It is known long since that ice and cold are great helpers in the preservation of youthfulness of the skin and its elasticity and beauty. At the contact of liquid nitrogen with the skin, there are no negative consequences, if this is a specially trained person, or everything is done according to the instructions facial cryomassage at home. If you read carefully glamorous news of show business – many stars are recognised that used this procedure to maintain the beauty and tonus of face.

Facial cryomassage liquid nitrogen is made using a special applicator, which are on the problematic areas. Himself nitrogen skin is not touching. Because this can lead to very serious consequences, and everything happens through the air cushion, because she has low thermal conductivity. Cryomassage facial skin liquid nitrogen after his exposure cause metabolic processes on the face happen faster, and all of the treated area after this procedure, begin to peel and give place to the new, toned and healthy skin.

Криомассаж лица

Facial cryomassage liquid nitrogen reviews has good and positive, as with its help women can cope with the main problem – the mimic wrinkles. In addition cryomassage helps to forget about the variety of inflammatory processes that occur on our skin. Also with the help of liquid nitrogen in the postoperative period after cosmetic procedures cope with edema.

Also note that the facial cryomassage reviews receives positive, because it gives an opportunity for women to get rid of the problem of dark circles under the eyes, and with enlarged pores and blackheads. This procedure helps to fight unnatural, the bad and unhealthy complexion, and can use this procedure to deal with such phenomenon, as warts.

Like any other cosmetic procedure facial cryomassage contraindications has, so to them it is worth reading in advance. You have to refuse to such procedure as the cryomassage people who suffer from diseases such as epilepsy and diseases of the nervous system. Should not use this procedure to women with frequent headaches and migraines, with herpes or rosacea.

It is worth remembering that any cosmetic procedure before their use involves consultation with a specialist. That will give precise indications, and also appoint the course and duration of the procedure. Therefore facial cryomassage liquid nitrogen price will depend on how many procedures were appointed and how many times a week you will be attending the wizard. Facial cryomassage price varies from 350 to 800 rubles per procedure, but to achieve a stunning effect, needs to take a course of rejuvenation and improvement of the skin. To ensure that the results remained for a long time and you looked wonderful, a year is a double-pass the course of this procedure.

Read article Facial cryomassage

Wraps from stretch marks on the skin.

суббота, 21 сентября 2013 г.



Circumcision циркумцизия – comes from ancient times, and more precisely from the Bible. Muslims and Jews strictly observed so far this procedure. So, for example, small boys-Jews circumcision make on his eighth birthday. Muslims same strict framework of this procedure no, they hold it until maturity of the young man.

What is this procedure? Operation циркумцизия is circumcision of the foreskin of the penis. This operation is used to delete partially or fully the skin that covers the head of the penis. This procedure takes its origin from the very early times, but why is it still?

Many resort to it, directly due to their religious affiliation, many do use this operation because it carries the same way and hygienic character. Medical indications for this operation are such diseases as genital кандиломы. It’s an infection that leads to the fact that the head of the penis shoots appear. Indications to the application of this operation is phimosis. This is when the foreskin is a member too заужена, and it brings pain and discomfort to the patient.

Циркумцизия in children held in the following cases, such as in violation of urination, this may be caused by the same disease phimosis when going to the toilet brings the pain. Also this operation is applied circumcision penis in various inflammatory processes. One of the causes for the циркумцизии are religious beliefs.

ЦиркумцизияAfter циркумцизии there are positive sides to her influence. These include the most important is that after this operation, the risk of Contracting infections that are sexually transmitted is very small. In addition, циркумцизия reduces the appearance of various diseases of the penis, such as cystitis. Through this operation, you can observe proper hygiene of the body, the inguinal area will be always clean, because under the skin of the head of the penis most various bacteria and germs, this procedure helps to get rid of them. This procedure is shown to those men who have problems with rapid ejaculation.

Operation циркумцизия not very complicated, but still it is a surgical procedure, so it should conduct an experienced professional with all the necessary tools. The operation is performed with local anesthesia, but in this case the operation is carried out with a knife and a scalpel. In addition, there is laser removal of the foreskin, it is virtually bloodless.

Operation циркумцизия cost has a different, it depends on what age the person why it is used. This operation can be carried out not only in a hygienic and religious purposes, some are solved at her because have any birth defects, so the cost will depend on what to do. The price of this procedure varies from 6 to 10 thousand rubles.

I would like to draw Your attention to the children trampoline for the house. This is a wonderful device that will help your crumbs forget about unpleasant moments and to develop physically, strengthen muscles and the spine. You must remember that you cannot leave a child unattended for any sport apparatuses.

Read article Циркумцизия

среда, 18 сентября 2013 г.

Essential oils hand: aromatic, nice and helpful

Read article Essential oils hand: aromatic, nice and helpful

Эфирные масла для рук: ароматно, приятно и полезно

Essential oils for the skin of the hands and nails are excellent tools. They help in solving many problems (dry, loose skin, cracked, eczema) and suited to many.

To convince somebody of useful properties of aromatic oils do not have to: all long known that these oils are used in cosmetic and medical purposes very successfully. Especially a lot of rave reviews about the ability of these tools to improve the condition of skin. If we are talking about a skin of hands, she just needs permanent care, since constant contact with the water, cold, chemicals and other substances do the trick: hands gradually lose their attractive appearance, unpleasant sensations of tightness, dryness or, on the contrary, excessive sweating of the palms. Also, special attention should be paid to the nails, because without proper care, they become brittle, ugly, and a good manicure can be forgotten.

The power of smell

The advantage of using essential oils is the associated procedures aromatherapy. And as you know, pleasant aromas play a big role in a good mood and wellbeing. They even affect his subconscious, causing inexplicable feeling of pleasure. So, for example, there are pheromones that can not only cause the sympathy, but even fall in love with its «carrier». Thus, it turns out that hand care with essential oils is not only locally, directly on the skin and nails, but also improves the condition of the person at a General level: uplifting, soothing or invigorating.

Эфирные масла для рук: ароматно, приятно и полезно

What: what problems will help specific oil

It is important not to simply apply the oil recipe, but also to understand what tool will help you in a certain situation, and what – not. So, the oil of chamomile, lavender or Melissa is well suited to those who face the consequences of allergies in her arms. To recover and supply of loose skin need to choose the means of Mandarin, grapefruit, juniper, rosemary, geranium or yarrow. Tea tree oil, lemon and cinnamon can help get rid of such formations, as warts or corns. When the cracks are applied means having a softening effect – this is an extract of patchouli and sandalwood. It is worth noting that the oils are used not only for cosmetic effect, but also for the treatment of many skin diseases, including eczema. Cope with its manifestations on the skin to help the means of sage, geranium, patchouli, Jasmine, fennel.

Essential oils are an excellent means to care for your hands and nails. They are available, easy to use and can be combined with other components to the baths and masks. In addition, combined with aromatherapy, this is a great option not only for skin care, but also to uplift your mood.

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вторник, 17 сентября 2013 г.

How to strengthen nails after the building

Как укрепить ногти после наращивания

Despite the fact that the nail is out of fashion now, many still use such a service. Manufacturers of materials for increasing the offer products, which practically does not injure the nail plate. However, despite this, after the removal of the nail necessary to spend a few relax and revitalize. If the nail plate from nature is strong enough to strengthen your nails after the building special coverings. Problem nails needs a set of special procedures.

One of the options available to restore weakened escalating of nails sealing nail. The procedure is based on rubbing nutrient composition in the nails полировочным by.

After removing the nails should not use decorative coatings (nails need time to recover slightly), and if not do without them, the destruction do not contain acetone liquid. Acetone dry and without dehydrated nail plate.

Before going to sleep you must do massage of nail plate with a nourishing cream, make a mask and wear cotton gloves until the morning.

Industry of health and beauty offers special creams for recovery, but for the best effect, you can cook a tool in the home. 1 teaspoon of cosmetic oils of almond, avocado oil, jojoba oil, or wheat germ mix with 2-3 drops of essential oil, incense, patchouli, bergamot, pine-tree, sandalwood and cedar. Ready to RUB it in the nails, after the absorption remove the cotton disc.

Как укрепить ногти после наращивания

Additionally strengthen nails can be оздоровив cuticle when building up and correction it is subject to intense impact of files. The easiest option is to make European (uncut) manicure at home or in the cabin. A qualified specialist will be able to advise on the correct care for cuticle and weakened nails.

In the salons of a very popular procedure paraffinotherapy that is sufficient to carry out once per two weeks.

Как укрепить ногти после наращивания

External impact for strengthening nails after the building will not help, if not hardened «from the inside». For good growth of strong nails it is necessary to enrich your diet of vegetables, herbs, fruit and start taking vitamins with calcium.

The beneficial and curative influence will have microelements and minerals (selenium, magnesium, sulphur, silicon, zinc, and iron). The attention and care of your own body will improve not only the nails, and all the body.


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Read article How to strengthen nails after the building

Шилак at home

Шилак в домашних условиях фотоLately every lady wants to look great, but one of the parts of your image is a manicure. I want to have a long term manicure, that will not сдираться at every opportunity for this case. Out of this situation was found. Was invented gel nail шилак. This is a very useful thing, as long as two in one, gel coating plus lacquer coating. In set шилак at home includes the following items:

  • Main coating;

  • Color gel;

  • Fixing coating;

  • The UV lamp;

  • Tool for degreasing of the top layer;

  • Liquid for removal шилака with nails.

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Шилак в домашних условиях фото

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// ]]>Шилак в домашних условиях фотоThe main thing to have in this set of 3 main cover and lamp, because without all this does not happen make itself шилак coverage at home. Remember, gels not dry without ultraviolet lamps, and the absence of any layer will only lead to a waste of your time and translate the materials simply. Шилак technology at home very simple. The main thing to observe шилак at home in stages:

  • To start degrease the surface of the nail;

  • Remove the cuticle;

  • Now apply a thin layer of the base, then 1 minute put your hand in the UV lamp, this procedure must do with all 10 nails;

  • The next step, apply helium coating with a thin layer or as paint or apply a certain pattern or French put your arm in the UV lamp, repeat 10 nails;

  • Then cover with a thin layer of the final cover, dry nails in the ultraviolet lamp, repeat 10 nails;

  • Clean nails. Finish!

Шилак в домашних условиях фото

Шилак в домашних условиях фото

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// ]]>Шилак в домашних условиях фотоAs you’ve probably noticed do шилак at home very simply. Application шилака at home it’s certainly not easy, but very entertaining. Consider too шилак at home video or шилак in home photo.

Remove шилак at home also not be easy, as was already said, if you have no removers шилака you can use the nail Polish remover. For removal of шилака at home you will need the following things:

  • Nail Polish remover;

  • Foil;

  • Cotton pads.

To remove шилак well moisten a cotton swab and firmly attach it to the nail, from top to wind or fasten it with foil measuring 10 by 10 centimeters. Such a procedure is necessary to spend with all fingers in need of removing шилака.

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// ]]>Manicure шилак at home make it as simple as remove шилак at home. So that beauty has become more accessible. Think about it, if you buy all the necessary things for the application of шилака house, you only once spend about 3000 rubles, but you do yourself no less than 7 such procedures, and buy over time продеться quite a bit, so you can save a lot of money, which will go to other procedures for your beauty.

Шилак в домашних условиях фото Шилак в домашних условиях фото

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// ]]>Шилак в домашних условиях фото

Read article Шилак at home

суббота, 14 сентября 2013 г.

Шилак photo nail

Шилак фото ногтейMost recently, in the world of beauty has such a beautiful gel lacquer, as шилак. Now the wizard is able to work in this technique very much in demand. If you look шилак photo nail we can conclude that шилак looks no worse than any capacity, and also has many advantages. So, шилак has the following advantages:

  • He looks impressive on any nails;

  • Has about 24 different colors;

  • Colors can be mixed to obtain exciting new shades;

  • Design шилак nails you can make absolutely any;

  • Does not harm the nail plate;

  • Strengthens natural nails;

  • Long stays on nails;

  • You spend less time on manicure;

  • Not should be peeled, like a common lacquer;

  • Looks as if made simple manicure;

  • Simply removed.

Шилак фото ногтей

Шилак фото ногтей

Шилак фото ногтейBefore going to the master cabin can be seen шилак nail design photo. In the Internet there are many variants of the most fashionable and popular маникюров using шилака. However, we recommend still ask the expert salon, what kinds of шилака they do, that is what possibilities are there in the cabin, and build in their choice already possible. As presented in the Internet nail design шилак photo 2013.

Шилак lacquer looks very impressive for any length of nails. Long nails can make a very beautiful designs and use the maximum of opportunities. In the end, may have something similar to build, but it could be just a manicure, only more durable and long lasting.Шилак on short fingernails do also not rare. If you do the short fingernails you are sure to grow beautiful strong nails, which will have the same length and is not corrupted шилаком. Unlike build-up, nail plate not cut before applying шилака that makes шилак as a protective layer on the nail to protect from any external damage. Шилак on short fingernails photo.

Шилак фото ногтей

Шилак фото ногтей

Шилак фото ногтейVery large selection of colors. Шилак has 24 colors, such flavor very handy. You can choose your desired color, casual, holiday or for special occasions, such as French. Шилак photo nail French you can see in the shops or on the Internet.

Шилак on nails palette photo help about imagine how such varnish will look on your nails. It is very convenient, because some colors have different tones and in vial color looks one, and will, in fact, the tone is darker or Vice versa, lighter. Шилак coverage for nail photo, will also help in choosing the color.

So, no matter what colour you choose, it will look very impressive, be it just a coating or beautiful full painting of nails. Improvise, to create beautiful images for itself loved. Nails the main ornament of a true lady. So, be nice and spend less time on such things as manicure.

Шилак фото ногтей

Шилак фото ногтей

Шилак фото ногтей

Read article Шилак photo nail

пятница, 13 сентября 2013 г.

Essential oils for cellulite cellulite. Essential oil of orange, grapefruit, cinnamon, lemon and Mandarin.

Homemade hair removal wax and sugar.

Anti-cellulite tools

Антицеллюлитные средстваIn our time there are many ways to combat so-called «orange peel» or cellulite. Every woman with the appearance of cellulite is horrified. Of course, because you are caring for your skin, try to do everything to make it look well, and then there is the main enemy – cellulite.

The main assistant in combating the problem of cellulite are anti-cellulite remedies. Every cosmetic company produces a lot of various tools for the treatment of cellulite. It can be as gels and creams and scrubs. All these means are directed on improvement of metabolic processes, output, excess fluid from under the skin, improve circulation, and to the decomposition of fat.

The best anti-cellulite remedy for every woman of his own. Selection of such tools is very individual, as the skin is different everywhere and problem areas are also different. Fight with cellulitis, various techniques are used, such as hardware influence of problem areas, and many apply a range of to fix this problem, such as massage, sport and diet.

But anti-cellulite funds appear here as tools. Effective anti-cellulite products – this principal assistants for every woman, such as clay, which is very suitable for all kinds of wraps. In addition to clay in the fight against cellulite apply tools such as citrus oils and extracts, they help to output various toxins and excess fluid from under the skin. Essential oils help to strengthen the drainage of tissues of the skin.

Anti-cellulite funds at home suitable for all women, because nothing complex. For example, in order to make the procedure of wrapping is not necessary to go to the beauty salon, you can just take a bit of clay, to it add a few drops of water and put it all on the body, and then to wrap zone or thick cloth or towel warmer. This procedure can be carried out at home and to put its forty minutes.

Антицеллюлитные средстваAny means against cellulite, whether salon or store, or homemade cellulite tools you should be able to apply. It is worth remembering that such tools properly apply morning and evening, and before use of such funds for best effect, warming of the skin, for example, a cold shower.

антицеллюлитное средство lift minceur Anti-cellulite tools reviews have different. Someone helps the selected tool, someone is not appropriate and should choose completely different. But it’s worth noting, in order that these resources are effectively helped need to put their own efforts. It is worth remembering that the best anti cellulite tools reviews given to those that suit you and your skin type. As an example, consider a anti-cellulite remedy lift minceur – this new tool, in addition to fight cellulite it helps model shape. It contains special components that promote weight loss and improvement in the structure of the skin and body. Feedback is very good, many who tried to confirm its effectiveness. Beauty salons that help clients to fight cellulite, buy wholesale various tools are the creams, gels, creams for wrapping.

Read article Anti-cellulite tools

The procedure of building and strengthening nails with Biogel at home.

Activators of hair growth.

вторник, 10 сентября 2013 г.

понедельник, 9 сентября 2013 г.

суббота, 7 сентября 2013 г.

Sports massage

спортивный массажThere are many different types of massage. One of such forms is the sports massage. It was created to increase stamina athlete, as well as its functionality. In sports training this massage is not the last place, because he is an inalienable part of it, thanks to him athletes trying faster in shape and he also helps her to freeze. Sports massage as after a workout helps to relax and relieve tension from the muscles, before beginning the important training or competition helps to warm up and prepare your muscles for the load.

Science knows different sports massage. The first type refers to the most basic massage – it is hygienic. It is intended that the athlete is able to independently prepare yourself to sports activities, a kind of self-massage. The following applies training massage. This massage is a part of the training, without which it would be difficult to distribute various power load on the body. There is still a preview massage. It came up to before the competition, especially important to prepare the muscles and joints athlete for best results. The latter view is rehabilitation sports massage, that was invented to after a tough workout or race muscles quickly restored, and this process was not painful for the athlete. Because every athlete knows that better regeneration massage, than passivity and rest.

Sports massage is a very useful thing for athletes. Techniques that when it involves slightly modified, that is different, but not much from the classic massage. In order to know what to do, need to finish sports massage courses and get a certificate for its use.

On special training courses massage a person studies, what is this sports massage, at which he aims. Also there are notions of what type of sport requires one or another type of massage on what muscle groups you want to send load. In addition, all students take a course in massage with any physical injuries athlete, and also at various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

спортивный массажThis type of massage is directed not at all, the athlete’s body, but only on certain parts of it that must be used in any kind of sport. Specialists of this profile know that many special techniques, especially in large groups of joints and muscles, performed with the weights, that is, using two hands, when one hand is on top of the other. Also if the massage hands of little effect and benefit applies massage your feet.

Sports massage in Moscow is to support our athletes. To make an appointment, you must choose a beauty that lies to you is the closest, or like the most. One session lasts about an hour, sometimes less, 40 minutes. The cost of this procedure is 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles. For sports necessarily need to go into Shoe store for acquisition of comfortable shoes

Read article Sports massage

четверг, 5 сентября 2013 г.

среда, 4 сентября 2013 г.

Honey massage cellulite

Медовый массаж от целлюлитаModern women really care about their figure. The problem of the large number of female representatives, can be called cellulite. That just do not do to get rid of him, even resort to plastic surgery. There is honey massage cellulite.

Healing properties of honey, help to get rid of the «orange peel». Honey has many useful properties, therefore it is used in this procedure. Honey massage cellulite photo.

This type of massage has its certain technique before you try to do it yourself, it is better to go to the professionals in the beauty salon. Experienced workers salon will make you the first row procedures honey massage cellulite then you can start over time to make such treatments at home. Recipes and variants procedures honey massage very many. You can choose any to your taste.

Many women have tried honey massage cellulite testimonials it was simply delightful. This massage has a very stunning results, but leaves the small bruises and a little sick done. Honey is taken very good quality, its special movements rubbed into the body. Honey is very well absorbed, therefore, the body of his. After the massage, the remaining honey wash off with warm water, the body is made warm compress, then seat massage is a nourishing cream.here Honey massage cellulite video.

Like any other massage, he has contraindications. Very many diseases when it is impossible to conduct this procedure. The main thing to know exactly at what illnesses we do not recommend doing massage. Honey massage cellulite contraindications:

  • Hypertension, perhaps the sharp increase in pressure;

  • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;

  • Mental problems;

  • Cancer;

  • Tuberculosis;

  • Violation of blood coagulability;

  • Fungus or dermatitis;

  • Thrombosis;

  • Varicose veins.

Not recommended massage at high temperature, respectively during pregnancy, menstruation and alcohol intoxication.

After some procedures honey massage cellulite remain bruises on the body. The procedure is very painful. However, most women still attracts a result of this massage. Because plastic surgery costs a lot of money and has a lot of my own shortcomings, women are trying to find a cheaper way to be beautiful and attractive. Honey massage cellulite to help in this very many women, as has already helped. Be beautiful and attractive, and most importantly not cause pain to your body. Not калечите your body, use a massage from cellulite to be beautiful, and most importantly make it painless and fast! In just 10 days, your legs can become slim and without orange peel. Remember, the result will not at once, but only gradually, your beauty depends on you! Dare!

Медовый массаж от целлюлита фото

Read article Honey massage cellulite