вторник, 31 марта 2015 г.

The reasons for the strong slezotochivogo eyes?

Женщина протирает глаза.

Eyes are not only Windows to the soul, but, according to doctors, a reflection of the overall health of our body. Red streaks, too noticeable to others, talk about nervous exhaustion, unhealthy color of the protein indicates an infection and swelling of the eyelids may indicate the presence of gallstones.

The most frequent, delivering a lot of discomfort, is watery eyes eyes. Reduced vision, the need to carry a handkerchief, the inability to apply makeup. All of this can be eliminated if correctly identify and eliminate the root cause of the disease.

External causes one eye.

The fatigue.

This is the most common reason for tearfulness. So if in the morning you have no symptoms or they are mild and watery eyes – you need to be comfortable.

Long stay at the computer.

Девушка сидит за компьютером.Watery eyes eyes are one of professional ailments office workers. The fact is that when we look at the monitor, the pupil does not react on the change view (does not shrink or expand). In addition, when we are passionate about, you blink less often. As a consequence tired eyes, dry up and start to itch. Rubbing them, we have an additional problem – mechanical injury of the mucosa.

The solution is simple: take time off from the computer (at least at home), don’t forget about the mandatory breaks (5 minutes after every hour) and not to ignore is extremely simple, but much needed and useful exercises for the eyes.

Drying of the mucous.

Almost all air conditioning equipment (air conditioners, fans, heaters) adversely affects the condition of your eyes. Drying out the air, it leads to drying of the mucous.

In an attempt to normalize the condition of your eyes, our body produces more tears. Therefore, trying to heat or cool the room, don’t forget to use moisturizer. Yes, this is an additional cost, but, by refusing him, in the end you’ll spend much more on special drops and artificial tears (washers).

Susceptibility to external conditions.

Защитные очки для глаз.If your eyes are watering outside in the cold, freezing weather and the wind – you are one of the many owners of the mucosa with high sensitivity. Simply put, your body is just not sufficiently to move quickly on the temperature inside the room to the conditions outdoors.

This is quite simple: wear glasses (they are a bit will protect you from wind and light) and make soaks for the eyes with cold temperatures.

The presence of an external stimulus.

Слезы от лука.The pungent scents and odors of certain substances (for example, acetone) can also induce the secretion of tears. So all without exception know about the ability of the bow to cause weeping and remember the proverb about this evil root. But not everyone understands why his eyes are watering from the bow. The reason for this selection during deformation (cutting) of its flesh in the air special material – lachrymator (from lat. “tear”).

Getting on the eyes, it provokes dryness and burning, as a consequence, brings tears. A similar situation can be observed on the street, when you are near the source of the smoke. The simplest solution is to remove the cause. If this is not possible, should wear protective glasses.


Low quality or the presence in its composition of allergens also often leads to tearfulness. Try to time to abandon makeup, just a day and you will understand whether the reason for it.

The wrong choice of glasses or contact lenses.

Only an ophthalmologist can set you need right now the number of diopters and suitable optics.

Internal causes of slezotochivogo.

Problems with the skin around the eyes.

The skin in this area is extremely delicate and susceptible to damage. If you are a frequent rubbing of the eyes, may be inflammation. In addition, chronic skin diseases (dermatitis, neurodermatitis, etc.) and can relate to this zone.


To suffer them not only the mucosa, but also the eyelid. The most common disease is conjunctivitis.

Reducing the secretion of mucosal injury.

In this case, the function of washing the eyes take on tears, so it stands out more than you need.

Abnormal metabolism.

Watery eyes may indicate serious disorders in the body. She is often the first bell indicating the problems with the metabolism in people with excessive or Vice versa insufficient for their growth weight.

An Allergy.

Реакция глаз на аллергию.Watery eyes – one of the major signs of an allergic reaction. To verify the diagnosis will allow you the accompanying itching, stuffy nose, or just a runny nose, frequent sneezing.

According to statistics, currently suffer from allergies 75% of the population, and to relieve you of its manifestations will help harmless and nonprescription drugs. Remember: they can cause drowsiness!


There is a complex of minerals, regulating the work of the eye and visual acuity. Play the leading role in vitamins B2, A, E and potassium. When they lack quite possibly increased slezovydelenii. To normalize it, you can try to drink a special vitamin complex for eyes.

All these problems it is desirable to eliminate under the strict guidance of the attending doctor, in order not to aggravate the condition of the body. So if your attempts to get rid of the effects of negative external effects on the mucous membranes of the eyes was not a success, be sure to visit the clinic. And it is highly desirable to do so no later than one week after the discovery of the problem. Only then it enters the chronic stage, will quickly respond to treatment and will leave you.

Watering eyes during pregnancy.

У беременной женщины слезятся глаза.Special attention one should be given during pregnancy because during this period a woman is most vulnerable. Interestingly, this symptom is not always directly linked to eye problems.

He can testify about such violations as: hypertension, inflammation of the facial nerve, excessive nervous tension, insomnia, hormonal dysfunction, secretory dysfunction and just a respiratory infection. Therefore, even such insignificant at first glance, the disease is a serious reason to visit watching you doctor.

Outside the box approach to treatment of common causes of tearfulness during pregnancy. In this amazing time expectant mother is highly undesirable to take called active drugs, including in the form of eye drops. And ordinary conjunctivitis to win will be very difficult.

It is recommended to use an infusion of chamomile, which three times a day for eye washing. Effective it will be and some other reasons one because it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.

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Read article The reasons for the strong slezotochivogo eyes?

понедельник, 30 марта 2015 г.

Features of the care of the skin at different ages.

Лицо старой и молодой женщины.

Wrong are those who argue that young skin maintenance is to begin to care for skin need from a very young age, almost from childhood, and then with her age have to spend much less effort and money. But if young skin, it is necessary to clean and wet (of course, if there are no problems), then at an older age, the skin needs more extra power, it will need toning, anti-aging, regenerating care.

In order to correctly care for the skin of a person in a particular age, you need to understand what changes characteristic of her at 25, and which in 50 years. Let’s deal?

After 25 years.

What’s going on?

Sad to admit, but it was after 25 years in the women’s skin begin the aging process. This primarily reflected in the fact that its ability to retain moisture deteriorates, and it becomes more dry. Of course, this process is not as intense as in 40 years, but at 25 you need to start supporting procedures that will help to avoid (or as far as possible to delay) the appearance of wrinkles, peeling, thinning of the skin. As a result of some hormonal changes at this age can begin to change the structure of the skin: it becomes more oily in the T-zone, begins to lose elasticity and firmness. Can give trouble and traces of youthful pimples (acne), which also need to know how to fight.

What to do?

In order to preserve youthful, fresh appearance, will have to try. So, it is extremely undesirable long stay in the sun without special protective cosmetics (and with it the sun don’t wanna sit). This advice applies to all women (not only twenty-five) – we all know because of how negatively ultraviolet light affects the skin condition! Maintain normal water balance will help correct cosmetics (more on that below), daily use of thermal water, and drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day and “useful” diet.

In 25 years you need to take control of my facial expressions: too frequent and intensive stretching of the skin will inevitably lead to sagging, will appear wrinkles. A great option is to start doing special exercises for the face, apply a contrast cleanser, a gentle massage.

Some beauticians advise from 25 years to think about serious salon procedures, such as injections of hyaluronic acid or mesotherapy. Do not rush up to 30 – 35 years, the skin is able to work on own resources. The same applies to cosmetics with anti-age effect. In terms of salon procedures until we can restrict peeling and cleansing, hydrating masks and massages.

Proper care.

The skin, of course, it is mandatory cleansing. To 25 years you have to totally abandon washing with soap is so much to overdry the skin. Well there are various foams and gels for washing containing natural oils and Botanical extracts. To unsubscribe costs and alcoholic tonics – tone the skin a better natural means, compresses from decoctions of herbs, wipe your face with ice cubes from them. Check that your moisturizing cream contained useful vitamins (C, E, A, P), phytoestrogens. Strengthen care using serums, stimulating the production of collagen in the skin, a couple of times a week should please face moisturizing masks. Certainly need to choose a good cream for the skin around the eyes – the aging process is occurring rapidly.

After 30 years.

What’s going on?

Regenerative processes in skin cells after 30 years is slowing sharply, produces an insufficient amount of collagen and elastin, the lipid layer becomes thinner, while Horny Vice versa compacted. Because of the deteriorating supply of tissues with blood and oxygen complexion deterioration, and due to the reduction of muscle tone in the skin SAG and wrinkles appear. In General, the skin may become even more dry, porous, dull, near the eyes is almost inevitably “crow’s feet”.

What to do?

The main thing is not to worry and not to give up. Comprehensive, thorough care will help you to look good! Not going to repeat the advice about sun protection – it is suitable for any age. Very important after 30 years to adhere to proper balanced diet, drink plenty of fluids (but not to abuse it, that there was no edema), to minimize the consumption of alcohol and, of course, not Smoking (and not even to be in a smoky room), get enough sleep. After a 33 – 35 years it’s time anti-aging creams to appear on the shelf of cosmetics.

After 30 years is very advisable to visit a beautician every couple of months, at this age is quite possible to resort to the first serious salon cosmetic procedures. Lymfodrenazna massage, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, ozone therapy, deep peels – beauticians advise what procedures will best help to deal with their problems. After 35 years you can think about Botox injections and/or hyaluronic acid. By the way, some beauticians believe that 30 – 35 years is to abandon facial gymnastics and massage, or at least make them as carefully as possible.

Proper care.

The traditional stages of skin care – cleansing, toning, moisturizing is not cancelled, but now we need to add another food. Creams – and daytime, and night – should become more intense in their composition, in addition to vitamins, should include coenzyme Q10, biostimulants, amino acids. You can add to the daily care lifting serum, which can help stimulate the production of collagen and refresh the skin. Nourishing and moisturizing mask after 30 years you can do twice a week, after a 35 up to three times.

After 40 years.

What’s going on?

In 40 years of physiological aging is becoming more apparent on his face. Cellular activity slows down even more, accelerating the processes of destruction of the structural elements of the dermis, the slower decay products and is not completely removed from the body, the skin loses its nutrients. As a result the skin loses even more elasticity, sagging, sagging under the eyes in addition to wrinkles appear dark circles, nasolabial folds, increasing the porosity of the skin, may appear pigmentation, spider veins.

What to do?

As they say beauticians, for 40 years a woman gets a skin what it deserves, that is, its state depends on the previous quality of care. But even the most well-groomed facial skin after 40 years need to be more attentive, more intensive care. Proper nutrition becomes even more important in the daily menu will certainly need to introduce fish and seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables, but still very advisable to regularly drink a course of vitamins, more fresh air to breathe.

In addition to standard cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing for which it was now just need to use only high-quality anti-aging cosmetics (possibly including hormones), after 40 years is quite impossible to do without constant visits to the beauty salon and intensive cosmetic procedures. RF-lifting, contouring with fillers, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, Fraxel works wonders. The only disadvantage of these effective procedures that their effect does not last very long (up to 8 – 12 months), and they cost a lot.

Proper care.

For 40 years every woman is clearly manifested its weaknesses: someone more pronounced nasolabial folds and sags lower part of the face, someone suffering from age spots and rosacea, for someone to become a major problem wrinkles around the eyes and overhanging eyelids. Naturally, in addition to a good basic care, more attention should be paid to their problem areas.

Do not neglect a variety of cosmetic products: use of diverse creams (and moisturizing, and nourishing, firming and regenerating), special serums, masks, wraps and wiping (from herbs). In the composition of anti-aging cosmetics must include fruit acids, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, bleaching components. May (after consultation with a beautician) should pay attention to the means, which comprises stem cells. Proven themselves and preparations with snail secretion.

After 50 years.

What’s going on?

Irreversible hormonal changes in the female body at the turn of 40 – 50 years (menopause), lead to the fact that all of the above destructive processes even more activated, acquiring an avalanche character. To wrinkles, sagging and dullness of the skin, to higher porosity and rosacea are added senile spots, the appearance of facial hair, excessive dryness of the skin (parchment leather). In addition, the cosmetics, which was effective and brought instant results, now is not so intensive.

What to do?

Even up to 50 years if you somehow miraculously managed to maintain an excellent appearance without the help of a beautician, at this age, alas, is almost impossible. On the other hand, we should be glad that modern cosmetology is quite possible for even 50 look no worse than 35 without surgery! On helping women in the age to come RF-lifting, biorevitalization, mesotherapy, various fillers, masonite, resurfacing, deep peels and other treatments. Of course, not cancelled and thorough daily care, good nutrition and an active lifestyle is also important. But now self-massage is contraindicated – this procedure can only be performed by a beautician, otherwise there is a risk to permanently stretch the skin. Instead, it should pay more attention to daily (maybe even twice a day) compresses on the basis of medicinal decoctions.

Proper care.

After 50 definitely forget about using ordinary tap water for washing, for that is better suited decoctions of herbs in liquid or frozen form. Creams that are used every day should contain a maximum of active substances, retinol, hyaluronic acid, amino acids, polysaccharides, elastin, vitamin complexes, etc., is Also mandatory to apply and serum with lifting effect, and a variety of masks (some even possible to do in a day).

At the same time, scrubs and peels should be used with caution – they may damage which became thin skin and bring her more harm than good. To really pick up the right tool, you need to go to the beautician and not mindlessly to buy up everything in the cosmetics store.

What woman does not toying with the idea of what will be invented an elixir of eternal youth and you can easily look at 30 to 60! But while in order to preserve the magnificent views you have to try – however, the result of such efforts is always worth the effort!

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Read article Features of the care of the skin at different ages.

воскресенье, 29 марта 2015 г.

Methods of preparing oatmeal.

Готовый овсяный кисель в стеклянной кружке.

What just are not ready to take the girls to postroynet and lose weight! Diet & fitness, massages and wraps, grueling workout, and special preparations – each of these tools has many advantages and disadvantages. Of course, every woman knows that losing weight is impossible without a body cleaning without removal from it of toxins. There are many recipes that will help you efficiently “clean” and not the least among them is oatmeal.

Useful properties of jelly in losing weight.

The use of oatmeal is one of the few facts that are not in doubt nor nutritionists or cosmetologists. Oatmeal comes in a good half of all therapeutic, preventive, cosmetic diets, about its medicinal properties written thousands of articles and hundreds of books on this subject have been many studies. In 80-ies of XX century, scientists have proven that this diet product not only helps to reduce weight and to keep it, but also lowers the risk of hypertension, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, atherosclerosis, lowers cholesterol, eliminates toxins, has a tonic effect.

In oats contain quite a large amount of proteins and carbs, little fat, and all that makes it valuable, almost unique low-calorie food product. In addition, it is a rich source of potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, amino acids, vitamins B1, B2, E, PP. The minerals that are contained in oatmeal, capable of providing the necessary processes of growth, renewal and strengthening of the body.

Oatmeal – this is an unusual dish, the benefits of which are that it is easily digested and they get all the nutrients reach the maximum goal. In addition, due to the content of soluble fiber, it has a low energy, creates a feeling of satiety for a long time. Well, moreover, this miracle jelly because it contained the insoluble fibers effectively cleanses the intestines, simply washing out all the toxins. All this helps to reduce weight, to improve the appearance of the skin, circulation.

Recipes for pudding at home.

Oatmeal for weight loss you can buy in the form of a powder, which should only add water and cook by yourself, at home. Undoubtedly, home edition is cheaper, healthier, tastier and healthier!

There are many recipes for cooking porridge from oats, diversify its all kinds of additives. To prepare oatmeal is used as a coarse, unrefined oats and oat groats and even oat flakes (rolled oats).

Recipe # 1

The most popular is the following recipe: you need to mix 200 grams pre-washed oats and 100 grams of oatmeal, add half a Cup of yogurt (low-fat), 1 to 1.5 tablespoon low-fat sour cream, about one and a half cups of water. All the ingredients mix well and place in a glass jar; cover costs not covered, and gauze (tightly tie), in order jelly “breathe”. Insist such kissel in different recipes from 24 to 72 hours, and thus it needs to ferment.

To accelerate the fermentation process it can be put in a warm place, also in the mix sometimes add a crust of rye bread or a few berries raisins. After a time the liquid to drain through cheesecloth, carefully squeeze (the remaining thick throw) and, while continuing the stirring, to give him almost to a boil. Sometimes you boil the resulting mixture for 3 to 5 minutes, previously adding a little water.

Recipe # 2

According to another recipe, Cup of oats should be thoroughly washed and poured five glasses of pure water. In a saucepan with a thick bottom this mixture should simmer on minimum heat for 3.5 to 4 hours. After the oats will fall apart and become very soft, received the jelly must RUB through a sieve – it will be only a rough husk, and the whole gluten will remain in the drink.

Recipe # 3

The third recipe is perhaps the most simple. It will require a glass cleaned oats, finely ground in a coffee grinder, a glass of low fat milk and two cups of pure water. The whole mixture, stirring carefully, bring to a boil over low heat, tightly covered with a lid, leave to soak for 20 to 30 minutes. This jelly can not drain.

Recipe # 4

The most effective slimming knowledgeable experts call oatmeal with prunes and beets. You should mix half a Cup of oatmeal, half a Cup of washed prunes and grated beets medium size. All of these ingredients pour two liters of boiling water and cook stirring regularly on very low heat for 15 to 20 minutes. When the broth has cooled a bit, it is necessary to carefully drain.

Many like oatmeal and pure, but for someone his taste seems not particularly pleasant. If you want to make the taste more pronounced in the drink, you can optionally add a little honey (sugar add undesirable). Many use as flavorings frayed fresh fruit and berries.

Therapeutic oatmeal need to drink small amounts (half a Cup) for 20 to 30 minutes before the morning and before the evening meal. Ready broth should be stored in the refrigerator. It is advisable to mix it before you drink it. Generally, nutritionists advise to drink oatmeal courses for one month, after which it is advisable to take a break somewhere for six months and repeat “hand therapy”.

Remember that, despite all the beneficial properties and almost miraculous effect, abuse oat compote still not worth it – too-frequent use may cause congestion in the intestinal mucus, which will negatively affect digestion. But with the right eating oatmeal can help you transform easy on the eyes and, as a wonderful side effect to get a stronger immunity and increase efficiency!

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Read article Methods of preparing oatmeal.

суббота, 28 марта 2015 г.

Festive hairstyles for girls: beautiful, comfortable, safe

праздничные прически для девочек Women at any age want to be beautiful, and even little girls love to dress up and effectively to style your hair to look like a Princess. Pretty holiday hairstyles for girls help young ladies to feel confident that develop taste and just pleasing to the eye. But it is important that hairstyles were not only beautiful but also convenient, otherwise the event will be changed into torment.


Elegant hairstyles for short hair

Mothers of girls with short hair, there is no need to master the art of applying rollers or Curling hair, and braiding. To make spectacular styling from hair length to the chin by using various hoops and diadems. Be superfluous and a variety of pins, playing primarily decorative.

Beautiful hoops are embellished with stones, sequins or flowers, instantly make a festive way. Sure girls will like and this decoration, like a diadem is a type of wrap with imitation of the crown. Young ladies are charming look with short tails of hair, and the more tails, the better.

Colorful barrettes with a spectacular jewelry is not a very well kept hair, but help in a matter of seconds to decorate the hair. It is desirable that the decor wasn’t too long and get tangled up in your hair. You should also avoid hair clips with sharp edges.


Average hair length: large selection of hairstyles for the holiday

For owners of medium length hair (chin to shoulders) there are a variety of different hairstyles. Some of them are easy to implement, you need to work hard.

If the hair itself is beautiful and thick, then the ideal option would be to just dismiss them, decorating beautiful Hoop, a tiara, ribbons, flowers (better artificial), shiny bows or hair clips. Even more effective would this hairstyle, if strands to curl into ringlets. Thus it is not necessary to wrap all the hair – a pair of lovely curls on the background of straight hair will also look very interesting.

For active girls who are unlikely to keep fine hair with flowing hair, perfect different braids. Various types of braids allow the creation of medium length hair a variety of elegant hairstyles. “Spikelets”, “fish tails, braids-wreaths and braids-braids – a lot of options. Intricate netting also can be decorated with bows, ribbons, flowers, rhinestones and pearls.


Festive hairstyles for long hair

Long hair is the pride of every girl. This length allows the imagination to roam and to try different hairstyles. To create a glamorous hairstyle from long well kept hair is much easier than from other hair length. Even the usual “tail” will look elegant, if you decorate it with bright decorations, mesh, flowers, ribbons, netting or elastic curls.

For example, hairstyle, “high tail” is a great option for the holiday. Near the face can produce a few curls, and the base of the tail decorate original braided hair. Looks interesting and the combination of braids and ponytail: for example, on temples hair braided in plaits, which are then fixed on the top of his head, moving to the lush tail.

In General, a variety of hairstyles from braided to long hair is amazing. This and a variety of braids and wreaths, and complex cross-netting, and bundles of all kinds. Braids are perfectly preserved throughout the holiday and look very interesting – many stylists consider this hairstyle is a perfect option for young women with long hair.

Dissolve long hair is not always convenient: these hairstyles can easily disarranged. But the traditional “Malvina” would be a good solution: the hair above the forehead and ears are fixed on the top of the head, and the hair on the back of the head remain loose. A beautiful piece of jewelry will complete the look and make it a truly festive.


Not only the beauty

Experience shows that even young girls are willing to endure discomfort in order to look attractive. And yet parents of young princesses should try that hairstyle is not caused daughters of inconvenience. It is desirable to avoid too much tension on the strands, which can cause headaches. This “side effect” fashionable hairstyles threatens to ruin the whole holiday.

In addition, it is better to abandon pins and pins with sharp items such jewelry hairstyles can be dangerous, especially if the child is still small. It is advisable to buy jewelry made especially for children. Unlike cheap Chinese products, such pins and studs are perfectly safe, they cannot be scratched, and all the decorative elements attached securely to a small child was able to pick off and swallow.

Active and mobile girls hardly suitable complex hairstyles that require careful handling. To keep this look, have to discard noisy and fun games for rolling the child it will become a real torture. If not to sacrifice the movement in favour of beauty, by the end of the holiday complex hairstyle will look best.

Many holiday hairstyles for girls require Curling hair. It is desirable to use “cold” methods of iron – they almost do not damage the hair in the rollers and tongs. If you want to curl your hair with a hot method, it is necessary to protect the strands with a special styling products. For thin and delicate baby hair perms using tongs is a serious test of strength. Therefore it is better not to get involved with hairstyles that are created with the use of high temperatures. A much safer option – “Granny” methods of hair braiding wet hair, hair rollers, curlers.

Related articles

Read article Festive hairstyles for girls: beautiful, comfortable, safe

Biorevitalization as a way to effectively restore youth to the skin.

Проведение биоревитализации на лице.

Every lady want to look young, but our skin is already 25 years begins to lose moisture, firmness and elasticity. This has led to large-scale development procedures to rejuvenate all leading cosmetic companies and centers. It was only recently applied to biorevitalization, which became the salvation for everyone who wishes to achieve a visible effect without the aid of surgeons.

What is biorevitalization?

If we consider the name of the method – biorevitalization is translated as “natural return of life”. That is, it is the most natural procedure that allows you to return the tone of the skin and attractive appearance.

One of the main substances that provide natural moisture and elasticity of the epidermis, is hyaluronic acid. It is produced in the skin cells without interference. However, with age the production of this enzyme is reduced, resulting in skin “fade”.

Суть биоревитализации.During the biorevitalisation under the skin using a painless injection is introduced sufficient amount of hyaluronic acid, which reacts with other enzymes of cells, promotes elasticity and remove wrinkles, affecting them from the inside. Since the composition of acid produced in the similar cells, its absorption is fast and without consequences for epidermis.

In addition to the impact on the receptors and reactions inside the cell, hyaluronic acid leads to the production of additional quantities of collagen and elastin. This leads to natural regeneration and to improve the condition of the epidermis. Therefore, biorevitalization has become a popular procedure among ladies aged and youth planning to slow down aging.

Due to safety and ease of procedure apply injections biorevitalisation on any problem area. Most often need support exposed to UV rays region. With a high degree of dehydration of these sites is recommended 2-3 procedures. To combat the problem of aging at the initial stage, only one therapy for six months.

What are the different types of bio-revitalisation?

There are two ways to influence the skin in the framework of the biorevitalisation:

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid.

Injection method offers maximum efficiency, since the insertion of the needle, the technician can control the depth of impact and deliver portions of hyaluronic acid in the problem domain.

Laser biorevitalization.

This method is more gentle. So it is often referred to as SPA treatments. It provides for the introduction of acid into the skin by using laser radiation of low frequency. The presence of two variants biorevitalisation allows each customer to choose the best. For easy rejuvenation with minimal interference resorted to using a laser. And if the problem requires drastic measures – without injections can not do.

Which is better: biorevitalization or mesotherapy? And how do they differ?

Отличия биоревитализации от мезотерапии.Biorevitalisation relates to the field of mesotherapy, since both procedures as active substance use hyaluronic acid. However, a number of significant differences makes it more efficient for customers salons with skin problems.

First, for biorevitalisation uses a special form of hyaluronic acid – crossed. She is able to stay long inside the cells, not decaying and continuing to affect the receptors. While in mesotherapy acid dissolves completely in a relatively short period.

Secondly, mesotherapy injections provide for the introduction of the so-called “cocktail”, which contains many additional enzymes and substances. At the same time biorevitalization drugs consist only of synthetic hyaluronic acid, which makes the procedure effect more noticeable.

And thirdly, biorevitalization as a separate part of mesotherapy allows you to work on problem areas of the point, resulting in maximum efficiency of the injection.

Indications and contraindications for biorevitalisation.

The reason biorevitalization can be:

  • The decline of elasticity;

  • Violation pigmenting;

  • The appearance of wrinkles;

  • Excessive dryness;

  • Earlier aging.

Кому не рекомендуется делать биоревитализацию.She also sometimes used in the sense of recovery procedures after long-term treatment of the skin, leading to its depletion and dehydration. However, in some cases, the biorevitalization may be contraindicated. Among them:

  • Skin diseases;

  • Inflammation of the areas that have to undergo the procedure;

  • Allergic to hyaluronic acid;

  • Autoimmune diseases;

  • Herpes infection;

  • A severe form of chronic illnesses;

  • Individual susceptibility to colloidal scar;

  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Other clients can count on the help of cosmetologists to restore the skin. But be prepared for possible complications, such as: redness, swelling the area subjected to the procedure, minor bruising, and pain at the injection site needle. The recovery period is not more than a couple of days. And so it was as painless as possible, stick to the recommendations. Immediately after biorevitalisation not:

  • RUB the face;

  • Apply makeup;

  • Applying cosmetics;

  • Sauna;

  • Sunbathing.

However, with all the contraindications and possible complications, the effect achieved is worth the inconvenience, but the consequences are much easier than after surgery.

Photo: © lunamarina, © grzenda.pl, © marinasvetlova – Fotolia

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Read article Biorevitalization as a way to effectively restore youth to the skin.

пятница, 27 марта 2015 г.

Hair styling mousse: seductive volume

укладка волос муссом No spectacular evening or casual styling is impossible to do without special tools that capture the shape of hair. Hair styling mousse is the perfect way not only to keep her hair long, but to give the hair volume and Shine. This tool is recommended primarily for thin hair, weak, disobedient.


The advantages and disadvantages of mousses

Муссы для волос Mousses hair got its name for a delicate, airy texture. These gentle foam gives hair the missing volume, make strands of elastic, not sticky and not weighing it down. Mousses are ideally suited to care for curly hair, because unlike other styling products they do not pull the hair and retain the elastic curls.

Mousses are suitable for styling all hair types, but they are particularly recommended for the care of thin hairwithout volume. Thanks to its airy mousse consistency easily envelop every single hair, giving it volume along the entire length, including near the roots. This is the perfect tool for fine and light hair, but the hair is thick, long and heavy mousses not be able to cope.

Муссы подходят для укладки волос всех типов Modern mousses protect the hair from harmful effects of the environment, and special fortified funds nourish strands, saturating them with vitamins. They are much less dried hair than other types of styling products, mousses so you can use even for those whose hair have increased brittleness.

At the same time be aware that the composition of hair mousse is alcohol, so constant use of these styling products can dry up locks. It is recommended that at least sometimes to make the hair a rest from mousses and foams.

The disadvantages funds can be attributed to the complexity of its dosage. If you use mousse in a small amount of hair is not well documented. If you use too much mousse, hair will look dirty, the strands will become untidy “icicles”, and correct the situation can only be washing the head. Best to use a little mousse for hair styling medium length usually enough foam ball the size of a walnut.


How to choose a mousse?

Как выбрать мусс для волос Mousses on sale are different and it is important to choose the right tool. The first rule is, the thinner the hair, the weaker fixation. So, for thin and weak hair, make mousses light hold with a natural effect. In order to hold the style of thick and heavy hair, you will need more powerful tools.

For dry and sensitized hair it is recommended to use mousses with conditioners. These mousses make hair strong and elastic, give them vitality and facilitate combing. And mousses with the addition of wax will give a dry, depleted hair Shine. Only use such funds should very carefully: it only takes a couple extra grams mousse to hair began to look dirty and greasy.

Для жирных волос подходят муссы сильной фиксации Suitable for oily hair mousse strong hold, containing a small amount of alcohol. These mousses reduce excessive greasiness of hair and give oily hair volume.

In rainy days it is better to use mousse extra strong hold: it will keep the shape of hair even in strong winds. A good option would also mousse gel is a kind of a hybrid of two varieties stacking means. Mousse-gel does not weigh down the hair, but provides a reliable hold and Shine.

Toning mousse – the perfect option for those who want to spice up your image. Such funds may not dye her hair, because a thin film Moussa translucent natural hair color, but give the new shining strands tone. Typically, these tools are applied to separate the strands, the hair seemed thicker and shimmered in various shades.


Rules of application

способы нанесения мусса Mousse is usually applied to wet, slightly dried after washing hair. Less often the product is used for styling dry hair. The main thing is that the strands were clean: dirty hair mousse was not applied, otherwise the hair will look very messy.

Before use a vial with a means to be shaken, then turn the down spout and squeeze in the palm of a small amount of mousse. Do not apply a mousse spray directly on the hair, since it is quite difficult in this case to control the amount of hair styling products.

Depending on the length of hair may require a different amount of money, but it is better to put it in small portions, because otherwise there is a risk of “overload” of the hair styling tool instead of volume and natural hairstyles to get dirty matted strands. On average, enough for short hair ball the size of a cherry, for medium length hair – a walnut or a plum, for long hair with a tennis ball or small Apple.

мусс наносят на волосы от кончиков к корням There are several ways of applying self. Sometimes the remedy is spread evenly all over the hair using a comb with wide teeth, and then rubbing the strands palms. Sometimes mousse applied on the hair from the tips to the roots springing movements, like rumpling his hair, this method of application is recommended for curly hair. To create a root volume small portion mousse is applied to the roots of the hair, head bowed.

After this you need to give the hair to dry naturally (to obtain the effect of natural waves) or dry with a Hairdryer. In the latter case, it is desirable to choose styling products with the effect of thermal protection or with the addition of panthenol and some reduce the harmful effects of high temperatures on the hair. It is desirable to dry your hair with cool air. Can hair coated with the mousse to cheat on curler – get elastic shiny locks that will be to maintain good form.

Related articles

Read article Hair styling mousse: seductive volume

Methods for cleaning the stomach.


The child’s body is perfect, but over time each of us are troubled by diseases of the internal organs. One of the main causes of these illnesses are slagging of the stomach and intestines.

Bad processed foods are accumulated within us, impregnated with toxins and other harmful substances that seabed abounds in modern food. They poison us from the inside. Therefore, it is important to periodically clean the stomach of toxins.

Cleaning before the diet.

The procedure for cleaning the stomach of toxins is more often noticing the extra weight. Nutritionists before the diet definitely recommend “purge”, because only after that you will be able to:

  • to see the real state of your body and determine your exact weight;

  • to establish a healthy diet, to form a correct diet;

  • to get from food the whole set of essential trace elements that will be easily absorbed.

Most often before the diet used two methods of purification, which differ in minimum time:

Vitamin puree “brush”.

For its preparation you will need dried apricots, raisins and prunes (300g), 0.3 ml of rosehip syrup and a bag Seine (medicinal weed). The ingredients are ground by a grinder or blender, diluted syrup and use a dessert spoon twice a day with a large glass of warm water with lemon juice.

Cleaning for 2-3 days. During its implementation, it is recommended to take vitamins to avoid exhaustion.

Cleaning the stomach, activated charcoal.

Активированный уголь.This method is ingenious in its simplicity and effectiveness and is based on the main property of coal – ability to absorb and bind toxins and waste products, accurately and quickly taking them out of the body.

If the mass of your body less than 80 kg, the regimen of tablets will be as follows: in the morning on an empty stomach at the rate of 1 tab. for every 10 pounds of weight you take the coal, with a maximum amount of water. People who weigh more than 80 kg, the recommended dose is 10 tablets daily three times with an interval between food intake and coal at least one hour.

Cleaning in various poisonings.


The second degree of relevance is the cleansing of the stomach of toxins food poisoning. After all, getting into the blood, the harmful substances can cause enormous damage to the body. Therefore, it is important to remove them from the digestive tract, in order to prevent intoxication. Specialists in this case, we recommend:

  1. Drinking plenty of fluids. This allows your body get rid of toxins and then the urine.

  2. Water with potassium permanganate. Has a disinfectant, antimicrobial and gag It should drink before retching, in any case they are not holding back. Important: the solution should be slightly pink, it is sufficient minimum amount of the drug (at the tip of the knife into 1 liter of water).

  3. Chelators. Absorb toxins, removing them in a natural way (activated carbon, Smectite, Politeam).

  4. Peace and relaxation.

The alcohol.

When alcohol poisoning to these events, you can add drinking mineral water with a high content of salt and Rehydron – a drug that restores the water balance of the body. It is especially necessary in case of heavy and frequent vomiting.

Cleaning after overeating.

Женщина и тарелка с булочками.Very often the holiday feast lead to poor health: heaviness in the stomach, disorders of defecation and vomiting can be caused by excessive consumption of greasy and heavy foods. To clear the stomach after eating will help quite a simple way: correction of diet for a week.

First, it is necessary to drink more. Those are the most perfect one and a half liters of clean water a day, of which there are many and nutritionists have long said, is the first step towards the elimination of toxins and impurities.

Secondly, it is necessary to enter in the daily menu products that improve peristalsis:

  • fiber-rich vegetables raw or lightly processed form;

  • bran and bread from whole wheat flour;

  • beans and nuts;

  • cereals (wheat, barley and barley), which includes not only fiber, but also many minerals and amino acids;

  • dried fruits instead of candies and sweets;

  • green tea and juices instead of coffee.

The most popular means of cleaning the stomach.

To clear the stomach of toxins is not necessary to seek help from doctors or go to extremes, acquiring pharmaceutical drugs. There are a number of simple, and most importantly safe ways to get rid of toxins in the home.


Стеклянная бутылка с маслом.Cleaning of the stomach oil begins with a preparatory phase, during which you should drink before eating freshly pressed Apple juice (not less than 100ml). After 3-4 days, go directly to the procedure: pour in different capacity oil (preferably olive or flax) and lemon juice, do turn on the throat of each of the fluids every 15 minutes.

Next, take a horizontal position, laying under the right hypochondrium (liver area) warm heating pad. This method is one of the most stressful for the organism: its effectiveness is associated with the release of bile and the probability of shifting stones. Therefore, before cleaning, you should ensure that your liver is functioning properly, and stones you simply do not.


Doctors are convinced that only the enema can “wash” all the dross, scalevalues years, and the only way you will be able to remove fecal stones. Moreover, it will have to do more than once, but you could get addicted to it.

For the cleansing procedure, you can use the pear Esmarch or conventional syringe. As the filler can be used warm water (minimum flushing effect, sparing variant), decoction (additional healing effect) or a solution of the juice of one lemon in a liter of water (most effective method).

You should not resort to this method to people with abdominal pain, tumors or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and after surgical procedures.

Apple cider vinegar.

It’s time consuming, but effective cleaning option without risk to health. To do this during the week on an empty stomach to drink a 0.2-0.25 ml warm water dissolved with 1 tbsp of vinegar.

The scheme is simple: the first day – one Cup in the morning, the second morning and evening, on the third added dining glass, marked the fourth day break for rest and forth from three cups to one.

The salt water.

В стакан с водой добавляют ложку соли.Catharsis is salt water and has tonic and healing effect because it allows you to get rid of toxins in the entire digestive tract.

Includes drink warm salt (a teaspoon of salt per liter) or sea water. Fasting from morning should be taken of 0.5-0.75 l. When you feel the urge to dump – it’s time for the next chunk and so on until until the output does not get the same clear water.

The cleaning procedure must be accompanied by special physical exercises. Important: you cannot drink more than 2.5 liters of salted water, even if you have not achieved the desired result.


Body cleansing soda in recent times carried out using a bath. But if you want to save your own digestive tract of toxins – you have two options: reception inside or klishirovannoj.

The first involves her use twice a day from 0.5 gram to a gram during the week. Caution should be treated by this method of cleaning people with low acidity. Enemas, use a solution of 0.5 tsp per litre of warm water.

Cleansing properties soda provides the ability to dissolve compounds including toxins from alcohol and certain food additives, commonly used today. An additional advantage of its consumption – normalization of alkaline level of the body.


Стакан и бутылка с кефиром.Cleaning the stomach yogurt is the most gentle way. It is most often practiced by the people, for health reasons, are unable to use more aggressive techniques.

To do this the first day I drink 1.5 to 3 liters of yogurt low fat, one Cup every 1-1,5 hours, and nothing to eat.

On the second day of his first appointment replace Apple juice.

From the third day add menu in the vegetables and cook on the fourth of them salads, seasoning with olive oil. Begin each day with klishirovannoj. It is best to empty the stomach by using a home, your homemade kefir.

As you can see, to be cleansed of toxins quite easy. Physicians are advised to do it at least once every 3-5 years.

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четверг, 26 марта 2015 г.

Care bangs: important details

уход за челкой Bangs are always in fashion – they make your face younger, emphasize the eyes and even visually change the shape of the face, if necessary. It is only important to choose the right type of bangs for your face and constantly take care of it so that the hair looked attractive. Care for the bangs quite simple, and the most important rule of success – in its regularity.


Particular care

особенности ухода за челкой Many believe that the fringe does not require some special care. But it’s not. In most cases, the length of the strands of hair falling on the forehead, is different from the length of the hair in the hairstyle. The super-long bangs short hairstyle is the exception rather than the rule, and usually bangs is shorter than the other strands.

Different hair length means that spoilt the strands are uneven. Usually bangs salted much earlier than the entire hairstyle. The reasons are many: creams, cosmetics, skin oil and sweat, plenty of styling products. So, with the bangs must be cared for in a special way so that it did not give slovenly appearance of the entire installation.



мытье челки Hair falling on the forehead, require more frequent washing than the rest of the hair. Of course, if you wash your hair every day, the difference will be hardly noticeable. But those who prefer to arrange washing your hair every 2-3 days, or even less, is to ensure that bangs was always clean – that is, wash it separately. This can be combined with conventional washing – just apply on the strands around the face a drop of shampoo and rinse.

In some cases, for refreshment bangs will suit dry shampoo – it can help you get rid of excessive greasiness and residues of styling products. Dry shampoo is a powder or spray rubbed into strands, and then combed with a comb with frequent teeth. This remedy hair care not to everyone, but in some cases, for example, if you need to quickly refresh your hairstyle, it is indispensable.

If the bangs are very much soiled, then perhaps the fact that it is too rare. A trip to the hairdresser makes it easy to solve this problem: it is enough to make a Bang thicker to better and lay them “icicles”. Perhaps we should abandon the tapering, I love so many hairdressers: the more hair, and the thicker will be the bangs, the cleaner it will look.



укладка челки Even a perfectly trimmed bangs can rarely do without stacking. Bad hair can keep the shape, to scatter or to twist in different directions. Therefore the owners of bangs usually have daily to style your hair above the forehead. This is good in a way: you can try different options of hair, making it smooth bangs, round, combed to the side.

Don’t overuse styling products for the purpose of framing bangs. First, the excess gel, mousse, varnish and wax causes hair get dirty very quickly. And secondly, even the most delicate hair styling products are slowly but surely ruining hair, they lose their luster, make less elastic and strong. Therefore, in order to put the bangs, is usually quite literally drops gel strong hold mousse or wax for styling.

укладка пышной челки If your hair is curly, get neat bangs can be very difficult. Stylists recommend to apply on the locks serum for straightening hair, and then style your bangs using irons or Ironing. An elongated so the bangs should be fixed with varnish strong hold. Another option is during the day periodically comb the bangs with a comb, the teeth of which splashed over with varnish. This will allow you to “pacify” the flyaways and give your bangs a neat shape.

For smooth styling bangs usually use a flat brush or flat iron. Preliminary it is necessary to put on hair styling products – for example, the gel or gel-wax with the effect of straightening the hair. It is desirable that the bangs was quite thick so it will not separate into individual strands.

To put fluffy bangs, you will need a round brush. To revitalize hair, a simple trick: first, bangs, light breeze when drying up, and then laid down. Do the same thing with asymmetrical bangs – first, pull them to one side, and then placed in another. For lush, layered bangs as a means for laying a good fit mousses hair: they are securely fixed strands, not sticky and doesn’t add bulk, keeping all their splendor.


The choice of the form

выбор формы челки Bangs is a great remedy to correct some of the deficiencies of the face, so when choosing the shape of the bangs should focus not so much on fashion trends, but rather on the features of their appearance. For example, long thick straight bangs bring out your eyes and accentuate the shape of the cheekbones will make your face younger. These bangs to invest carefully: if the hair starts to fall apart into strands, the hair looks sloppy. Such bangs is perfect to elongate the face, visually balancing proportions. But the round-faced this type of bangs will not go.

Side-swept bangs looks very stylish, it softens the outline of a square or a rectangular face, makes the image of the feminine. But this type of bangs is not good for curly hair. Oblique bangs must be carefully fix, because it is easy to lose form.

Short ragged bangs are suitable chubby. It must be remembered that this type of bangs can emphasize big nose and too-long face. To put short bangs is easy – perhaps this is the only kind of person that can do it without styling and requires minimal maintenance. But is such bangs grow as they begin to stick in different directions and look very sloppy.

An arcuate bangs are a good idea for a round or tapering downward face. This hairstyle is very important to the clarity of the lines, so you should not experiment with your hair yourself, it is better to trust an experienced stylist. Best bangs an arcuate shape look great on straight hair, strands so often pull the flat iron or round brush.

Related articles

Read article Care bangs: important details

Cryotherapy is the way to fight diseases, improve your health and stop aging.

Омолаживающая криотерапия для красоты и здоровья.

Among Wellness and anti-aging treatments special emphasis cryotherapy, which is gaining popularity now. This is a unique opportunity to immerse the body in a position short of artificial stress, to stimulate him to the improvement of all systems and the acceleration of metabolic processes.

Cryotherapy was used in Tsarist Russia for nobles. Then technology would allow a healing procedure cooling only by taking ice baths, which was not exactly comfortable and required some preparation. Modern methods allow for cryotherapy in much more comfortable conditions. For this purpose, the chamber is under the overall impact and the cold air, liquid nitrogen or dry ice” – in local procedures.

The principle of operation of cryotherapy.

Воздействие холода на кожу.The body of a person or a certain area is subjected to artificially cooled by the use of special tools. When the temperature falls below the optimum of 36.6 °C, capillaries constrict, and the aging process is significantly slowed. After the session with the rapid expansion of blood vessels is an acceleration of blood flow, the saturation of all the tissues more oxygen, the activation of metabolic processes. This leads to an increased regeneration of all cells and tissues.

Due to this impact the use of cryotherapy for the treatment of certain complex and chronic diseases. Cryotherapy is also used as anti-aging treatments. While deciding on a long course, you can even change the biochemical composition of blood: to saturate it with oxygen and increase the protein content.

How is cryotherapy.

Cryotherapy is held in special rooms – cryosauna, where can be placed as a group of people, and single clients that select an individual course. The effectiveness of the procedure above with a maximum exposure of the body, so men are encouraged to visit the cryosauna in shorts, and ladies – in two-piece bathing suits. While safety is covered by a bandage, mouth, and hands and feet protect mittens and socks.

In the cryochamber is served chilled to – 150-190°With gas, as a rule, it is the nitrogen that reaches the neck of the patient. The skin cools rapidly stimulates natural protective mechanisms of the organism. In patients with skin diseases cryotherapy for some time relieves itching. Session duration is 2-3 minutes, and the rate depends on the diagnosis and can reach up to 25 days.

Криотерапия для лица с помощью льда.Local cryotherapy involves impact to a small area using a jet of gas low temperature moistened swab or a piece of dry ice. This eliminates the symptoms of allergies, relieves inflammation and accelerates regeneration. The effect is noticeable immediately after the session.

Local cryotherapy is also used as cosmetic procedures with a high effect in hyperpigmentation, acne, rosacea, and also helps to tone and rejuvenate the epidermis. The treatment lasts up to 2 minutes.

In addition, cryotherapy as an additional procedure is included in the active program on the fight against cellulite. Thus the cooling of the exposed problem areas. And the General procedures help fight depression and stress.

How to do the therapy at home.

Due to the popularity and effectiveness of cryotherapy and high cost of salon procedures relevant is the question of the possibility of its implementation at home. The local effect is easy to organize improvised means, using ice cubes or made from the warmer crypkey.

With the help of ice.

Криотерапия холодной грелкой.The easiest option cryotherapy – wiping needing rejuvenation zones with ice cubes. In smaller time and a little effort You will get a noticeable effect after the course to the end. Namely, remove the swelling and puffiness, tighten the skin and normalize its color. Enhance the effect will help add to ice decoction of herbs, essential oils or just freeze green tea, which has a tonic effect.

Using method: bags.

To increase the area of exposure to cold You can freeze lettuce, mint leaves or making method: bags. For the latter You will need a hot water bottle or bladder, used for compresses. The optimum temperature will be, if in water, pour in the bottle, add a little salt. Cool method: bags in the freezer up to 3 hours. Used topically by applying to an affected area once in the tank will appear slightly thawed water. It is important not to overdo the ice to prevent frostbite or not chill the nerve.

Contraindications to cryotherapy.

The procedure is most often assigned to cosmetic purposes or for the treatment of diseases in which the effects of heat are prohibited. In a number of contraindications for cold treatment are:

  • Cold Allergy;

  • Tuberculosis;

  • Inflammation;

  • Coagulability;

  • Elevated temperature;

  • Acute diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

  • Cancer;

  • Wounds and ulcers at the site of impact.

In General cryotherapy is a safe and practiced regardless of the season. It can take patients from 7 to 70 years. Other procedures of cosmetology it is distinguished by the absence of a period of rehabilitation and recovery.

Photo: © PeJo, © Fisher, © ipag – Fotolia

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среда, 25 марта 2015 г.

How to treat bruises?

Ушиб головы.

Injury, of course, is one of the most common types of injuries. Ratnas by severity and location, it is always accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as swelling and swelling.

But it is not necessary to wait, when they will pass on their own. You can take some simple measures that will help reduce swelling at the site of impact.

First aid for bruises.

The first symptoms after hitting causes rupture of small blood vessels, the blood of which seeps into the soft tissues and accumulates in them. Significantly relieve pain and reduce swelling at the site of injury helps a cold compress. It reduces the amount of blood flowing to the injured area, and prevents the development of severe swelling.

Прикладывание льда.Optimally applied to the injured body part ice wrapped in a cloth or bag, or cold water bottle. If such is not possible, you can dampen a small towel or handkerchief in the icy water, but in this case, the compress will often enough cooling.

With the injury of a joint of an arm or leg well helps to reduce swelling iodine mesh, applied directly to the place of impact. And in the case of serious injury with a strong hematoma doctors recommend to use as lotions mixture of iodine and Apple cider vinegar and salt dissolved in water. The obtained composition is impregnated compress, apply it on the affected area.

From medical methods of first aid can distinguish drugs, active component which are natural oils and herbs: fresh-water sponge, Traumeel, Caffeine, etc.

Folk healers recommend to use as impregnation for lotions herbal extracts of plantain, yarrow, St. John’s wort, wormwood or common Heather. You can choose any plant of the present in the home medicine Cabinet, or use several at once.

For the preparation of impregnating a couple tablespoons of chopped dried gathering steam it in a 200-220g of boiling water, stand for two hours and cooled. Important: these methods will be less effective if you use them after a while after the injury.

Treatment of injury in different areas.

Every day we get bruises and abrasions, but their treatment can largely vary depending on the location of the injury.

A knee.

More often affects the knees, especially for people leading an active lifestyle and regularly engaged in sports. In this case standard cooling as emergency aid should be accompanied by immobilization of the victim. If you are indoors – try going to bed and put on the thigh high pillow.

Arriving on the street, after hitting the knee, be sure to sit down on a bench or the parapet, and lift up your leg so that the Shin above the level of the thigh. From drugs after injury of the knee joint doctors recommend to use Collagen cream Ultra. He has chondroprotective properties, reduces swelling and speeds up the recovery of damaged parts of the joint.

The Shin.

Травма голени.A calf injury in areas where maximum muscle attached to the bone tissue, is considered one of the most dangerous. In the periosteum this area, as in the elbow joint, are special pain receptors, so a strong blow in addition to swelling can cause a painful shock.

In addition, the tumor this part of the leg is characterized by increase in symptoms: over time, minor swelling, which you have not paid enough attention, becoming a serious problem. To reduce swelling will help the application of a special cream after a cold compress.

You can choose pharmacy drug or to make an ointment for yourself. When injuries periosteum elbow and Shin optimal effect on the tumor has a freshly squeezed juice or puree leaf aloe mixed with honey, which allows the effective substances quickly and deeply into the tissue, removing puffiness.


The peculiarity of a bruised foot in frequent fractures of small bones that accompany it. To exclude the possibility, after the impact should be carefully palpated the affected zone. The presence of a sharp pain in one specific point is a significant reason to do x-rays, to forestall complications. To remove a tumor of the foot will help cooling bandages in the first and warming on the second or fifth day, and the use of anesthetic ointments and immobilization of small joints.

The thumb.

To reduce swelling on the finger if the blow fell on him, will allow long massage with an ice cube immediately after injury and a complete lack of load on the next few days. Bruised finger is much easier to treat, but if the injured leg is better to abandon walks and close closed shoes.

Special attention such injury must be given to people suffering from diabetes. They should not resort to cooling the affected areas, and to reduce swelling will help special medicated ointment.

The brush.

With the injury of the brush easy form to avoid tumor will help the simplest medications, nonprescription, and folk remedies: vinegar compresses, dressing with mashed beans (2-5 day), taped to the hand of a cabbage leaf, providing a cooling and anti-inflammatory effect.

If after 40-60 minutes of applying cold to the injured place the wrist pain has abated – the possible dislocation or fracture and necessarily should visit the doctor.

The face area.

Лечение ушибов лица.The most acute problem of elimination of edema at the injury of a person. Quickly get rid of the tumor and swelling in the nose or the eyes will help alternately applying ointment traumel and Caffeine with an interval of 2-3 hours. For ladies there are also a number of gels that contain a toning enzyme (for example, Senecoff). They are not only struggling with the unpleasant consequences of a hit, but allow time to make them less noticeable.

Choosing a method of treatment of edema, remember: injury of any part of the face may be accompanied by a visually imperceptible, but very severe consequences, such as concussions of varying severity or internal bleeding.

How to speed recovery.

Significantly reduce the time required for rehabilitation of the injured from the impact zone, you can use some special preparations.

  1. If the injury was severe, you may need a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication. Optimal representatives of this category of drugs considered to Diclofenac, Aspirin and Ketanov.

  2. You should use ointments and creams with a pronounced recovery function: Fastum gel, Traumeel, Lioton and several others.

  3. The affected area needs to rest. To do this, you should apply a bandage retainer, especially if you have hurt the joints of the foot, and temporarily to minimize physical activity.

Folk remedies for bruises and swelling.

Прикладывание пакета со льдом.Among the abundance of recipes of traditional medicine that promises quick healing from swelling after the impact, the most popular are:

  • Tea brew. After steaming it a little squeeze and chill, wrapped in gauze compress and apply to the injured area.

  • Onion juice. It not only helps to reduce swelling, decrease pain from injury.

  • Curd. It is formed compress, laying on a thick cloth, and put in the freezer for 5-7 minutes. Then applied to injury. The great cheese keeps cold for a long time, and lactic acid components lighten the skin, eliminating the bruise, and relieve swelling.

  • Headbands can be made from ground plants. Most frequently used plantain and roots of garlic, crushed and applied to the area of injury, leaving for a long time.

And finally: the maximum duration of swelling the site of injury is 3 weeks. If after this time, the tumor continues to bother you – be sure to visit a trauma surgeon!

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