четверг, 26 марта 2015 г.

Cryotherapy is the way to fight diseases, improve your health and stop aging.

Омолаживающая криотерапия для красоты и здоровья.

Among Wellness and anti-aging treatments special emphasis cryotherapy, which is gaining popularity now. This is a unique opportunity to immerse the body in a position short of artificial stress, to stimulate him to the improvement of all systems and the acceleration of metabolic processes.

Cryotherapy was used in Tsarist Russia for nobles. Then technology would allow a healing procedure cooling only by taking ice baths, which was not exactly comfortable and required some preparation. Modern methods allow for cryotherapy in much more comfortable conditions. For this purpose, the chamber is under the overall impact and the cold air, liquid nitrogen or dry ice” – in local procedures.

The principle of operation of cryotherapy.

Воздействие холода на кожу.The body of a person or a certain area is subjected to artificially cooled by the use of special tools. When the temperature falls below the optimum of 36.6 °C, capillaries constrict, and the aging process is significantly slowed. After the session with the rapid expansion of blood vessels is an acceleration of blood flow, the saturation of all the tissues more oxygen, the activation of metabolic processes. This leads to an increased regeneration of all cells and tissues.

Due to this impact the use of cryotherapy for the treatment of certain complex and chronic diseases. Cryotherapy is also used as anti-aging treatments. While deciding on a long course, you can even change the biochemical composition of blood: to saturate it with oxygen and increase the protein content.

How is cryotherapy.

Cryotherapy is held in special rooms – cryosauna, where can be placed as a group of people, and single clients that select an individual course. The effectiveness of the procedure above with a maximum exposure of the body, so men are encouraged to visit the cryosauna in shorts, and ladies – in two-piece bathing suits. While safety is covered by a bandage, mouth, and hands and feet protect mittens and socks.

In the cryochamber is served chilled to – 150-190°With gas, as a rule, it is the nitrogen that reaches the neck of the patient. The skin cools rapidly stimulates natural protective mechanisms of the organism. In patients with skin diseases cryotherapy for some time relieves itching. Session duration is 2-3 minutes, and the rate depends on the diagnosis and can reach up to 25 days.

Криотерапия для лица с помощью льда.Local cryotherapy involves impact to a small area using a jet of gas low temperature moistened swab or a piece of dry ice. This eliminates the symptoms of allergies, relieves inflammation and accelerates regeneration. The effect is noticeable immediately after the session.

Local cryotherapy is also used as cosmetic procedures with a high effect in hyperpigmentation, acne, rosacea, and also helps to tone and rejuvenate the epidermis. The treatment lasts up to 2 minutes.

In addition, cryotherapy as an additional procedure is included in the active program on the fight against cellulite. Thus the cooling of the exposed problem areas. And the General procedures help fight depression and stress.

How to do the therapy at home.

Due to the popularity and effectiveness of cryotherapy and high cost of salon procedures relevant is the question of the possibility of its implementation at home. The local effect is easy to organize improvised means, using ice cubes or made from the warmer crypkey.

With the help of ice.

Криотерапия холодной грелкой.The easiest option cryotherapy – wiping needing rejuvenation zones with ice cubes. In smaller time and a little effort You will get a noticeable effect after the course to the end. Namely, remove the swelling and puffiness, tighten the skin and normalize its color. Enhance the effect will help add to ice decoction of herbs, essential oils or just freeze green tea, which has a tonic effect.

Using method: bags.

To increase the area of exposure to cold You can freeze lettuce, mint leaves or making method: bags. For the latter You will need a hot water bottle or bladder, used for compresses. The optimum temperature will be, if in water, pour in the bottle, add a little salt. Cool method: bags in the freezer up to 3 hours. Used topically by applying to an affected area once in the tank will appear slightly thawed water. It is important not to overdo the ice to prevent frostbite or not chill the nerve.

Contraindications to cryotherapy.

The procedure is most often assigned to cosmetic purposes or for the treatment of diseases in which the effects of heat are prohibited. In a number of contraindications for cold treatment are:

  • Cold Allergy;

  • Tuberculosis;

  • Inflammation;

  • Coagulability;

  • Elevated temperature;

  • Acute diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

  • Cancer;

  • Wounds and ulcers at the site of impact.

In General cryotherapy is a safe and practiced regardless of the season. It can take patients from 7 to 70 years. Other procedures of cosmetology it is distinguished by the absence of a period of rehabilitation and recovery.

Photo: © PeJo, © Fisher, © ipag – Fotolia

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