воскресенье, 30 ноября 2014 г.

Tablets XLS for weight loss: minus 5 kg for 30 days

таблетки XLS для снижения веса

Tablets XLS for weight loss have been created on one of the subsidiaries of the company omega Pharma (Omega Pharma) in 2010. Holding specializes in the production of over-the-counter medications, so this tool is not a drug, but a dietary Supplement. The drug was highly appreciated by European doctors and nutritionists who have recognized its effectiveness in reducing weight.

The structure and principle of operation

In our country comes in several varieties XLS, particular series of Professional and Duo (manufacturer LadoPhytophar, Belgium), 40+, “fat Blocker” (the manufacturer of Incoterm Europe Ltd, Germany). The supplements differ slightly in composition and method of reception, but have approximately the same effect. In this case, all the producers promise a weight loss of 5 kg per month. Ingredients for the tablets are extracts of grapefruit, artichoke, pineapple, green tea, parsley, fennel, black currant and Apple, cocoa butter.

Additionally, the product contains inulin, which is obtained from tubers of Jerusalem artichoke. This substance helps normalize lipid metabolism, reduce blood sugar level, helps to better absorb vitamins and minerals. On the process of weight loss drug acts simultaneously in several directions. Weight loss will occur due to:

  • increase of power consumption;

  • normalization of metabolism;

  • cleansing the body of toxins;

  • decrease feelings of hunger;

  • binding fats consumed with food.

Tablets XLS for weight loss “fat Blocker” function on the basis of the unique complex Lotramin, which contains cellulose Mexican cactus Opuntia Indian. His vegetable fibers adsorb to 27% fat and form a rather dense fiber-lipid complex, which is not absorbed in the intestine and excreted from the body during bowel movement.

XLS «Блокатор жиров» с уникальной формулой

Instructions for use of tablets XLS for weight loss

Take the tool you need 1 capsule in the morning during the month. To enhance the effect (good endurance) the dosage can be doubled. For drinking after drug requires a large amount of fluid. So BAD, be sure to drink a glass of water and a sachet of powder to dissolve in it. Also during the day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of free fluid. “Fat blocker” taken 2 tablets 3 times a day during meals.

With tablets XLS for weight loss on the couch does not count. First, you will need to significantly increase physical activity. Secondly, it is recommended to limit the diet to 1500 calories (for women) and 2000 kcal for men). Diet will be easier to survive, because the BAD dulls hunger. Before you start to take the drug, consult contraindications:

  • pregnancy, breast-feeding;

  • individual intolerance to the components;

  • kidney disease, diabetes (if the same diagnoses should consult with your doctor);

  • coadministration of drugs that reduce cholesterol levels.

You should also not use the pill within 2 hours after some of contraceptives and fat-soluble drugs. Although this Supplement is plant-based, her technique is sometimes associated with the occurrence of side effects in the form of digestive disorders, increased flatulence, nausea. It is not recommended to repeat more than two courses per year. To maintain a stable weight, you can use the BAD occasionally, 2 tablets during too high in calories and fat meal.

Where to buy and at what price?

Tablets XLS Medical can be purchased in regular and online pharmacies. Prescription to purchase supplements is not required. The prices of the product may vary depending on place of purchase and package size. So, the cost of Professional XLS approximately 800 rubles (30 to 60 capsules). Monthly rate “fat Blocker” 180 tablets will cost 2000-2800 rubles.


Anna, 28 years. Lose weight together with a friend. Together took these pills, went to the gym, drank a lot of water and controlled each other in the diet. The result is excellent! Girlfriend lost 4.5 kg, and I’m on 5.5 kg, and all this for 1 month. No side effects were not. Great tool, helps control appetite, food was restricted only sweet and flour.

Alina, 32 years. We work indiscriminate “epidemic” – all lean from XLS. And I decided to try to bring yourself to fly in order. Moreover, the advertisement promised that the fat will leave it to problem areas. The result is just lost time and money. Weight has not changed, the appetite on the contrary was brutal, but still belly constantly rotating. Price bites, and by eating a healthy diet and working out, you can lose weight without pills. The divorce!

Tamara, 39 years. Decided to lose weight easily. Impressed by advertising tablets, which positioned the product as completely natural. Have endured a month. Lost 2 kg, which came back as soon as he stopped taking, and even brought a couple extra. And all the while tormented by heartburn and dry mouth. And now became concerned about the kidneys and was found to have gallstones.


Read article Tablets XLS for weight loss: minus 5 kg for 30 days

Types of age spots and their causes.

Женщина с пигментными пятнами на лице.

Watch in their skin appearance yellowish or brown spots extremely unpleasant. Once a creep thoughts of the coming aging, about the deteriorating condition of the skin that now need more to be protected from the sun, to buy expensive cosmetics and so on.

However, you should try to look at things from the positive: Yes, age spots – it’s unpleasant, Yes, get rid of them is not easy – but it is possible! And fortunately, modern medicine and cosmetology stepped very far and for us modern women – almost any cosmetic problem, not a problem, but a small misunderstanding. You need only time to take appropriate measures and (why not?!) even at age 60, it is possible to look 40!

The reasons for the appearance of age spots.

To begin with, of course, you need to find out why age spots appear? What is it? Because this issue is about 40% of women, and not always it catches up with ladies of age. It appears, as evidenced by current research, hyperpigmentation can be caused by changes in the body with age and certain diseases (problems with their liver or kidneys, endocrine diseases), this may be a reaction to the negative effects of ultraviolet light. Sometimes the appearance of pigmentation can be caused by hereditary factors, and even the use of cosmetics (creams and peels) and some drugs!

Dark spots appear in those areas where for some reason melanin is a skin pigment is produced in excess. In fact, accumulation and are themselves pigment spots. In that case, if the spots appeared suddenly and in large numbers, if they rapidly increase in size – it is better to consult a doctor. With age pigmentation, especially at the initial stage, you can try to cope on their own.

What are age spots?

So, there are the following types of pigmented spots on the face and body:

  • Chloasma is dark brown (dark yellow) spots, usually irregular in shape, with a smooth surface and well-defined boundaries. They most often occur in pregnant girls, as a result of hormone disruption. Can appear on the face, chest, inner thighs, stomach. If the cause of chloasma is pregnancy, then the spots are often held by themselves by the end, it happens that the pigmentation takes a permanent nature and must be treated with medication.

  • Lentigo is a dark, dense spots, slightly above the level of the skin, which usually dark brown or brown-black color. They can have different sizes (from tiny dots to spots 0.5 – 2 cm in diameter), shape is usually round or elongated. Distinguish juvenile and senile lentigo. This pigmentation is well treatable and can be removed by cosmetic.

  • Moles (nevus) is a pigmented spot, having the color of varying intensity, they can have different shapes and sizes, can be both flat and protruding above the skin. Moles have absolutely everyone, are both congenital and acquired with age birthmarks. As a rule, they do not cause any discomfort and do not require removal, but if a mole suddenly begins to increase in size, change in shape or trouble (ache, inflammation), should immediately consult a doctor.

  • Freckles are small spots (often simply the point) light Golden yellow or pale brown in color, appearing usually on the face, neck, chest, hands. The color of the freckles become more intense with the onset of spring. As a rule, no fear they do not cause, but for many girls is a serious cosmetic defect.

Prevention of the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

As you know, cosmetic problem much easier to prevent than to cure. So, the most important moment in the prevention of the appearance of age spots and high – quality real-time protection from ultraviolet radiation. Do not be summer in the sun, you should always use a cream with a high protection factor. Also, do not forget that UV light penetrates through the glass, and through the thin fabric, that is, to maintain beautiful skin, you need to use creams and home!

Also of great importance and proper nutrition. To prolong youthful skin and prevent hyperpigmentation need to take folic acid and b vitamins C. In the diet, it is desirable to include sauerkraut, green, fresh vegetables, citrus fruits, kiwi, sea fish, olive oil. By the way, the importance and health of the nervous system – the more stress we experience, the more weakened our body, and the higher the chance of unwanted signs of aging skin.

It is also important not to delay and to begin to deal with the first, small and minor age spots. The darker it is the spot and the larger its size, the more melanin there and the more difficult it will be to get rid of it!

Folk medicine against age spots.

It should be noted however that folk remedies (no matter what they claim!) can only help to lighten dark spots, make them not so noticeable, but not removed completely. Moreover, to achieve the good effect will require a lot of time. To lighten with the help of home medications should only freckles and chloasma, that is not compacted, flat spots.

Most often to combat dark spots are advised to use lemon, cucumber, birch juice, and the juice of parsley and cabbage. Quite effective are different dairy products (kefir, yogurt, cheese), a mixture comprised of hydrogen peroxide and white cosmetic clay. Cosmeticians have been called the most effective regular cleanser cucumber-lemon cocktail, mask of sour milk products and grated cucumber, wiping fresh juice of parsley.

Actually, there are a lot of folk recipes that help to lighten dark spots, but all of them should be used with caution. It is strongly recommended to first test any product on a small area of skin.

Cosmetic preparations in the fight against pigmentation.

Today brightening cosmetics are the rulers of almost all famous manufacturers of cosmetics. Most of these drugs are based on natural fruit and milk acids, but their concentration in the finished cosmetic products is much higher than in fresh products and, accordingly, they will have a stronger and faster effect on the skin. Whitening uses a special peels that remove the top layer of skin, different serums and creams that reduce the production of melanin, whitening lotions, drugs, accelerating the metabolism and promotes the renewal of skin cells.

Tip: after using bleaching cosmetics or any of the procedures, get rid of age spots, it is necessary to apply special protective equipment with a high SPF factor. In our climate zone during the spring and summer of solar activity be sure to apply cream with protection SPF 30-40, after the age of 35 – 50 SPF.

Cosmetic procedures.

Salon beauty treatments show a fairly high efficiency in dealing with various pigment spots on the face and body. As a rule, beauticians, estimating the intensity of pigmentation and identifying its causes, prescribe a course of treatments. They usually begin in the middle or deep peeling, then often used mesotherapy vitamin cocktails or biorevitalization. Widely used to combat this cosmetic problem phototherapy and laser skin resurfacing.

Any brightening treatments, age spot removal should be done in autumn or in winter, while the sun is still not as active.

Previous article:

Read article Types of age spots and their causes.

суббота, 29 ноября 2014 г.

Features skin care face at different ages.

Лицо старой и молодой женщины.

Wrong those who say that young skin is in need of care is to begin to care for the skin you want from a very young age, almost from childhood, and then with age it will have to spend much less effort and money. But if your skin enough time clean and moisturize (of course, if there are no special problems), then at an older age, the skin needs more power, it will need toning, anti-aging, restorative care.

In order to correctly care for the skin in a particular age, you need to understand what changes characteristic for 25, and which in 50 years. Let’s deal?

After 25 years.

What happens?

Sad to admit, but after 25 years in woman’s skin begins the aging process. First of all this is that its ability to retain moisture deteriorate, and it becomes more dry. Of course, this process is not as intense as in 40 years, but at 25 you should start supporting procedures, which will help to avoid (or as close as possible to delay) the appearance of wrinkles, peeling, thinning of the skin. As a result of some hormonal changes at this age can begin to change the structure of the skin: it becomes more oily in the T-zone, begins to lose elasticity. That can cause problems and traces of adolescent acne (post-acne) that also need to be able to fight.

What to do?

For as long as possible to retain a youthful, fresh appearance, will have to try. So, we do not recommend a long stay in the sun without special protective cosmetics (and with it under sunlight better long sitting). This advice applies to all women (not only twenty-five years) – everyone knows how negatively ultraviolet light affects the skin condition! To maintain normal water balance will help correct cosmetics (more on this below), daily use of thermal water and also drink plenty of water throughout the day and “useful” diet.

In 25 years we should start to watch his facial expressions too frequent and intensive stretching of the skin will inevitably lead to sagging, will appear wrinkles. A great option is to start doing special exercises for the face, apply a contrast cleanser, a gentle massage.

Some beauticians advise starting with 25 years to think about serious salon procedures, such as injections of hyaluronic acid or mesotherapy. Do not hurry up to 30 – 35 years, the skin is able to “work” on their own resources. The same applies to cosmetics with anti-age effect. In terms of salon procedures until we can restrict peeling and cleansing, hydrating masks and massages.

Proper care.

The skin, of course, it is mandatory for purification. To 25 years you do not need to abandon washing with soap and water – no need once again to overdry the skin. Well work various foams and gels for washing, containing natural oils and Botanical extracts. Refuse costs from alcohol tonic to tone up the skin a better natural means, make compresses decoction of herbs, RUB the face with ice cubes from them. Check that your moisturizing cream contained useful vitamins (C, E, A, R), phytoestrogens. Enhance care by using serum stimulates collagen production in the skin, a couple of times a week is to please face moisturizing masks. Definitely need to find a good cream for the skin around the eyes is aging occurs more rapidly.

After 30 years.

What happens?

Regenerative processes in skin cells after 30 years is slowing sharply, produces insufficient amount of collagen and elastin, the lipid layer becomes thinner, while the horn on the contrary compacted. Due to deterioration of blood supply to tissues and oxygen deteriorates complexion, and because of the reduction of muscle tone the skin sags and wrinkles. In General, the skin may become dry, porous, dull, near eyes almost inevitably appear “crow’s feet”.

What to do?

The main thing is not to get upset and not to give up. Comprehensive, thorough care will help you look great! Not going to repeat the advice about sun protection – it is suitable for any age. It is very important after 30 years to keep a proper balanced diet, drink plenty of liquids (but not to abuse it to no swelling), to minimize the use of alcohol and, of course, do not smoke (and not even to be in a smoky room), sleep. After 33 35 time anti-aging creams to appear on the shelf with cosmetics.

After 30 years is very advisable to visit a beautician every couple of months at this age is quite possible to resort to the first serious salon cosmetic procedures. Lymfodrenazna massage, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, ozone therapy, deep peels – cosmetologist will advise what procedures will best help to deal with the existing problems. After 35 years, you can think about Botox injections and/or hyaluronic acid. By the way, some beauticians believe that 30 – 35 years it is necessary to abandon the facial exercises and self-massage or at least make them as carefully as possible.

Proper care.

The traditional stages of skin care – cleansing, toning, moisturizing – has not been canceled, but they now need to add the food. Creams day and night should become more intense in their composition, in addition to vitamins, should include coenzyme Q10, biostimulants, amino acids. You can add to daily care lifting serum that helps to boost collagen production and refreshes the skin. Nourishing and moisturizing mask after 30 years, you can do twice a week, after a 35 – up to three times.

After 40 years.

What happens?

In 40 years of physiological aging is becoming more clearly noticeable on the face. Cellular activity slows even more, accelerating the processes of destruction of the structural elements of the dermis, the products of decay more slowly and not completely eliminated from the body, the skin do not get enough nutrients. As a result the skin loses more elasticity, sagging, sagging under the eyes in addition to wrinkles appear and dark circles appear nasolabial folds, increasing the porosity of the skin, you may receive pigmentation, spider veins.

What to do?

As they say beauticians, for 40 years a woman receives such skin what it deserves, that is, its state depends on the previous quality of care. But even the most well-groomed facial skin after the age of 40 need even more careful, more intensive care. Proper nutrition becomes even more important in the daily menu must enter fish and seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables, and it’s also very advisable to regularly drink a course of vitamins, more fresh air to breathe.

In addition to the standard cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and nutrition, for which now I do need to use only high-quality anti-aging cosmetics (possibly including hormones), after 40 years, it is impossible to do without constant visits to a beauty salon and intensive cosmetic procedures. RF-lifting, contouring with fillers, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, photothermolysis do wonders. The only disadvantage of these effective procedures that their action is not last very long (up to 8 – 12 months), and they cost a lot.

Proper care.

For 40 years every woman clearly show its weaknesses: someone more pronounced nasolabial folds and sags lower part of the face, someone suffering from age spots and rosacea, for some, the main problem appears to be that the wrinkles around the eyes and overhanging eyelids. Naturally, in addition to a full-fledged primary care, more attention should be paid to their problem areas.

Do not neglect a variety of cosmetics: use various creams (and moisturizing, and nourishing, firming and regenerating), special serums, masks, compresses and wiping (from herbs). In the composition of anti-aging cosmetics must necessarily include fruit acids, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, whitening components. May (after consultation with a beautician) should pay attention to, which includes stem cells. Well proven drugs with snail secretion.

After 50 years.

What happens?

Irreversible hormonal changes in the female body at the turn of 40 – 50 years (menopause), lead to the fact that all of the above destructive processes will become even more active, getting an avalanche character. To wrinkles, sagging and dull skin, higher porosity and rosacea, added senile spots, the appearance of facial hair, excessive dryness of the skin (parchment leather). In addition, the cosmetics, which was effective and brought instant results, now is not so intense.

What to do?

Even up to 50 years if you somehow miraculously managed to maintain an excellent appearance without the help of a beautician, in this age, it is, alas, impossible. On the other hand, we should rejoice that modern cosmetology is quite sufficient even 50 look no worse than 35 without surgery! To help women come RF-lifting, biorevitalization, mesotherapy, various fillers, masonite, resurfacing, deep peels and other treatments. Of course, not canceled and thorough daily care, good nutrition and an active lifestyle is also important. But now self-massage is contraindicated – this procedure can only be performed cosmetologist, otherwise there is a risk to permanently stretch the leather. Instead, pay more attention to daily (maybe even twice a day) compresses on the basis of medicinal decoctions.

Proper care.

After 50 exactly forget about using ordinary tap water for washing – it is better suited decoctions of herbs in liquid or frozen form. The creams that are used every day should contain a maximum of active substances, retinol, hyaluronic acid, amino acids, polysaccharide, elastin, vitamin complexes, etc. is Also necessary to apply the serum with lifting effect, and a variety of masks (some even possible to do in a day).

At the same time, scrubs and peels should be used with caution – they may damage which became thin skin and bring her more harm than good. To find the right tool, you need to consult a beautician, not mindlessly to buy up everything in the cosmetics shop.

What woman does not cherishes the dream of what will be invented an elixir of eternal youth and you can easily look for 30 to 60! But still in order at any age to keep the magnificent views you have to try – however, the result of such efforts always justifies the effort!

Previous article:

Read article Features skin care face at different ages.

пятница, 28 ноября 2014 г.

Vitamins to prevent hair loss – the main list

витамины против выпадения волос Every day we get a certain amount of hair and with age, this number increases. A condition in which the hair to fall out and not grow back, known medically as alopecia. Vitamins to prevent hair loss can significantly improve the situation.

To the appearance of alopecia lead various reasons, problems with blood circulation, hormonal disorders and other painful conditions. Sometimes hair loss leads to the intake of certain medications, steroids, bacterial infections, vitamin deficiencies, frequent and irregular coloration. Not the last role genetics plays. However, with proper and balanced diet can not only minimize loss and to improve hair.


Vitamin A

Vitamin a is responsible for retinoic acid on the level of the hair follicles. Retinoic acid affects the growth of hair, and also very important for skin health. Vitamin a can be taken as a dietary Supplement or as a liquid rubbed into the scalp. Vitamin a is found in many foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, paprika, nutmeg pumpkin, apricots, cantaloupe.


Vitamin B

All b vitamins help to increase resistance to stress. Severe stress can lead to hair loss, so if the stress state is highly desirable intake of vitamins of group of Century For maximum results and better digestibility is recommended to use full vitamin complex.

  • Vitamin B12 directly nourishes the hair, as one of the components not only hair, but all of the hair shaft. Large amounts of vitamin B12 is found in animal products, so vegetarians recommended vitamin, taking nutritional supplements. Vitamin B12 is also found in cereals, fish, soybeans, Swiss cheese, eggs and fat-free milk.

  • Vitamin B6 contributes to increasing the level of hemoglobin, which in turn is responsible for the blood to absorb oxygen. Sufficient of this vitamin in the body delivers oxygen to the hair follicles. Sufficient oxygen is directly reflected on the condition of the hair. Try to eat more chickpeas, hummus, pork tenderloin, bananas, green beans, asparagus, bran, pistachio and raw garlic.

  • Vitamin B7 or Biotin is often included in the tools for hair care, but this substance is not absorbed by the body through the skin. Lack of Biotin is one of the main reasons for baldness and hair loss on the face and body. The use of Biotin inside as a Supplement is the best way to provide the body with this important element. Biotin is also found in some foods such as carrots, almonds, milk, cauliflower, onions, halibut.

Folic acid is one of the best complex of B vitamins that are very beneficial for the production of red blood cells. Try to enrich your diet such foods as beans, Kale, lentils and papaya. Daily dose of folic acid can be as high as 10 mg of This vitamin is water soluble so any excess quite easily excreted from the body with fluids.


Vitamin C

Vitamin C is not produced by our body, but that he is responsible for the absorption of iron. Iron is extremely important for the growth gorovyh and strong hair, this element involved in the formation of certain types of proteins, which are also important for healthy hair. Vitamin C enters the body with citrus fruits, broccoli, green and red peppers, green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and large-fruited pumpkin.


Vitamin D

Vitamin D is not produced by the body, and enters him from eating certain foods or when exposed to sunlight. This vitamin stimulates the hair follicles, which in turn promotes the growth of strong healthy hair. Try to enrich your diet with dairy products, fish, cod liver, fortified cereals, lobster, eggs, mushrooms. In recent years, scientists have carefully studied the importance of vitamin D in the human body. It turns out that its excess or deficiency leads to the development of many diseases, and often these illnesses are accompanied by hair loss.

Hair loss itself is not directly related to the lack of this vitamin, but through their receptors vitamin D controls the balance of minerals. Zinc is one of the minerals associated with vitamin D, and that the lack of zinc in the body often leads to excessive hair loss. When recovering zinc reserves hair is falling out less and grow better.


Vitamin E

Vitamin E improves circulation in the scalp, promotes the formation of new capillaries and stimulates the flow of nutrients to the hair follicles. Vitamin E is found in nuts, tropical fruits (papaya, kiwi), red bell peppers, whole grains and vegetable oils.


Iron-containing proteins

Proteins containing iron promotes the formation of keratin which stimulates hair growth and improves their appearance. Iron from animal protein is better for the hair than iron entering the body from plant foods. Hit parade of products containing iron, is as follows: fish, lean beef, Turkey, chicken, lamb and pork, among the plant products contains a lot of iron in soy, lentils, tofu, chickpeas and other legumes.


Beta carotene

Beta carotene, a precursor of vitamin a, the hair needs vitamin a for beauty and growth, the lack of this vitamin leads to dryness of the scalp and the appearance of dandruff. To obtain beta-carotene is recommended to include in your diet carrots, pumpkin, leafy vegetables, melons, mangoes, tomatoes and apricots. Vitamin a can also be taken as supplements, inside this vitamin is made in the form of retinol.



When intense sports activities and a lot of perspiration, there is a significant loss of zinc. To compensate for losses need to take a daily 15-30 mg supplements containing this mineral, or eat more Turkey meat, lamb, pumpkin seeds and chocolate. Zinc is responsible for the sebaceous glands surrounding the hair follicles, in other words, it provides the supply and delivery of nutrients to the hair bulb. The lack of zinc in the body leads to hair loss. Many of the zinc contained in the wheat germ, chicken (without skin), peanuts and peanut butter products from sunflower seeds, lobsters, pumpkin seeds and yogurt.


Fatty acids omega-3

Fatty acids omega 3 help reduce hair loss and stimulate their growth. Our body does not produce these acids, they go along with the food. Try to eat more salmon, mackerel, sardines, Flaxseed and Flaxseed oil, and walnuts.



The hair shaft consists of protein and lysine is one of the important components of protein, which plays a very important role in the growth and renewal of hair. Rich in lysine animal proteins, many of them in the chicken, beef, eggs. Lysine can also be used as an additive from 50 to 100 mg per day.

Follow the advice of experts, eat healthy and nutritious food, and your hair will be beautiful and healthy.

Related articles

Read article Vitamins to prevent hair loss – the main list

Women and Smoking

Женщина и курениеThe woman can be forgiven all but devil-may-care attitude towards themselves, their health and their future offspring. No koi eyelids were not welcomed conscious self-destruction, and Smoking cigarettes is exactly what is now in question. Yes a woman and Smoking are not compatible concepts.

So, the harm of Smoking for women. First of all, it should be noted that the body Smoking women are not so strong to constantly fight against nicotine and dependence on him. So if a girl does not smoke, it is better not even to try and not to succumb to provocations that is soothing – it’s all a lie. Smoking women up to 40 years more shatters the nervous system, women who smoke often worry about what can’t quit and because of this, smoke more, is it really calms them? Kurama woman jeopardizes not only your nervous system and heart, and reproductive functions. Woman enough to smoke about ten cigarettes a day, to become infertile. The impact of Smoking on the woman and her fertility? As you know, the egg absorbs all the harmful components that are to be constrained nicotine in the smoke, while it lost the ability fertilization. If she smokes, she is contraindicated reception of hormonal tablets, in order to avoid death. Heat is Smoking bad for women , we found, also I would like to know how compatible the Smoking pregnant women. If the woman smokes, was able to get pregnant, it’s still not a reason to rejoice because there is a greater chance of miscarriage or the birth of a child with down syndrome, not to mention the fact that increased risk of giving birth to a dead child.

Smoking women under 40: the statistics shows that the majority of heart disease occurs at a young age due to Smoking, people who smoke suffer from oxygen deficiency, women are no exception.

Prohibition of Smoking women is maintaining youthful and healthy skin for many years. Scientists have proven that nicotine is bad for the appearance of the girls. After all the components that are present in tobacco, have a negative impact e only on the internal state, but also on the outside. For example, if you examine a woman’s skin, then you can tell her addiction to nicotine. The skin is under stress due to lack of oxygen, has a gray color becomes too dry. It is worth noting also that Smoking women quickly wrinkles. With long-term Smoking in the eye area appear dark circles, which are very hard to get rid of, almost impossible.

The Smoking woman is not recommended for a long time to be under the sun, due to the fact that the skin Smoking girls falls under oxidative processes that cause aging of the skin. Hair, nails and teeth of a woman who smokes, have a very bad appearance, in addition, the hair is very strongly absorb odor and have a dull color. The teeth at risk of decay.

Read article Women and Smoking

Cernevit Q10 for weight loss: slow path to harmony

препарат для похудения Карнивит Q10

The drug complex impact Cernevit Q10 for weight loss, healing and rejuvenation is a Russian company which specializes in the development of non-drug for weight reduction. Dietary Supplement strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol, eliminates toxins, effectively burns fat and makes up for the lack of vitamins.

What is the effectiveness Cernevit Q10 slimming

Cernevit Q10 is composed of all 4 components, complex effects on the body and activating the own resources of the human body. This ultimately leads to normalization of metabolic processes, including the correct processing of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

  1. L-carnitine is the main active ingredient of the tablets. He also produced by the body itself, but by its absence reduces the elasticity of cell membranes, which prevents the conversion of fat into energy. In addition, L-carnitine has other propertiesthat are important for weight reduction.

  2. Coenzyme Q10 works closely with the previous component. This vitamin speeds up the oxidation process and actively burns fat stores. In parallel Q10 increases the absorption rate of the cells of oxygen, stimulates the metabolism and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

  3. Lipoic acid is also produced by the body, but in small quantities. Substance effectively reduces the level of harmful cholesterol, reduces the load on the liver during the diet and, conversely, eating too much fatty food, regulates metabolic processes.

  4. Vitamin E has no direct effect on weight loss, but is a natural antioxidant, and quite powerful. Substance successfully fights free radicals that cause premature aging. Ultimately, acceptance of tocopherol is beneficial for the skin, hair, nails.

Instructions for use and contraindications

The rate of weight loss with Carnivaal Q10 lasts 1 month. Repeat the technique up to 5 times per year. It is recommended to use 3-5 tablets a day during meal. At the same time will have to reconsider your diet. You want to limit your carbohydrate intake, increase the amount of protein and unsaturated fatty acids. It is desirable to eliminate the alcohol and water of water a day you should drink at least 1.5-2 litres Also requires regular and fairly intense exercise. It is important to understand that the drug does not work by itself – it only helps the body, makes the process of shape modeling easier and more enjoyable.

In addition, all may not be as fast as we would like. The fat will start to leave, when the body will accumulate a sufficient amount of vitamins and metabolism will return to normal. Cernevit Q10 slimming fit people-oriented active lifestyle and a slow, but stable result. Before applying it is advisable to consult a doctor, as sometimes you may experience unpleasant symptoms such as allergic reactions (skin rash, itching, swelling). There are minor contraindications to bad:

  • pregnancy, breast-feeding;

  • individual intolerance to the components;

  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage;

  • the age of 15 years.

Where to buy and at what price?

To purchase the drug in the pharmacy, but not everywhere it is available. The most convenient and reliable way to order on the official website of the manufacturer. Available SUPPLEMENTS in the form of capsules. Packaging may contain 90 or 180 pieces. Price for 1 year will be 2.8-3 thousand rubles. Beware of imitations and other dietary supplements with suspiciously similar names – analogues Cernevit Q10 has not.


Elena, 35 years. Drank a Supplement, not 5, and 3 capsules per day in order to save, as it is quite expensive for me. The special effects are not noticed, this month has gone only 2 pounds, but I did not eat after 6 hours and a lot of walking. But there is a noticeable improvement in the health and condition of skin, nails and hair simply cannot. Apparently, my body was so neglected that the monthly rate is not enough for amendments. Or cost to sit on the maximum dose.

Marina, 41. For the third time going to order Carnevil ku 10, Vitoslim Asset. Used to take them together. Two previous course has helped me to move from 54 size clothing at 48. Ease appeared unusual, pleasing to the admiring glances of the male colleagues. Now quite pleased with myself, so I am going to take is not for weight loss, and vitamin supplements and maintain results.

Anastasia, 26 years. A year after the birth was going to get in shape. On the advice of a friend bought Cernevit Q10. Money spent is futile. Day, was tormented in the gym and in the evening all went down the drain, because the appetite was out of control. In total for a month got another 1.5 kg and the taste was in his mouth from tablets vile and stomach constant weight. Maybe a fake hit?


Read article Cernevit Q10 for weight loss: slow path to harmony

Ways to prepare oatmeal pudding.

Готовый овсяный кисель в стеклянной кружке.

They are not willing to take the girls to postroynet and lose weight! Diet and fitness, massages and wraps, training and special preparations – each of these tools has a lot of advantages and disadvantages. Of course, every woman knows that weight loss is impossible without cleaning the body, without removal from it of toxins. There are many recipes that help to “clean” and not the last place among them is oatmeal pudding.

Useful properties of jelly in losing weight.

Use oatmeal is one of the few facts that are obvious nor nutritionists or cosmetologists. Oatmeal is a good half of all curative, preventive, cosmetic dieting, its healing properties written thousands of articles and hundreds of books on this subject have been many studies. In 80-ies of XX century, scientists have proven that this diet product not only helps to reduce weight and to keep it, but also lowers the risk of developing hypertension, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, atherosclerosis, lowers cholesterol, eliminates toxins, invigorates.

In oats contain large amounts of proteins and carbohydrates, fats, small, and all this makes it a valuable, almost unique low-calorie food. In addition, it is a rich source of potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, amino acids, vitamins B1, B2, E, PP. The minerals that are found in oatmeal, capable of providing the necessary processes of growth, renewal and strengthening of the body.

Oatmeal pudding – this is an unusual dish, the advantages of which are that it is easily digested and all the useful nutrients for maximum reach your goals. Moreover, due to the content of soluble fibre, it has a low energy, creates a feeling of satiety for a long time. Well, besides that, this wonder-jelly thanks therein insoluble fibers effectively cleanses the bowel, just Stripping out all the toxins. All this helps to reduce weight, to improve the appearance of skin, normalize blood circulation.

Recipes for pudding at home.

Oatmeal pudding for weight loss you can buy in the form of finished powder, which should only add water and cook yourself at home. No doubt, home is cheaper, healthier, and tastier!

There are many recipes for pudding from oats, it is diversified by various additives. For cooking oat jelly is used as a coarse, unrefined oats and oat groats and even oat flakes (rolled oats).

Recipe No. 1

The most popular is the following recipe: you need to mix 200 grams pre-washed oats and 100 grams of oatmeal, add half a Cup of yogurt (low-fat), 1 to 1.5 tablespoon low-fat sour cream, about one and a half cups of water. All the ingredients are mixed and placed in a glass jar; cover is not cover, and gauze tightly, tie), order jelly “breathed”. Insist this pudding in different recipes from 24 to 72 hours, and you have to begin to ferment.

To speed up the fermentation process it can be put in a warm place, well in the mix sometimes add a crust of rye bread or a few berries raisins. After a time the liquid to drain through cheesecloth, carefully squeeze (the remaining sediment was discarded) and, without stopping the stirring, to give him almost to boil. Sometimes we advise you to boil the resulting mass for 3 – 5 minutes, after adding a little water.

Recipe No. 2

According to another recipe, Cup regular oats should be washed thoroughly and pour five cups of clean water. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, this mass should simmer for at minimum fire for 3.5 to 4 hours. After the oats have become and will become very soft, received kissel need to RUB it through a sieve – it will remain only a rough husk and all gluten will remain in the drink.

Recipe No. 3

The third recipe is perhaps the most simple. It will require a Cup of peeled oats, ground in a coffee grinder, a glass of low-fat milk and two cups of pure water. The entire mixture should be thoroughly stirring, bring to a boil on a slow fire, and tightly covered with a lid and leave to infuse for 20 – 30 minutes. This pudding can not drain.

Recipe No. 4

The most effective slimming knowledgeable experts call oatmeal pudding with prunes and beets. For it you need to mix half a Cup of oatmeal, half a Cup of washed prunes and grated beets medium size. All these ingredients pour two liters of boiling water and cook stirring regularly on very low heat for no more than 15 – 20 minutes. When the broth has cooled a little, it must be thoroughly drain.

Many oatmeal pudding like in its pure form, but for some, its taste will seem not particularly pleasant. If you want to make the taste more pronounced in the drink, you can optionally add a little honey (sugar add undesirable). Many are used as food additives pureed fresh fruit and berries.

Therapeutic oatmeal pudding need to drink small amounts (half a Cup) for 20 to 30 minutes before the morning and before the evening meal. The finished decoction should be stored in the refrigerator. It is advisable to mix it before you drink it. Generally, nutritionists advise to drink oatmeal pudding courses for one month, after which it is advisable to take a break somewhere for six months and repeat “kiselnyh therapy”.

Remember that, despite all the beneficial properties and almost miraculous effect, abuse oatmeal pudding is still not worth it – too-frequent use may cause congestion in the intestinal mucus, which will negatively affect the digestive processes. But with the right eating oatmeal pudding will help you transform easy on the eyes and, as a wonderful side effect to get strengthening the immune system and increase efficiency!

Previous article:

Read article Ways to prepare oatmeal pudding.

четверг, 27 ноября 2014 г.

Nails new year 2015

новогодний дизайн ногтей 2015 фотоAt first glance, it seems that manicure plays such a big role in a woman’s life, but if you think about it, this is quite a misconception. Because obrublennye manicure or incorrectly chosen colour of nail Polish can ruin the appearance of women in General, in spite of her dress and hairstyle. So the new year nail design 2015 photo should be chosen based on all the rules and recommendations of the stylist. 2015 is the year of the Green-Blue Wood-goats on the Eastern horoscope. This suggests that the design of the Christmas nail photo 2015 includes a green, woody and yellow – the color data can be taken as a basis.

The most relevant is oval nails design new year 2015 photo. On holiday you can try and make the almond shape of the nail. In no case should not give preference too long or sharp nails, this season became fashionable short nails, possibly ultra. As much as you do not adore long fake nails, they have to give up, not to look old-fashioned. Nail design for the new year 2015 and the most current colors. Coating color must be harmonious with the spirit of the hostess of the year. This blue and green colors for the base, you can take the yellow or wood, should not ignore the blue and turquoise shades. Also on the nails may be present coating colors such as emerald and blue-green, Christmas pattern on the nails photo 2015 can be met violet or lilac flowers, does not exclude the use of dark blue and even black color, dilute the nail design on the new 2015 can aubergine color. NNOVOGODNIE nails extended to 2015 photo can contain sequins and pearl overflow.

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ногти на новый год френч

новогодний рисунок на ногтях фото 2015If we talk about the fatal beauty and daring women, they also did not remain without attention. Manicure decided that this year at the peak of popularity will be blood-red nail design for new year of 2015 photo jacket and red lipstick.

Christmas nail design and the basic ideas of the manicure. Always in fashion French manicure. Classic grooming, neatness. The above two criteria are always indicate that a woman loves herself and does not disregard their appearance. Don’t forget about this technology perform manicure and this year. If you think it was boring, then you can diversify yourself. For example, applying different shades of varnish or paint any picture. If anything e comes to mind, can consult with a specialist, or show the directory nails new year 2015. Silver and gold are the two metals that testify to the luxurious life of the woman. This year does not exclude the use of such colors on nails, also valid holography, gradients, and bronze. Very creative will look next nail design gel varnish for the new 2015. All fingers can be painted a delicate shade of varnish, such as beige or pink, that is, performing a neat French-style classics. All this can be decorated with sequins or beads, in order to avoid vulgarity, you can decorate one nail on each hand.

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дизайн новогодних ногтей фото 2015

дизайн новогодних ногтей фото 2015

фото новогоднего дизайна ногтей 2015фото новогоднего дизайна ногтей 2015Photo Christmas nail design 2015 ideal for positive on the lives of girls. Manicure is applied to the nails of the picture of the goat, or goat heads, sheep, glamorous curls or whatever comes to mind like that. If you do a manicure yourself at home and don’t know how to draw, then you have the opportunity to make a fluffy cloud on the nail, it will become a symbol of coats goats. The label of this kind can be purchased at any retailer. On the modern market shop, there are multiple alternatives of drawing on the nail. New year’s manicure 2015 and nail design in the style of a goat should not be restrained, it is on this day you can unleash your imagination. If there is no such desire, you have to remember in fashion is always a manicure in the style of “Winter sky” or “Sparks holiday”. Such drawings, like Christmas tree, snowflake, snowman and a sprig of spruce trees never go out of fashion. Nails on new year’s French can be decorated with various decorative elements, the main thing is to ensure that they match the theme of the holiday.

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новогодний рисунок на ногтях фото 2015

новогодний рисунок на ногтях фото 2015Today the main attributes of the modern beauties are their nails – do not forget about it. Chic floor and refined décor will do the job, remember, the nails also require proper attention and some financial costs. If you learn all the previous trends, you’ll notice that this year the most relevant option is short nails, and at the peak of popularity is naturalness. Even if you are always increasing your nails, give preference to an oval shape.

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новогодние ногти нарощенные 2015 фото

новогодние ногти нарощенные 2015 фото

Read article Nails new year 2015

The use of saddle soap for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases.

Дегтярное мыло

For many centuries people known wound healing and antibacterial properties of tar produced by the method of dry distillation of birch, pine, beech, juniper and some other plants. In official and alternative medicine is most often used birch tar. It is, for example, one of the components of the ointment Vishnevskogo and the tenth part of the pine-tar soap. On the wave of today’s all-consuming passions of different natural remedies tar soap is successfully used in cosmetics, personal hygiene, veterinary science, and gardening.

Why use soap with tar?

Being a powerful antiseptic, birch tar, connecting with soap and water, stimulates the flow of blood to the tissues, thereby fulfilling resolving and anesthetic function. Tar soap has antiseptic and antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect on the skin.

For manufacturing use only natural ingredients, it has no synthetic fragrances and artificial dyes. Even not-so-pleasant odor of soap over time is perceived as an indicator of absolute naturalness. Moreover, after washing, the smell from the skin disappears very quickly, and that it does not spread in the bathroom, the soap is kept in tight soapbox.

The use of soap with tar in cosmetology from pimples, blackheads and other

A huge number of modern cosmetics that are offered today for problem skin, more often than not come up to expectations. Therefore, remembering that the most expensive and fashionable is not always the best, many people who have skin rashes, drew attention to the unique opportunities the tar Milica.

This is a natural cosmetic admirably with pimples, black spots, acne and even boils. The healing process of the skin of the face and head is due to the fact that the tar has a unique antiseptic, promotes healing of wounds and reduces inflammation.

Ways to use saddle soap for problem skin a lot, but the most popular are the following:

  • The washing. People with oily skin need to do it in the morning and evening, and dry once, because the drying effect of soap causes the feeling of “tightness”. To have a therapeutic effect (the skin becomes smoother, the number of pimples is decreasing), the washing should be continued for 3-4 weeks, to rinse with cool water.

  • Soap mask. Shake it up with tar soap a rich lather and apply it on wet face, pre-cleaned by any usual means. Holding 10-15 minutes, the mask should be washed off and take advantage of a moisturizing lotion and tonic. Use the procedure once a week.

  • Point compresses. On the formed wound or pimple put a piece of soap and leave it there for some time. If you do this at night then in the morning, the therapeutic effect will be “the face”: the wound will pojivat, the pimple will almost disappear.

The trichologists recommend the use of saddle soap for hair and scalp. Masks from him strengthen hair follicles, therefore, help to get rid of hair loss. Has been proven that ugly-looking cosmetic tool in the fight against dandruff and oiliness of the hair.

The use of saddle soap with curative intent.

Soap with tar is one of the few folk remedies, which recognizes and uses the official medicine. It is successfully applied in the treatment of:

  • dermatitis,

  • psoriasis,

  • Demodex,

  • eczema,

  • lichen,

  • tinea corporis,

  • scabies,

  • seborrhea and other

If you regularly wash this soap for hands and feet, it will be prevention against fungal diseases and baths and applications help get rid of existing mold. Effective is its use in the fight against lice, thrush. Periodic cleaning with saddle soap is the prevention of any inflammations of the urinary system, it can be used and pregnant.

Using this soap means fight infections caught in an open wound, heal cracked heels and bedsores, are used to alleviate the condition of patients with burns and frostbite. If you wash with this soap places with bruises, they will go down twice as fast.

Other areas in the application of soap tar:

  • Have tried using tar soap for skin protection from midges.

  • In veterinary medicine it is used to treat herpes as a tool that destroys ticks and fleas, for hoof trimming, for healing of microcracks on the udder of cows.

  • Horticulture and gardening make a soap solution for pest control.

What you need to know using tar soap?

Many people successfully use this tool, beauticians urge to use it as an antiseptic for treating many skin problems, and you can buy it without a prescription, but to apply the soap with tar stands with caution.

Contraindicated its use to people who have kidney disease and are very sensitive or extremely dry skin. And everything else you need to remember that to apply this natural myltse constantly and abuse-not worth it. After washing, or masks, it is desirable to put on a skin cream with moisturizing or nourishing effect. And, of course, there is no guarantee that tar soap, as well as any other therapeutic agent that is right for you.

How to make a unique soap with tar?

Purchase today this soap can freely in pharmacies, inpatient and online stores. In its composition, except soap and tar, may include sodium salts of certain fatty acids, sodium chloride, coconut, palm oil.

You can prepare this remedy on their own, adding to it the most suitable for your skin ingredients:

  • honey;

  • essential oils (almond, jojoba, eucalyptus, etc.);

  • sea buckthorn, castor or olive oil;

  • cocoa butter;

  • beeswax;

  • a decoction of birch buds, sage, chamomile.

For example, to make of saddle soap on the basis of the child, mixed in equal proportions soap and tar, rolling of the mixture into balls. The dried balls rubbed on a grater, add the warmed-up the infusion of herbs and a few drops of the chosen oil, all mixed, ensuring the consistency of the ointment.

Previous article:

Read article The use of saddle soap for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases.

среда, 26 ноября 2014 г.

Nails for the new year

дизайн ногтей на новый год 2015 фотоNature was created by the desire of women to always look perfect, whether at work, at home or on a walk. But if we are talking about the holiday, the woman wants to be beautiful, to be cherished and e on the right, because, as the statistics shows – groomed woman is a sign of success and prestige. Now for the holidays any girl wants to stand out, to change something, including nails. So, what is the most current nail design for new year of 2015 photo.

Learn that we are advised by professionals. About how should look the nails for the new year of the goat, then you need to take into account the compliance of the outfit, hairstyle and manicure festive mood. The theme and color of the nails should match the shape of the nail and hand size. The technique is also selected on the basis of the above criteria. Trend is the original from year to year is becoming more popular. Christmas nail design shellac photo will help a woman look stunning and unusual, thus it will attract the attention of others. It is worth noting that this year it is important to look not only good, but also to listen to the advice of astrologers. For example, one should not ignore the fact that the design of graft nails on new year 2015 photo should include green, yellow, and wood color, because next year is the year of the Wooden Goats.

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ногти дизайн фото новый год 2015

ногти дизайн фото новый год 2015

ногти дизайн фото новый год 2015Consider the main ideas nail designs new year 2015. Wooden goat is a symbol of the year, it is considered to be artistic to madness, so they will appreciate all your efforts. Your appearance will not remain without attention of your second half, which this year will realize that you have made the right choice. Design gel nails for new year 2015 photo shows that beauty demands, as victims, and some of the financial burden. But it is not as should you care, after all, manicure plays a big role in creating the whole image and mood. First of all, a hundred to remember that the coming year can be considered a time of change, though it is characterized by its tranquility and stability, but the goat has the ability to vzbryknut, not thinking about the future. For example, names this year you can change jobs, go on increase and double your earnings. Besides manicure requires not how much money to worry about it.

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ногти дизайн фото новый год 2015

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дизайн гелевых ногтей на новый год 2015 фото

дизайн гелевых ногтей на новый год 2015 фото Professional new year’s manicure on short nails 2015 could be the ideal alternative to expensive jewelry on a woman’s fingers, so if you don’t have rings with diamonds, this is your option. Study design sharp nails on new year 2015 photo and some trends of the new year manicure from professional stylists. First of all, look at the pictures and color coating. Beige design nail silk photo Christmas a bit surrendered their positions gloss, he was replaced by Matt lacquer. With its help, it is possible to remove some imperfections on the nail plate, but not necessarily, if you wish, you can use satin varnish with soft mobility gloss. You can also use frosted flakes on the gloss. The dominant trend color palette next year bout light pastel colors, including beige, its main features is naturalness. Business lady welcomed this trend, due to personal reasons – this will save them from the need to choose the color of the coating under changing daily outfit. Matte nail design for new year of the goat is the first page of the directory manicure on this holiday. When performing a manicure masters will take into account the nature and character of the year. As the figure on the nails for the new year you can apply a variety of themed images and the latest technologies have the ability to put pictures. In addition to the snowman, spruce or Christmas toys, it can be wooden sled, photo of a Christmas cabin, and the like. Whenever possible, if you are going for Christmas to change the manicure, you can draw Santa Claus or the Snowhite. And depending on how much you are going to go with Christmas manicure, choose the following figure. Nail design photo new year 2015 can be versatile and ideal for everyday wear. Christmas nails 2015 can be followed by a touch of avant-gardism, which consists in dyeing the nails in different shades of the same color. Or in a different color, but it is advisable girls with bold character. Respectable ladies have the ability to give preference to such colors: red, purple, khaki, emerald color, or the waves of the sea, the shade of fuchsia is also in fashion. Year of the goat also allows the use of metallic colors, it can be silver or steel color, gold lacquer testifies to the wealth and prestige ladies. Everything is in your hands, unleash your imagination.

дизайн гелевых ногтей на новый год 2015 фото

дизайн гелевых ногтей на новый год 2015 фото

дизайн гелевых ногтей на новый год 2015 фото

дизайн гелевых ногтей на новый год 2015 фото

Read article Nails for the new year

Paraffin hands – home SPA without the hassle!

Делаем парафинотерапию в домашних условиях

Paraffin mask is a new effective tool for eliminating wrinkles, hydration and overall skin care. Being universal, this procedure allows to improve the skin of the face, feet, hands and even take care of nails. Affordable price makes it accessible to all ladies. If You want to spend paraffin at home is easy. Let’s look at the basic nuances of the procedure.

Preparation of paraffin.

Buy paraffin.

The inhabitants of large cities it will not cause difficulties. It must be a special cosmetic composition. It is best to buy it at the pharmacy or specialty shops consumables for manicure and beauty salons. Residents of the small settlement will rescue services Internet sellers.

The cost of the wax varies depending on its composition: the presence of additives instantly increases. This can include flavorings, various oils and extracts. Think about whether You need this product. Though some features really enhance the overall effect of the procedure.

How much paraffin for therapy?

Standard paraffin for hands or feet will require approximately a pound of wax. If you are going to revitalize the skin on multiple areas, increase its quantity by multiplying the number of procedures. Don’t be afraid to buy a stock, paraffin easy to store and can be used to re-session. But remember: the substance that you have already inflicted on the skin, use the more impossible.

In addition to directly paraffin for the procedure, you must:

  • Cleansing lotion;

  • Moisturizer;

  • Scrub;

  • Soft towel;

  • Plastic bag (hand care) or soft tissue napkin (for individuals);

  • The capacity.

You can also independently flavored melted paraffin, adding essential oils. So the procedure will be completed aromatherapy and will give You the opportunity to improve your health with a storm of positive emotions.

Blavim paraffin.

The easiest option is to purchase a special container. They are inexpensive and allow you to maintain a constant temperature. However, a few procedures you can do anything available.

For melting in the microwave mode is set to “Defrost”. Periodically check the state of the matter – it should become viscous.

In the absence of microwave ovens will fit and oven installed with a temperature of about 70°C. Use ovenproof dishes. The disadvantage is that the tank is heated together with paraffin.

A popular method of melting the paraffin – water bath. At the same time try to remember to not hit the water from the pan.

Holding the paraffin for hands.

Парафин для рук

Before the procedure, the skin must be cleaned with a scrub, rinse and dry with paper towel. Next, you must moisturize the epidermis chosen cream. You should not massage the hands until fully absorbed, let the skin will remain on the film. It will serve as an additional source of moisture during the procedure. All this You can do during the melting of the paraffin.

When you see that the wax has reached the desired state (this usually occurs when heated to 60°C), set the tray on the table and wait for 1-2 minutes to cool the mixture. Use this time to prepare something that will wrap up the brush after the procedure. This can be either a simple towel or Terry mittens.

For applying paraffin mask hands should be dipped in a warm solution several times for 3-5 seconds, periodically taking and giving a new layer to harden. Try a little pinch to the layer of paraffin to cover the whole skin between them. When the mask becomes sufficiently dense, wear gloves and relax your hands to cool down.

Enjoy a home Spa, you can safely remove the gloves, and then the wax with a brush. Do this carefully so as not to damage the skin. Paraffin residues can be easily removed with a wet cloth. Hands after paraffin worthwhile to process the prepared lotion.

Mask of paraffin for the feet.

Парафин для ног

Fundamentally paraffin for feet is not different from the procedure for hands. However, there are a number of features:

  1. Need to find a dish that will fit all of the foot entirely.

  2. The skin on the feet are more susceptible to overheating, so before you dip your foot in wax, carefully “feel” the bottom part of the foot.

  3. Great to pick up and special skin care products designed for the skin of the feet.

Otherwise, follow the instructions given above, and paraffin for feet, held after a pedicure will make Your feet perfect.

Paraffin facial.

Парафин для лица

This procedure is more complex in terms of application of warm paraffin. Well, if You are friend or husband that will help to do this without spilling wax on the floor.

Before the procedure, the skin should also be cleaned. Do not overdo it with scrub, otherwise the mask can lead to dry and burns. If you have sensitive skin will be quite enough light peeling.

To apply wax it’s best with a special brush. The first layer is put directly on the treated cream skin. Avoid lips and skin around the eyelids. Next, you should put Your prepared gauze or fabric mask with the corresponding slots. The following layers of wax already impose on top of a cloth mask.

Remove the mask best 20 minutes later, when the paraffin is quite cool. This must be done from the neck to the forehead, gently wiping the remains of a solution with a towel. Don’t forget about the stage of power – apply the prepared cream or lotion.

Contraindications for the paraffin.

Prior to the paraffin, as well as other cosmetic procedures, you should consider the number of defects of the skin, which should be especially careful. This:

  • Wounds or small ulcers around the nails, on the feet or remaining from acne;

  • Purulent diseases of the skin;

  • The presence of redness and Allergy;

  • Asthma.

In other cases from this miraculous procedure, You will get the ocean of positive emotions, improve your skin and will feel at least a VIP person. It’s the same Spa, the only right You have in the room.

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Read article Paraffin hands – home SPA without the hassle!