воскресенье, 19 июня 2016 г.

Popular drugs to reduce cholesterol in the blood

Доктор и сердце

Very often, when testing it turns out that a person high cholesterol. Depending on how high his level, a doctor recommends a certain treatment plan. Usually prescribers of two groups – statins and fibrates. Like other medicines, they are not without side effects, so taking them out isn’t always appropriate.

First you need to familiarize yourself with the principle of their action, side effects. In this article you will find all the information about the cholesterol pill.

What drugs are capable of cope with the excess cholesterol?

Разноцветные таблетки

Depending on the level of cholesterol can be prescribed medication of different types and dosages. Usually the treatment is comprehensive, that is, at the same time the observance of a sound diet with the omission from the diet products are contraindicated for patients with elevated cholesterol. It’s all kinds of animal fats – butter, fatty pork, egg yolk in large quantities. Also prescribed drugs to reduce cholesterol in the blood.

  1. Statins. These are the most effective drugs, better and faster than the other resulting in normal performance tests. They will not only help to lower the LDL, but also very good impact on the blood vessels, minimizing the risk of heart attack, stroke and development of atherosclerotic changes. If you take them regularly, the levels of HDL i.e. the good cholesterol necessary for our body to grow, resulting in the balance of lipid metabolism. Very popular “Rozart” — its doctors prescribe the most. However, many oppose drugs in this group due to the very large number of side effects and contraindications. The reviews often mention the significant deterioration of health. So taking them illegally, without a doctor’s prescription is not recommended.
  2. Cholesterol pill from the discharge fibroeva acids. As a stand-alone treatment, these funds are designated are very rare, as high LDL levels, they are much better in combination with statins. They help to reduce triglycerides and normalize the blood levels of good cholesterol. But they have enough side effects, according to the instructions on the application and the number of negative reviews.
  3. Additionally prescribe a more innocuous means on the basis of fish oil. This is the best that can offer you the doctor to enhance the effect of essential drugs. They belong to the group of dietary Supplements, therefore, are not addictive and do not cause ill health.
  4. Very useful to take lipolase acid as additive and the primary treatment if the level of harmful lipids is not too high. It helps to lower the concentration of harmful lipoproteins, increases the amount of glycogen in the liver and is a prevention against the formation of clots.
  5. Sometimes treatment for added funds from the category of folk medicine. The best thing to offer medicines on the basis of pumpkin seeds.

The most common cholesterol pill

Горсть таблеток в ладони

List of drugs from this group is very extensive. Which of them are most effective and have less side effects? After studying the numerous reviews, opinions of doctors and results of research, we have compiled a list of the three most common medications for decreasing the content of harmful lipoproteins. Below you will find their names and descriptions.


Rozart is the new generation product, which at high level of efficiency has greater security. How is it taken, at what dose, doctor determines. Rozart at the initial stage of treatment is administered in the dosage of 5 — 10 mg. Is the daily dose. In severe cases, the dosage of “Rozart” can be increased to 40 mg, but it happens very rarely.

“Rozart” — a synthetic drug that is better than the other soluble in the liquid, due to what has not such a pronounced effect on the liver cells. The results of the study show that “Rozart” compared with the drugs of previous generations has a sparing effect on muscle tissue. Therapeutic effect is achieved already in the first week of admission, the maximum effect of “Rozart” shows the end of the month. Provided regular reception a pronounced therapeutic effect stably held. According to the research “Rozart” and other drugs on the basis of rosuvastatin improve kidney function. But despite such high rates, the people who “Rozart” for some time still do not leave the most positive reviews, citing the abundance of side effects.


Atorvastatin cure cholesterol not less popular than “Rozart”. Doctors recommend to take it to different age groups of people in different cardiovascular pathologies. According to research it reducing properties show very good results – reducing the risk of stroke by 43%, as well as more rapid rehabilitation of people with stroke.


Simvastatin also significantly helps to reduce LDL. Along with the drug “Rozart” is characterized by a relatively small number of side effects, does not affect the organism as a whole.

Your doctor may recommend you other LDL lowering drugs. In any case, whatever drugs you were not appointed, it is recommended to read the reviews, read the contra-indications to reduce the occurrence of unwanted side effects.

Side effects of tablets cholesterol

Головная боль

About side effects it was said a lot. Which of them can be the most unpleasant?

  1. Patients often face such phenomena as General weakness, sleep disturbances, headaches, digestive disorders, muscle pain, flatulence.
  2. From the nervous system may experience constant dizziness, malaise, paraesthesia.
  3. May cause allergic reactions manifesting in the form of itching, urticaria or other skin rashes. Rarely develop the syndrome Liela.
  4. Sometimes their reception is accompanied by metabolic disorders – severe drop in blood sugar leads to hypoglycaemia. In some cases, the sugar on the contrary increases. Also appear peripheral edema, increased weight, prolonged use can lead to impotence.
  5. Some of the most compulsive symptoms – muscle pain, cramps, arthritis joints, constant back pain.

In some cases, the medication required?

Заболевание сердца

If you just need some to reduce LDL levels, you can try to do without drugs. Balanced diet, traditional medicine, avoiding harmful habits – all this will help to normalize lipid balance. However, in some cases to stop taking the statins and fibroeva acids cannot be in any case:

  1. After already suffering a stroke or heart attack need prevention their secondary development.
  2. After surgeries on the heart or large vessels.
  3. Coronary disease with high risk of development of these diseases and in acute coronary syndrome.


Запрет врача

There are groups of people who are taking statins are strictly contraindicated. At their reception are likely to worsen existing disease.

  1. It is forbidden to lower cholesterol drug by pregnant women.
  2. If at the beginning of admission revealed a severe allergic reaction, the drug should immediately cancel.
  3. It is undesirable to apply them in diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  4. The effects of statins on the level of sugar makes it impossible for them to receive diabetic.
  5. Disorders of the endocrine system and thyroid gland.
  6. When violations of the musculoskeletal device.

Once again, that the unauthorized appointment of yourself drugs of these groups is unacceptable. They should be prescribed only the doctor based on the results of analyses and surveys.

Previous articles:

Read article Popular drugs to reduce cholesterol in the blood

пятница, 17 июня 2016 г.

What foods effectively reduce cholesterol?

Сосуды с холестериновыми бляшками

About the dangers of cholesterol for the body have heard it all. But most of us do not give it proper attention. We usually blood tests for cholesterol only when there are first problems with the heart or blood vessels. If it turns out that the level is elevated, then you have to look for tools that will quickly lead to normal.

Usually, doctors prescribe special medications – statins. But why take an extra tablet with a huge number of side effects, if there are products that reduce cholesterol and cleansing blood vessels? If the cholesterol levels are not critical, proper nutrition will help to dispense medicines. In this article you will find a list holesterinovmi products.

What is bad cholesterol and how dangerous it is?

There are two varieties of cholesterol, which is conventionally called “useful” and “harmful”. The first is a natural building material for new cells and production of some hormones. The second one is absolutely useless to the body and brings him solid damage, clogging blood vessels of fatty plaques. But with him and must be fought by all forces, as it is fraught with heart attack or stroke.

Боль в сердце

It is produced by our own body — the liver, but 20% bad cholesterol is formed due to malnutrition. In a large enough quantity it contains in the most common foods – egg yolks, real butter, smoked sausages, any animal fats. All of this increases the cholesterol products and to get involved with them is not worth it.

If you just review the food and diet, to incorporate foods that reduce cholesterol, you can be assured that its level in the blood will go overboard. Many of these products will be useful for diabetics, as they have the ability to maintain sugar at an acceptable level and to reduce it. Below is a table that tells you how much you have exceeded the permissible level of cholesterol. In it you will find summary measures – for women and men, they may vary slightly.

Norm or deviation? The value of the test (mmol/l)
Normal Less of 2.59
Slightly elevated Of 2.59 – 3.34 a
Close to high 3,37 – 4,12
High 4,14 – 4,90
Extremely high More 4,92

Which products are “afraid” cholesterol?

There are a huge number of products that help to reduce cholesterol, lower blood sugar levels and in General bring many benefits to the body. Now we will tell you about the products against cholesterol, which are most efficiently and quickly bring him back to normal.


Полезные овощи

No wonder nutritionists and doctors recommend to include in your daily nutrition plenty of fresh vegetables. They are not only rich in vitamins and fiber, but also able to make the thorough cleansing of the body and remove from it all unnecessary connections.

  1. Fresh carrots in form of salads or juices in the amount of 2 pieces daily (300-400gr) able in two months to reduce the level of dangerous substances in the blood by 5 — 15%. It contains a lot of fiber, vitamin A and E, natural sugar and many more.
  2. Red tomatoes. Why red? Because the pigment that colors them in this color and is a real “antidote” against cholesterol. It is called lycopene. You have to include in the diet fresh tomatoes or a couple of glasses of tomato juice a day.
  3. Sweet pepper is also very beneficial to the body. It quickly and effectively eliminates it from the harmful cholesterol, while strengthening and Podlachia our vessels.
  4. Citrus is rich in pectin, which is in the stomach turn into a viscous mass, exciting and displays the body of cholesterol before it enters the blood. However, one should not get carried away with fruit allergies and people with high blood sugar.
  5. Eggplant generous in potassium. They have properties to normalize water-salt metabolism, achieving more rapidly reduce dangerous lipid.
  6. Be sure to include in the food and diet avocado. He has a wonderful ability to decrease the concentration of harmful and increases the level of good cholesterol. Just half a fruit a day and three weeks later the rates are lower by 8%!
  7. Regular cabbage in any kinds of deals a powerful blow to the cholesterol and reduces significantly the concentration of blood sugar in diabetics. Daily you need to eat at least 100 grams.


Натуральные соки

Some drinks are also able to normalize sugar and cholesterol. For example, there is a method of treatment of fresh juices. If it is strictly adhere to, you can quickly, in just 5 days to bring the level of cholesterol in the acceptable norm. This technique is equally useful for women and men. It is important to use only freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits. Give you a detailed diagram.

  1. In the ratio of 1:1 juice stemmed or root celery and carrots.
  2. 70 ml of beetroot juice and cucumber, 100 ml of carrot.
  3. 70 ml of celery juice and Apple, 130 ml of carrots.
  4. In 130 ml of carrot and orange juice, 50 ml of cabbage.
  5. 130 ml of orange juice.

A small warning – the beet juice is very pungent and drink it immediately is not recommended. After squeezing, put it in the fridge for about three hours and then start cooking “cocktail”. All of these fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins, very good for the body and mostly for the blood. And their juice contains the maximum concentration of valuable substances.

What other drinks can stabilize the cholesterol level? The most common tea. It contains tannins, which act as a natural regulator of cholesterol. In green tea contains more of them, so it is more efficient. Preferably drink it without sugar, to extract maximum benefits for the body.


Чеснок и имбирь от холестерина

Some herbs, vegetables, roots are natural statins. If you don’t add them in food, then it’s time to reevaluate your culinary habits, as they are the most powerful products, deducing cholesterol.

  1. Normal garlic is able to slow down the production of bad cholesterol. The effect you will notice immediately, but only after a couple months of stable use. Just include it in the diet, adding in different dishes.
  2. On the second place on efficiency – ginger. It contains gingerol – a special substance that recycles cholesterol in bile acid and naturally removes it from the body. A nice bonus for women – ginger helps to lose weight.
  3. In third place – spicy green herbs. It’s a green onion, dill, parsley and all the other leafy vegetables. They must be in the diet of anyone who cares about their health. Some of the listed spices regulate blood sugar.

Proteins and fats


Some are beginning to panic, imagining that from the menu you will have to exclude all the things they love – bacon, fatty meat, mayonnaise. What can replace them? Quite a lot of them and they are not inferior, but wins in taste the listed products.

  1. Oily sea fish can be the basis of the diet. Polyunsaturated fatty acids result in the concentration of cholesterol to normal, prevent the formation of blood clots, normalizes lipid metabolism. One little piece of oily sea fish per day by 50% will reduce the likelihood of coronary heart disease, i.e. ischemia. Do not have to choose expensive varieties — salmon or trout. You can do the usual herring, mackerel or sardines.
  2. Instead of butter delight your body with healthy olive oil. It contains only good fats monopropilene. But even to eat in reasonable quantities.
  3. As a tasty source of protein, use any nuts. It is best to give preference to pistachios and almonds. They are more successful that others are struggling with high cholesterol.

Match the diet to include only healthy foods instead of unhealthy, and you’ll never hear from doctors about elevated cholesterol.

Previous articles:

Read article What foods effectively reduce cholesterol?

четверг, 16 июня 2016 г.

Cleansing vessels folk remedies and the release of their cholesterol

Появление бляшек на сосудах

Cholesterol is very tricky. We may not even be aware of its existence until another examination the doctor finds you have plaque in the vessel walls. Their education provoke harmful fatty foods, a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, certain diseases and other factors. Despite the fact that you can feel completely healthy, be sure to reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood, cleanse the blood vessels from harmful deposits.

This can be done at home, using the most basic products and herbs. Lowering cholesterol folk remedies sometimes works even better than the methods of traditional medicine. Today we will thoroughly instruct you how at home once and for all get rid of plaque, excrete bad cholesterol and bring up your blood vessels.

Why is it necessary to clean the vessels?

Сужение просвета сосуда из-за холестерина

The formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels leading to obstruction of the blood on them. Gradually, the blood circulation becomes chronic and there is oxygen starvation of tissues. A consequence of their sclerotic and degenerative changes. It adversely affects not only the heart, but on the state of the whole organism.

Particularly affected tissue at the site of formation of the plaque. They may hemorrhage, causing thrombosis. This affects the blood vessels of the brain, coronary, aorta, and all the rest. Alone it will not work, so be sure to treat cholesterol folk remedies. And in severe cases seek medical help.

Secrets of Tibet – the ancient recipe of cleansing the vessels

Чеснок для сосудов

Sometimes normal products to our body be more useful than drugs. The basis of the ancient Tibetan recipe – garlic cholesterol. Even just using it regularly as an aromatic addition to dishes, you can gradually reduce bad cholesterol 9-10%. And the use of special alcohol tincture will help to quickly bring the vessel back to normal.

To prepare this tincture, you will need garlic 350 grams and conventional medical alcohol – 200 ml. now, the recipe:

  1. The garlic mash to a pulp. Leave it to stand for a bit until you are juice.
  2. Cup of garlic along with the juice mixed with the same amount of alcohol.
  3. Get in a dark place for 10 days.
  4. Good filter, not to leave pieces of garlic. Store in the refrigerator.

That’s it – at home you prepared a miracle cure, using simple and affordable products. But the cleansing of the body, the blood vessels and the blood for this procedure should be carried out strictly according to a certain scheme. The treatment lasts for 11 days. Take tincture need three times daily directly before food. The reception starts with only one bit, then every time you add another drop until you reach fifteen. It will take about 5 days. From the sixth day, start to work in reverse – now you need to gradually reduce the dosage.

Lowering the dosage also do one drop. In the last ten days three times a take tincture in large doses, and 25 drops at a time. So as not to injure the stomach, the cure should be pre-diluted in a glass of water or milk.

Garlic helps reduce the body content of bad cholesterol, cleanse the blood vessels from plaque. Especially useful this technique is for women, as garlic tincture in Tibet is the elixir of youth.

Comprehensive control of cholesterol – the honey, garlic and lemon

Мед с чесноком

Lowering cholesterol folk remedies can be very effective if strictly adhere to the recommended therapeutic regimen, to maintain the proportion. There is a recipe, composed of three products – garlic, lemon and honey. Their combination, without exaggeration, gets a triple blow to cholesterol plaques. Cleaning of the blood vessels is not the only property is that it strengthens the body. Cook it simple:

  • Lemon – 10 EA.
  • Garlic – 10 PCs.
  • Med – liter

Lemons and garlic to scroll in a meat grinder through a fine lattice. Next, they need to mix with honey and put into a dark place for a week. Of these products it is quite specific, but aromatic medicine. Cleaning of the vessels and the blood needs to last for two months. For this part, once a day, eat up to 4 teaspoons a fragrant mixture of honey, lemon and garlic. All these products are available and useful for the body, so the only contraindication is allergic to lemon or honey.

Cleansing milk and tea

Чай с молоком для очистки сосудов

Honey, lemon, garlic – very good for lowering cholesterol, but their use is contraindicated in cases of stomach problems, or hypersensitive. So we offer more mild tool, which you quickly prepare at home. It will help to clean the blood from the excess of harmful lipids, and for women a nice bonus is the fact that by this treatment it is possible to lose some weight.

Some traditional healers include cleansing blood two products, which are in every home is milk and tea. Their combination with a special method of cooking quickly will save you from high cholesterol.

Cook in a teapot strong brew. The glass on 4/5 fill with milk and add to the top leaves. A glass of this drink is recommended to drink every two hours. But I have a little famine in the days of treatment are not allowed to eat anything. After three hours of the day in milk tea you can add honey.

Course duration – from two to five days. It is unique – here you need to focus on the condition of his body. If you noticed a strong decline of forces, dizziness, you are overcome with an unbearable hunger, then it is time to stop.

Purification by clover


The clover itself is very good for the heart and blood. In folk medicine it is often prescribed as a good atherosclerotic agent. It cholesterolaemia properties not only help to get rid of cholesterol, but also improve overall blood composition. Cleaning them at home involves the use of infusions for 1 month. Don’t forget to take a break of not less than one week and the course can be repeated.

A standard glass of boiling water take about six flowers of red clover. One hour need leave to steep, well-wrapped it with a warm cloth. To drink the infusion is recommended up to 4 times a day for 1/3 Cup half an hour before meals. If you wish you can add honey to the infusion. This tool is not only good because it helps to reduce the concentration of harmful substances in the blood, but also the security of infusions. They can drink as a treatment or prevention for a long time.

Cleaning of Bay leaf

Настой из лаврового листа

Laurel leaf for women – especially fragrant spice that can be added to various meat dishes. But it is also a great remedy for high cholesterol. More precisely, one of its most important components. To prepare the tincture you’ll need two garlic cloves, lemon and 5 stuff Laurel leaves and a bottle of vodka. The lemon and the garlic should be crushed in a meat grinder, add the Laurel, pour a bottle of vodka and leave the tincture for a month, removing it in a dark place.

When the month pass, good filter the resulting liquid, so there are no remaining traces of lemon and garlic. Take thrice a day after meals for two teaspoons. Cleaning blood this recipe has become popular recently, but has already gained a lot of appreciative comments.

Delicious recipes for cleaning vessels

Рецепты для очищения сосудов от холестерина

I want to suggest you to try both strong and tasty medicine homemade. You will take pleasure in dessert and get rid of the high cholesterol and already formed plaques.

  1. For the first recipe you will need 2 orange and lemon and a quality honey in the amount of two tablespoons. Citrus, cut, remove bones and scroll through a meat grinder. Then mix them with honey and put it on a day in the refrigerator. Before eating every time you eat 2-3 teaspoons of this delicious medicine.
  2. The second recipe will not only help to reduce cholesterol and strengthen blood vessels, improve heart function and blood composition. It includes raisins, dried apricots, walnuts, lemons and honey. Their combination is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other substances. The cooking method is similar to the previous one – all passed through a meat grinder, add honey. If every day you’ll eat one tablespoon of this mixture, you will be able to significantly reduce the likelihood of heart attack and stroke.

Cleaning blood vessels and body at home will be effective only if you need just a little to lower your cholesterol and maintain your health. In severe cases, when the rates through the roof, and the plaque substantially reduce the quality of circulation, it is better to consult a doctor.

Previous articles:

Read article Cleansing vessels folk remedies and the release of their cholesterol

воскресенье, 12 июня 2016 г.

How to use the chatterbox for acne?

Женщина смотрит в зеркало

Many people periodically appear acne, inflammation and blackheads. These deficiencies significantly impair the appearance, bringing girls a lot of discomfort. To get rid of acne, you should use such an effective tool, as the mash from acne. It is sold in the pharmacy also, this product is easy to obtain in the home.

The main indications

A big mouth helps with small rashes on the face or the appearance of individual pimples. At the same time to eliminate advanced forms of acne, this cleanser will. To the therapeutic composition to give maximum benefit, its application is to Supplement a special diet for 2 months. During this time prohibited from consuming spicy and fatty meals, smoked meats, sweets, pickles.

This tool is perfect for preventing acne. Besides, it has grown tonic properties, and therefore help to replace the toner. To achieve good results, but not overdry the skin, the composition is allowed to use only once a day – at night. The mash from acne not infrequently include ingredients that increase skin sensitivity to UV light.

Useful properties

So that brought your skin the maximum benefit, it is important to determine the causes of acne. The recipe needs to pick up the doctor after performing the necessary tests. The product is made individually in a pharmacy for a few days.

Девушка умывает лицр

Useful properties of magmas associated with certain ingredients that are included in its composition:

  1. Chloramphenicol has a pronounced antimicrobial properties, prevent the active multiplication of bacteria and copes with pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Streptocid – also has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. It helps to eliminate the Streptococcus, the gonococcus. The drug is also effective against pneumococcus and Escherichia coli.
  3. Boric acid has a disinfectant action on the skin of adults. While children and pregnant women this component is contraindicated.
  4. Sulfur has antiseptic characteristics.
  5. Acetylsalicylic acid has analgesic properties effectively cope with the inflammation. In the period of carrying a child women need to avoid the use of such substances.
  6. Salicylic acid has a pronounced healing properties, helps with inflammation and reduces the synthesis of secretions produced by the sebaceous glands.
  7. Erythromycin is an antibacterial substance that is effective against acne and other infectious skin lesions.
  8. Alcohol has a pronounced disinfectant characteristics, helps to cleanse the skin and has a drying effect.
  9. Trihopol – helps to cope with aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. Also it can be used to eliminate amoebas, Trichomonas, fuzobakterii. This substance is effective against Bacteroides and Giardia.
  10. Coal-tar soap – has expressed exfoliating characteristics and slightly dry skin. It does not cause allergies and is made exclusively from natural ingredients.

Application features

To use some tools to deal with the skin defects should be very careful. So, the owners of normal skin it is not recommended to use makeup with salicylic acid or alcohol more than 1 time per day. Girls with dry skin and is better to avoid such funds.

After using cosmetics containing acid or alcohol, be sure to apply cream with moisturizing effect. Antibiotics are only permissible by prescription. If there are contraindications to the use of at least one ingredient means of applying the mash would have to give.

Девочка наносит на лицо крем

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, in addition to the use of external tools, it is recommended stick to a special diet. For this you need to eat five times and always in small portions. Such a regime should be observed for 2 months. The menu should not be present fried, sweet, fatty foods. Under the ban also pickles and cured meats.

Pharmacy Prater Park could replace toner. It perfectly tones the skin and prevents rashes. Experts do not highly recommend RUB remover – just RUB the skin with a sponge, soaked it first in a medical composition.

If you get the desired effect fails, it is possible to combine the use of mash with lye soap. Before treatment person just need to wash with the use of this tool. It is important to monitor the condition of the skin – there is a risk that it will become too dry.

Homemade recipes

Mash will easily be able to get at home. However, experts advise not to be treated independently, as it may worsen the condition of your skin.

To prevent the occurrence of adverse effects, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist who will be able to identify the cause of acne and to find the optimal recipe. Even if you were issued a pharmacy Prater Park, it is not necessary to apply it often – this should be done for the night. And in the morning it will wash off.

Девушка протирает лицо ватным диском

However, many people still make this remedy at home:

  1. The most common recipe. The mash from acne contains alcohol, boric and 2% salicylic acid – all components should take 50 ml. Also it is composed of chloramphenicol is about 5 g. it is recommended that All the ingredients mix well and process the mixture to the skin before bedtime. Remember that before using, shake well tool.
  2. Recipe with chloramphenicol. For cooking you will need 80 ml of camphor alcohol. In addition, you will need 10 pieces of soap and 4 pieces of chloramphenicol. It is also worth adding salicylic acid to 30 ml. As the mixture contains anti-bacterial drug, this recipe is suitable for people with severe inflammatory processes on the skin.
  3. Prescription with erythromycin. Need to connect a 2% solution of boric and salicylic acids, 50 ml. you will Also need 4 g of zinc and erythromycin. This tool can be used in the daytime as it has a white color. If zinc can replace sulfuric ointment, it will turn yellow composition, which should be used at night.

It is important to note that magmas with the addition of antibiotics prohibited from use for a long time, in spite of their high efficiency. Microorganisms eventually you get used to the substance, and the mixture becomes inefficient.

  1. Prescription with clindamycin and aspirin. To obtain a mixture at home, you should take clindamycin and aspirin in 4 pieces. You will also need ethyl alcohol and boric – 50 ml. Tablet should be crushed, add spirits and shake well. This recipe is ideal for use before bedtime. 5 minutes after rubbing need to treat the skin moisturizer.
  2. Recipe courses Beadle trichopolum. You should use 4 tablets of the drug and 250 ml of alcohol. Medicine to grind into powder, pour alcohol and insist 3 days in a dark place. It is important every day shake the mixture. Received the product need to treat the skin before bed.

Contraindications and side effects

During therapy should avoid use of decorative cosmetics. It is also worth limit the impact of temperature fluctuations or dust. It is not recommended to apply a therapeutic mixture more than once. If you do not adhere to these rules, the talker may provoke high dry skin, irritation, peeling.

Extreme caution should be applied to the product during carrying a child. Before use be sure to consult with a dermatologist.

The mash from acne is considered to be quite an effective composition which can markedly improve the condition of your skin, and eliminate most of the problems. But before applying this product, it is important to consult a doctor who will be able to identify the causes rashes and find effective prescription.

Previous articles:

Read article How to use the chatterbox for acne?

суббота, 11 июня 2016 г.

Lower bad cholesterol at home

Холестериновые бляшки

Cholesterol is a natural component of our body. It is produced by the liver and is an important building material, related to lipids. But 20% of cholesterol enters with food. As a rule, it is called harmful, as it has one very unpleasant property to settle on the walls of blood vessels, eventually forming plaques leading to obstruction of circulation of blood. And it is fraught with development of such terrible diseases as stroke and heart attack.

If tests showed that you have elevated cholesterol, it should be urgently lowered. In most cases this can be done at home without resorting to medical assistance. In this article, you will learn how to reduce cholesterol at home.

Causes higher cholesterol

Еда с высоким содержанием холестерина

First try to understand why the level of harmful lipids in the blood suddenly increased. Knowing the causes, it is much easier to deal with the consequences. The main factors need to be eliminated to the treatment proceeded more efficiently.

  1. Smoking. About the dangers of Smoking has been said a lot. Indeed, this habit can be called a time bomb. In the absence of visible symptoms, it slowly but inevitably causes serious illness including increase in cholesterol and formation of plaques.
  2. An excessive amount of coffee.
  3. A way of life. These include lack of physical activity, sedentary work, obesity, constant overeating.
  4. Unbalanced nutrition. If you use a lot of animal fats, carbohydrates, but in your menu, there is no fiber, vitamins, we can expect not only overweight, but also increase the level of harmful lipid in blood.
  5. Another group of reasons it is impossible to resolve without medical intervention. This is a different diseases – liver, kidney, thyroid.
  6. Genetic predisposition as a factor also cannot be excluded from this list.

Before treatment, try to eliminate all possible factors. This will likely help reduce the level of dangerous substances in the blood and in General will have a beneficial effect on health.


There is a whole group of specially designed drugs – statins. When taken they suppress the production of cholesterol, thereby rapidly reducing its level in the blood. Treatment them effectively, but not always safe, as there are many contraindications and side effects.


They can be taken only as directed by your doctor periodically taking tests to check cholesterol levels. If you decided to do without a visit to the clinic, it is better to give preference to other ways and means.

Simple tips for fast reduce cholesterol

Весы напольные

Start with basic measures and change your lifestyle, but rather certain habits.

  1. Try no snacks, especially such as sandwiches – create a menu and try to stick to it.
  2. If you love fat dairy products – cheese, sour cream, cream and can’t imagine life without them, then replace them with soy analogues.
  3. Contraindicated saturated fats – lard, butter. Healthy olive oil, linseed oil, fatty saltwater fish.
  4. Watch your weight – the majority of people with excess weight found a different change in the composition of blood and cholesterol is no exception.
  5. Give up all their bad habits – excessive coffee, Smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  6. If you can move – move. Do not ever sit still. If for health or other reasons you can’t do the full exercise, at least daily, arrange a Hiking.

Products instead of drugs

Продукты для снижения холестерина

To lower your cholesterol at home is possible without depriving yourself of tasty treats. On the contrary, many delicious foods are rich in substances that regular consumption of which may replace traditional treatment.

  1. Almond nuts. Its peel contains a special substance that helps to lower the concentration of harmful substances in the blood. Besides, they are rich in vitamin E, fiber and antioxidants, which increases the effect of the main component.
  2. Blueberries. It contains valuable natural compound pterostilbene. It can be eaten fresh or frozen literally a handful a day.
  3. Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats that help to cleanse the body of bad cholesterol. The paste of avocado with salt and herbs is quite able to replace butter.
  4. If within 14 days you will eat two raw carrots, you will be able to reduce the blood level of 5-10%. You can make it into a salad, seasoning it with olive oil.
  5. Lentils and beans, regular application will normalize cholesterol in the blood.

It’s not all products that can be made the basis of his diet during treatment. This may also include oat bran, barley, green tea, citrus, eggplant and many other useful and tasty products.

Dietary supplements

Рыбий жир

Miracles from them is not worth waiting, but with an integrated approach they will contribute to the treatment. There are several types of dietary supplements that accelerate the reduction of cholesterol in the blood.

  1. Based on garlic extracts. Act by increasing lipid metabolism.
  2. Based on the chitin of shellfish. Hinder the absorption of fat in the intestine.
  3. Fish oil. Helps to normalize cholesterol.

Don’t forget that in themselves Express the effect they give. Such violations should be treated holistically, with a healthy diet, changing lifestyle, using various folk remedies and vitamin supplements.

Folk remedies

Фрукты и сок

You can resort to the help of folk medicine. Many plants can treat even serious diseases, so they will help you to quickly improve the level of dangerous compounds in the blood. Let’s look at the most effective herbs.

  1. The young alfalfa plant has a strong enough effect. Twenty shoots per day vitamin consisting of salad or a small amount of juice from it greatly increases the effectiveness of treatment.
  2. Calendula. It can be used as a decoction or infusion. The finished product is sold in any pharmacy item. Treatment – during the month of 20 drops once a day.
  3. Chopped fresh dandelion roots a teaspoon a day before meals.
  4. Very fast acting blend of garlic and fresh lemon. In a meat grinder or blender to grind the head peeled spicy vegetable, and a small lemon with peel. The pulp is filled with water and left to infuse for 3 days in the refrigerator. Drink a glass of resulting infusion three times a day.

If you show a little patience and perseverance, without the use of drugs can quickly lead cholesterol levels to normal. Remember, however, that in the presence of heart disease and other risk factors it is better not to self-medicate but to consult a good doctor.

Previous articles:

Read article Lower bad cholesterol at home

пятница, 10 июня 2016 г.

What should be the cholesterol in women 30 to 70 years or more?

Женщина улыбается

Cholesterol is a type of fat, which is an indispensable attribute of a healthy state of the organism as a whole. In addition, a substance located in the cells of the human body and performs many tasks. Among them are the following:

  • responsible for the establishment and maintenance of cell membranes;
  • influences the permeability of cell membrane;
  • affects the formation of both male and female hormones;
  • provides increase metabolism.

Typology of lipoproteins: “good” or “bad” cholesterol

In the 90-ies started active discussion of cholesterol. During the discussions formed the opinion that cholesterol is a substance that can exclusively cause harm to the body. Information was corroborated by the absurd television show, base publications in Newspapers and magazines and other blessings of the mass media.

Плохой и хороший холестерин

As a result, most people were under the mistaken impression that elevated concentrations of substances in the blood is a good/bad indicator. But is it really so?

It is worth noting that the role of lipids in the human body is quite large. Cholesterol is separated into stereotypical “good” and “bad”. In fact, the matter can be referred neither to the one nor to the other subgroup.

Element a single characteristic composition and structure. An indicator of its effects on the body is determined depending on the protein to which it is attached for transport.

Thus, for the distribution of cholesterol lipoproteins are responsible which constitute a complex, which is composed of fats and proteins. Lipoproteins are divided into three groups that determine the level of cholesterol:

  1. LDL (low density level) – it is believed that this variety of lipoproteins to cause the “bad” cholesterol. The function of LDL is to transport lipids from the liver cells to other parts of the body. In that case, if it was postponed too many elements, that is, the elevated level of LDL, the body becomes defeated cardiovascular ailments.Normal rate of LDL in the range of 70%.
  2. HDL (high density level) – it is generally accepted that HDL promotes “good” cholesterol. Experts in the field of medicine claim that HDL helps to avoid cardiovascular diseases. HDL is a kind of opposite of LDL, its task is to transport lipids from the cells of the whole organism to the liver.
  3. Triglycerides – a kind of chemical element, which is found in blood plasma. A substance formed in the body through ingestion of dietary fat or by energy sources, for example, carbohydrates. Triglycerides are the body’s cells, keeping the stock fat. When you do not consume food as an energy source, triglycerides will be used by your body as energy resource.

Cholesterol: define normal

The amount of lipids in the blood is sufficiently informative indicator, which gives the opportunity to assess how the General state of the organism and its separate organs.

Анализ крови на холестерин

It should be noted that the rate of cholesterol is not static, it changes depending on age and other parameters. For example, the level at the same age is considered “good”, over the years, can become a symptom of “bad” cholesterol. In addition, it is influenced by various diseases of the body, for example, the increase of sugar level in the blood.

Therefore, health workers were the HDL and LDL for different age groups. Knowing these criteria will help to prevent serious diseases.

To define your own level of cholesterol, you need to take a blood test from the vein.

Norma lipids in women under 30

It should be noted that the representatives of the youngest age category have lower levels of cholesterol.

This is due to the fact that young age is characterized by rapid metabolism and fats respectively. The body to 30 years can process high cholesterol even with the wrong diet, we are talking about fatty foods and the analysis will be normal.

But it is worth noting that third-party factors, even in the age of 30 can cause significant harm to the body. For example, a high sugar, kidney failure and other ailments affect the increase in lipid levels, even despite their young age. In this case, you need urgent medical intervention.

Thus, the norm for women under 30 years contains the following table:

The age criterion Common HDL LDL
up to 30 5,75 2,15 Of 4.26

Cholesterol in women after 30 years

Over the years, the rate of cholesterol needs a few times to rise. Women in this age category, you need to take seriously their health and regularly carry out the analysis.

Smoking, excessive fatty foods can significantly increase the level of lipids, because after 30 years slows down the functioning of metabolic processes. At this age, due attention should be paid to blood sugar levels.

Carrying out the analysis, the norm for women after age 30 is as follows: 3,63-of 6.27

Of cholesterol in the blood after 40 years

Движение холестерина в крови

This age stage is characterized by a gradual decline in reproductive function, as well as significantly reduced the level of hormones-estrogen. It is worth noting that this hormone has a protective function, preventing spikes of cholesterol.

In the healthy condition of the body, to 45 age is not associated with increased rate of lipids. The norms, which should prodemonstrirovano contains the following table:

Age Common HDL LDL
40 – 45 to 6.53 to 2.87 to 4.51

The period after 45 to 50 years is characterized by the menopause, which significantly increases lipid levels. About how much cholesterol is considered normal for women after 45 to 50 years, you can learn by reading the table data:

Age Common HDL LDL
from 45 to 50 At 36.86 2,5 4,82

How much cholesterol should be after 50 years?

Women after 50 need to pay due attention to the figure of LDL and blood sugar levels. Moreover, regardless of LDL will experience a significant increase in the overall index, this is considered normal for age after 50, 55 years.

Thus, if women 50 or 55 after having done the analysis, found the following indicators, they can be calm for their health: 4,2-7,8.

The norm for the fair sex after 60 years

Ladies 60 – 65 years, making analysis will be to observe significantly high figure compared to previous age groups. But do not fear, for age 60 – 65 is the norm.

About how much cholesterol should be in this age category can be found by referring to the table:

Age factor Overall performance HDL LDL
60 — 65 to 7.69 not more than 2.4 not more than 5.7

What is the scope of cholesterol is set for women when you’re 70?

After age 70 is characterized by a downward trend in the level of lipids in the body. If after 70 years, making analysis, you find that you have inflated figures is a serious reason to think about your health condition and begin to heal the ailments. Remember that you must maintain normal sugar, it improves cholesterol. In addition a healthy diet will help keep the norm of lipids.

The norm for older people as follows:

The age parameter Total “good” “bad”
after 70 to 7.35 no more of 2.38 no more of 5.34

What causes an increase cholesterol?

Холестериновые бляшки

There are a lot of factors that contribute to the higher level of lipids. Preferring the right way of living will help you to avoid their influence. Experts identify the following factors:

  • Broken diet. Eliminate excessive consumption of sugar and other foods, consisting of refined carbohydrates. A healthy diet will help to normalize lipid levels.
  • A lot of weight. Try to reduce your weight category, this will help reduce LDL. Diet and exercise will become your faithful helpers in the fight for healthy cholesterol levels.
  • Genetic predisposition. One of the most rare occasions. Doctors call diseases transmitted by geneticengineering.
  • A variety of ailments. For example, high blood sugar causes an increase the level of fats in the body.

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Read article What should be the cholesterol in women 30 to 70 years or more?

среда, 8 июня 2016 г.

What are the risks of cholesterol increase during pregnancy?

Беременная женщина

About cholesterol heard it all, but not everyone gives it value and even more blood tests done. And it is in vain for this indicator need to be monitored closely, in order to avoid dangerous diseases. For example, high cholesterol during pregnancy may be detrimental to its current and future health of the baby. So today we will try to sort out the details in this issue you will learn what cholesterol is, how dangerous he is, and how to reduce its level without damage to the unborn baby.

Low and high cholesterol

Cholesterol itself is a natural fatty substance that is produced by our own body. Only a small amount enters the organism together with food. However, it can be good and bad. Good – performs important functions in the body, bad – deposited on the walls of blood vessels, gradually turning into plaque, impairing blood flow through the arteries.

Холестериновые отложения на стенках сосудов

Good cholesterol promotes the synthesis of vitamin D and some important hormones. It is necessary for the full functioning of the nervous and immune systems. Therefore, if the norm during pregnancy is reduced, it could lead to deterioration of memory, loss of concentration and the worst thing – there is a risk of threatened miscarriage.

A high level is even more dangerous. Be sure to leave the analysis to control him. If it is exceeded, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as this may indicate the presence of a number of diseases or predisposition to them:

  • Disruption of the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Cardio — vascular disorders.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver.

If these diseases were not revealed, two months after pregnancy must be examined repeatedly to make sure that the increase was due to the hormonal changes taking place. In any case do not forget about it, as consistently high levels of this substance can cause heart attack, angina, stroke, ischemia, atherosclerosis and many other diseases.

What indicators are considered normal during pregnancy?

Движение холестерина по сосудам

Single readings can’t be here. Cholesterol during pregnancy can vary depending on age, certain diseases, manner of eating and living. In some cases, pregnancy has no effect on the level of this substance. Although on average women who are preparing to become mothers, this value increases by approximately 1.5-2 times and is not considered a deviation from the norm. But still let us understand a little more with the numbers.


Age category Norma The last two pregnancy trimesters
16-20 3,07 – 5,19 No more of 10.38
20-25 3,17 – 5,6 Not more than $ 11.2
25 – 30 3,3 – 5,8 Not more than 11.6
31-35 3.4 -5,97 No more than 11,14
35 – 40 3,7 – 6,3 Not more than 12.6
40 – 45 3,9 – 6,9 Not over 13.8

This table clearly shows, what is the norm of this substance in pregnant women. To be exceeded in any trimester suggests that in the expectant mom’s body there are some problems. This applies to low-density lipoproteins called bad cholesterol. Good, that is high density, usually stays at the original level from 0.2 to 2 mmol. Only in rare cases, there are slight fluctuations.

How to lower cholesterol without medication?

Здоровые продукты для снижения холестерина

If in normal situations for the normalization of indicators is prescribed special medicines – statins, during pregnancy, they are contraindicated. This is especially important in the second trimester, when there is an active formation of the child. The only way to bring high cholesterol levels back to normal is to adhere to a strict diet with the exception of harmful products.

  • Completely excluded from the diet of fatty, fried, salty foods.
  • To limit the consumption of carbohydrates and a variety of sweets, especially industrial production. This could include cakes, pastries, chocolates. Instead, it is better to give preference to dried fruits – dried apricots, prunes, raisins, and dates, but only on the condition that you have no allergic reactions to these products.
  • If allowed by the doctor, that every day you can perform simple exercises.
  • Never overeat. Share day menu for 5-6 times.
  • Observe the foundations and principles of a healthy diet. Most often diet is chosen for each woman individually, depending on the features of its body and pregnancy.
  • Often it is recommended to cook fatty marine fish. It has an abundance of valuable polyunsaturated omega acids which are very important for a pregnant woman.
  • Cholesterol quickly comes back to normal if you daily include in a diet high in fiber. It is contained in cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits. Fiber removes excess bad cholesterol from the body.

Drinks will help to lower cholesterol

Имбирный напиток

There are drinks which with regular use can quickly enough to reduce the amount of cholesterol.

  1. Tea made from ginger root helps to cleanse the walls of the arteries and blood vessels from cholesterol deposits.
  2. Carrot and Apple fresh juice contains many vitamins and pectin which normalize the metabolism of fats.
  3. Drink more fruit drinks – they include a lot of vitamins and help to balance the level of cholesterol.
  4. A decoction of the hips has a tonic effect, reduces the concentration of cholesterol, has a bracing effect. They can replace tea, but here you need to know the measure.
  5. A decoction of oats helps cleanse the liver, removes toxins and regulates lipid metabolism.

Be sure to follow all basic indicators of tests throughout pregnancy. But if you have high cholesterol then try to follow the advice from this article.

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Read article What are the risks of cholesterol increase during pregnancy?

понедельник, 6 июня 2016 г.

What cholesterol levels should be in men depending on age?

Сосуды с отложениями холестерина

People have long had the firm conviction that cholesterol is bad. But in fact, this substance very important for our body. He is not dangerous, and the increase or decrease of its concentration in the blood. In this paper we consider a norm of cholesterol in blood in men, the risk associated with a deviation from it, the causes of the violations and methods of treatment.

Bad and good cholesterol

Cholesterol can be “bad” and “good”. These two forms of the substance must be able to distinguish.

Alpha-cholesterol – good. He is not able to create plaques in the blood vessels. Contacting the protein-fat compounds high density, it freely spreads through the body, capturing with the harmful cholesterol and delivering it to the liver for degradation and excretion. This substance produced by the cells of our liver and has important functions in our body.

Движение крови по артериям

The “bad” cholesterol associated with low density lipoprotein. He moves through the vessels with blood, gradually settling on their walls and forming plaque, which eventually begin to interfere with normal circulation. It is the level of this cholesterol should bother men after 30 years abroad, when run still invisible to the eye first aging process.

What should be normal levels of cholesterol?

The level of bad and good cholesterol it turns out by the laboratory, that is, you need to be tested. Together they are considered a single indicator – total cholesterol. To establish the concentration of each of them separately, not need to carry out a General analysis and a detailed study of the lipid composition of the blood.

Анализ крови на холестерин

On all these indicators in the analyses affected by different factors. There is no General index (it corresponds to the age, way of life, style of food. His level is almost inevitably increases with age. Especially it becomes noticeable after reaching a 50 year old man. But in any case, he should stick to a normal, acceptable bounds. Below is a table where you can see the optimal level of cholesterol in your age. All the tests indicated in mmol/L.

Table 1 — Common indicators:

Common 3,6 – 5,2
LPNV – harmful 2,25 – 4,82
HDL is a natural 0,7 – 1,7

Table 2 — Indicators by age:

After the age of 30 and 40 inclusive 3,56 – 6,55
After the age of 40 and 50, inclusive 3,76 – of 6.98
After 50 years and 60 inclusive 4,09 – of 7.17
After 60 years and beyond 4,06 – 7,19

As the table shows the achievement of a man 30 years of age, the cholesterol levels gradually begin to rise. This happens to 50 years, after which the increase in the concentration of cholesterol is slowed down and its level is not significantly changed either in 60 or 70 years.

In some cases analyses are performed on another indicator – atherogenic coefficient (CAT). Put simply, it is the ratio of concentration of “bad” and “good” cholesterol in the body. The level of this index is as follows.

Table No. 3 — the Ratio of:

For young men from 20 to the age of 30 2,8
For older men over 40, 50, 60 years with signs of atherosclerotic changes 3, 0 – 3,5
In ischemic disorders 4 or more

This is a common level adopted in the analyses as the norm. It can be a little higher or lower depending on individual characteristics of the organism, lifestyle, comorbidities, and other factors. For example, when violation of the liver. Liver cells hepatocytes by 18% consist of good cholesterol. With 80% of this amount is produced by the liver and only one fifth, i.e. 20% comes from outside the body with food. Cholesterol arriving with food, may not be good, but some products have a feature to accelerate its synthesis with constant use.

Causes higher cholesterol

Продукты с высоким содержанием холестерина

So, the doctor informed you that your total cholesterol you are at increased. Why could this happen? Let’s look at all possible causes:

  1. Age. After 40 or 50 years in a modern environment and lifestyle should not be expected that all vital signs are normal.
  2. An improper diet. Many products that are loved by all, harmful to our health. To increase the concentration of bad cholesterol can over-consumption of cheeses, sausages, fatty meat, cream, cakes and pies and other flour products.
  3. Cholesterol levels often exceeded for people leading a sedentary, indolent lifestyle.
  4. Excessive weight also leads to the increase of this indicator increases the chance of atherosclerosis and ischemic changes.
  5. Addictions such as Smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol cause a strong impact on our body and blood vessels in particular.

Causes of low cholesterol levels

Заболевание печени меняет уровень холестерина

The level can be not only high but also low and this is not good. No matter how old you are – 30, 40 or 50, causes of low cholesterol is always the same:

  • Heart failure.
  • Poor diet that lacks animal protein that is often found in vegetarians.
  • Anemia.
  • Acute or recent infectious diseases.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Disorders and diseases of the liver.
  • Hyperthyroidism, that is, malfunctions of the thyroid gland.
  • Blood poisoning.

Thus, the decreased level of total cholesterol is also cause for concern. You should contact your doctor to rule out the presence of these diseases.

How dangerous is high cholesterol?

Высокий уровень холестерина опасен для сердечно - сосудистой системы

High rates should alert you, as they can lead to the development of a number of dangerous diseases.

  1. Perhaps the development of atherosclerosis with plaque formation and the subsequent blockage of blood vessels, which hampers the movement of blood through the arteries.
  2. Increases the likelihood of detection of coronary disease one day.
  3. Increases the risk of early myocardial infarction due to poor access of blood and oxygen to heart tissues.
  4. Develops angina.
  5. People with high cholesterol are at risk for the development of stroke, ischemia and other unwanted diseases.

No matter what your age you 30 years or 60 the level of cholesterol need to start looking as early as possible and adhere to prevention, to avoid its increase.

What is dangerous for men low cholesterol?

Влияние низкого уровня холестерина на здоровье

Here we will focus on the “good” cholesterol, performs an important role in our body. With its deficit also may develop a number of diseases. Be suspected insufficient production of the liver can be the subsequent signs:

  • General malaise, accompanied by poor appetite.
  • Frequent muscle weakness.
  • The weakening of major reflexes.
  • Frequent inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  • Oily, fatty stools.

These symptoms – a serious reason to see a doctor and be tested. What can cause its deficiency?

  1. The fragility of blood vessels, reducing their elasticity. It is fraught with hemorrhagic stroke, i.e. rupture of blood vessels with bleeding into the brain.
  2. Everyone has heard about the hormone of happiness – serotonin. In sufficient quantities it is allocated only when a normal level of cholesterol. Its decrease leads to depression, anxiety, aggression, Alzheimer’s disease in old age, senile dementia.
  3. Vitamin D is produced only when a sufficient amount in the body good cholesterol. In turn, he is responsible for the absorption of calcium. Therefore, a persistent shortage of cholesterol – a direct path to osteoporosis.
  4. Incorrect processing of fats are fraught with weight gain and obesity.
  5. Affects of sex hormones. When it is severe deficiency may develop infertility.
  6. Leads to increased activity of the thyroid gland and the development of hyperthyroidism.
  7. Sugar contributes to type 2 diabetes.

What can I do about high cholesterol?

Препараты для снижения холестерина

The decision about the treatment here can only take the doctor, based on the amount of deviation from the norm indicators. Amateur in the treatment plan can only lead to a worsening of the position. Usually the treatment regimen looks like this:

  1. The intake of statins, there are medications that block the production of cholesterol. They are used both for treatment and for prevention. There are similar drugs 4 generations. The feasibility of applying any specific means determined by the physician, as they are quite a large number of side effects.
  2. Aspirin. Is assigned only at 16 years of age.
  3. B vitamins
  4. If the pressure is increased, are assigned beta-blockers, diuretics, blockers of the receptors.

What to do if you lower cholesterol?

Продукты для поддержания нормального уровня холестерина

Here is the only real way to adhere to the persistent insistence of the doctor, take all prescribed drugs. It is also necessary diet with the inclusion in the menu of certain foods. These include:

  • Caviar.
  • Beef offal – or rather the brain, kidneys, and liver.
  • Eggs.
  • Nuts.
  • Hard cheeses.

Don’t forget that even diet in this case should be agreed with the doctor. Your goal is to increase the concentration of good rather than bad cholesterol. And for this you need to use healthy products. Fatty and nutritious meals will only increase the risk of atherosclerosis. Therefore, eat more greens and vegetables for the normalization of lipid metabolism, take a little time to walk and exercise and try to get rid of harmful addictions.

In any case, follow all recommendations of your doctor, watch your cholesterol and try to maintain a reasonable lifestyle. Then the risk of developing serious diseases will be much lower.

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Read article What cholesterol levels should be in men depending on age?