пятница, 10 июня 2016 г.

What should be the cholesterol in women 30 to 70 years or more?

Женщина улыбается

Cholesterol is a type of fat, which is an indispensable attribute of a healthy state of the organism as a whole. In addition, a substance located in the cells of the human body and performs many tasks. Among them are the following:

  • responsible for the establishment and maintenance of cell membranes;
  • influences the permeability of cell membrane;
  • affects the formation of both male and female hormones;
  • provides increase metabolism.

Typology of lipoproteins: “good” or “bad” cholesterol

In the 90-ies started active discussion of cholesterol. During the discussions formed the opinion that cholesterol is a substance that can exclusively cause harm to the body. Information was corroborated by the absurd television show, base publications in Newspapers and magazines and other blessings of the mass media.

Плохой и хороший холестерин

As a result, most people were under the mistaken impression that elevated concentrations of substances in the blood is a good/bad indicator. But is it really so?

It is worth noting that the role of lipids in the human body is quite large. Cholesterol is separated into stereotypical “good” and “bad”. In fact, the matter can be referred neither to the one nor to the other subgroup.

Element a single characteristic composition and structure. An indicator of its effects on the body is determined depending on the protein to which it is attached for transport.

Thus, for the distribution of cholesterol lipoproteins are responsible which constitute a complex, which is composed of fats and proteins. Lipoproteins are divided into three groups that determine the level of cholesterol:

  1. LDL (low density level) – it is believed that this variety of lipoproteins to cause the “bad” cholesterol. The function of LDL is to transport lipids from the liver cells to other parts of the body. In that case, if it was postponed too many elements, that is, the elevated level of LDL, the body becomes defeated cardiovascular ailments.Normal rate of LDL in the range of 70%.
  2. HDL (high density level) – it is generally accepted that HDL promotes “good” cholesterol. Experts in the field of medicine claim that HDL helps to avoid cardiovascular diseases. HDL is a kind of opposite of LDL, its task is to transport lipids from the cells of the whole organism to the liver.
  3. Triglycerides – a kind of chemical element, which is found in blood plasma. A substance formed in the body through ingestion of dietary fat or by energy sources, for example, carbohydrates. Triglycerides are the body’s cells, keeping the stock fat. When you do not consume food as an energy source, triglycerides will be used by your body as energy resource.

Cholesterol: define normal

The amount of lipids in the blood is sufficiently informative indicator, which gives the opportunity to assess how the General state of the organism and its separate organs.

Анализ крови на холестерин

It should be noted that the rate of cholesterol is not static, it changes depending on age and other parameters. For example, the level at the same age is considered “good”, over the years, can become a symptom of “bad” cholesterol. In addition, it is influenced by various diseases of the body, for example, the increase of sugar level in the blood.

Therefore, health workers were the HDL and LDL for different age groups. Knowing these criteria will help to prevent serious diseases.

To define your own level of cholesterol, you need to take a blood test from the vein.

Norma lipids in women under 30

It should be noted that the representatives of the youngest age category have lower levels of cholesterol.

This is due to the fact that young age is characterized by rapid metabolism and fats respectively. The body to 30 years can process high cholesterol even with the wrong diet, we are talking about fatty foods and the analysis will be normal.

But it is worth noting that third-party factors, even in the age of 30 can cause significant harm to the body. For example, a high sugar, kidney failure and other ailments affect the increase in lipid levels, even despite their young age. In this case, you need urgent medical intervention.

Thus, the norm for women under 30 years contains the following table:

The age criterion Common HDL LDL
up to 30 5,75 2,15 Of 4.26

Cholesterol in women after 30 years

Over the years, the rate of cholesterol needs a few times to rise. Women in this age category, you need to take seriously their health and regularly carry out the analysis.

Smoking, excessive fatty foods can significantly increase the level of lipids, because after 30 years slows down the functioning of metabolic processes. At this age, due attention should be paid to blood sugar levels.

Carrying out the analysis, the norm for women after age 30 is as follows: 3,63-of 6.27

Of cholesterol in the blood after 40 years

Движение холестерина в крови

This age stage is characterized by a gradual decline in reproductive function, as well as significantly reduced the level of hormones-estrogen. It is worth noting that this hormone has a protective function, preventing spikes of cholesterol.

In the healthy condition of the body, to 45 age is not associated with increased rate of lipids. The norms, which should prodemonstrirovano contains the following table:

Age Common HDL LDL
40 – 45 to 6.53 to 2.87 to 4.51

The period after 45 to 50 years is characterized by the menopause, which significantly increases lipid levels. About how much cholesterol is considered normal for women after 45 to 50 years, you can learn by reading the table data:

Age Common HDL LDL
from 45 to 50 At 36.86 2,5 4,82

How much cholesterol should be after 50 years?

Women after 50 need to pay due attention to the figure of LDL and blood sugar levels. Moreover, regardless of LDL will experience a significant increase in the overall index, this is considered normal for age after 50, 55 years.

Thus, if women 50 or 55 after having done the analysis, found the following indicators, they can be calm for their health: 4,2-7,8.

The norm for the fair sex after 60 years

Ladies 60 – 65 years, making analysis will be to observe significantly high figure compared to previous age groups. But do not fear, for age 60 – 65 is the norm.

About how much cholesterol should be in this age category can be found by referring to the table:

Age factor Overall performance HDL LDL
60 — 65 to 7.69 not more than 2.4 not more than 5.7

What is the scope of cholesterol is set for women when you’re 70?

After age 70 is characterized by a downward trend in the level of lipids in the body. If after 70 years, making analysis, you find that you have inflated figures is a serious reason to think about your health condition and begin to heal the ailments. Remember that you must maintain normal sugar, it improves cholesterol. In addition a healthy diet will help keep the norm of lipids.

The norm for older people as follows:

The age parameter Total “good” “bad”
after 70 to 7.35 no more of 2.38 no more of 5.34

What causes an increase cholesterol?

Холестериновые бляшки

There are a lot of factors that contribute to the higher level of lipids. Preferring the right way of living will help you to avoid their influence. Experts identify the following factors:

  • Broken diet. Eliminate excessive consumption of sugar and other foods, consisting of refined carbohydrates. A healthy diet will help to normalize lipid levels.
  • A lot of weight. Try to reduce your weight category, this will help reduce LDL. Diet and exercise will become your faithful helpers in the fight for healthy cholesterol levels.
  • Genetic predisposition. One of the most rare occasions. Doctors call diseases transmitted by geneticengineering.
  • A variety of ailments. For example, high blood sugar causes an increase the level of fats in the body.

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