четверг, 16 июня 2016 г.

Cleansing vessels folk remedies and the release of their cholesterol

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Cholesterol is very tricky. We may not even be aware of its existence until another examination the doctor finds you have plaque in the vessel walls. Their education provoke harmful fatty foods, a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, certain diseases and other factors. Despite the fact that you can feel completely healthy, be sure to reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood, cleanse the blood vessels from harmful deposits.

This can be done at home, using the most basic products and herbs. Lowering cholesterol folk remedies sometimes works even better than the methods of traditional medicine. Today we will thoroughly instruct you how at home once and for all get rid of plaque, excrete bad cholesterol and bring up your blood vessels.

Why is it necessary to clean the vessels?

Сужение просвета сосуда из-за холестерина

The formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels leading to obstruction of the blood on them. Gradually, the blood circulation becomes chronic and there is oxygen starvation of tissues. A consequence of their sclerotic and degenerative changes. It adversely affects not only the heart, but on the state of the whole organism.

Particularly affected tissue at the site of formation of the plaque. They may hemorrhage, causing thrombosis. This affects the blood vessels of the brain, coronary, aorta, and all the rest. Alone it will not work, so be sure to treat cholesterol folk remedies. And in severe cases seek medical help.

Secrets of Tibet – the ancient recipe of cleansing the vessels

Чеснок для сосудов

Sometimes normal products to our body be more useful than drugs. The basis of the ancient Tibetan recipe – garlic cholesterol. Even just using it regularly as an aromatic addition to dishes, you can gradually reduce bad cholesterol 9-10%. And the use of special alcohol tincture will help to quickly bring the vessel back to normal.

To prepare this tincture, you will need garlic 350 grams and conventional medical alcohol – 200 ml. now, the recipe:

  1. The garlic mash to a pulp. Leave it to stand for a bit until you are juice.
  2. Cup of garlic along with the juice mixed with the same amount of alcohol.
  3. Get in a dark place for 10 days.
  4. Good filter, not to leave pieces of garlic. Store in the refrigerator.

That’s it – at home you prepared a miracle cure, using simple and affordable products. But the cleansing of the body, the blood vessels and the blood for this procedure should be carried out strictly according to a certain scheme. The treatment lasts for 11 days. Take tincture need three times daily directly before food. The reception starts with only one bit, then every time you add another drop until you reach fifteen. It will take about 5 days. From the sixth day, start to work in reverse – now you need to gradually reduce the dosage.

Lowering the dosage also do one drop. In the last ten days three times a take tincture in large doses, and 25 drops at a time. So as not to injure the stomach, the cure should be pre-diluted in a glass of water or milk.

Garlic helps reduce the body content of bad cholesterol, cleanse the blood vessels from plaque. Especially useful this technique is for women, as garlic tincture in Tibet is the elixir of youth.

Comprehensive control of cholesterol – the honey, garlic and lemon

Мед с чесноком

Lowering cholesterol folk remedies can be very effective if strictly adhere to the recommended therapeutic regimen, to maintain the proportion. There is a recipe, composed of three products – garlic, lemon and honey. Their combination, without exaggeration, gets a triple blow to cholesterol plaques. Cleaning of the blood vessels is not the only property is that it strengthens the body. Cook it simple:

  • Lemon – 10 EA.
  • Garlic – 10 PCs.
  • Med – liter

Lemons and garlic to scroll in a meat grinder through a fine lattice. Next, they need to mix with honey and put into a dark place for a week. Of these products it is quite specific, but aromatic medicine. Cleaning of the vessels and the blood needs to last for two months. For this part, once a day, eat up to 4 teaspoons a fragrant mixture of honey, lemon and garlic. All these products are available and useful for the body, so the only contraindication is allergic to lemon or honey.

Cleansing milk and tea

Чай с молоком для очистки сосудов

Honey, lemon, garlic – very good for lowering cholesterol, but their use is contraindicated in cases of stomach problems, or hypersensitive. So we offer more mild tool, which you quickly prepare at home. It will help to clean the blood from the excess of harmful lipids, and for women a nice bonus is the fact that by this treatment it is possible to lose some weight.

Some traditional healers include cleansing blood two products, which are in every home is milk and tea. Their combination with a special method of cooking quickly will save you from high cholesterol.

Cook in a teapot strong brew. The glass on 4/5 fill with milk and add to the top leaves. A glass of this drink is recommended to drink every two hours. But I have a little famine in the days of treatment are not allowed to eat anything. After three hours of the day in milk tea you can add honey.

Course duration – from two to five days. It is unique – here you need to focus on the condition of his body. If you noticed a strong decline of forces, dizziness, you are overcome with an unbearable hunger, then it is time to stop.

Purification by clover


The clover itself is very good for the heart and blood. In folk medicine it is often prescribed as a good atherosclerotic agent. It cholesterolaemia properties not only help to get rid of cholesterol, but also improve overall blood composition. Cleaning them at home involves the use of infusions for 1 month. Don’t forget to take a break of not less than one week and the course can be repeated.

A standard glass of boiling water take about six flowers of red clover. One hour need leave to steep, well-wrapped it with a warm cloth. To drink the infusion is recommended up to 4 times a day for 1/3 Cup half an hour before meals. If you wish you can add honey to the infusion. This tool is not only good because it helps to reduce the concentration of harmful substances in the blood, but also the security of infusions. They can drink as a treatment or prevention for a long time.

Cleaning of Bay leaf

Настой из лаврового листа

Laurel leaf for women – especially fragrant spice that can be added to various meat dishes. But it is also a great remedy for high cholesterol. More precisely, one of its most important components. To prepare the tincture you’ll need two garlic cloves, lemon and 5 stuff Laurel leaves and a bottle of vodka. The lemon and the garlic should be crushed in a meat grinder, add the Laurel, pour a bottle of vodka and leave the tincture for a month, removing it in a dark place.

When the month pass, good filter the resulting liquid, so there are no remaining traces of lemon and garlic. Take thrice a day after meals for two teaspoons. Cleaning blood this recipe has become popular recently, but has already gained a lot of appreciative comments.

Delicious recipes for cleaning vessels

Рецепты для очищения сосудов от холестерина

I want to suggest you to try both strong and tasty medicine homemade. You will take pleasure in dessert and get rid of the high cholesterol and already formed plaques.

  1. For the first recipe you will need 2 orange and lemon and a quality honey in the amount of two tablespoons. Citrus, cut, remove bones and scroll through a meat grinder. Then mix them with honey and put it on a day in the refrigerator. Before eating every time you eat 2-3 teaspoons of this delicious medicine.
  2. The second recipe will not only help to reduce cholesterol and strengthen blood vessels, improve heart function and blood composition. It includes raisins, dried apricots, walnuts, lemons and honey. Their combination is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other substances. The cooking method is similar to the previous one – all passed through a meat grinder, add honey. If every day you’ll eat one tablespoon of this mixture, you will be able to significantly reduce the likelihood of heart attack and stroke.

Cleaning blood vessels and body at home will be effective only if you need just a little to lower your cholesterol and maintain your health. In severe cases, when the rates through the roof, and the plaque substantially reduce the quality of circulation, it is better to consult a doctor.

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Read article Cleansing vessels folk remedies and the release of their cholesterol

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