понедельник, 6 июня 2016 г.

What cholesterol levels should be in men depending on age?

Сосуды с отложениями холестерина

People have long had the firm conviction that cholesterol is bad. But in fact, this substance very important for our body. He is not dangerous, and the increase or decrease of its concentration in the blood. In this paper we consider a norm of cholesterol in blood in men, the risk associated with a deviation from it, the causes of the violations and methods of treatment.

Bad and good cholesterol

Cholesterol can be “bad” and “good”. These two forms of the substance must be able to distinguish.

Alpha-cholesterol – good. He is not able to create plaques in the blood vessels. Contacting the protein-fat compounds high density, it freely spreads through the body, capturing with the harmful cholesterol and delivering it to the liver for degradation and excretion. This substance produced by the cells of our liver and has important functions in our body.

Движение крови по артериям

The “bad” cholesterol associated with low density lipoprotein. He moves through the vessels with blood, gradually settling on their walls and forming plaque, which eventually begin to interfere with normal circulation. It is the level of this cholesterol should bother men after 30 years abroad, when run still invisible to the eye first aging process.

What should be normal levels of cholesterol?

The level of bad and good cholesterol it turns out by the laboratory, that is, you need to be tested. Together they are considered a single indicator – total cholesterol. To establish the concentration of each of them separately, not need to carry out a General analysis and a detailed study of the lipid composition of the blood.

Анализ крови на холестерин

On all these indicators in the analyses affected by different factors. There is no General index (it corresponds to the age, way of life, style of food. His level is almost inevitably increases with age. Especially it becomes noticeable after reaching a 50 year old man. But in any case, he should stick to a normal, acceptable bounds. Below is a table where you can see the optimal level of cholesterol in your age. All the tests indicated in mmol/L.

Table 1 — Common indicators:

Common 3,6 – 5,2
LPNV – harmful 2,25 – 4,82
HDL is a natural 0,7 – 1,7

Table 2 — Indicators by age:

After the age of 30 and 40 inclusive 3,56 – 6,55
After the age of 40 and 50, inclusive 3,76 – of 6.98
After 50 years and 60 inclusive 4,09 – of 7.17
After 60 years and beyond 4,06 – 7,19

As the table shows the achievement of a man 30 years of age, the cholesterol levels gradually begin to rise. This happens to 50 years, after which the increase in the concentration of cholesterol is slowed down and its level is not significantly changed either in 60 or 70 years.

In some cases analyses are performed on another indicator – atherogenic coefficient (CAT). Put simply, it is the ratio of concentration of “bad” and “good” cholesterol in the body. The level of this index is as follows.

Table No. 3 — the Ratio of:

For young men from 20 to the age of 30 2,8
For older men over 40, 50, 60 years with signs of atherosclerotic changes 3, 0 – 3,5
In ischemic disorders 4 or more

This is a common level adopted in the analyses as the norm. It can be a little higher or lower depending on individual characteristics of the organism, lifestyle, comorbidities, and other factors. For example, when violation of the liver. Liver cells hepatocytes by 18% consist of good cholesterol. With 80% of this amount is produced by the liver and only one fifth, i.e. 20% comes from outside the body with food. Cholesterol arriving with food, may not be good, but some products have a feature to accelerate its synthesis with constant use.

Causes higher cholesterol

Продукты с высоким содержанием холестерина

So, the doctor informed you that your total cholesterol you are at increased. Why could this happen? Let’s look at all possible causes:

  1. Age. After 40 or 50 years in a modern environment and lifestyle should not be expected that all vital signs are normal.
  2. An improper diet. Many products that are loved by all, harmful to our health. To increase the concentration of bad cholesterol can over-consumption of cheeses, sausages, fatty meat, cream, cakes and pies and other flour products.
  3. Cholesterol levels often exceeded for people leading a sedentary, indolent lifestyle.
  4. Excessive weight also leads to the increase of this indicator increases the chance of atherosclerosis and ischemic changes.
  5. Addictions such as Smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol cause a strong impact on our body and blood vessels in particular.

Causes of low cholesterol levels

Заболевание печени меняет уровень холестерина

The level can be not only high but also low and this is not good. No matter how old you are – 30, 40 or 50, causes of low cholesterol is always the same:

  • Heart failure.
  • Poor diet that lacks animal protein that is often found in vegetarians.
  • Anemia.
  • Acute or recent infectious diseases.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Disorders and diseases of the liver.
  • Hyperthyroidism, that is, malfunctions of the thyroid gland.
  • Blood poisoning.

Thus, the decreased level of total cholesterol is also cause for concern. You should contact your doctor to rule out the presence of these diseases.

How dangerous is high cholesterol?

Высокий уровень холестерина опасен для сердечно - сосудистой системы

High rates should alert you, as they can lead to the development of a number of dangerous diseases.

  1. Perhaps the development of atherosclerosis with plaque formation and the subsequent blockage of blood vessels, which hampers the movement of blood through the arteries.
  2. Increases the likelihood of detection of coronary disease one day.
  3. Increases the risk of early myocardial infarction due to poor access of blood and oxygen to heart tissues.
  4. Develops angina.
  5. People with high cholesterol are at risk for the development of stroke, ischemia and other unwanted diseases.

No matter what your age you 30 years or 60 the level of cholesterol need to start looking as early as possible and adhere to prevention, to avoid its increase.

What is dangerous for men low cholesterol?

Влияние низкого уровня холестерина на здоровье

Here we will focus on the “good” cholesterol, performs an important role in our body. With its deficit also may develop a number of diseases. Be suspected insufficient production of the liver can be the subsequent signs:

  • General malaise, accompanied by poor appetite.
  • Frequent muscle weakness.
  • The weakening of major reflexes.
  • Frequent inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  • Oily, fatty stools.

These symptoms – a serious reason to see a doctor and be tested. What can cause its deficiency?

  1. The fragility of blood vessels, reducing their elasticity. It is fraught with hemorrhagic stroke, i.e. rupture of blood vessels with bleeding into the brain.
  2. Everyone has heard about the hormone of happiness – serotonin. In sufficient quantities it is allocated only when a normal level of cholesterol. Its decrease leads to depression, anxiety, aggression, Alzheimer’s disease in old age, senile dementia.
  3. Vitamin D is produced only when a sufficient amount in the body good cholesterol. In turn, he is responsible for the absorption of calcium. Therefore, a persistent shortage of cholesterol – a direct path to osteoporosis.
  4. Incorrect processing of fats are fraught with weight gain and obesity.
  5. Affects of sex hormones. When it is severe deficiency may develop infertility.
  6. Leads to increased activity of the thyroid gland and the development of hyperthyroidism.
  7. Sugar contributes to type 2 diabetes.

What can I do about high cholesterol?

Препараты для снижения холестерина

The decision about the treatment here can only take the doctor, based on the amount of deviation from the norm indicators. Amateur in the treatment plan can only lead to a worsening of the position. Usually the treatment regimen looks like this:

  1. The intake of statins, there are medications that block the production of cholesterol. They are used both for treatment and for prevention. There are similar drugs 4 generations. The feasibility of applying any specific means determined by the physician, as they are quite a large number of side effects.
  2. Aspirin. Is assigned only at 16 years of age.
  3. B vitamins
  4. If the pressure is increased, are assigned beta-blockers, diuretics, blockers of the receptors.

What to do if you lower cholesterol?

Продукты для поддержания нормального уровня холестерина

Here is the only real way to adhere to the persistent insistence of the doctor, take all prescribed drugs. It is also necessary diet with the inclusion in the menu of certain foods. These include:

  • Caviar.
  • Beef offal – or rather the brain, kidneys, and liver.
  • Eggs.
  • Nuts.
  • Hard cheeses.

Don’t forget that even diet in this case should be agreed with the doctor. Your goal is to increase the concentration of good rather than bad cholesterol. And for this you need to use healthy products. Fatty and nutritious meals will only increase the risk of atherosclerosis. Therefore, eat more greens and vegetables for the normalization of lipid metabolism, take a little time to walk and exercise and try to get rid of harmful addictions.

In any case, follow all recommendations of your doctor, watch your cholesterol and try to maintain a reasonable lifestyle. Then the risk of developing serious diseases will be much lower.

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