понедельник, 19 мая 2014 г.

Ayurvedic massage

Аюрведический массаж.Ayurvedic massage is a holistic procedure, where there is a complex effect on the whole body. This procedure is delicate work with biologically active points, muscular apparatus, and intensive banners that promote the development of the joints and cleaning.

In Ayurvedic massage is a powder Calamus root, which displays the muscles toxins, as well as individually for each patient selected essential oils.

Even after one session of this massage the patient already feels the improvement of emotional and physical condition of the mind is calmed.

Also, be familiar with the concept of cleaning person hardware – a week before Ayurvedic massage make this process – you will be satisfied with the end result

The results of Ayurvedic massage: effectively relieves stress, anxiety, muscle clips, stress, fatigue, headaches, increases vitality and increase sexual energy. And also improves lymphatic drainage, normalizes blood pressure, improves the level of hormones and joy that eliminates the stiffness of the joints, gives flexibility to the spine, regulates the work of all internal organs, activates blood circulation, removes toxins, strengthens the immune system, improving the grace of movement and posture. Stimulates hair growth, improving their texture and sculpting.

Contraindications and precautions Ayurvedic massage:

- if no appetite;

- you cannot do massage 2-4 days after the purification of organism, vomiting, diarrhea, enema;

- deformation of joints stage 2, arthritis;

- swelling;

- location of bones;

- when large amounts of toxins;

- before periods;

- if there is a fracture;

- high temperature.

Oil Ayurvedic massage is conducted in a calm atmosphere. For relaxation of the patient, you need to add meditation music, to make muffled light. And you want the room was warm to the client feel comfortable.

What is Ayurvedic oil massage:

1. The oil is heated to the desired temperature.

2. The body need not to massage with fingertips and palms. To massage the scalp and joint work in a circular motion, as long bone and neck, use the longitudinal motion.

3. Ayurvedic head massage. Massage begins with the head. On hand to pour the oil and the hairy scalp actively massage, producing palms circular motion. The head should spend more time than in other parts of the body.

4. Ayurvedic massage of the face. Further massage the ear and face. Also poured oil on his hands and gently massaged the specified area.

5. Ayurvedic body massage. Next move on to the rear and the front surface of the neck. Body butter is applied in a thin layer, so that it quickly managed to soak into the skin.

6. Hand massage is performed vigorously. Forearms and shoulders handle long movements back and forth, and shoulder girdle and elbows, massage in a circular motion.

7. Then massaged the chest and abdomen. In the abdomen and heart make light circular motion. To start the massage of the abdomen with his right lower part and move to the left bottom surface clockwise. This massage has a slight stimulating effect on the intestine.

8. Massage the spine and back. If you do the massage yourself, do not worry that you will not get some back.

9. On foot massage actively follow. Hip, ankle and knee joints follow a circular motion, and the calf and thigh massage longitudinal and long movements.

10. The last stage of the procedure ends with the soles of the feet. The soles of the feet, as the head deserve a long massage. Make the palms of the hands vigorous massage.

After the procedure, take a warm shower.

If you have the desire to learn yourself, that offer training Ayurvedic massage in Moscow in the center of beauty and health “Living water”. Training course of 8 days 8 hours twice a year.


Victoria 28 years: the Most beautiful for me in this life was Ayurvedic massage. This massage is applied using a special heated oil. I have not had any serious disease, but the modern way of life and stress upset me. The main goal was to me, soothe the soul and the mind. I was entranced, beautiful harmonious state of joy and happiness. After this massage I just wanted to fly!

Olga, 30 years old: my Health was a little wobbly. They were in great pain, perennial allergies, problems with the musculoskeletal system. When passed a course of rejuvenation, my health has improved: recovered locomotor apparatus, were headaches and allergies, and something I didn’t expect, has lost 9 kg Effect from just super Ayurvedic massage! And thanks a lot to the doctor Threads, it is fantastic competent and sincere man, who helped me to get rid of all these problems!

Read article Ayurvedic massage

пятница, 16 мая 2014 г.

Chemical diet

Химическая диета

Chemical diet, created by doctor of medical Sciences Usama of Hamdi, is a special diet, aimed at weight loss. On the basis of the method the author, in his opinion, has not laid the principle of reduction of daily calories, and scientific knowledge about the chemical processes that begin in the human body after eating. And if the sequence of food consumption is competent, the course of these processes is normalized, and the weight will start to leave. According to doctors, 30 days you can lose up to 30 kg, if strictly observe the rules.

Main principles

The basis of the diet of this technique – welded soft-boiled egg. This low-calorie product, rich in many nutrients, particularly Niacin, vitamins a, E, D, K and B-group, many minerals (phosphorus, iodine, potassium, calcium, iron, cobalt, copper, folic and nicotinic acids, choline. That’s why this slimming system is also called the egg diet Maggi.

  1. Increase daily consumption of water is not less than 2 litres.

  2. If the menu does not specify the size of the portions you eat until then, until saturation.

  3. At strong hunger (such, as a rule, does not arise) had a snack tomatoes or cucumbers.

  4. Strictly prohibited chemicals diet we potatoes, bananas, grapes, dates, figs, lamb.

  5. Allowed to eat eggs, fresh and cooked vegetables, legumes, fruits (lean on apples, citrus fruit, plum, kiwi), tea and coffee without milk and sugar.

  6. Sports training is not compulsory.

  7. To consolidate the achieved results of the chemical the diet must be observed even within one month – the first 2 weeks use menu first week, and the remaining 14 days we eat, as described by the fourth week.

Contraindications to the methodology developed by Osama of Hamdi, are: diseases of the digestive tract and kidneys, diabetes, pregnancy, high cholesterol levels. Before you go to unusual diet, be sure to check with your doctor!

Menu for 4 weeks

Note that the chemical strict diet to fight – all the power should be strictly followed. Eat only what is assumed in the corresponding day, and not what the heart wants. Even with similar nutritional value products to each other is not replaceable. Days seats are not adjustable. If you specifically broke down or gave a weak during a picnic with shashlik, have to start method from the very beginning.

The first week

Eat Breakfast every day half citrus (grapefruit or orange) and boiled eggs (1-2 units).

  • Monday, Thursday, Saturday. Eat some fruit species in unlimited quantity. For dinner we cook meat

  • Tuesday. Eating cooked chicken without the skin. In the evening we eat 2 eggs, toast, 1 citrus, cucumber, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes and bell peppers

  • Environment. Dine any number of cheese low-fat, toast and tomatoes. For dinner cooking meat

  • Friday. For lunch eaten 2 eggs and some one kind of boiled vegetables or legumes (beans or squash, green beans or carrots). Dinner of boiled fish and 1 citrus

  • The resurrection. Boiled chicken without skin, cooked vegetables, tomatoes, 1 citrus. Dinner cooked vegetables

Week two

Eat Breakfast every day for 2 weeks chemical diet Maggi half of citrus (grapefruit or orange) and boiled eggs (1-2 units).

  • Monday. Boiled meat and vegetables salad for lunch. In the evening we eat 2 eggs, 1 citrus and again vegetable salad

  • Tuesday. Boiled meat and vegetables salad for lunch. In the evening we eat 2 eggs, 1 citrus

  • Environment. Boiled meat and fresh cucumbers unlimited for lunch. In the evening we eat 2 eggs, 1 citrus

  • Thursday. Eat any white non-fat cheese and boiled eggs-2. For dinner we eat 2 eggs

  • Friday. Eat boiled fish. For dinner we eat 2 eggs

  • Saturday. For lunch we eat boiled meat, tomatoes, 1 citrus. Dinner with a mixture of permitted fruit

  • The resurrection. Lunch and dinner have the same content: boiled chicken without skin, cooked vegetables, tomatoes, 1 citrus.

Week three

  • Monday. All day we eat any permitted fruit at any time unlimited

  • Tuesday. All the same thing, but in respect of vegetables take any that are allowed, eat raw, make salads, boiled

  • Environment. We eat any fruits and vegetables unlimited, except for those chemical diet forbids

  • Thursday. Prepare the fish, green salads (with cabbage or leaf salads, boiled vegetables

  • Friday. Boil or fry without oil lean meats and vegetables

  • Saturday, Sunday. We eat all day some one kind of fruit

The fourth week

  • Monday. 4 slices of meat or a quarter of a boiled chicken, 4 fresh cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, canned tuna without oil (1 Bank), 1 citrus, 1 toast

  • Tuesday. 2 slices of meat, 4 cucumber, 3 tomatoes, 1 fruit fruit

  • Environment. 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese or white cheese, a plate of boiled vegetables, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 slice of toast, 1 citrus

  • Thursday. ½ Boiled chicken, 1 slice of toast, 1 cucumber, 3 tomatoes, 1 citrus, 1 any fruit.

  • Friday. 2 eggs, 3 tomatoes, 1 portion lettuce or cabbage, 1 citrus.

  • Saturday. 2 chicken Breasts, 1 slice of toast, 125 g of cottage cheese or cheese, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 citrus, a glass of buttermilk

  • The resurrection. 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, Bank tuna, serving of cooked vegetables, 1 citrus, 1 slice of toast, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes


Menu chemical diet, according to the doctors, is a combination of several major dietary traditions. In this “potpourri” are viewed and the basics of food combining and salt-free diet, and protein methods of weight loss. In General, if not to take into scientific wilds, chemical diet can be called ordinary low-calorie system.

Natusya, 26 years old. Ugh, so many eggs I’ve never had to eat. And so this product is not always particularly liked, and now even hate! And it is fine, the results of chemical diets have been some impressive. It can’t be a reward for my torment steel 6 700 kg, I Have a girlfriend at the Bonn soup so much for 10 days lost as I 30. I don’t recommend the absolutely empty method, and from eggs sometimes heartburn or something like that.

Anastasia, aged 35. I must say that about declared by the authors of the diet on chemical reactions minus 30 kg per month – that’s a hoax. This could not deliver either a method of losing weight. Unless you are specifically starve or not will select some menus for anorexic. And given the fact that even physical activity is not mandatory, it is logical to assume that you will look like a Shar-Pei – all in the folds formed from sagging skin. Me personally, even in theory, this system is not attractive.

Inna, 27 years. When I sat down at the egg chemical diet, my weight was 77, 5 kg Tomorrow begins the third week of my diet, and I dropped so far only to the level of 74, 6 kg. And where these three dozen extra pounds which should disappear? Understand that going to work, but the principle will bring it to the end, and then I’ll look for something more effective and competent.

четверг, 15 мая 2014 г.

Painting during pregnancy

Published admin Date: May 15th, 2014

Покраска во время беременностиAlmost every woman very often changes the style of his hair or change their hair color. But can you dye your hair during pregnancy. And what this may lead to consequences. A clear answer to this question, scientists cannot give. So it may be that the painting of hair during pregnancy shall not be harmful to the baby. But what should those women who before pregnancy was constantly wear makeup. And now grow hair roots, which are different from the main color. And if You in pregnancy, there was a special sensitivity to different outsiders or sharp smell it is better not to test his fate.

It should be noted that most experts recommend buying hair color without ammonia and without harmful chemical element. Because we all understand that paint with ammonia does not only beats down your hair, but absorbed into the scalp and investigative and in the blood, which in pregnancy can lead to unpredictable consequences. Paint without ammonia care of Your hair. Manufacturers use substances that reinforce color on the hair without damaging their structure. They seem to envelop hair, holding pigment, and make it Shine. Tonic for hair is a cosmetic that changes Your hair color for a few shades. He washed off, of course, faster than paint, but in turn does not harm the hair structure.

If you do highlighting it is quite the best way, because the paint is applied not on the very roots, and stepping back a couple of inches. And also You can discuss with your master, how better to do that would not cause great harm. Thus, not only can You lighten your hair but also practically paint them, because of the dilution of color of highlighted hair.

But if You have decided on the color of hair, it is better all the same will apply in area with good ventilation, lest You inhaled ammonia, and the results of chemical reactions of other colors (rarely in the cabin sits a man, and in such cases the purchase of paint without ammonia will not protect you from inhaling noxious fumes. In principle, every pregnant woman herself is able to solve need her to dye your hair or not. Very often, pregnant women want to look more beautiful still, so painting and grooming become nearly vital action. As You know, the mental state of pregnant women very much affects the whole process of pregnancy, so if You have a craving for improvement of the appearance – indulge in this. If You can wait and do without painting during pregnancy, it will be the best solution, but if not – make your choice of color without ammonia or tonic..

It would be nice the first months of pregnancy, to refrain from any paint the hair, because in this period, the formation of organs of the child

As they say, in order not to harm. And I think this rule for pregnant women will be the most important and not important concerns that only hair coloring during pregnancy or other Affairs.

Read article Painting during pregnancy

пятница, 9 мая 2014 г.

Paraffin therapy at home

Парафинотерапия в домашних условияхParaffin therapy is very good and easy way to make our skin of the hands and feet more beautiful and young. For this procedure does not need a lot of time and effort, just an hour a week. This procedure can be performed not only in beauty salons professional cosmetologists, but also independently at home.

Paraffin therapy at home can be done with the help of improvised means such as hand treatment, paraffin pharmacy, two plastic bags and warm gloves.

For this procedure, you can use special paraffin bath. Paraffin in the home to buy such a dish, you can either via the Internet or in special cosmetic shop. How convenient to have such a wonderful device at home, and use it while sitting in the comfort in a warm and soft sofa.

Парафинотерапия в домашних условияхParaffin hand at home is so. You need to heat the wax, then pour it in a dish, to give up in him, the most important thing to remember is that it should not be very hot, because instead, you can get burn. Hands should be lowered into the paraffin bath several times, in order that were formed as a higher layer. Before you give up in paraffin, you need to handle them moisturizing cream or lotion. After the layer of wax is on hand, they need to be wrapped in packages and put them gloves. Remove the wax need about 25-35 minutes.

Besides the fact that such a procedure is conducted on his hands, it can be done for a person. Paraffin facial at home is a procedure in which melted cosmetic paraffin with the help of brushes are thin in the face. Remember that around the eyes to affect not, they should be close to the time of the procedure cotton pad. After dealt the first layer, the face should cover special cosmetic tissue with slots to mouth, eyes and nose and then on top of it, apply an even layer 3-4. Keep this mask must twenty to thirty minutes. It must be applied to thoroughly cleansed, and after applying the skin should use nourishing cream or oil.

Парафинотерапия в домашних условияхThis procedure is used even children, especially suffering from diseases of the locomotor system, as well as bruising. In addition, paraffin therapy helps relieve aches and removes excess toxins from the body. Paraffin therapy to children in the home is applied in three years of age, because up to three years, the skin of babies and very tender and the procedure addition burns, can bring discomfort. And with three years can be applied, causing paraffin gauze.

Paraffin therapy at home feedback is good, because it is not expensive and not burdening the procedure helps to look young and beautiful, and besides it possesses also medicinal properties. It helps to get rid of pain in the hands and feet, and also gives the skin a beautiful view, it becomes more moist and tender.

Read article Paraffin therapy at home

четверг, 8 мая 2014 г.

French on short nails

френч на коротких ногтях фотоElegant, versatile, appropriate for any occasion. It looks good French on short nails.

French on short nails very easy to do most. To do this, you can either show imagination, or to use already established ideas for presents you with the French on short nails photo:

Manicure French manicure on short nails appeared in the U.S. in 1976 and was created by Jeff Kick. This manicure was created specifically to facilitate Hollywood Actresses color matching nail to new costumes.

In addition, you can make short nails silk at home – in the network there are many step-by-step video.

You probably have often noticed that the models in magazines or blue screens more often short neat nails and it looks very sexy and attractive.

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френч на коротких ногтях фотоWhat ideas do not invented professionals for decorating French manicure: and drawings, and with sequins and rhinestones, and color.

If you decide to do a manicure at home and decorate it, remember, drawings on short nails French you can think of yourself or use the ideas nail-designers.

On the gel nails, in my opinion, make the most beautiful nails.

The most relevant figures this year are geometric shapes. Absolutely any piece can be the basis for drawing. Also it can become the basis of the parallel bars in a variety of situations.

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френч на коротких ногтях фотоThe design of the jacket with short nails in 2014 at the peak of popularity. Men believe that short nail plate is considered the most attractive and the most feminine.

The best design is the design of the jacket with short nails , with straight, serrated, diagonal lines, made vivid shade of a varnish. Do not use a large number of colors, limit yourself to two or three colors.

To manicure lasted longer, you can use shellac French on short nails. This manicure lasts two to three weeks. And, not to say, shellac French on short nails is economical and profitable.

Do not forget, what beautiful French on short nails will be only in case if your hands are well maintained and spotless. But if necessary, prepare nails, converting them. To do this, use European or classical manicure.

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френч на коротких ногтях фотоFrench better and easier to do using extensions.

The safest substance – gel. He protects nails from external stimuli.

There are many reasons to say gel manicure “YES!”:

  1. Gel coating contributes to strengthening brittle nails.

  2. You can enjoy the tidy and perfect manicure within about three months. The main thing to cover gel regrown part of the growth of nails.

  3. The gel has a variety of colors and it helps realization of original designs on your negotko.

French for short nails gel perfectly complement your image.

Color coat on short nails looks fine. Decorative nail art with paints of different colors and effects are very diverse. For example, the use of matte and glossy varnish.

White jacket with short nails looks natural and elegant. A variety of crystals, white and color images, sequins will make nail design unique. If you prefer a white coat, you will love the ideas proposed by the designers.

Just have a neat and beautiful manicures. White jacket with short nails will perfectly decorate your hands. White jacket with a picture looks very gently, and for special events suitable crystals, for summer and spring perfect color patterns.

Remember that for women well-groomed hands is the main decoration!

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френч на коротких ногтях фото

френч на коротких ногтях фото

Read article French on short nails

вторник, 6 мая 2014 г.

White spots on nails: causes

Белые пятна на ногтях: причины появления

Experts say that our nails are a reflection of the inner state of health. Probably everyone has seen on nails white spots (in the form of strips, as circles). This phenomenon there are different interpretations – a sign of good luck, lack of vitamins, health problems, and some even care. Why spots appear on the nail plate and how to get rid of them?

Causes of white spots on the nails

Correct the cause of white marks on nails – the lack of vitamins and microelements. It depends on is not the right products from the diet procedures, lack of eating habits. Any misuse of the products means the deficit of useful microelements and vitamins. Nails begin to report that the need to replenish stocks of vitamins white spots.

Healthy nails depends on vitamin “a”, “E” and “C” and their lack of influence on the nail plate and hair. Try to regularly eat foods with a high content of these vitamins or pharmaceuticals.

Daily baths for nails will improve the circulation, which arranges delivery of all useful substances and strengthen nails. After soaking deals nail and cuticle fish oil.

Not always white spots on nails show a deficit of vitamins. In some cases, it is a signal about the problems with internal organs – lack of protein and kidney problems! If you notice a lot of white spots, go through the examination and get tested. Not only kidneys can “naughty”, white patches can appear when violations in the work of gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system.

Fungal infection. The presence together with white spots thickening of the nail fragility, stratification, darkening testify about the defeat of fungal spores. So the symptoms must be treated with special anti-fungal drugs.

The trauma of the nail. Not a rare cause of the appearance of white spots on the nails of different sizes. Any mechanical and corrosive effects on the base of the nail can cause pigmentation. In such cases, special treatment is not necessary, the spots will disappear when cutting growth of the nail.

Nervous stress. Strangely enough, but the white spots may provoke emotional instability, stressful moments and disorders of nervous system.

The decrease of hemoglobin level. When white pigmentation on nails give blood for analysis. The result depends treatment of nails and a rebalancing of the blood cells. The easiest way to start a course of drugs, and it is possible to fill the power tomatoes, Granada and pomegranate juice, liver and meat.

White spots – not very pleasant aesthetic sight. These problems must be dealt with. Many try to hide the lack of nails, but the problem itself will not disappear. Self-medication is not the answer! Seek the advice of a specialist and be healthy!

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Read article White spots on nails: causes

понедельник, 5 мая 2014 г.

Paraffin baths for hands

Парафиновые ванночки для рукThis procedure is new for beauty salons of our time. Recently, many assumed that the wax can be used in construction, and in the manufacture of candles. But on the rights tick appears completely different.

Paraffin baths for hands immediately after his appearance has won considerable success and began to enjoy great popularity. Because of what has happened now find out.

Парафиновые ванночки для рукEveryone knows that in paraffin wax containing such compounds that contain hydrogen, which means that the hydrogen has low thermal conductivity, then he will slowly cool down. The conclusion from this is that it is gradually cooling down will give up their heat to the skin of hands. Therefore, if a paraffin bath spread your hands or feet nourishing cream, then at cooling paraffin nutrients will be absorbed through the pores and giving her all useful components and substances.

In addition, paraffin wraps skin of the hands, and when it starts to cool down, he squeezes her that promotes various smoothing wrinkles and furrows on his hands acquired with age. Also paraffin baths for arms improve water balance of the skin.

This procedure can be done not only in a beauty salon, but also at home. Paraffin hand bath instruction is very easy to use. Needs the special cosmetic paraffin, not candles, namely paraffin, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Paraffin hand bath to buy you can buy in any drugstore or in the specialized cosmetic shop. Then you will also need plastic bags, bath for hands or feet, lip balm or cream for hands (paraffin), as well as warm gloves.

When you have prepared all the ingredients for a procedure, pour hot wax in a dish, wait until it cools down a bit to avoid burns and then drop back hands, pre-lubricated by cream. Hands in paraffin should be lowered several times to layer covering hand was fat. Then put in the hands of the packages, and then warm gloves. Paraffin after the procedure is removed after 30 minutes.

Парафиновые ванночки для рукParaffin baths for hands reviews are very good, so how much effort this procedure does not require, and it is easy to use both in interior and at home. Many women do not have the time to visit beauty salons, get in home use paraffin baths. Paraffin baths for hands price is different. All depends on what comes from the manufacturer. However, the price of this bath is available both for Amateurs and for professionals. Also this set is very easy to use, most importantly, do not forget about the instructions for use and will succeed.

We would also like to note that if you want to professionally care for their pens – courses to build nail Kalgel just what you need

Read article Paraffin baths for hands

пятница, 2 мая 2014 г.

Pressotherapy reviews

Прессотерапия отзывыPressotherapy reviews the majority is positive, because it affects not only the problems such as varicose veins, cellulite. After this procedure, the person feels much better, refreshed and full of energy.

Many women who use this procedure note that after a few sessions, they lose weight, because this device removes excess fluid from the body and makes the right to work our metabolism. Women say that after applying this procedure reduces the swelling of the legs and can improve the problem of cellulite.

Before holding pressure therapy specialists insist that every woman has studied contraindications to the use. For example, people with diabetes or tuberculosis this procedure is prohibited. It is easier to prevent not very desirable consequences in advance, than not to know what to do with them. Pressotherapy contraindications reviews, like any other procedure has. Pressotherapy consequences feedback is good only in the case if the person before the procedure in the salon or at home has got acquainted with contraindications.

Pressotherapy excellent treatment to improve your body and your health. They have the ability to remove excess liquid from our body, and with this improve metabolic processes of the organism. In addition, pressotherapy from cellulite testimonials and pressure therapy for weight loss reviews are good, as the skin is tightened and improved internal processes by which effect can be achieved within 10 to 15 sessions of this procedure.

Pressotherapy legs and belly feedback is great, because many women turn to this procedure because you are unable to resolve various problems. A large part of seeking help for women suffer from cellulite or varicose veins. This procedure cope with the shortcomings of the skin of the feet and struggling with their subsequent appearance.

Myostimulation and pressotherapy reviews get very good, due to the fact that both of these procedures are aimed not only to eliminate cosmetic issue, but also to put in order the body. Myostimulation is the influence of a pulse of a current on the entire body, pressotherapy similarly affects the improvement of our tissues and organs. Work myostimulation directed to the same problem areas that pressotherapy.

Прессотерапия отзывыCavitation and pressotherapy reviews are very good and positive, because both of these methods of correction happen without the use of anesthesia and without pain. Cavitation helps fight cellulite, body fat on the body, and among other things cavitation helps to remove Wen.

Прессотерапия отзывыEach of the methods above have been good and many women remain in full delighted with the result that they see. Before you apply yourself these procedures, you need to consult a specialist, because of all procedures has its contra-indications.

Read article Pressotherapy reviews