суббота, 11 июня 2016 г.

Lower bad cholesterol at home

Холестериновые бляшки

Cholesterol is a natural component of our body. It is produced by the liver and is an important building material, related to lipids. But 20% of cholesterol enters with food. As a rule, it is called harmful, as it has one very unpleasant property to settle on the walls of blood vessels, eventually forming plaques leading to obstruction of circulation of blood. And it is fraught with development of such terrible diseases as stroke and heart attack.

If tests showed that you have elevated cholesterol, it should be urgently lowered. In most cases this can be done at home without resorting to medical assistance. In this article, you will learn how to reduce cholesterol at home.

Causes higher cholesterol

Еда с высоким содержанием холестерина

First try to understand why the level of harmful lipids in the blood suddenly increased. Knowing the causes, it is much easier to deal with the consequences. The main factors need to be eliminated to the treatment proceeded more efficiently.

  1. Smoking. About the dangers of Smoking has been said a lot. Indeed, this habit can be called a time bomb. In the absence of visible symptoms, it slowly but inevitably causes serious illness including increase in cholesterol and formation of plaques.
  2. An excessive amount of coffee.
  3. A way of life. These include lack of physical activity, sedentary work, obesity, constant overeating.
  4. Unbalanced nutrition. If you use a lot of animal fats, carbohydrates, but in your menu, there is no fiber, vitamins, we can expect not only overweight, but also increase the level of harmful lipid in blood.
  5. Another group of reasons it is impossible to resolve without medical intervention. This is a different diseases – liver, kidney, thyroid.
  6. Genetic predisposition as a factor also cannot be excluded from this list.

Before treatment, try to eliminate all possible factors. This will likely help reduce the level of dangerous substances in the blood and in General will have a beneficial effect on health.


There is a whole group of specially designed drugs – statins. When taken they suppress the production of cholesterol, thereby rapidly reducing its level in the blood. Treatment them effectively, but not always safe, as there are many contraindications and side effects.


They can be taken only as directed by your doctor periodically taking tests to check cholesterol levels. If you decided to do without a visit to the clinic, it is better to give preference to other ways and means.

Simple tips for fast reduce cholesterol

Весы напольные

Start with basic measures and change your lifestyle, but rather certain habits.

  1. Try no snacks, especially such as sandwiches – create a menu and try to stick to it.
  2. If you love fat dairy products – cheese, sour cream, cream and can’t imagine life without them, then replace them with soy analogues.
  3. Contraindicated saturated fats – lard, butter. Healthy olive oil, linseed oil, fatty saltwater fish.
  4. Watch your weight – the majority of people with excess weight found a different change in the composition of blood and cholesterol is no exception.
  5. Give up all their bad habits – excessive coffee, Smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  6. If you can move – move. Do not ever sit still. If for health or other reasons you can’t do the full exercise, at least daily, arrange a Hiking.

Products instead of drugs

Продукты для снижения холестерина

To lower your cholesterol at home is possible without depriving yourself of tasty treats. On the contrary, many delicious foods are rich in substances that regular consumption of which may replace traditional treatment.

  1. Almond nuts. Its peel contains a special substance that helps to lower the concentration of harmful substances in the blood. Besides, they are rich in vitamin E, fiber and antioxidants, which increases the effect of the main component.
  2. Blueberries. It contains valuable natural compound pterostilbene. It can be eaten fresh or frozen literally a handful a day.
  3. Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats that help to cleanse the body of bad cholesterol. The paste of avocado with salt and herbs is quite able to replace butter.
  4. If within 14 days you will eat two raw carrots, you will be able to reduce the blood level of 5-10%. You can make it into a salad, seasoning it with olive oil.
  5. Lentils and beans, regular application will normalize cholesterol in the blood.

It’s not all products that can be made the basis of his diet during treatment. This may also include oat bran, barley, green tea, citrus, eggplant and many other useful and tasty products.

Dietary supplements

Рыбий жир

Miracles from them is not worth waiting, but with an integrated approach they will contribute to the treatment. There are several types of dietary supplements that accelerate the reduction of cholesterol in the blood.

  1. Based on garlic extracts. Act by increasing lipid metabolism.
  2. Based on the chitin of shellfish. Hinder the absorption of fat in the intestine.
  3. Fish oil. Helps to normalize cholesterol.

Don’t forget that in themselves Express the effect they give. Such violations should be treated holistically, with a healthy diet, changing lifestyle, using various folk remedies and vitamin supplements.

Folk remedies

Фрукты и сок

You can resort to the help of folk medicine. Many plants can treat even serious diseases, so they will help you to quickly improve the level of dangerous compounds in the blood. Let’s look at the most effective herbs.

  1. The young alfalfa plant has a strong enough effect. Twenty shoots per day vitamin consisting of salad or a small amount of juice from it greatly increases the effectiveness of treatment.
  2. Calendula. It can be used as a decoction or infusion. The finished product is sold in any pharmacy item. Treatment – during the month of 20 drops once a day.
  3. Chopped fresh dandelion roots a teaspoon a day before meals.
  4. Very fast acting blend of garlic and fresh lemon. In a meat grinder or blender to grind the head peeled spicy vegetable, and a small lemon with peel. The pulp is filled with water and left to infuse for 3 days in the refrigerator. Drink a glass of resulting infusion three times a day.

If you show a little patience and perseverance, without the use of drugs can quickly lead cholesterol levels to normal. Remember, however, that in the presence of heart disease and other risk factors it is better not to self-medicate but to consult a good doctor.

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