воскресенье, 5 июня 2016 г.

About the benefits and harms of statins for lowering cholesterol

Сосуд с холестериновыми бляшками

In recent years, from any doctor you can hear about the dangers of cholesterol forming on the walls of blood vessels plaque that leads to atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke. Doctors believe that should be fought by any means and in most cases prescribe statins to lower cholesterol. However, if necessary these drugs? Along with a description of their positive action, to hear about the harm they cause to human health. Without prescription these pills can not be accepted in any case, so before to buy expensive drugs, let’s try to understand their action, varieties. In this article you will learn what is the normal cholesterol, not dangerous statin drugs, are there any of them any good and can they be replaced by something.

What is dangerous cholesterol?

If you have significantly lower cholesterol – this does not mean that you avoid atherosclerosis. So as not any harmful cholesterol. Just contained in our blood, brings no harm to your health. The threat, which forms the plaques, settling inside the vessels. Especially if simultaneously observed, and additional abnormalities of lipid metabolism – increased triglycerides or high density lipoprotein. The cholesterol also performs a specific function in the body – it can be called a building material that is contained in the tissues of the brain and all cell structures.

Разница между здоровым сосудом и больным

Uncontrollably should not take statins to reduce cholesterol — that you are doing your body better. In fact, this is a senseless war with an uncertain outcome. However, if the rate of this substance in the blood is exceeded, try to reduce its need. You don’t have to take medication – there are alternative solutions. In most cases, solve the problem achieved by means of a well-balanced diet.

General, bad and good cholesterol

People far from medicine, and could form the opinion that the less cholesterol in the body, the better. But this is not true. We can distinguish two types of cholesterol – good and bad. From one of them – solid damage – exclusive use.

Called bad cholesterol that has a very low density. He interacts and connects with apoproteins, jorobekova forming complexes, which are deposited on the walls of blood vessels in the form of dense plaques. Harm brings only this cholesterol. The norm of its concentration in the blood of less than 4 mmol/l or 160 mg/DL. If these figures are exceeded, it is an occasion to review the food and diet or to conduct adjustment using drugs.

Чистка сосудов от бляшек

Although the rate may vary for each individual. For example, after a heart attack or after ischemia, it should not be above 2.5 mmol/L. In the predisposition to heart disease optimal rule, which is necessary to maintain a 3.3 mmol/L. It is easy to find out on the doctor after tests.

In addition to bad cholesterol, there is good. It is produced by our body and is opposed to the formation of plaques, collecting from the walls of blood vessels deposits. Then he delivers them to the liver for degradation and excretion. So the cause of atherosclerosis may be hiding a lack of good cholesterol high-density. Therefore, it is also necessary to maintain at an acceptable level.

What is statins?

This drugs used in medicine to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. They do not take, do not destroy, and operate at the level of a special enzyme in the liver responsible for the allocation of this substance. The cholesterol the body needs, but if this level is exceeded, there is a risk of atherosclerosis by blocking the flow of blood formed by platelets. Statins are drugs that recommend to take to lower cholesterol and keep it normal.

Препараты статины

How do they work? These drugs inhibit a particular enzyme responsible for the production of cholesterol in the liver. Because of this, induces the production of proteins that increase the amount of bad cholesterol receptors. These receptors bind the bad cholesterol at the cellular level and deliver it to the liver for processing.

Why prescribe statins?

Движение холестерина по сосудам

With the main indication we’ve already figured out is pills that help to lower cholesterol. But other than that they relieve inflammation in the blood vessels, which are also directly linked to the development of atherosclerotic changes. Here are the main benefits of these drugs body:

  1. Have the prevention of heart attacks in people at risk on the probability of detection of cardiovascular diseases. No diets and dietary supplements do not help to achieve this effect. It’s been scientifically proven through research on several groups of people taking different drugs.
  2. Have prevention of ischemic stroke, but at the same time slightly increased the chance of developing a hemorrhagic stroke. Therefore, these drugs can be taken only on prescription, when it is really necessary. In some cases, for stroke prevention, it is sufficient to take anti-hypertensive and other drugs for the normalization of cerebral circulation.
  3. But people who had just suffered a heart attack, these drugs must. In the early days the tablets should be consumed in very high doses, then it should gradually reduce. Modern methods of rehabilitation after suffering heart attacks in the statin.
  4. Slow the development of atherosclerosis. It is now important not only for seniors, but also the last generation of people over the age of 30 – it is a systemic disease are getting younger and younger every year. To recognize this insidious disease can be pain in the legs while walking, attacks of pain in the hearts of men – the weakening of potency. Statins really slow the progression of atherosclerosis, but at the same time can cause harm to the patient – increase the deposition of calcium in the arteries.

When to prescribe statins?


The indications for taking these drugs not so much. The doctor can you assign them in the following cases:

  1. When heart diseases and atherosclerosis. In this case, it is hoped that they will not progress further.
  2. Diabetes or any other diseases that increase the chance of developing atherosclerosis.
  3. At a young age can be administered as prophylaxis if a family has people with heart disease is inherited.
  4. In adulthood, this drug shows virtually all, as with the beginning of the aging process and increasing the likelihood of atherosclerosis.

The types of statins

Статины в виде таблеток

Statins are a broad group of drug, including drugs of four generations.

  1. The first-generation drugs based on chemicals lovastatin, simvastatin and pravastatin. In pharmacies you can find them under different trade names.
  2. Drugs of the second generation is represented by only one drug – “Lescol” with the active the active substance is fluvastatin.
  3. To the third generation include tablets containing the active substance atorvastatin. The most famous of these medications with the trade names of “Atorvastatin”, “Atoris”, Avestan”.
  4. The new drugs of the last generation are all based on the substance rosuvastatin. Among the means of the last generation such as “Crestor”, “Roxana”, “Rozart”. It is believed that they are the most effective. For example, in addition to reducing the level of harmful substances in the blood, they are able to partially disrupt already formed plaques. But their cost is much higher.

Harm and side effect of statins

Головная боль после приема статинов

Harm from taking medicines of this group at once you will not feel. Side effects appear if taken for a long time – at least a few months. Therefore, it is necessary to control their condition, periodically passing tests and undergoing a medical check. Harm from prolonged use of statins can be seen in the following manifestations:

  1. The appearance of sleeplessness.
  2. From the nervous system to the appearance of frequent headaches, mood swings, depression. They can also reduce short-term memory and cause mood swings.
  3. Many are concerned the phenomenon of nausea. From the gastrointestinal tract are also possible to diarrhea, constipation, flatulence and abdominal pain.
  4. Men scare such harm from taking statins, as weakening of libido, impotence and obesity.
  5. May trigger the development of pancreatitis, hepatitis, anorexia, jaundice.
  6. Often people who take statins for a long time, report pain in the muscles, convulsions and increased arthritis.
  7. Can develop diseases of the respiratory system.
  8. In rare cases, you can fear of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

In addition to these symptoms, drugs that reduce cholesterol, can cause other damage to the body. It is an inflammation of the kidneys, cataracts, skin manifestations in the form of itching and eczema, the appearance of peripheral edema, vascular thrombosis, fluctuations in blood sugar. The older a person is, the higher the likelihood of side effects. Also a negative reaction to the pills can occur in thin people, women during menopause, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, in chronic alcoholics and postoperative period.


There are a number of diseases in which taking statins not just undesirable, but is contraindicated. In this case, he will only bring harm and provoke a worsening of the patient’s condition.

  1. Pregnancy. In the period of breastfeeding is also better not to risk it.
  2. Individual allergic reactions.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Chronic or in the acute phase of the disease liver and kidneys.
  5. Disorders of hormone production by the thyroid gland.
  6. Failures in the endocrine system.

Запрет приема статинов при беременности

People with diseases of the musculoskeletal system to take statins, but only under medical supervision and if absolutely necessary. The benefits will be only in case, if you strictly follow the rules of admission and not to use more drugs such as protease inhibitors, erythromycin, verapamil, clarithromycin, and others. All this is discussed in detail on reception at the doctor. Another condition is from the diet will have to exclude grapefruits and juice of this citrus.

Natural statins from cholesterol

If you are afraid of the harm of drugs of this group, they can replace natural food. In many foods contain substances that can reduce the concentration of cholesterol without compromising health.

  1. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid in sufficient quantity is contained in wild rose, sweet pepper, regular onions and green onions, sea buckthorn, citrus, black currant.
  2. Natural statins contained in fatty sea fish and vegetable oils.
  3. Products such as red fish, nuts, meat, grains will enrich your body with vitamin PP or B3. Is also a natural substance that prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  4. Grape skins and red wine contain a substance such as resveratrol.
  5. In many foods include pectins having a similar effect. Include in the diet of beans, cabbage, apples, carrots, whole grains, bran.
  6. In pharmacies you can find dietary supplements, derived from sugar cane and red rice yeast.

Статины в натуральных продуктах

Some other products also there are natural statins, but in smaller amounts. For example, in fermented soy products and garlic. The benefits of balanced nutrition will anyway, but stick with it it is necessary not just long, but constantly. With the right approach you can reduce cholesterol levels without resorting to costly means with a mass of side effects.

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