понедельник, 3 ноября 2014 г.

How to lose weight by jumping rope?

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Who did not please himself as a child, a funny prank, like jumping rope? We invented new ones, practiced speed and agility, and organized competitions in duration. And now the rope is a wonderful trainer for adults that not only entertain, but also to become slimmer, dropping a couple of kilos Until everyone knows about the peculiarities of the practice, called skipping. Therefore, we decided to highlight the most relevant and frequently asked questions associated with it.

As the rope helps to lose weight?

Performing the usual jumping rope, you have the opportunity to see quick weight loss. Yes, Yes, just watch! Extra pounds go so fast that you’ll notice it visually, without weighing. And all because skipping combines several aspects of training:

  • The load on the muscles. When skipping major muscle groups, which is 80% of the load are the calves, thighs, abs and back. Almost all problem areas are able to use simultaneously. At the same time you strain your biceps and triceps when rotate the rope, which also bears fruit: arms are toned and acquire a beautiful relief.

  • Additional calorie consumption. Performing basic exercises, you have to expend energy to raise the body above the ground – bounce. Although the highest point is only 5-7 cm, it greatly increases the load, and therefore expending calories.

  • The fight against cellulite. This is a controversial issue, which is still the debate. However, practice has shown that regular skipping can significantly reduce deposits in the area of the most loaded areas.

  • Cardio load. Fast paced jumping and constant change of position of the body stimulate the acceleration of blood flow and heart rate. This is a way of training and strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels.

  • Breathing exercises. Properly performing the exercises, you cleanse the respiratory tract of accumulated mucus and dust. For example: hour of jumping rope is equivalent to the benefits for the respiratory system one and a half hours of bodyflex, the exercise which is based directly on the breath.

  • Stamina and vestibular apparatus. Longer classes allow you to develop these options are much more effective than any other sports.

If skipping complements and even properly organized food – effectiveness study increases by 2-3 times.

What is better for burning fat: running or jump rope?

Often applicants perfect complex training make a choice between running and skipping. They have quite General: do not require the purchase of expensive equipment, can be performed without a coach, there is no need to go to the gym, both promise a noticeable effect. Let’s compare Jogging and skipping.

  1. For Jogging requires certain conditions: the stadium, the Park or just flat pavement with a small cross pedestrians nearby. Skippymom same you can do anywhere.

  2. Jumping rope give a reasonable load on the spine, forming the correct skeletal muscle and posture. During Jogging, the position of the body often remains bowed, so this effect is not observed.

  3. Skipping uses a much more major groups of muscles than running. Load them more forgiving.

  4. Proven: while jumping, the body heats up evenly, so the process of burning fat faster. At the same time when running practically not involved the upper body, which could lead to non-proportional body.

  5. Jogging contribute to hardening and strengthening of health, because they are performed outdoors. But do skippymom you can on the street.

  6. Recently scientists have found that classes with a rope reduce appetite. So if you want to stick to diets – jumping, it will be easier to deal with hunger.

In the choice of Jogging to burn fat is by his followers one powerful argument: when Jogging calories burned and more. Undoubtedly, the rope can afford to spend any number of them: it all depends on the execution speed jumps. However, it is difficult to jump to the desired frequency. So running at a moderate pace person weighing 70kg leads to loss cal/min, and the rope is about cal/min Note that over time, the loss of calories when skipping doubles as soon as you get into the rhythm.

If you ask a professional coach: that’s still effectively burns fat, it most likely will not give a definite answer. It’s completely different types of loads: skipping anaerobic, and Jogging is aerobic. Thus, they can not replace each other, and it is most rational to alternate them.

How to learn to jump rope?

That efforts were not in vain, it is necessary to perform jumps. Learn this easy:

  • Start with a “blank” jumping without a rope. So for a couple of days you will be prepared for loads.

  • Control the breath. If it slips, you can afford a moment of rest. This does not mean that you should completely stop – just stop jump and walk.

  • Start with a minimum of time and load, this will allow you to focus directly jumping technique.

  • It is important to keep your posture when jumping: do not tilt back, so don’t give eye (this automatically leads to stylianou), keep your feet together and your elbows near the body, rotate the rope only need brushes.

  • Land necessarily on the fingertips, they push off from the floor. If you jump the whole foot effect will be minimal, and the load on the joint is palpable.

  • Do not try to stretch the muscles when jumping. So you will quickly get tired and calorie consumption will not increase. The same applies to high jumps.

How to choose the right rope for when buying?

To select a rope, as any trainer, the important growth of the athlete. Optimal growth and length of the rope in inches are given in the table:

Height (cm) Length (cm)
≤ 152 210
153-167 250
168-183 280
≥ 184 310

Determine the length, proceed to the mind. In the range of sportmagazine has the following variations:

  • Ordinary rope. Best for experienced skippered who know how to properly calculate and distribute the load and set the time for classes.

  • E. Equipped with counter movements, which makes easier the control performed by the load. The best choice for beginners.

  • High-speed. The lightweight version with special fixing the arm to the base, making the maximum rotation soft and fast. Runs most of the steel cable. Great for inexperienced athletes and crossfit.

  • Weighted. Have a maximum weight that increases the load on the wrists and back. Not recommended for the beginning of skipping.

When choosing a note on the base material and the shape of the handles. The rope should not be made of fragile low-quality rubber, otherwise, the lifetime will be very short. Not looking for cheap: this will most likely result in additional costs of buying new equipment. The handle is better to try to twist in your hands, before payment of acquisition. They must be light, small, ergonomic and necessarily convenient for you.

Clothes to practice rope.

Doing skipping, it is better to choose clothes without unnecessary locks, decorations and ornaments, which can catch on the rope. The best-fitting suit with a skinny pants or leggings and a sports shirt or bra. To increase the effect you can put on ironicaly belt or shorts. Shoes should choose a light, thin easily bendable sole. Optimal will be ordinary sneakers or moccasins.

How to choose the best place for training?

It is best to do outdoors, then you will be slower to get tired, and the active oxygen saturation will have a positive impact on health. If this is not possible, find a fairly spacious room without extra items inside. Jumping in the bathroom of his apartment, remove all furniture, fragile and breakable items. The risk of getting hurt anything and damage items or hurt.

Note on the floor. It should not be too slippery, but at the same time fairly smooth. Refrain from activities in rooms with carpet, because it gathers dust, which while jumping you lift into the air and inhale.

Try pre-maximum ventilate the room. Well, if it will at all times exercise to remain open at least a small window.

Exercises with a skipping rope for weight loss.

An important aspect for skipping is correct warm-up. Before training you should fully warm up the muscles, then the calories will be the maximum from the first minute. Otherwise, the lesson will not give the desired effect. To warm up you can use any 2-3 basic exercises from fitness: rotation, bending, Mahi, etc. it is good to stretch the ankle to prevent sprains.

Begin the lesson with slow direct jumps at a minimum height, gradually accelerating. This is followed by the chosen method of training. Today, the most popular two complex: anti-cellulite and tonic “7 days”. We present the basic exercises first of them:

  1. Single jumps. Slowly rotating rope, low podprygivaya, trying to bend your knees when landing.

  2. Double jumps. One described a rope circle is two jumps through it and when the rope rises into the highest point above the head.

  3. Lateral jumps. Landing, try to jump off alternately in one and the other side, and then back and forth.

  4. Change legs. Looks like the likeness of running on the spot. Jump should turn on one of the legs.

  5. Speed jumping. Provide a fast paced, maximum lifting his knees to his chest and height of the jumps.

To increase blood flow and faster fat burning you can combine skipping with wraps. To do this, apply a warming cream or oil on the areas that you think are problematic, and wrap their usual food film. During the class you will feel the temperature increase in the covered area, which contributes to the softening and rapid destruction of fat tissue. Important: do not overdo it with such class! Training, supplemented wraps, should be reduced by three times.

General recommendations for performing jumps.

Doing skipping, control the frequency variation. It should not exceed the maximum for your age threshold. Do not forget to drink during the holidays, norm: 0.5 liters of clean water per workout. The training duration varies from a minimum of 5 minutes to a maximum of 15 minutes without stopping.

In General, during the day you should skipping at least 45 minutes. Permitted jumping intervals in time, for example: three times a day for 15 min. Regular training is a guarantee of efficiency, so move laziness aside and grasp the rope. The frequency does not tolerate absenteeism: do you need daily!

The results of studies of rope.

The result correctly and regularly performed skipping at first will become toned legs and postroeniya waist. You will notice after a couple of weeks. The next checkpoint which will yield fat will be thigh and press. Their relief will be attractive, and the volume is significantly reduced. After a month, the eggs will become denser and much stronger, will increase the tone of all involved in the jumping muscles. And, of course, also buttocks… They will simply become the ultimate dream: elastic, beautiful, chiseled, nice!

In parallel in the body will be invisible but miraculous changes: chemical waste will disappear stagnation in the deep veins, improves lymph circulation. All this is also beneficial in the fight against cellulite. Moreover, such changes will not allow him to return to their homes.

Weight loss and body shaping when skipping depend on the intensity of the duration of training. Optimal and harmless is the rate of weight loss that allows you to lose 1 kg in 2 weeks. With this approach, you have to spend 642 kcal, which is equivalent to jumping at a moderate pace for half an hour.

Are there any contraindications for skipping?

As any kind of loads, skipping has some contraindications. You should not choose this sport for people with:

  • curvature and spinal cord injuries;

  • heart disease;

  • blockage of blood vessels, varicose veins and venous insufficiency;

  • hypertension;

  • diseases of the joints.

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