вторник, 31 марта 2015 г.

The reasons for the strong slezotochivogo eyes?

Женщина протирает глаза.

Eyes are not only Windows to the soul, but, according to doctors, a reflection of the overall health of our body. Red streaks, too noticeable to others, talk about nervous exhaustion, unhealthy color of the protein indicates an infection and swelling of the eyelids may indicate the presence of gallstones.

The most frequent, delivering a lot of discomfort, is watery eyes eyes. Reduced vision, the need to carry a handkerchief, the inability to apply makeup. All of this can be eliminated if correctly identify and eliminate the root cause of the disease.

External causes one eye.

The fatigue.

This is the most common reason for tearfulness. So if in the morning you have no symptoms or they are mild and watery eyes – you need to be comfortable.

Long stay at the computer.

Девушка сидит за компьютером.Watery eyes eyes are one of professional ailments office workers. The fact is that when we look at the monitor, the pupil does not react on the change view (does not shrink or expand). In addition, when we are passionate about, you blink less often. As a consequence tired eyes, dry up and start to itch. Rubbing them, we have an additional problem – mechanical injury of the mucosa.

The solution is simple: take time off from the computer (at least at home), don’t forget about the mandatory breaks (5 minutes after every hour) and not to ignore is extremely simple, but much needed and useful exercises for the eyes.

Drying of the mucous.

Almost all air conditioning equipment (air conditioners, fans, heaters) adversely affects the condition of your eyes. Drying out the air, it leads to drying of the mucous.

In an attempt to normalize the condition of your eyes, our body produces more tears. Therefore, trying to heat or cool the room, don’t forget to use moisturizer. Yes, this is an additional cost, but, by refusing him, in the end you’ll spend much more on special drops and artificial tears (washers).

Susceptibility to external conditions.

Защитные очки для глаз.If your eyes are watering outside in the cold, freezing weather and the wind – you are one of the many owners of the mucosa with high sensitivity. Simply put, your body is just not sufficiently to move quickly on the temperature inside the room to the conditions outdoors.

This is quite simple: wear glasses (they are a bit will protect you from wind and light) and make soaks for the eyes with cold temperatures.

The presence of an external stimulus.

Слезы от лука.The pungent scents and odors of certain substances (for example, acetone) can also induce the secretion of tears. So all without exception know about the ability of the bow to cause weeping and remember the proverb about this evil root. But not everyone understands why his eyes are watering from the bow. The reason for this selection during deformation (cutting) of its flesh in the air special material – lachrymator (from lat. “tear”).

Getting on the eyes, it provokes dryness and burning, as a consequence, brings tears. A similar situation can be observed on the street, when you are near the source of the smoke. The simplest solution is to remove the cause. If this is not possible, should wear protective glasses.


Low quality or the presence in its composition of allergens also often leads to tearfulness. Try to time to abandon makeup, just a day and you will understand whether the reason for it.

The wrong choice of glasses or contact lenses.

Only an ophthalmologist can set you need right now the number of diopters and suitable optics.

Internal causes of slezotochivogo.

Problems with the skin around the eyes.

The skin in this area is extremely delicate and susceptible to damage. If you are a frequent rubbing of the eyes, may be inflammation. In addition, chronic skin diseases (dermatitis, neurodermatitis, etc.) and can relate to this zone.


To suffer them not only the mucosa, but also the eyelid. The most common disease is conjunctivitis.

Reducing the secretion of mucosal injury.

In this case, the function of washing the eyes take on tears, so it stands out more than you need.

Abnormal metabolism.

Watery eyes may indicate serious disorders in the body. She is often the first bell indicating the problems with the metabolism in people with excessive or Vice versa insufficient for their growth weight.

An Allergy.

Реакция глаз на аллергию.Watery eyes – one of the major signs of an allergic reaction. To verify the diagnosis will allow you the accompanying itching, stuffy nose, or just a runny nose, frequent sneezing.

According to statistics, currently suffer from allergies 75% of the population, and to relieve you of its manifestations will help harmless and nonprescription drugs. Remember: they can cause drowsiness!


There is a complex of minerals, regulating the work of the eye and visual acuity. Play the leading role in vitamins B2, A, E and potassium. When they lack quite possibly increased slezovydelenii. To normalize it, you can try to drink a special vitamin complex for eyes.

All these problems it is desirable to eliminate under the strict guidance of the attending doctor, in order not to aggravate the condition of the body. So if your attempts to get rid of the effects of negative external effects on the mucous membranes of the eyes was not a success, be sure to visit the clinic. And it is highly desirable to do so no later than one week after the discovery of the problem. Only then it enters the chronic stage, will quickly respond to treatment and will leave you.

Watering eyes during pregnancy.

У беременной женщины слезятся глаза.Special attention one should be given during pregnancy because during this period a woman is most vulnerable. Interestingly, this symptom is not always directly linked to eye problems.

He can testify about such violations as: hypertension, inflammation of the facial nerve, excessive nervous tension, insomnia, hormonal dysfunction, secretory dysfunction and just a respiratory infection. Therefore, even such insignificant at first glance, the disease is a serious reason to visit watching you doctor.

Outside the box approach to treatment of common causes of tearfulness during pregnancy. In this amazing time expectant mother is highly undesirable to take called active drugs, including in the form of eye drops. And ordinary conjunctivitis to win will be very difficult.

It is recommended to use an infusion of chamomile, which three times a day for eye washing. Effective it will be and some other reasons one because it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.

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