среда, 12 февраля 2014 г.

Hair removal shugaring

Эпиляция шугарингIn modern beauty salons offer a lot of different services for hair removal the hair. All on our choice of luxury women. However, the most popular are considered two types. Or shugaring or waxing. About waxing we all know. But what is shugaring?

Shugaring called sugar depilation. Its essence consists in that the hair removed with the assistance of a sugar syrup. Very interesting and useful procedure. Shugaring sugar depilation is the oldest in the East. The main advantage of this procedure is that the hair is removed growth, and not against the hair growth, such as waxing. Simultaneously shugaring hair removal sugar is peeling. This is a very big plus, as rough areas of skin bring some inconvenience.

It is believed that the hair removal shugaring not such a painful, as waxing. Delete the short hair is also provided. If to use this depilation, you will not burn so bad. This will not happen, at least because the mass of sugar will be room temperature.

Although this is a relatively new type of hair removal, hair removal shugaring reviews gets mostly positive. Many women say that they do not have to ingrown hairs, and the sugar paste so well is water soluble, that by flushing down the pain is much smaller than other types of hair removal. Hair removal bikini shugaring is very affordable. Wishing on this procedure is becoming more and more. Of course, such a soft technology allows to pass one and the same zone, without any consequences. Bikini hair removal shugaring passes almost without redness and swelling. And after twenty minutes no contact with your clothing does not cause any unpleasant sensations. This is just great.

In addition, you can mention a lot of advantages. So, for example, hair removal bikini deep shugaring passes very hygienic. Are available as part of the sugar masses large concentration of citric acid and sugar, prevents bacteria.

Эпиляция шугарингBy the way, hair removal at home shugaring is also possible. Nothing complicated in the sugar depilation no, if already you are familiar with this procedure. Prepare simply boiled sugar syrup to deep condition. While it warm (not hot!!!), apply on the desired area of the skin, and spend the procedure themselves. All the necessary ingredients of the syrup are available.

Also, the undeniable advantages include the following:

  • Security, as the sugar syrup is used only once.

  • Allowed to do when varicose veins disease.

  • There is no danger that vessels may damage from this procedure. Weight of sugar quietly melts under the influence of body temperature.


  • diabetes mellitus

  • allergic reading (if the mass is honey)

  • skin damage

  • people that passed the terrace shortly before.

Now your feet are as beautiful as ever! Now do yourself bio waving the big hair, apply makeup and wear a beautiful dress – status of the Queen of the evening is guaranteed to you!

Read article Hair removal shugaring

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