среда, 16 апреля 2014 г.

Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis: what to do?

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Sweating after a run – there is nothing strange. Soaked after a half-hour workout in the gym – it’s perfectly normal. Expire after that during the forty-degree heat in a stuffy room of the Museum in Egypt is surprising. Sweating is normal. Everyone from time to time covered with droplets of sweat – sweating is vital physiological process that is involved in thermoregulation.

However, some people have excessive sweating, the so-called hyperhidrosis, their armpits, palms, feet sweat or without cause, in heat and cold, at the slightest stress or changes in health. Sometimes the problem begins to affect the quality of life, forces people to abandon their traditional pastime, communication with friends, even from a normal personal life.

The reasons why we sweat.

Without going into specific medical details, we can say that the work of human sweat glands are controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. They release on the skin surface liquid droplets in order to cool it runs thermoregulation. A healthy person begins to sweat when the air becomes warmer than +25 C (this, of course, the average). It is also possible and emotionally due to perspiration – that is, the sweat glands fire in response to a stressful situation.

Scientists around the world are officially recognized hyperhidrosis disease (in the United States and some European countries it even treats for health insurance). There are two types of hyperhidrosis: the General and local.

General or secondary hyperhidrosis is shown as an additional symptom of some diseases, such as, for example, neuritis and other nervous disorders, IRR, endocrine disorders, tuberculosis, obesity, diseases of the genitourinary system, cardiovascular diseases. This kind of sweating should be treated only comprehensively, starting with treatment of the underlying disease.

Local (primary or essential) hyperhidrosis, is evident, as the name implies, locally: this sweaty armpits, hands, legs. Hard to sweat as one can plot and everything. This problem usually manifests, people overly emotional, easily impressed, excitable nervous system. The reason for the development of primary hyperhidrosis can be excitement, constant stress, chronic fatigue. He may receive and fungus, as a result of long wearing too tight shoes (sweating of the feet) or inconvenient, especially synthetic service (hands and torso).

In addition, sometimes the excessive sweating can be hereditary, genetic problem, it sometimes occurs as a result of taking certain medications (such as antibiotics or anti-depressants), sometimes because of bad habits. As is known, are more prone to excessive sweating adolescents, pregnant women, women during menopause, overweight people.

Medical treatment of hyperhidrosis.

Before you start treating hyperhidrosis, you need to understand whether it is the result of more serious diseases.


The struggle with this physiological deficiency usually begins with the use of special antiperspirants (not to be confused with deodorants that are sold in stores). They include substances, temporarily blocking sweat glands, and they do not allow to develop the germs that cause bad odor.

Well established Almoharin drugs containing aluminium salt – they can block sweating for a few days, and with the right of permanent use even can help to cure hyperhidrosis completely. You can buy them in the store. However, such tools can help not all, and use them with sweating hands and feet is not very convenient, plus many people such funds after prolonged use cause allergic reactions on the skin. In such situations, doctors advise to go to more radical methods – namely, to a special treatment.


The most simple, gentle therapeutic effect, which helps reduce sweating is electrophoresis. During this procedure, a small electric current affects the skin in areas of excessive sweating and blocks the sweat glands.

Electrophoresis can be used in any problem area, it is quite gentle and after a full course sweating usually decreases significantly. Minus of this technique is that the positive impact of the note not all patients, the result is saved only about a month, and too frequent use of electrophoresis can cause skin irritation. Moreover, such treatment is not for everyone.


One of the most modern, effective and simple ways of dealing with hyperhidrosis is botulinum toxin injections, in other words – Botox. This drug has the ability to temporarily block the secretion of acetylcholine in the nervous system that prevents the release of fluid from the sweat glands. In other words, after Botox injections sweat for some time ceases to be generated.

Enter the drug locally using a very fine needle, the whole procedure lasts no more than a few minutes in each zone. The maximum effect (no sweating) occurs within 3 to 5 days after injection and lasts up to one year. This methodology is applicable to the treatment of hyperhidrosis any problem areas. Cons treatment of hyperhidrosis with Botox in the fact that the procedure is costly and must be repeated often enough.


More radical serious procedure is curettage. For this skin small incision is made through it introduces a special hook with which the space under the skin erased, and the relationship of the sweat glands with nerve endings damaged. Recently, the operation is performed with videoassistance that reduces its traumatism.

If Botox injections can spend cosmetologist, this procedure only experienced surgeon. The operation has many advantages (sweating completely stops, it is done once and for all), but there are also disadvantages: it can only be performed on the armpits, after curettage often swelling and bruising, the operation itself is quite uncomfortable.

Laser therapy.

Well enough in the fight against hyperhidrosis proved the procedure of laser treatment. Under the skin through a tiny incision is entered cannula (no thicker than 1 mm) with neodymium laser in the end, the radiation of which destroys the cells of the sweat glands.

This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, with local anesthesia, requires no downtime, it is traumatic and very effective – literally the next day, sweating stops. Of the disadvantages include the high cost of laser therapy, as well as the fact that it cannot be made on the hands and feet, plus several years sweat glands in the places of influence can be restored.


Another surgical technique, which allows to get rid of sweaty palms is sympathectomy. During this operation through a small incision in the chest, the doctor inserts the finest tube with a camera and tools. Reaching the zone of the location of the sympathetic trunk (near the spine), which is responsible for sweating in the palms, the surgeon cuts through his or pinched his metallic clip.

After the operation, the sweaty palms is completely stopped. This operation can only be performed by experienced thoracic surgeon. Usually after it there are no complications, but it takes a few days for rehabilitation. Moreover, after such intervention on the chest are not very beautiful scars.

In some cases, when hyperhidrosis is a serious problem and a serious obstacle to a normal life, surgery is the only effective method of its solution. However, it happens that after knocking excessive sweating in one area, it compensatory increases in the other.

Traditional methods from excessive sweating.

Many find the herbal and folk methods are quite effective in struggle with increased sweating.

  • Bath with oak bark. You need to make the infusion of oak bark (sold in pharmacies), as indicated on the package and making baths for sweating limbs daily (up to a quarter of an hour). In the broth, you can add lemon juice. After the procedure, hands and feet well wipe, you can spread cream with juniper.

  • Powder of boric acid. One of the easiest recipes – to use homemade powder of boric acid powder. To do this, they must be crushed into a fine powder, which cover problem areas (especially the legs and armpits). In the evening powder necessarily need to rinse (herbal infusion). With regular use, after 10 – 14 days sweating will decrease, and the smell of sweat will be imperceptible.

  • Soda. We also advise on the morning and evening to rinse his feet soda solution, and armpits and palms wipe with a cotton swab dipped in it.

  • Tea. Good help wiping and baths of strong tea (black tea is used). However, this solution is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure.

  • The sage. When the local hyperhidrosis helps infusion of sage leaves – it is necessary to prepare instructions and ingest daily (three to five times) 1/4 Cup.

  • Kalina. For the treatment of excessive sweating all parts of the body it is recommended to use the broth of a bark of a guelder. They wipe the problem areas twice-three times a day (2 weeks).

Useful advice.

To reduce sweating are other ways, by following a few simple tips.

  • Be sure to pay sufficient attention to hygienic shower should be taken at least twice a day, you can use antibacterial soap. But often featured tar soap able to overdry the skin. To reduce sweating helps regular douche.

  • Much sweating feet should always try to keep warm. You can not wear synthetic socks is only natural. The shoes should be free, made of natural materials, “breathing”. Must be regularly washed insoles.

  • On the amount of sweat impact and diet. To reduce sweating, should be removed from the fat, fried, spicy food, use fewer spices, do not drink coffee.

And yet – try less nervous and more to enjoy life, spend time in nature! Perhaps the root of the problem in excessive congestion and fatigue?

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