четверг, 19 февраля 2015 г.

Nail design photo spring

дизайн ногтей фото веснаEvery girl who wants to look good, should know about that manicure is the main part of the overall image. For this reason, your nails and the skin should be flawless.

Fashion nails spring 2015

Every year on the market shop, new fashion trends, keep track of which is difficult, but possible. Today, there are a multiple number of colors and shades cover the nail, it is important to choose the right nail Polish under the outfit and image in General. Nails can be painted in a tone of eye shadow or lipstick, tone handbag or other accessory, it depends on the situation and the desires of women at some point. The most fashionable color of the nails spring 2015 is beige, including milk and cream, in the coming season, it is recommended to use natural color tones. This does not mean that you cannot experiment, still drawing pictures and mix of colors. The main thing here is to choose correct color and pattern. Nail design photo spring enforce oval shape (almond), specialists of this sector is recommended nails short length. This year at the peak of popularity manicure is performed, subject to the above two criteria. So all lovers rectangular nails need to opt out of this form, in order to avoid the occurrence of the opinion that you survived last season.

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must add the length of the nail plate is not more than one centimeter. This is due to the fact that today in fashion natural beauty, this applies not only to manicure and outfits and makeup.

Nail design French spring photo show about the relevance of this type of manicure. If you have the desire to stand out and you are tired of ordinary French manicure, this season, a valid combination of other colors, also experts recommend to dilute the French pictures (flowers, greenery, ribbon, etc.).

Photo nail gel lacquer spring is the most relevant in this year, because with the help of the gel-Polish, nails look naturally and gently, while not putting the time the nail plate. Regarding colors, but this year the popular pastel colours, they best represent the natural.

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модные ногти весна 2015 фотоIn addition, that the nails 2015 photo winter spring should have an oval shape and short length, they should be covered with a pastel shade of varnish to be at the peak of popularity. It is also important to note that the matte colors in this season occupy leading positions on the market of nails. To dilute this type of varnish, it is permissible to combine it with a glossy finish.

If you have a desire to make your nails a bright, red lacquer is still in Vogue, as they say, “with him will not argue.” In particular, this applies to the summer period, at this time the easiest way to find a bright outfit for this manicure.

Fashion nails spring 2015 photo suggests that to create a spring look, the staff in this sector, we recommend the implementation of flowers in his nogatco (for applying such figures, you can use green, blue, yellow and pink). In autumn you can use plum and other dark shades.

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ногти 2015 фото зима веснаAbout nails new 2015 photo spring, it is relevant in this season is the moon manicure is one of the varieties of French manicure. This manicure is perfect for going to the movies, parties and first date to leave a special impression. This type of perform manicure is not boring, and your hands look well-groomed. Those who wish to diversify the classic version, you can opt for bright colors, type of peach or mint, pink or color of lilac.

Nail design new 2015 spring: mankur in the style of “caviar” – “black caviar”. This type of manicure is that the nail plate is covered with beads of small size, which resemble caviar.

Today is not so much the actual black caviar as its colorful relatives: the more colors, the better. It is important to observe the main rule, if you decided to do this manicure, these “eggs” it is desirable to cover the entire nail, leaving no gaps.

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