среда, 27 апреля 2016 г.

Get rid of irritation eye.

Резь в глазах.

Eye irritation is a very common phenomenon, which regularly affects every one of us. It manifests itself in the form of redness protein and blood vessels surrounding the eyeball, itching and burning. To protect yourself from such unpleasant symptoms that everyone should know about the basic methods of their elimination.

The key to effective treatment is correctly installed, which caused the irritation. Finding her is simple enough: firstly, they are few, and, secondly, the signs appear most often after contact with an irritant. Consider the main variants of the root cause irritation.


Усталость глаз от компьютера.

Eye irritation from the computer – and the scourge of today’s youth. Long stay behind the monitor inevitably leads to negative consequences. Today, every office worker, student or a diligent student, knows firsthand what the burning sensation and dryness of the mucosa.

In any case it is not necessary to take this problem for granted because if you do not try to remove it, very soon you will begin to experience difficulty sleeping. Closing your eyes, you will continue to feel discomfort, turning into a migraine. This impact on visual acuity.

To resolve the problem, you can take a few simple steps:

  1. Pay special attention to the setting of the monitor, especially if you happen to work for a tube counterpart. Adjust the brightness and the frequency to the indicators that are most comfortable for your eyes. You can do this visually, looking for 1-3 minutes at the screen trying to change the settings.
  2. Be sure to do exercises for the eyes. For this it is necessary to focus on located far away from you subject, and then at less than 20cm from the face. A simple but effective technique to relieve the eye muscle and to avoid irritation.
  3. Try to do breaks in work. Doctors recommend giving your eyes a break every hour for at least five minutes. But sometimes in conditions of high workload or nature of work this fails. Go the other way: try from time to time to distract from the monitor, look out the window or sitting next to a colleague. And exchanging with the staff of ordinary phrases, not looking at the screen, but directly to the person with whom you converse. Often this is enough to reduce or completely eliminate eye irritation from the computer.


Девочка в бассейне.

The reason for irritation can be the response of the mucosa to chemical element. So if you notice redness or burning of the mucous after the pool – most likely, your eyes reacted to the abundance of chlorine and chloride compounds, which disinfect water in municipal swimming centers.

Despite the high allergenicity and obvious danger of this substance, it is still widely used. After all, the same disinfectants like him according to the ratio efficiency/cost no. But to abandon the pool do not have! Enough to arm the special drops that neutralize the impact of chlorine on the sensitive retina of the eye. They are absolutely safe and can be used without supervision of a doctor.


Женщина накрашивает глаза.

Not less common, and eye irritation from cosmetics. You can notice it on the redness of the cornea or tearfulness, which is observed immediately after applying makeup (mascara, eye shadow, eyeliner). Find out which kind of tool from your Arsenal the body reacts with irritation, possible, if at the time of stop to use all types of cosmetics for eyes, and when the state of the mucosa will be normal again – to try to put them one by one.

Quickly remove the symptoms of chemical irritation will help warm tea compress. To do this, moisten cotton pads in a sturdy welding and apply them to eyelids for 10-15 minutes. Note: irritation is not always indicative of low quality are used in your cosmetics, so should not blame the manufacturer. It is possible the presence of individual intolerance to any funds from its membership.

Contact lenses.

Надевание контактных линз.

If for vision correction you have chosen lenses – be prepared for irritation, especially at first. It can cause:

  • wrong choice of size and shape,
  • bad landing or the inability to use them correctly,
  • buildup of allergens on the lens surface (dandruff, fine dust, feather, etc.).

To irritation from the lenses and may cause “dry eye syndrome”. More often it affects those who have just begun to use similar optics. To combat unpleasant symptoms should carefully consider the choice of not only the lenses, but of an ophthalmologist, who will measure and choose the best option for you.

Each eye is individual, and only when the correct choice lenses sit perfectly without causing any trouble to the owner. According to statistics, it can not boast of more than 82% of patients ophthalmologist.

Do not neglect the use of special drops, recommended in the period of lens wear. It is also important noticing the first signs of irritation, give your eyes a rest.

Bright light.

Солнечный свет.

Some people can experience quite severe irritation of the cornea from bright light of different origin. It might just be sunlight or glare reflected by the snow, welding sparks, and even just “bunnies” caught in the field of view. Enhanced susceptibility to bright light during the period of migraines after head trauma and in patients with glaucoma. Symptoms of irritation can be sharp enough, in connection with which a person has difficulty with being outdoors.

Treatment of bright light reaction is to remove the stimulus: those suffering from it people wear sunglasses with UV protection. To buy them optimally in the pharmacy, specifying the factor of presence or absence of the lens in diopters. Will help to get rid of the irritation and eye drops containing moisturizing ingredients, antiseptics and vitamins. But to forget about the problem will allow only qualified treatment by an ophthalmologist, who finds the root cause and eliminate it.


Аллергия на одуванчики.

Redness and itching of mucous membrane – perhaps the most unpleasant symptoms observed in Allergy. To eliminate them, by acting directly on the eyes, pointless and ineffective. The only way to get rid of the irritation is to identify and eliminate the allergen and take antihistamine.

When choosing medication on their own, do not like big names of the advertisements. Here is one simple rule: the simpler the tool, the safer and more efficient. Study the composition of the chosen drug, select main active ingredient (usually listed first) and ask if he’s in a separate medication. This will significantly save money and reduce the risk of side effects.

If you prefer folk methods of treatment, irritation from allergies can help relieve decoctions of herbs, taken by mouth in the form of compresses. Doctors recommended as the most effective plants such as stinging nettle and cold, and a series of celandine, wormwood, and calendula. But choosing such treatment, it is not necessary to count on fast results.

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