суббота, 30 июля 2016 г.

What is the level of cholesterol in the blood is the norm?

Опасность холестерина

The cholesterol level can be judged on the lipid metabolism in humans and to predict the probability of development of his atherosclerosis. So it is definitely check for all patients at risk of serious, or primary diseases of the cardiovascular system, in diseases of the liver and obesity.

Cholesterol, the norm of which is a loose concept, for each person must be maintained at a certain allowable level depending on sex, age, concomitant diseases. However, the form figures do not say anything to the patient, who does not know what level is considered normal and any deviation. So today we will tell you in detail about the cholesterol.

Not all cholesterol is the same

Плохой и хороший холестерин

As a substance it refers to a complex of fatty alcohols. Its content in the cells of any organ of a healthy person is a normal physiological range, as in the body, it performs quite an important function — it takes an active part in the synthesis of various important substances. For example, it is not possible without production of sex hormones. The main part of cholesterol is produced by our own body – in the liver, and only a small percentage of content comes from outside of food.

About cholesterol now say very much, but superficial knowledge is completely distorted view on this matter. In fact, the cholesterol is not only not harmful, but necessary for our body. But only when the level of cholesterol in the blood is not exceeded, and the connection itself is the correct form. For transportation throughout the body, it is combined with lipoproteins, which are low or high density. The correct Association is considered to be complex with high-density lipoproteins, often called good cholesterol. When it is connected with low density lipoprotein, a bad cholesterol. Due to the low density of the transport substance and a larger size, it is deposited in the vessels, forming the same atherosclerotic plaque.

Norm of cholesterol in blood is determined as a General indicator of these two forms of connections. In order to know the content of each of them individually, you need to conduct in-depth analyses. This is done in case if found serious deviations from the norm.

Who is recommended to monitor the cholesterol level?

Ожирение повышает холестерин

Nicely, the level of cholesterol in the blood should monitor every adult who is not indifferent to health. But there is a group of people who do it need to be mandatory. Cholesterol may be increased in the following cases:

  1. Chronic smokers.
  2. Excessive weight close to obesity.
  3. When sedentary lifestyle is sedentary work, lack of active leisure.
  4. People after the age of 40 years.
  5. Error in the diet. Unhealthy addiction to sweet, fatty, fried, smoked, sausages.
  6. Some diseases, such as diabetes, liver disease, hypertension, heart failure, heart attack or stroke in anamnesis.

In these cases, to start verified by a common metric, and is more in-depth study of blood.

Total cholesterol

Влияние холестерина на сердце

The average rate of cholesterol in the blood is considered as not exceeded if the indicators are at the level to 5.2 mmol/L. Is the content of lipoproteins in the body is usually detected in most healthy adults. If the concentration is increased to a value of – 7.9 mmol/l, it means that the cholesterol level is slightly elevated. In this case, should be carried out more detailed tests, prescribed a special diet, but medication is still required, if the person is not related to risk for cardiovascular disease. If the figures were even higher, it’s a serious cause for alarm, a full examination and comprehensive treatment.

People at risk – after experienced heart attacks and strokes, diabetes, coronary heart disease, it is recommended to adhere to low values of cholesterol. The total figure should be between 5 mmol/l. This will help to prevent relapses and deterioration. But we must not forget that this substance is vital to our body and the excessive reduction of its level can also have a negative impact on health.

We already talked about the fact that the rate of cholesterol in the blood – the concept is very complex, as the indicators must be associated with age, gender and physiological characteristics. For example, at a young age in women cholesterol is always kept at a lower level than men of the same age. After 50 years, the picture changed in the opposite direction and women are the possessors of a higher cholesterol. During pregnancy is also observed that it increased, but it is not considered a deviation, therefore, to assess the level of need to take into account all the physiological factors, and method of study.

Normal levels of cholesterol in men

Холестерин у мужчин

Unlike the female body the heart and blood vessels in men not protected by sex hormones, so the strong floor is recommended to be extremely attentive to the level of cholesterol. In the middle age group men fairly high risk of atherosclerosis. Throughout life, depending on age there are natural variations permissible concentration. Norm men are given below. All values are given in mmol/L.

20 2,93 5,1
30 3,44 6,31
40 3,78 7
50 4,1 7,15
60 Of 4.04 Of 7.14
After 60 4,0 7

This table clearly shows, as varies the level of cholesterol in their lifetime. This is a General indicator that includes both harmful and beneficial cholesterol. If possible, you need to ensure that the figures in the analysis do not exceed these values.

Normal levels of cholesterol in women

Холестерин у женщин

At a young age the overall rate in women is slightly lower than that of men. But after menopause occurs hormonal changes and it is significantly increased. This is a normal physiological phenomenon, but at the same time it means that it is time to give your health more attention. Let’s take the example of the table will look at what changes are the rules of cholesterol in the female body during life. As in the previous case, all values are in mmol/L.

20 3,11 5,17
30 3,32 5,8
40 3,9 6,9
50 4,0 7,3
60 4,4 7,7
After 60 4,48 7,82

The difference in performance is very noticeable, so comparing the General analysis with the norms of the cholesterol, be sure to consider your gender and how old you are at the moment.

Normal levels of cholesterol in children

Холестерин у детей

Delivery analysis the overall rate of cholesterol in children is appointed very rarely, but in some cases it is practiced. At birth the breast the baby has a level of the substance in the range of 3 mmol/l. According to research before reaching 19 years of age, while the body is completely formed, the upper limit of the ratio should not be higher than 4.5 mmol/L.

In the future, did not have any health problems, parents are required to strictly follow the diet and lifestyle of their child. This particularly applies to how much and how often the child eats unhealthy foods – fast foods, chips and other harmful products.

Prevention against the increase of cholesterol

Активный образ жизни

If you checked the indicators in the analysis of the tables and found no abnormalities, it does not mean that it will always be. Stepping thirty years abroad, you need to prevent high cholesterol and atherosclerosis simultaneously. For this relatively simple set of measures:

  1. Try to accustom yourself to a healthy diet. What food causes an increase of cholesterol over the recommended norm? It’s the egg yolks, any animal fats, in large quantities contained in the meat with layers of fat, sausage, organ meats, butter and dairy products high fat. If possible, their use should be limited. At the same time necessarily enter into the diet foods that have the ability to reduce the overall rate. It’s nuts, fruit, tomatoes, avocados, beans, oatmeal, citrus fruits, vegetables. Such a diet from a young age guarantees a smaller health problems in adulthood.
  2. Move more. Even if you have a sedentary job, from which you can not escape, you find time for Hiking, outdoor activities or the gym.
  3. Try to give up bad habits – Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
  4. Watch your weight – extra weight creates unnecessary burden not only on heart but also on the blood vessels, respectively. Exceeding the limits of weight the metabolism, which inevitably leads to increased cholesterol.
  5. Timely turn in the tests, track the status of your health. Do not self-medicate – if necessary, immediately contact your doctor to receive skilled care.

Compliance with these measures, the formation of healthy habits in lifestyle and nutrition in the future will save you from many problems.

What if cholesterol level is elevated?

Таблетка от холестерина

Such a discovery as high cholesterol disappointing, but now developed a special drug to lower it, there are balanced diet and traditional medicines. Together they help pretty quickly and effectively deal with the problem. But do not forget that all this should be done only in consultation with your doctor.

  1. Medications of cholesterol include the means of the three groups are fibrates, statins and nicotinic acid. If the latter substance is absolutely harmless to the body and has a minimum number of contraindications, the first two groups – serious medicines prescribed by the doctor. In the instructions for their use can find a whole list of contraindications, side effects and incompatibilities with certain drugs. Therefore, self-treatment them is unacceptable!
  2. Traditional medicine will not bring harm. You can use done safe recipes based on dandelion root, flax seed, garlic and other herbal remedies.
  3. Necessarily diet with the exception of all sources of harmful cholesterol and the inclusion of foods that contribute to its decrease.

Observing the rules of prevention, paying enough attention to your health, you will be able to detect in his analysis full compliance to the established norms. Well, in the case of increasing cholesterol sure to contact your doctor for advice and appropriate treatment.

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