воскресенье, 5 апреля 2015 г.

How to get rid of stomach cramps?

Женщина держится за живот.

Abdominal pain is recognized by physicians as one of the most terribly human, and it only inferior dental pain. But in the meantime we all face this unpleasant ailment.

The most common cause of pain is a spasm of the stomach – involuntary contractions of the muscles caused by internal disorders in the body or external negative factors. Spasms can vary in severity and duration from 2 minutes to 1-2 hours) depending on the underlying cause.

Symptoms and causes spasms. Methods of their elimination.

Main symptoms:

  • sudden sharp pain;

  • nausea;

  • vomiting;

  • the pale color of the skin;

  • cold sweat;

  • General weakness.

Physicians share two main types of spasms: manifested before and after eating. If pain was not preceded by a meal, the cause may be:

Stomach cramps in the nervous system.


Very often during times of stress can be observed involuntary contractions of the muscles of the body. It concerns and stomach muscles. Interestingly, similar spasms often affects women, because they have a more sensitive nervous system and a weak stomach (sometimes just exhausted regular diets).

If in an emotionally charged situation, you felt a surge of sharp pain in the abdomen, the optimal solution is to lie down and relax. When this is not possible, just try to switch to positive thoughts.

Eliminating the root cause of spasm – nerve-stimulation – and you will get rid of the main symptoms. Medicines in this situation it is more rational to take pamprin.

Important: stomach cramps nervousness can be a symptom of gastritis, so when their regular repetition should see a doctor and undergo gastroenterostomy.

Alcohol, Smoking and poor diet.

Бутылка и бегущий человек.

Some people have commented spasms from alcohol, even from minor amount. This may indicate functional dyspepsia or ulcerative lesions of the walls of the digestive tract. Cause a similar condition of our bad habits: frequent Smoking and alcohol abuse, poor diet.

Treatment should be appropriate. If a problem is detected is to review your rhythm and lifestyle, correct menu, to avoid cigarettes and alcohol.

The second option is a protective reaction of the body trying to prevent alcohol intoxication. Such manifestations occur in people who drink very rarely, after the first two or three SIPS. Once in the esophagus, alcohol irritates the mucous membranes, causing cramps. Such pain does not require medical treatment and disappears after a short time.


Пустая тарелка на столе.

Is a large gap between meals leads to ejection reflex in the cavity of the stomach gastric juice, which becomes annoying its walls. To avoid cramps, it is enough to observe mode.

If you are on a diet or simply do not have the opportunity to have lunch on time – eat a small piece of dark bread. He will not allow spasms increase and prevent their re-emergence.

More often stomach cramps happen immediately or after a short time after eating. In this case they are called:


Женщина с избыточным весом сидит на диване.

Having plenty of food your stomach is not always able to cope with it. Sometimes gastric secret inadequate to fully digest, and not processed foods available in the intestines. As a result, you feel spasms throughout the digestive tract, nausea, and retching.

So the body tries to cleanse excess, unnecessary or too spicy food. To eliminate spasms will help drugs aimed at improving the functioning of the stomach and increased secretion of bile. The simplest and most inexpensive of these is Pancreatin.

Spasms from antibiotics.

Капсулы на ладони.

This phenomenon is familiar to everyone, as is the main cause dysbiosis due to taking antibiotics. These drugs are now treating various, even not complicated and do not require such drastic measures of the disease.

Moreover, they are often used in farms in order to reduce the loss of livestock and poultry. Consequently, each of us consistently with food or drugs gets his dose. But from the antibiotic kills not only bacteria, but also needed by the body for normal functioning.

In the end, our stomach is simply not able to fully digest the food, and after eating we feel heaviness, nausea and cramping. Treatment in this situation may be the restoration of microflora by administration of specific drugs, the introduction in the diet of yogurt with live cultures (preferably homemade).

Food poisoning.

Женщину тошнит возле унитаза.

Stale food containing pathogenic microorganisms, can also cause spasm of the stomach. Its use leads to increased secretion of mucus from its walls and involuntary peristalsis.

Almost always poisoning accompanied by profuse vomiting. The first measures to eliminate spasms is a complete cleansing of the stomach (lavage). If you have eaten recently, will be enough to drink 1.5-2 liters of warm water with potassium permanganate (pale pink hue, in any case not bright) and induce vomiting.

If after lunch it’s been a long time, you may need klishirovannoj.

Ways to eliminate diseases emergency.

Человек держит в руках таблетку и стакан с водой.

Sometimes the pain in the stomach is so strong that requires immediate action to eliminate it. Especially clearly felt at night when the body is at rest and fully relaxed.

By the way, most noteworthy of spasms, manifested at this time of day. Due to the lack of irritating factors involuntary muscle contractions always indicate serious violations in the work of your organs. Therefore, night cramps is a significant reason to visit the clinic.

Acute conditions when the spasms are usually removed with the help of medication. The most popular drugs, over-the-counter and do not require special instructions are Nospanum, Almagel and Sashan.

Inexpensive, effective and safe means doctors refer to and Papaverine – quite a powerful antispasmodic, produced in three forms: suppositories, tablets and injectable solution.

The type of medicines you can choose depending on your convenience. But it is worth considering that the fastest result gives the injection, since the reagent goes directly into the blood. A little longer the candle and about 30-40 minutes will have to wait for the effect from the pills.

Diet for stomach cramps.

Женщина подносит ко рту вилку с салатом.

Preventive measures to avoid the recurrence of spasms of the stomach always boil down to the three pillars: increasing physical activity, quitting bad habits and diet. The success of the event 80% depends on the correct diet and menu.

The optimal diet for stomach spasms includes:

  1. The exclusion from the diet of heavy, spicy, fatty foods, carbonated drinks, chocolate.

  2. A significant reduction in the number of eating pastry flour products, concentrated meat broth and mushroom dishes, as they require long processing and puts significant strain on the stomach.

  3. The rejection of acidic fruits and vegetables, fermented and pickled foods. Their presence in the diet stimulates increased acidity, which can lead to spasms of the stomach.

  4. Cooking steamed instead of frying and baking.

  5. Use vegetable broth.

  6. Eating stale (yesterday) bread and a biscuit.

  7. As drinking plenty to choose jellies and fruit drinks without sugar, broth hips and cocoa.

  8. Strict adherence to the diet: the interval between meals should not exceed 3 hours.

Such a diet will be useful to anyone, even a perfectly healthy person. And if you suffer from regular spasms of the stomach, to relieve the body in this way should, at least once a quarter. The duration of the diet is determined individually and is 2-4 weeks.

Faced with abdominal pain, remember the main thing: the cure for them is the right food that can heal or hurt, depending on the method of its preparation.

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