четверг, 16 апреля 2015 г.

Use of therapeutic baths in the fight against cellulite.

Лечебные ванны.

Cellulite or “orange peel” appears in the women’s race almost any age and physique. What to do if you have cellulite? Use creams and lotions? So many of them, but not all of them are effective. Urgent enroll in a gym? Alas, the pace of modern life does not always go head first into the sport. One of the most effective means that do not require a special time, are anti-cellulite bath.

What are anti-cellulite bath?

You can buy special salt with anti-cellulite effect. These tools allow you to speed up your metabolism and thereby to establish and removal of toxins, and removing fat cells.

Baths with sea salt.

Anti-cellulite products often include the sea salt, because it’s a natural substance has a beneficial effect on the human body. Especially useful Dead sea salt because this salt is rich in minerals, calcium, iron, magnesium, iodine. Taking baths with sea salt, you will ensure the removal of toxins without any side effects.

In order to fully experience the beneficial effects of such a bath for cellulite, you need to repeat the procedure every other day, holding in water at least 25 minutes.

First is to clean the skin with a scrub or peel to remove the top layer of coarse cells and open the pores for a better impact dissolved in warm water sea salt. This anti-cellulite bath also has a positive effect on the nervous system and the respiratory system.

For sea salt has been anti-cellulite effect, dissolve in the standard 0.5 kg tub of sea salt. The water temperature should be no more than 37º. If the procedure is cosmetic purpose, then immediately after that, you can take a shower to wash the salt particles, and if the procedure was therapeutic, salt after taking a bath should not be washed for about 30 minutes.

Bath with essential oils.

Essential oils are not only effective means of aromatherapy because they are used in the fight against cellulite. Allowing you to excrete the excess, “stagnant”, fluid from the body and burning calories, oils of Mandarin, orange or lemon is indispensable for anti-cellulite courses. You can also use essential oils of juniper, pine, grapefruit, rosemary, or more exotic – bergamot or neroli, the main thing – that it or any other oil not cause you allergies.

The amount of useful substances necessary for the bath, is literally 10 drops of essential oil.

For achieving and strengthening anti-cellulite effect it is necessary to take baths with essential oils every other day for three weeks.

Herbal baths.

Baths with herbal teas is also a excellent help to remove the appearance of cellulite. Here will be the most effective plants such as common chamomile or lime. Useful decoctions calamus, oak bark, peppermint. Have a further calming effect on the nervous system of the thyme and lemon balm, sage and lavender will help to increase muscle tone.

How to make anti-cellulite bath?

Whatever kind of nutrients you use, the General rule is always the same:

  • to enhance the effect, it is useful to clean and soften the skin;

  • the optimal water temperature is 37°C, and the time spent in water for about 20-30 minutes;

  • water should not close the heart, because this is no ordinary bath, and healing, so it will be enough to “hide” under water only the problem areas.

Take a bath standing on an empty stomach (at least half an hour before the start), we should also refrain from eating and 60-90 minutes after a bath. It is important to take baths regularly, start with a course of 10-15 procedures, taking them through the day. The first positive changes you will notice after the first such procedure, but this is not necessary, continue the course. And to consolidate the effect to repeat them at least 2-3 times a month.

If you choose anti-cellulite cream that fits you, use it after each taking a bath, because the substances in the cream will have a compounded impact, extending into the advanced water after the procedure, the pores of the skin.

Contraindications to the use of anti-cellulite bath.

As with any procedure, complex affecting the body, anti-cellulite baths have its contraindications. So, during pregnancy and after childbirth anti-cellulite baths cannot do. Also they are contraindicated in diseases of the kidney, cardiovascular system (including varicose veins) and skin diseases.

If while taking a bath starts the heartbeat or weakness, it is necessary to interrupt the procedure, rinse with cool water (not cold!) and some time to relax.

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Read article Use of therapeutic baths in the fight against cellulite.

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