четверг, 7 ноября 2013 г.

Experience uncut manicure

Read article Experience uncut manicure

If you purchase all the necessary tools for необрезного manicure, they are quite fit in a purse, the owner of which, even in the field, will be able to make up your hands.

Pleasant novelty of the last years for women became increasingly gaining popularity, the European uncut manicure. Sometimes known as dry as it is done without the use of ножничек, nippers and warm baths. For him it is necessary to purchase the special nail of glass or ceramics, oil cuticle vessel in the shape of a pencil, a stick is to work with the cuticle, hand cream emollient. Using a nail file dry growths on the skin around the nail plate just gently worn down and nail polished with the help of баффика.

For women, accustomed to always look perfect, perfectly manicured hands such a necessity as timely hair coloring. But if the situation is such that the visit of the beauty infeasible for any reason, uncut manicure will help lead nails in proper condition. Once the skin of the fingers was treated with the appropriate instrument, lubricate the cuticle special oil which softens and prevents escalation. For some time, about 5 minutes, you should wait until the skin of the fingers exposed to the impact of active substances, and then scraper to remove loosened surplus and push back cuticles to the base of the nail. All these manipulations are completely safe, because not hurt the tender covers, and eventually also shape a beautiful shape of nails. But visually it can only be seen after several treatments, the lightning doesn’t. All you need is a certain amount of time, diligence and care. The composition of the oil for необрезного manicure includes only natural ingredients that have an emollient, disinfecting, bactericide and healing effect. The advantages of the procedure are its painlessness and there is no risk of any infection. If the skin of the hands heavily hardened, it is best to combine cut and uncut manicure.

If cutting and hair coloring, if possible, it is best to trust the hands of experts, edging manicure became a pleasant alternative to its professional counterpart. Moreover, that some people it is much more suitable for medical purposes: to holders of thin leather or to diabetic patients, which any interference could face serious consequences.

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