четверг, 2 января 2014 г.

Baldness treatment – medicine does not powerless

лечение облысения Hair loss in significant quantities very often leads to baldness, and this problem affects both men and women. Baldness treatment should start as early as possible.

Traditional methods of treatment of alopecia are directed, as a rule, to the stimulation of hair growth or masking areas where the hair is very rare or dropped altogether. First of all, you need to determine the cause of intensive hair loss, it may be accept certain types of medicines, presence of infectious infections, lack of minerals and vitamins in the body, health problems or hormonal imbalance. Of course, the reason to establish the exact cause of baldness is not always possible, but modern methods of researches allow to reveal in an organism of the person’s problems, which may lead to an abnormal hair loss.

Some types of medication can help slow hair loss and prevent the appearance of vast bald patches in men and women. Most often in the treatment of baldness medication way to apply the following drugs:

  • Minoxidil (Rogaine)

Minoxidil (Rogaine) can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription, this drug used for the treatment and prevention for male pattern baldness and alopecia areata (nested or circular pattern baldness). Originally Minoxidil was intended for prophylaxis and treatment of high blood pressure, but patients taking this tool, as a positive side effect noted the growth of hair in places where they fell out earlier.

The research results confirmed that 2% solution of Minoxidil stimulates hair growth, but what exactly is the mechanism of this action in this area remains to be seen. However, despite this, 2% Minoxidil is approved medical organizations for the treatment and prevention androgenic alopecia among women. Cropped hair can be shorter and thinner than usual, but, as a rule, it is enough to somewhat disguise receding hairline and getting lost among the other hair. Of course, Minoxidil is not a cure for baldness. Even with prolonged use of the drug, you will not be able to boast the same amount of hair, which had before.

лечение облысения The effect of Minoxidil you notice about two months of use, but once you stop apply the product on the scalp, the growth of new hair slows down and they begin to fall again, so it is better to conduct a course lasting from 6 to 12 months. The drug is available in the form of liquid or foam and applied directly to the scalp and hair roots. Applied Minoxidil should be on dry hair and scalp, it’s best to do this with the help of a spray gun, which is attached to the bottle. Apply the product to the problem areas twice daily, massage RUB the liquid into the scalp. After application of Minoxidil, wash your hands thoroughly and remove any residue that could get you on the forehead or the neck. Hair must be completely dry, try not to wash your hair for at least four hours after the procedure.

Some patients after drug application note dryness and irritation of the scalp, in most cases, such irritation causes spirits, which is part of Minoxidil. 5% dissolve Minoxidil is considered to be more effective, but more concentrated preparation sold only on prescription and shown to apply to men. Of course, in some cases, it is credited and women, but this is an exception to the rule. 5% Minoxidil comes in the form of a foam, such consistency is less irritating to the skin.

Minoxidil is considered absolutely safe drug, but in some cases, there may be very unpleasant side effects. Sometimes hair re-growth significantly differ in color from the «relatives». Application of Minoxidil can also lead to гипертрихоза, the increased growth of hair in unwanted places, such as on the forehead or cheek, most often this phenomenon has been noted when using 5% Minoxidil. In addition to Rogaine, pharmacies purchase and other products with the same content of Minoxidil, often enriched with additional components, such as herbal extracts. Be careful, herbal supplements can cause allergies.

  • Spironolactone

In some cases, treatment of female pattern baldness is not effective, then prescribe spironolactone. In rare cases when an excess of androgen, the appointment is from 100 to 200 mg of the drug, blocking андрогеновые receptors.

Finasteride or Propecia is released only on prescription of doctor. This drug comes in tablet form. Finasteride it is recommended to take only men, for women of childbearing age, this tool is extremely dangerous, even contact with the skin, women may lead to the ingress of funds in the body, which in the future could lead to the development of birth defects in unborn children. The principle of action of the preparation is based on the termination of the processing of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.

In some cases, to prevent the development of alopecia areata use steroids, which are injected intravenously.

Popular and are available and a variety of creams against hair loss and alopecia, but, unfortunately, they are ineffective.

In cases where baldness is caused by problems autoimmune system to stimulate the growth of hair, apply ointment called Anthralin (Anthralin), this synthetic drug from the resin is shown at skin diseases such as psoriasis.

Surgical methods for the treatment of baldness, such as hair transplantation and surgical excision of the scalp are applied in the most severe and extreme cases, with specific indications of these treatments can be quite effective, but experts recommend seeing them as the last possible means of solving the problem. It is worth noting that such operations are not cheap.

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Read article Baldness treatment – medicine does not powerless

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