среда, 8 января 2014 г.

Mask eye wrinkle

Маски от морщин вокруг глазSmooth and well-groomed skin has always been a subject of pride of any woman. Along with this, many female would also keep its natural youth. For anybody not a secret, that the beauty of the skin is constant care and attention. And before many female task is to preserve your natural youth. Very relevant in resolving this issue mask from wrinkles around the eyes.

Since the skin around the eye and eyelid very tender, the first wrinkles apply here. The skin around the eye is constantly has mimic load. In this regard, it is very important to observe data parts of the skin. Experts advise to pay attention to the skin around the eyes, since 23 years. At first, of course, you can fight with the use of special tools that can contain particles of powder. Undoubtedly, they help wrinkles remain unnoticeable. However, this does not solve the problem itself. On the contrary, just mask the symptoms. Wrinkles are not less.

In this regard, there are lots of recipes masks facial wrinkles around the eyes. They not only smooth the already existing wrinkles, but also prevent their appearance.

Masks against wrinkles around the eyes must be intended for delicate skin. Apply them must be very careful to not get in eyes, which is fraught with unpleasant sensations.

Consider a few recipes.

Very effective is a mask against wrinkles around the eyes with sour cream and parsley. For cooking it is necessary to mix two teaspoons sour cream with one teaspoon finely chopped into mush parsley. The prepared mix should be applied to the skin around the eyes, and cover with a damp cotton wool tampons. After 15 minutes can be washed off.

Another popular mask of honey. Need a spoon of honey mixed with egg yolk. Fifteen minutes after application, you can rinse.

Bread mask facial wrinkles around the eyes. Moistened with a piece of white bread crumb in the slightly heated olive oil and sunflower). The mass is put under the eyes. The mask is brewing within fifteen minutes. Then remove and well washed with lukewarm water.

There is also a simple recipe mask from wrinkles to the eye. She strawberry. Take two – three strawberries and crushed them to a thick mass through the fork. To them add honey, one teaspoon. Stir. Cotton swabs wrapped with gauze and moisten in the resulting strawberry and honey mass. And within twenty minutes holding on the skin around the eyes. Clean swab and wipe with cotton wool moistened in milk.

Recipes are not limited to that amount. There are myriad. However, one fact is undeniable. It is necessary to pay only half an hour of his time to the beauty of the skin around the eyes will please you for a long time.

Read article Mask eye wrinkle

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