четверг, 16 января 2014 г.

Diet in systemic lupus erythematosus

Диета при СКВ

Lupus erythematosus is an extremely unpleasant illness, the treatment of which may take years and even the whole life. Not important whether you use a traditional or folk healing methods, your main task is to maximize the period of remission. This directly contributes to the diet in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Actually any particular system it does not imply, but rather is a set of specific rules.

Since the disease affects negatively the work of kidneys, then it is worth to limit consumption of salt, as well as products that sodium chloride is usually found in abundance. Thus, in the list of prohibitions diet for lupus primarily includes: canned, smoked meat, pickles, marinades. All of them severely strain the kidneys and violate metabolism, which is so characteristic for patients with this diagnosis.

As a rule, medicamentous treatment of disease is accompanied by long-term intake of large doses of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and hormones. Side effects first expressed in the annoying effects on the gastrointestinal tract and risk education ulcers, and the last – in strengthening of appetite, delay in the body fluids and fat deposition.

In addition, corticosteroids often lead to dysfunction of the pancreas and slow down the process of digestion. So that proper nutrition in systemic lupus erythematosus implies maximum gentle mechanical, thermal and chemical processing of food. In other words, should be entirely excluded from the diet of fried food, fatty food, seasonings, spices and sauces.

With red lupus is present negative possibility of developing diabetes, so from all the sweets and at the same time the simple carbohydrate diet is recommended to refuse. If the lack of sugar it will be extremely painful, click the stevia or sweetener on its basis. In the absence of Allergy to honey, replace the product of sugar bee.

Offal and fatty meats and fish are also in the list of prohibited products, because the disease puts strong гепатотоксичному effects and liver. Diet in systemic lupus erythematosus welcomes the use of lean meat, cooked in a few waters, poultry, and lean fish (especially cod liver oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, which reduce the activity of free radicals and protect cells of the body).

To prevent problems with the intestines as a Supplement to бифидопрепаратам should be applied natural dairy products. In General, useful and easy milk protein, containing a large amount of calcium is contained primarily in kefir and cottage cheese. This makes the products of essential clinical nutrition with red lupus.

Simultaneously normal bowel movements will contribute to the enrichment of the diet of fiber which is contained in отрубном and цельнозерновом bread and cereals – buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, wheat, barley. Periodic cleansing the body is necessary items diet SLE that you can execute using the «Whisk», Brushes and other dietary salads. The presence of the daily menu of fresh vegetables and fruit at all not mentioned – this is the main rule of healthy and nutritious food.

Diet in systemic lupus erythematosus requires compliance with certain drinking behavior. The liquid should be ingested in sufficient quantity, but too much strain the kidneys should not create. It is useful to eat and drink infusions at the basis of a dogrose, a cowberry, a nettle, cranberry, dandelion root. Naturally, the chief ban will be here any alcohol, which can provoke the aggravation of the disease.

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