пятница, 16 января 2015 г.

Chocolate wrap – what are the contraindications?

Published by admin Date: January 16th, 2015

Шоколадное обертывание - какие противопоказания?Wraps, get rid of cellulite is currently very popular. The most popular among women is especially chocolate wrap. This procedure not only has anti-cellulite effect, but also relaxing, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory.

Indications for chocolate wraps are:

  • pigment spots;

  • cellulite;

  • depression, nervousness;

  • acne, rosacea;

  • weight problems after childbirth;

  • the metabolic disorder;

  • needs moisture the skin.

If at least one of the following items is applicable to the skin, then you can try the chocolate wrap. The effect will not be long to wait, but you shouldn’t forget about contraindications.

Chocolate wrap contraindications.

  • Experts identified a number of contraindications for chocolate wraps, because it is very efficient and can affect body systems.

  • allergic reactions to the components of the wrap;

  • diseases in gynecology;

  • bleeding, including the period of menstruation;

  • diseases of the venous system;

  • pregnancy;

  • diseases of the heart and circulatory system;

  • skin diseases;

  • infection;

  • diseases of the endocrine system

Chocolate wrap at home.

If you do this procedure at home, you can save a decent amount of money. The entire course takes 12-15 procedures in salons for the average cost 4000 rubles, home alone procedure will cost about 390 rubles. The price difference is obvious!

Before making a chocolate wrap at home, you want to make sure that you are not allergic to chocolate.

Stages chocolate wrapping.

1. Cleaned the skin with a scrub, to improve efficiency;

2. Put the chocolate or the chocolate mixture on the body or on separate parcels;

3. Using simple wrapping themselves in plastic wrap;

4. Sheets, which is not a pity to bypacket chocolate covered;

5. Then, to create heat up the blanket;

6. After half an hour wash lukewarm water all on himself inflicted. The time after which wash it off the chocolate may differ depending on the recipe.

Immediately after the procedure, you can feel how smooth skin becomes the kind of courage filled body. All this is due to the content in the chocolate, minerals and vitamins. The chocolate can be used for the prevention of colds and normalize blood pressure. And if you wanted to make a romantic dinner, chocolate is very suitable for such an event as an aphrodisiac.

Chocolate wrap at home contraindications.

It is not recommended to carry out this procedure if there are problems with the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, kidney, liver. Hot wrap is not suitable for people with varicose veins. Would not want a pregnant woman to take care of ourselves in this way, have to limit yourself, because pregnant women are also not recommended for this procedure. In addition to these contraindications include the following: women and girls during the critical days, and if you have gynecological diseases.

Summing up we can say that if you have a desire to get rid of cellulite and unwanted inches, nothing can stop you. Even the expensive treatments you can do at home, as described for example chocolate wrap. All the necessary ingredients are not secret chocolate, cocoa powder and milk available in each store. But we should not forget that may be contraindications. Chocolate wrap at home contraindications is as cabin option.

Read article Chocolate wrap – what are the contraindications?

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