пятница, 9 января 2015 г.

Walking as a way of losing weight.

Ходьба в спортивной обуви.

The average person in a day is not less than 3 km, And in this case, if there is a personal car or he is a frequent customer of a taxi. Actual figures for the main masses are multiplied by two, or even four. It happens every day and many people simply don’t know how to overcome such a distance. But while we rarely think that walking benefits. Namely: fast walking promotes weight loss.

How to walk properly?

If slimming chosen this method, it is important to remember this simple rule: the faster the tempo, the faster you lose weight. At the first session it should be 20% higher than during normal walking, and over time, this figure should reach 30%.

The average person needs to take 10,000 steps a day. Mandatory conditions – comfortable clothes, shoes and uniform rate. But you can start with 5000, gradually moving to the desired result.

Do not worry prematurely: count the steps in the mind is not necessary. In many stores that sell sports accessories, there are special devices – pedometers. In addition, many modern phones can install a program that will count the number of steps.

To start simply to walk – in store; to stop or even to work; walking through the Park. When the load is 10,000 steps will be feasible, it is possible to switch from the usual walk to walking sports – it is more effective, but requires more effort.

Benefits of walking:

  • promotes loss of excess calories;

  • increases stamina;

  • working on all muscle groups;

  • normalizes cholesterol;

  • normalizes blood pressure levels;

  • strengthens bones;

  • prevents the development of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

Types of walk.

Sports walking posture straight and relaxed, the steps are short, but energetic, hands bent at the elbows at right angles and work in tandem with the feet, left foot forward, right hand raised to his chest and Vice versa. To have come on the heel and push off for the next step toe.

Walking uphill – body slightly tilted forward, steps shorter. This walk gives a more intense stress on the body and, therefore, promotes faster weight loss. It can be as gentle rise and stairs. But the mountainous terrain is not always easy to find. As an alternative, you can use the treadmill with a function for changing the degree of inclination of the “road” of the canvas.

Walking with weights – most often it is a dumbbell or a small water bottle. Additional load results in greater consumption of calories.

Nordic walking is also a kind of walking with weights, this time with sticks. It has its own specifics: in the course of this walk, it is important to back was straight, the top looked exactly up, and at each step the foot smoothly rolled from heel to toe. This Nordic walking about 50% more effective than just walking.

Where better to go?

When choosing a place to practice one of the main conditions – it must be comfortable. This can be a Park, stadium or even in your own home because walking on the spot also gives the results. It is important to minimize the number of distractions.

Classes alone with the music in the headphones is good, but not always possible to achieve the desired result. For example, if the front lot of the tenants, and constantly with someone face on the stairs, walk the stairs there will be ineffective: constantly have to be distracted, to say Hello, to move towards. In this case it is better to choose the stairs in the Park – may need more approaches, but the result will definitely be better.

How many to go?

One of the most pressing questions: how much do I need to walk to lose weight? Actually effective training for the walk lasts less than a full session in the gym: it is enough to walk 30 minutes a day to soon to see the first results.

But this method of weight loss has another advantage: it does not have to be continuous half-hour time – you can walk twice a day for 15 minutes or three times a day for 10 minutes. Even better: the body gets measured load and continues to be intensively processed fats for some time after a workout.

It turns out that to lose weight with the help of normal walking. And it’s hard to say what will be better: running or walking. Everyone chooses the occupation that you like more. Most importantly – more: lose weight really easily! And as long as someone thinks, how to do it better, others just go and lose weight.

Previous article:

Read article Walking as a way of losing weight.

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